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OT: Who's seen a ghost? For real...

135 posts in this topic

I don't belive in ghosts, but I sure as heck know demons exsist (Which also can show up as a ghost, however I am not starting a debate on this)


Back in maybe, 2005, somewhere around there, I went to bed and it was during the summer, as I had a small green/white colored fan on a table 2 inches by my bedside (usually used for my controllers n mess)

Well I went to bed and about an hour later my fan suddenly hits my floor, very hard aswell.

I woke and was confused for about 10 minutes as to how the hell that happend.

So, I shake it off and put my fan back where it was.

Later my TV comes on, I am like WTF? I try to use my controller, but it dosen't turn it off, so I get up to turn it off myself. Really weird

So maybe another 30 minutes after that. my fan SLAMS straight down to the floor over to my wall, and breaks it too, I run out of my room like there was no tomorrow.

Scared the living mess outta me, my mom is proof this happend. (She heard it)

I have reasons as to why this might of happend, however I will not explain the reasons.


I threw the fan away, and didn't sleep in my room for 2 days (Besides it wassen't no good after the second pounding)

And have not had anything else happen.


Well, untill last year.

Very mild story of this one.

My Computer desk was aswell by my bedside (acted as my Header so my pillow dont go on the floor) had my huge radio/jukebox w/e you wanna call it on my PC desk, when I woke up in the morning, it was on the floor by my bed but on the side of the bed, I stared for a very long time wondering how the hell it went from the PC desk to the floor, all I know is that it had been moved, and sure as hell wassen't by me.

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There are no true stories of ghosts. They don't exist.


WOW! What a great ghost story! Excellent input.........


His story about the flying spaghetti monsters was much better.




You guys are really brainless. There's only one Flying Spaghetti Monster. You better watch it or he will get you with His Noodly Appendage.



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When I was stationed in Germany back in '90-91 (right before Desert Storm kicked off) I was assigned to 5th General Hospital in Bad Cannstadt (Stuttgart). The hospital used to have tunnels that went from under the hospital to different areas of the kaserne (base). There had always been stories that you could hear echoes of German soldiers marching in the dead of night down in the tunnels, but I didn't believe them. I kinda started believing after an incident happened to me.

One night I was working an 11pm-7am shift on the ward up in the hospital. I had to travel the tunnels to reach the elevator to the 3rd floor. I reached the elevator without incident and pressed the "up" button. After a couple of minutes the elevator came down and the doors opened (keep in mind that this elevator moved S L O W). An elderly guy with a patient robe on was already in the elevator. I said hello and he politely nodded his head at me. He stayed on the elevator. I then turned my attention to the papers in my hands. After about a minute I noticed it got really cold in the elevator. I looked up to ask the guy if he was cold but the elevator was empty! And it had never made a stop on the way up until the 3rd floor. The elevator then stopped and let me out on my floor. Feeling a little shaken I went to my Wardmaster and told him what I saw. He just stated that was a ghost they named Karl and he was frequently spotted late at night in the elevators or stairwell. He was a patient who had died in the hospital during WW2.

Needless to say I made sure the Wardmaster kept me on day shift from that day forward.

BTW I remember in retrospect that I never saw the guys eyes. They were just dark shadows

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I don't belive in ghosts, but I sure as heck know demons exsist (Which also can show up as a ghost, however I am not starting a debate on this)


Back in maybe, 2005, somewhere around there, I went to bed and it was during the summer, as I had a small green/white colored fan on a table 2 inches by my bedside (usually used for my controllers n mess)

Well I went to bed and about an hour later my fan suddenly hits my floor, very hard aswell.

I woke and was confused for about 10 minutes as to how the hell that happend.

So, I shake it off and put my fan back where it was.

Later my TV comes on, I am like WTF? I try to use my controller, but it dosen't turn it off, so I get up to turn it off myself. Really weird

So maybe another 30 minutes after that. my fan SLAMS straight down to the floor over to my wall, and breaks it too, I run out of my room like there was no tomorrow.

Scared the living mess outta me, my mom is proof this happend. (She heard it)

I have reasons as to why this might of happend, however I will not explain the reasons.


I threw the fan away, and didn't sleep in my room for 2 days (Besides it wassen't no good after the second pounding)

And have not had anything else happen.


Well, untill last year.

Very mild story of this one.

My Computer desk was aswell by my bedside (acted as my Header so my pillow dont go on the floor) had my huge radio/jukebox w/e you wanna call it on my PC desk, when I woke up in the morning, it was on the floor by my bed but on the side of the bed, I stared for a very long time wondering how the hell it went from the PC desk to the floor, all I know is that it had been moved, and sure as hell wassen't by me.



Cool story. I'd love to read the English version. :baiting:

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I have never seen a ghost but have had some odd experiences.


I went to a small midwestern college (no, this is not the start of a Penthouse Forum) called Illinois College. It's famous for hauntings. See here:


Haunted prairie colleges web site


Link to another haunted colleges web site


It had an old house that had been converted into a small dormitory (Crampton Hall) that was rumored to be haunted. Lots of stories go way back and lots of the students who have lived there have had unusual experiences -- this has happened for decades, and with a number of the buildings at IC not only Crampton. Supposedly the Crampton ghost is either a student who hanged himself or is a ghost from the civil war era. Ulysses Grant marched through the town in 1861 and the old story goes that the ghost was a soldier from his army (Illinois College was founded in 1827). But there's a ton of other "stories" about students who killed themselves, etc but I don't know if any of them are true or not. I lived in Crampton Hall my Freshman and Sophomore year before I transferred to another school (for academic reasons, not because of the ghosts lol )


My freshman year my roommate and I lived in a corner room on the 2nd floor. We had all sorts of odd things happen -- mostly electronics that would turn on and off without our help. We'd come home from class and the TV or stereo would be on. If I asked Craig, hey did you leave the TV on, he'd say "no" and vice versa. For a while we each thought the other was totally absent-minded! lol Then one night we were both at our desks in our room studying and the stereo came on out of the blue -- we were a little creeped out by it. About a week later, the same thing happened with the TV. This was an old tv where you had to turn the knob to turn it on, there was no remote. Ditto with the stereo. So it wasn't like somebody was messing with us using the remote or something. Just plain weird and a little unsettling, but we got used to it. We just joked around that it must be the resident ghost. Nothing else stranger than that happened to us that year.


But the next year I moved into the room next door, and a couple of freshmen moved into the corner room. They started having the same stuff happen -- appliances and electronics turning on and off on their own. They kept accusing somebody on the floor of picking the lock or window (it opened onto the fire escape) and going into their room and messing with their stuff. We told them it was the resident ghost and they were like, "yeah, right." In fact one of the guys was kind of a high-strung guy, didn't believe in ghosts, etc. But he had the most interesting experience and definitely believed in ghosts after it happened.


He said something woke him up, could have been the stereo or something and he looked up and saw a man in a Civil War era uniform floating above his roommate's bed. He took a flashlight out of his bedside table and flashed it on the ghost and he said it turned away and walked into the closet. He got up and turned the lights on and there was nobody in the closet. The thing that is disturbing to me is that my bed in the room next door was right next to that wall of their closet. I had a very odd thing happen to me one night (not that night) when I woke up and heard a voice -- like a man talking in muffled tones through the wall and when I went to move something was holding me down. As much as I tried I could not get up. Then the voice stopped and I was able to move and get up. It didn't scare me but definitely was strange. I have read that there is a sleep phenomenon that causes this "experience" so I'm not quite ready to chalk it up to ghosts.


One of the guys in the dorm claimed to see a ghost one night -- he was leaving his room and went back in to get something he'd forgotten and he saw a man standing there, which totally surprised him, and the guy looked at him and turned and walked through the wall.


Nobody ever saw anything super scary -- it was mostly weird stuff like that. Some people believed it, and some people did not. I don't care if they do or not because I know what happened to me. I will say though that being in a dorm room where stuff keeps turning on and off on its own can be a little creepy.








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Back when I was 18-19, some buddies and I were out driving around. We were headed down a little back road and got to a point where the road made a curved decline. Off to the left, up on a hill, I saw something almost figure-like. It was foggy looking, although it wasn't a particularly foggy night. One of my buddies said, "Did you see that???". My other boy said, "It was a ghost!" Kinda freaked me out. We all initially attributed it to the weed. :blush:


I then told the story to another friend who lived out that way. As I was telling him the story, he said, "Oh, did you see the ghost?" My sister also said she had seen a ghost at that location.


I don't really believe in an afterlife or ghosts/spirits, but that was a pretty weird occurence. Don't really know what to make of it. (shrug)

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I am extremely skeptical about such stories. If this topic is really of interest to you visit the James Randi website ( randi.org ) and find out about the million dollar challenge. He has yet to shell out.


And... to return this to comics, remember that great Carl Barks flying saucer story where the skeptics society was going to give a million dollars to the first person that could produce a flying saucer?

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