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Journey Into Mystery Appreciation Thread
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My Twin Cities copy (#85) is fairly bright, too. Never a bad thing :) I agonized for hours over submitting a bid over $260 on the #102 given that I'd lost out 3 times in a row on anything higher grade, and decided against it. It would have been a futile effort as it turns out lol. Oy!


Time to keep my powder dry, as it were, and sell some items to build up a war chest for the chance that another nice book comes along. There's always something...A high grade copy of #83 or a mid grade copy of AF #15 are effectively off the table for me until at least next year (If ever). Then there's that nagging urge to join the Avengers #1 & #4 club.


If I can't afford to go blue, go purple? Bah, humbug!

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The PLOD 9.2 copy of #85 apparently went unsold after 6 months on ComicLink, even though it was only listed for $3000. I flirted with the idea of buying that one and having the color touch removed, but that would have been a risky proposition.


Well, I think I know where the restored 9.2 copy of #85 went: The infamous bijoubaby appears to have cracked the slab and is now marketing it as a 9.6 on eBay:




I like this disclaimer:


"Returns are accepted if I've significantly misrepresented the item."


Representing a PLOD 9.2 as an admittedly color touched 9.6 counts, doesn't it? Sigh. I applaud those of you (trmoore54 for example) that proactively buy the PLODs to keep them out of the hands of sellers like this one.


I sent this message via eBay:


"This appears to be the same color touched 9.2 that went unsold on Comiclink. Will you include the CGC label for the buyer, to maintain the accuracy of the census?


The auction title is misleading, to say the least. You might want to change it to mention it's a PLOD..."


bijoubaby's response:


I already mention that there is color touch on the cover in the auction's description so I don't need to change anything.

- bijoubaby05


He doesn't deny the copy's origin. If a few people begin to believe the listing, this could get ugly...He might get away with it.

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The PLOD 9.2 copy of #85 apparently went unsold after 6 months on ComicLink, even though it was only listed for $3000. I flirted with the idea of buying that one and having the color touch removed, but that would have been a risky proposition.


Well, I think I know where the restored 9.2 copy of #85 went: The infamous bijoubaby appears to have cracked the slab and is now marketing it as a 9.6 on eBay:




I like this disclaimer:


"Returns are accepted if I've significantly misrepresented the item."


Representing a PLOD 9.2 as an admittedly color touched 9.6 counts, doesn't it? Sigh. I applaud those of you (trmoore54 for example) that proactively buy the PLODs to keep them out of the hands of sellers like this one.


I sent this message via eBay:


"This appears to be the same color touched 9.2 that went unsold on Comiclink. Will you include the CGC label for the buyer, to maintain the accuracy of the census?


The auction title is misleading, to say the least. You might want to change it to mention it's a PLOD..."


bijoubaby's response:


I already mention that there is color touch on the cover in the auction's description so I don't need to change anything.

- bijoubaby05


He doesn't deny the copy's origin. If a few people begin to believe the listing, this could get ugly...He might get away with it.


I just sent him a message as well... Jerk is barely literate and obviously trying to screw someone.

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Unfortunately, eBay seems ambivalent about bijoubaby's efforts to deceive buyers...Sigh.


Meanwhile on to happier things. Is anyone else drooling over the copy of JIM #83 in the current Comiclink auction? JIM #83 7.5 white pages :cloud9:


I should hold out for a higher grade copy. The kind that make me look at my car and consider selling it...


Bob Storms has (2) 8.0 copies that almost bring a tear to my eye. Too bad we're not born with 4 kidneys... JIM 83 8.0 ow pages

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My new raw addition




Your copy's nicer than mine. Although Kirby's art was very dynamic as usual (nice touch having the soldier loading the mortar backwards in the heat of battle), I had mixed feelings about this issue when I first read it, around the time the first Iraq war broke out. Particularly one of the panels on page 8 bothered me:


Thor: "I see helicopters on patrol--searching for the hidden guerillas! But, they are so few, and the communist foe is so many--and so cunning!"


Some context, this issue came out around June 1965, and I noticed there were some enthusiastic letters in response in later issues' letter pages, and I wondered then, as now, if Stan's apparent advocacy for the Vietnam war helped convince anyone to enlist?


Certainly not the only time Marvel's had a controversial story line, but this issue's my least favorite example of Stan Lee's writing...

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Interesting comment MCJ.


I always thought that Stan would have been opposed to the war (in opposition to Ditko) but he did write a lot of anti-Communist stories.


I have heard that one of the reasons why he fell out with Ditko was over a shot of protesters (against the war?) and they both wanted Spidey to say different things - Stan wanted Spidey to support them and Ditko the opposite.



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I don't want to veer into politics, or I'll risk getting censured by The Powers That Be ;)


Sharp-minded readers will remember that Hero Journey Into Mystery has had Communist issues before, 84 & 87, and according to Overstreet, pre-hero issue #80 was an "anti-communist propaganda story."


Marvel, and before that Timely and Atlas, have certainly had war themed issues, and I have no doubt some were controversial!


They tended to be more subtle, in later years, than Cap punching out Hitler...And DC has had their share, too, but (imo) Marvel took more risks, such as Iron Man 128 with the Tony Stark alcoholism issue, the ASM #96-#98 drug issues not approved by the CCA, etc. than DC did during the Silver and Bronze Age (anyone else miss Epic Illustrated?) and perhaps DC's Vertigo line was in reaction to that. I read Epic Comics' Alien Legion as a teen, but that was coming out in '83, the Reagan/Thatcher era, and I didn't perceive their exploits as a call to arms. Military SF is not necessarily pro-war...Or is it? (Cue the dramatic music) "Dum-dum-dummm..."


Probably not an appropriate forum. lol my apologies for going OT.

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Your 8.0 copy is fantastic!


After some deliberation (and a brief mourning period), I sent off my 7.0 & 4.0 copies of JIM 83 to ComicLink this morning in order to pay my bills. I'm really going to miss this one:




White pages :cloud9:


And to think that I'd briefly clawed my way up to #19 on the registry listing! That and $5 can buy me a cup of coffee...


My goal is to buy an ow/w or white 8.5 copy of #83, but that's a crazy dream for now (or a Roth decimator)...


UPDATE: The Powers That Be at ComicLink listed my 7.0 & 4.0 copies of #83 (and one of my 6.5 copies of #85) for sale in the July Focused auction starting 7/14 :wishluck:

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We'd be remiss to let page 83 of the thread slip by without posting #83... :cloud9:





Not my copy...(I wish :cry: )..."borrowed" this off blazing bob's site in tribute...


Beautiful 7.0! (worship) Sorry you have to part with it... :sorry:

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Ah, one of Bob's? for only 21 to 22K one of them could be yours! lol


The prices of Jim #83 have increased markedly, though I noticed in GPA that 4.0 and 4.5 copies are really close together. I'll hold out for an 8.5 or better, and I suppose most of us would attempt to buy a 9.0 if we could.


Price action for JIM 83:


An ow/w 5.0 sold for $3200 May 9th on eBay. Clink results from 5/25: 9.0 ow/w $52,102 4.0 ow/w $2,701 5.0 ow/w $3,201 5.5 ow/w (Marvel chipping) $3,433, 3.5 ow/w $1792.50 6/12/11. Contrast those results with an 8.5 ow/w which sold for $18,700 4/2010 & a 9.0 sold on Highgrade comics (Bob's site) for $19,000, but probably in 2008 or '09.


(Bob Storms' sales gallery could use some dates for context :baiting: )


No one forgets the Twin Cities 8.5 white pages copy which sold last month for $28,680...Another 8.5 sold in March for $26,500 (pq unknown)...


Given that GPA doesn't always capture the registry numbers, I couldn't verify why the 4.0s which recently sold for more than the 4.5s and the 5.0s that also sold for more than the 5.5s, but I assume those results are mostly due to page quality issues. I know, page quality is only part of the story--e.g. cover mis-wraps do look fugly lol


Without that depth of reporting, and the fact that not all sales results are reported to the GPA anyway, some manual tracking is required.



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Page quality to some extent but Marvel chipping also has an impact on price.


GPA is a useful tool but one needs to be wary on keys as marvel chipping can have a detrimental effect on value regardless of a comics technical grade.



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I agree, Marvel chipping can have a severe detrimental effect (witness the 5.5 sales result above as a prime example).


Some factors appear to be more heavily weighted than others amongst collectors. Some people can't stand date stamps or grease pencil marks, or cover mis-wraps, but Marvel chipping and page quality seem to be the most heavily weighted factors. Should we take a poll? I'm sure there are several polls already on this...

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