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OT - It was worth the time it took me away from comics!

71 posts in this topic

I have my own feelings about this case, but I'll keep them to myself. Regardless of those feelings, Mark might be the first person I call if I ever get in that kind of trouble. I do hope this thread peters out and doesn't cause a lot of trouble for anyone.

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He will now be tried for the negligent homicide, he has not been convicted of it.


I think the point is that this guy was initially facing potential life imprisonment for intentional acts and now he will be tried for potentially making mistakes that resulted in civilian deaths. A three year maximum term if I understand correctly.


Things are difficult over there. Mistakes happen. In the middle of being bombed and ambushed it is hard to differentiate these things. You storm a house and lord knows what is going to happen. This is why we don't send police to jail for life sentences who accidentally shot a 13 year old kid because he pointed a gun at them that turned out to be a toy. News reports of atrocities have often been greatly exagerated in that part of the world because half the war seems to take place in the media. foreign press is happy to run with virtually any accusation against the U.S. much like media reports that Israeli was intentionally bombing Red Cross vehicles in Lebanon that wound up being complete and total fabrications. In this case, my recollection is that the initial reports were that these civilians had been lined up and killed and the forensic evidence showed that no such thing occurred.

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I should have been more clear about my earlier remark. I still believe Mark was taking care of the soldiers though- whether innocent or not. It's not a cut and dry situation (or at least many that I saw first hand were), and it takes a certain amount of judgement and ability to sort of the details in these sorts of cases. Sometimes being the guy assigned to defending these individuals is not a great job.


This NCO made some bad decisions, but it's just different over there; not justifying what happened, but it can be a factor. I'm just glad to see Mark was able to keep them from moving in the wrong direction.


And technically speaking... he DID listed "OT" in the subject header so we all should have known we wouldn't be discussing comics ;)

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As far as the substance of the case itself, I'm happy to share my thoughts on it privately so as not to further take up the space on the boards. We'll leave that to all the other non-comic threads that certain people can criticize.


If anyone wants to ask a question about the case, just PM me.


That said, let me just say that the events of that day were extremely tragic. Believe me I am handling the forensic evidence and had to repeatedly look at the photographs of the results and they are horrific images. I have small children myself. No one can look at these images and not come away feeling emotional.


But what the media, and Congressman Murtha, portrayed as having occurred that day is not what happened. What happened in the macro sense is war. And war is a terrible thing with terrible consequences. And sitting as armchair quarterbacks to hold young Marines accountable for merely acting as their training taught them to do, which was made quite clear at the hearings, is terrible as well. Not to mention the hypocrisy that was brought to bear on these Marines in light of so many other actions taken by our country at the same time.


My posting of the articles was not intended to celebrate the death of civilians or anyone for that matter, but simply to point out a positive career accomplishment, which significantly impacted my comic business due to the time it required, that I wanted to share with friends, much in the same way some post about the birth of their new child (again, not comic related).


I regret that some people disagreed with my decision, and I profusely thank those who offered their support. (thumbs u

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Congratulations Mark!


It must be very gratifying to see the results of what I'm sure was a

mountain of hard work in defending your client against those charges.

(thumbs u





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I wish I could say I was surprised by your comments Brian (and the same for the echoing by October), but I'm sadly not.


I never called for the "forum police" or supported someone who did. I suggest you reread the post I responded to...not that you really care what I said. You thrive on attention, be it good, bad or indifferent.


Come to think of it, I don't really care either. Later. :hi:

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I wish I could say I was surprised by your comments Brian (and the same for the echoing by October), but I'm sadly not.


I never called for the "forum police" or supported someone who did. I suggest you reread the post I responded to...not that you really care what I said. You thrive on attention, be it good, bad or indifferent.


Come to think of it, I don't really care either. Later. :hi:


I read your post Andy. Perhaps you should re-read mine as I didn't say you called for the "forum police".


I continue to find it interesting that you seem to care about whether I "thrive on attention" or not. I'm not sure why you do, and instead simply refrain from posting. But you seem eager at times to continually point out this opinion you hold. That's what is most interesting to me.


But I will keep that in mind next time you contact me for expert advice again. :hi:

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Mark, not to rain on your parade as I am sure that you are an exceptional attorney but given the lack of forensic evidence and availability of the bodies and witnesses I would have been surprised if the outcome were different. If the murder charge was deemed viable then that more than likely would have been a political decision and had little to do with the legal system and the evidence presented.


I mean its not as if the police were on the scene ASAP cordoned off the area, chalk outlined the place and put the rubber gloves on. IT seems to me that all of this was done far after the fact if at all and that was undoubtedly a great advantage to the defendant.


Overall I echo the sentiments of others who thought this might be better posted in the WC. My rationale is quite simply that there are many lawyers on these boards and I'm sure they have many cases, I certainly do not inundate the forum with my knowledge of what is occurring in the United Nations, or the various peace keeping missions around the world. I think perhaps a comment saying I've been away on this case all summer its good to be back may have been a little more tactful, that said, welcome back. (thumbs u



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not that it was solicited, but here's my opinion;


Mark, while i am happy for your personal and professional success, you really should know by now that your style lends itself to a certain amount of criticism. in all honesty, had you said that you had recently garnered a very very favourable decision for a client who was looking at a rather lengthy sentence in the brig, and this work had kept you from this site and etc, you would have likely seen naught but kudos.


but bringing the subject of this particular case out in the open like this not only allows those for whom your style is less than appealing to criticise you, it also brings in those for whom the subject matter - a subject that veers remarkably close to the verboten, i.e. political - stirs certain emotions. who then will also criticise you. which of course, leads to you defending yourself, at which point the thread and perhaps a few participants have begun to hurl headlong to lock city.


i didn't say anything before because i could not figure out a way to both congratulate you on your success while at the same time cleaving said congratulations from any sort of statement regarding the particulars of the case. i am happy for you however, and do wish you continued success, although i would hope particulars could in the future be found out by those who wish to know rather than put on such public display.



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My posting of the articles was not intended to celebrate the death of civilians or anyone for that matter, but simply to point out a positive career accomplishment, which significantly impacted my comic business due to the time it required, that I wanted to share with friends, much in the same way some post about the birth of their new child (again, not comic related).


Gene managed to express my feelings about this thread MUCH better than I could.


You're an intelligent guy and obviously very competent in your profession, so I'm pretty surprised by your lack of judgment in this instance. Sharing an accomplishment with your forum buddies is one thing, but considering the sensitive nature of that accomplishment and the inevitable knee-jerk reactions of praise that come from people who are really in no position to be praising anything except your personal victory, I think this thread is extremely inappropriate.

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Jbud73 and Sal, I appreciate the professionalism of both your posts. They are well-thought out and lacking of any personal venom, and I appreciate and respect that fact.


As I said, I simply wanted to share with friends an important and recent event that occurred in my life, especially as it impacted on my comic business. I do regret that some have interpreted either my motives or the substantive issue that was involved in a manner I had not intended.


So, why not get this back around then to comic books.


Had I the desire and selfish motive, as apparently - and unfortunately for reasons he knows best - October perceives, to simply promote my ego for the pure sake of doing so, one would have thought that in August I would have alerted these boards to www.videojug.com, which went live with educational videos on comics for which I served as a commentator.


Scoop profiled the video last week, but yet I never said a word. doh!


All About Comics With Mark Zaid


All About Comics with Mark Zaid

Overstreet Advisor, noted attorney, and owner of Esquirecomics.com, Mark Zaid was asked by VideoJug.com to introduce comics in different sections with a video style format...


Unfortunately last week's Scoop links are experiencing some problems and are not currently accessible, but the videos can be found here:


All About Comics on VideoJug.com


There are numerous categories that are addressed:


Types Of Comic Books

Comic Book Terms

Comic Book Ages

Comic Book Publishers

Choosing Comic Books

Buying Comic Books

Collecting Comic Books

Preserving Comic Books

Comic Book Resources

Comic Book Grading

Comic Book Certification

Comic Book Pricing

Comic Book Pedigrees

Comic Book Selling

Comic Book Alterations


Some of the questions that are addressed (in videos from 25 seconds to 2 minutes in length):


What is a 'graphic novel'?

What is a 'pulp magazine' or 'pulp fiction'?

What is 'manga'?

What are the different types of comic book covers?

Why do collectors refer to the specific era of a comic book?

What is the most sought after era of comic books?

How often are comic books published?

What are the different genres of comic books?

Which comic book titles should I choose to collect?

What are the most popular modern comic book titles?

Which comic book titles have the most potential to turn a profit?

Are local comic book dealers more trustworthy than Internet dealers?

What are the pros and cons of buying a comic book collection?

What are the pros and cons of buying comic books individually?

What makes a comic book valuable?

When did comic book collecting become popular?

How do you become a comic book collector?

Should I insure my comic books?

How should I handle a collectible comic book?

Where is the best place in my home to store comic books?

What does the 'Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide' provide?

What are some tips for attending a comic book convention?

How do I grade my own comic books?

What does a comic book certification company do?

What are the pros and cons of comic book certification?

Should I expect to get paid Guide prices for my comic books?

How do I set a price for my comic books?

How do I get the best sale price for my comic books?

Where can I purchase pedigree collection books?

How do I know if a book is from a pedigree collection?

What are the pros and cons of selling my comic books individually?

What are the pros and cons of selling my comics as a collection?

Who should I sell my comic books to?

What are the pitfalls of selling comic books?

Should I sell my comic books at a convention?

How does restoration affect a comic book's price?

Should I use tape to repair my comic books?

What is comic book 'color touching'?

What is comic book 'de-acidification'?

Do I need to disclose comic book alterations before a sale?


These videos are primarily meant to educate individuals who do not know a great deal about comics and collecting. Personally, I was quite pleased with the results (although the editors did get some facts wrong such as saying I was an advisor to the coveted Overstreet Comic Book Grading Guide which, although true, was obviously meant to be a reference to the Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide!).


So now those who wish to be my detractors can at least do so on a comic book related topic!!


For everyone else, I hope you enjoy the videos! :applause:

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There are threads on the spice girls, baseball, wrestling, antiques, non-comic movies/tv programs, visits of forumites to different cities and, of course, numerous birthday threads (which is certainly nice to have given it presumably fosters camaraderie but it has nothing to do with comics).


If only there was a thread about a spice girls birthday party wrestling movie.


That would be worth talking about. (thumbs u

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How hard hitting to you are these recent events?




I have quite a few cases before the same judge, but none of the Gitmo cases. However, several of my colleagues/friends have been representing those detained down there. Setting aside any opinion of whether those held at Gitmo are terrorists or not, the restrictions and intentional impediments that have been placed on defense counsel (both civilian and military) in order to interfere with their ability to even proffer a defense is an anathema to our system of justice and notions of due process.

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There are threads on the spice girls, baseball, wrestling, antiques, non-comic movies/tv programs, visits of forumites to different cities and, of course, numerous birthday threads (which is certainly nice to have given it presumably fosters camaraderie but it has nothing to do with comics).


If only there was a thread about a spice girls birthday party wrestling movie.


That would be worth talking about. (thumbs u

I think there is a porn movie that follows that plot line. hm

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Mark....do you think you could make videos on other subjects as well? You have such a pleasant demeanor. I was wondering if some of the other board members can up with some different topics for you. You know, like purchasing stereo equiptment or dating etiquette.The proper use of a condom or lawn mower care, those are just a few things that spring to mind.

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Mark....do you think you could make videos on other subjects as well? You have such a pleasant demeanor. I was wondering if some of the other board members can up with some different topics for you. You know, like purchasing stereo equiptment or dating etiquette.The proper use of a condom or lawn mower care, those are just a few things that spring to mind.
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