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Posts posted by THE_BEYONDER

  1. All that will happen is that collectors like myself will stop buying HG slabs.


    EXACTLY the lunatic fringe I was referring to! thumbsup2.gif There probably isn't enough time left in the day anyway after you're done stepping over cracks in the sidewalk, storing and cataloguing bottles of your own urine and feces, and all those required bi-hourly anus checks to make sure aliens haven't probed you yet. Gotta keep all those undesirable, invisible bad elements outta your life! crazy.gif


    Keep it up richard cranium....

  2. In other words.....


    The Hobby is Doomed!!!





    Nah, but it'll change people's perceptions and eliminate some elements of the high-grade lunatic fringe.


    All that will happen is that collectors like myself will stop buying HG slabs. I haven't bought a pre-slabbed book in months....and I have no intention of buying any in the immediate future.


    What better way to encourage the growth of the comic hobby....than to force collectors to walk away.



  3. If you don't like pressed books, stop collecting (because their out there). confused.gif


    That great! Just run collectors off if they don't want to "join the club" and condon questionable and possibly unethical tactics in this hobby. Really great!


    It's not a matter of condoning it, it's a matter of accepting the things in life you have no control over whatsoever. What he said is accurate--if you don't like pressed books, stop collecting high-grade vintage comics, because it's simply going to happen and there's NOTHING you can do about the professionally-done ones.


    In other words.....


    The Hobby is Doomed!!!




  4. Here why I don't consider pressing restoration.


    The main logical reason people say pressing is restoration is that it takes a DEFECT (i.e. a non-color breaking crease), and through pressing, improves the appearance of the book (removing the non-color breaking crease so it is invisible to the naked eye).


    To counter that argument, I have always deemed Restoration to be adding or subtracting material from a book to improve the appearance. Pressing doesn't add or subtract material.


    That still isn't good enough for the PRESSING Fanatics.





    1) You take a book out of it's mylar. While putting the book back into the mylar, a corner gets caught and is COMPLETELY bent back.


    2) Once you see the book in the mylar, you see the folded corner and obviously can now see the pages at the corner. Of course this looks TERRIBLE.


    3) You take the book back out of the mylar and FLIP the CORNER PIECE back down. This probably leaves a small crease line at the corner but of course the appearance of the book looks a lot better than when the corner was folded back.




    I'm sure EVERYONE of us has done that before, and would do it again in a heartbeat.


    I haven't yet read any responses to this thread, but....



  5. Dude, Hammer was going to fly ME to New York (on his dime) so he could eviscerate me with his claws and feed me my own entrails... then he decided we could be friends and he was going to fly me to New York so he could take me out for hookers and a steak dinner.


    I miss that nutjob.


    How is that possible if you joined these boards on 3/23/2004? Hammer was banned on 5/23/2003? You got some explainin' to do! stooges.gif


    Er... that is... um... ah... This was Pre-Crisis continuity! Yes! That was Golden Age Clark Khaos! He was lost at the edge of time before the beginning of time with KhaosBoy, Golden Age Lois Khaos, and Khaos Mutt, Chimp, and Khat. But you cannot possibly remember that as only very select members of the press were allowed to journey back there to witness the event. And Hammer. Yes, select members of the press and one or two comic book trimmers. Wait, no. Hammer wasn't there. This happened before Hammer existed, but it brought about the exchange in which he did NOT tell me that because I did not exist on the board before when he had told me that the day after yesterday.




    Now, let us never speak of this again.


    My lord you ARE a shill account!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! frown.gif


    It's called a secret identity ... gossip.gif

  6. Damnn. What did you do?


    I am getting SO sick of hearing people complain about the "COMIC INDUSTRY". Who [!@#%^&^] cares? If you like comics; buy them. If you don't......don't. Why do we need to "get more people involved"? I don't care about how many people collect comics. I don't care if comics are "cool". I don't really even care about the "state" of the comic market. Half( if not more) of the people currently "involved" with comics are in it for nothing more than the $$$$$. "What can we do to get more people into collecting comics?" Get rid of all the "speculators", and start writing GREAT stories again. I love comics.....but I''m starting to really dislike the "modern collector". makepoint.gif
  7. At one time or another....most of us have been


    14_6_1.gif by a fellow member.


    If you have....please post it in this thread.


    I was only here a couple days before I received mine:


    Congratulations. You just became only the second person I have rated 1-star.


    If you're so sick of hearing about the comic industry, why the hell are you here? Why have you made 370 posts on these forums in six weeks? Why have you subjected us to your opinions if you had no interest in being part of this community?


    "Who [!@#%^&^] cares?" I'll tell you who cares! Nearly everybody else on these forums, that's who. We ALL care about the comic industry and where it's going. Whether it's because we want to buy them, want to sell them, want to write them or want to read them, WE ALL CARE. Everybody, it seems, but you.


    Why DON'T you care how many people collect comics? Why DON'T you care if comics are "cool"? The long-term health of the industry is vitally important to everybody else here whether they are readers, collectors, or dealers. Whether they want to be able to continue reading. Whether they want to be able to add items to their collection. Whether they want to have customers to sell the items they already possess. You claim to love comics, yet you DON'T care whether they continue to be published? What are you, five? You expect the rest of society to do everything for you while you sit back and enjoy the benefits...


    "Half( if not more) of the people currently "involved" with comics are in it for nothing more than the $$$$$." That may have been true in 1993, but it sure as hell isn't true now. And if you pulled your head out the sand for five minutes you ought to be able to figure that out. Most people in the comic industry now can easily make more money doing other things, a great many of them are doing this because they love it too much to quit. Nearly every good comic writer working today can make more money writing mainstream fiction, but they continue to write comics because they love the medium. And you sit at your computer and spit on that love. How dare you? Who the hell do you think you are?


    ""What can we do to get more people into collecting comics?" Get rid of all the "speculators", and start writing GREAT stories again." Wake the hell up. Ask anyone in the business and they will tell you there is as much or more quality writing in comics today as there ever has been. Ask the folks on this forum who read Brian Azzarello, Brian Michael Bendis, Jeph Loeb, Alan Moore, Terry Moore, Greg Rucka, J. Michael Straczynski, Kevin Smith, or Brian K. Vaughan. Ask them whether they can't wait for Wednesday to roll around so they can get new comics. "Speculators"? Here you go with the 1993 again. Have you been in State Prison since then? A lot has changed in the last ten years.


    Why don't you go back to wherever it was you were before April 17th, when you signed up here? Because the rest of us here DO care about comics, DO care about where they are going, and DO understand that 1993 was ten long years ago. Whether directly or indirectly, nearly every person here is doing something to "get more people involved". Maybe it's a co-worker, or a friend from Rotary, or the guy who delivers pizza, or the kids at the local youth shelter, or the blue-hairs waiting at the beauty parlor. But I've heard stories from nearly everyone else here about them spreading the love of comics. And you come in here and publicly announce that not only do you refuse to do the same, but you insist we're all just in it for the money. How dare you?


    You say you are "starting to dislike the modern collector". Well, I count several of the folks here who fit that description among my friends. And I am way past "starting" to dislike you.

  8. Just then, they all hear a piercing Neanderthal wail from inside the cave. It's followed shortly by a high-pitched scream human scream.


    "Anyone want to go check on Snowball?" asks Twinkie.


    "In a bit. I want to see what the Solar Powers are doing here."


    "Me, too."


    "Yeah, me too."


    "Okee doke. I'm sure he's fine," says Twinkie, rising to greet their fellow superheroes.



    HELP ME!!!!!!!!