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OT: Who's seen a ghost? For real...

135 posts in this topic

Several years ago, my wife and I were living in a house that we were renting and my wife was sick with the flu. About 2 in the morning she got up to get a drink of water while I was still laying in bed. When she came back into the room, she was walking past the bed to the bathroom and a few feet behind her I saw the upper body of a woman with blond hair and a red top floating behind her with her hands in a praying position. My wife has dark brown hair and was wearing a black top. This figure followed her almost to the bathroom and simply faded away. I don't know what she was, but I think this experience was very cool.




What was your initial reaction? I would have been jumping out of my skin!


I just thought it was really cool because I am always looking for evidence that some form of our conciousness exists after death, which I do believe. I can't explain what this was but I am glad I had the experience. There are three other experiences that I recall happening to me.


One was when I was a teenager living in my mom's house. I went to bed one night and shut off the light in my room. The room was pitch black and I had only been laying there about a minute when I heard the sound of someone clearing their throat in the corner of my room. I layed there paralysed with fear thinking there was a stranger in my room and I couldn't see a thing. I finally jumped out of bed and bolted to the light switch, but of course there was noone there.


Another event happened shortly after my grandfather died. My grandparents lived in upstate New York and every couple of years, my parents and I would travel from Las Vegas to visit. They had an old house with a basement and I used to love to go down there and play. One day while I was driving home from work in the middle of summer, it suddenly got cool and almost seemed moist inside my truck and the exact smell of my grandparents basement filled the air. This only lasted for a moment but I felt is was my grandfather's presence.


The last event happened when my wife and I moved into our current house. The previous owners were a couple who had bought the house sort of as their dream home according to our neighbors. The husband suddenly came down with cancer and died very quickly. The wife was devistated, sold the house and moved out of state. Just after we moved in I noticed that one of the ceiling lights in the master bedroom kept kept turning on and off for no apparent reason. I checked to make sure the bulb was tight and it was. I joked to my wife that it was the ghost of the man who had died here and the light came back on. So for curiosities sake I asked a couple of questions (I don't remember what) and the light seemed to come on and off in response. I was starting to get a little creaped out and after a few minutes with the light being out I looked directly up at the bulb and said "If this is the person who died here turning the light on and off, turn it on right now" The buld instantly lit up and it sent chills down my spine. Nothing else like this has happened in this house since.



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In the mid 1980's my Mom and Dad purchased a new house in the west end of the city I live in, I had just finished High school and was now starting my University years. Before we could move in, the building inspector required several modifications be made: the stairways all required hand rails for one. My Father was a carpenter by trade, so after work he would go down to the new house to do the work and spent several weeks doing this.

The day came for us to move in, and after packing up the moving truck we drove to the new home. I will never forget the look of the place as we arrived, this was my first glimpse of it: trees all craggly and leafless, unkempt lawn growing wild and a general worn look to the house. It seemed very cold. I couldn't believe my parents were even interested in the home, I sure wasn't but my family never had alot of money so I understood why.

I got the entire basement to myself, a large bedroom, complete with a basement bathroom and an area where I could do my illustration and artwork. It was perfect...except for a lingering feeling of unease that I could not explain.

Very early in the time I lived there I began to have trouble sleeping, and at those times I began to drift off to sleep but was still somewhat aware of things around me I could hear someone talking to me in a very angry tone.

This "man" would say things like" Get the *%#! out of my house!", "I am going to rip the flesh off your body if you dont leave!"...quite nasty things that would always wake me up completely. I often would swear I could feel "something" scrape me while I was in bed... but once I had completely woke up I never found any scratch marks or damage.

Eventually I left my bedroom to go upstairs and I laid on the living room floor trying to get some sleep, but i could hear this "man" yelling at me through the floor.

Eventually morning of the weekend came after a few days of this and my Dad came into the living room to find me laying on the floor. He asked" why are you laying here? "

I then told him my answer, and his facial expression upon hearing my answer to this day gives me chills:

"Dad, Steven won't let me sleep downstairs"

My Dad was a rough and tough meat and potatoes carpenter. And upon hearing me say that he turned white as if he had seen a ghost. He then turned and walked towards the kitchen, I got up and followed him asking him what was wrong. He opened one of the drawers of the kitchen cupboards and rummaged through all the papers inside and eventually pulled out a sealed letter: it was addressed to the estate of the late Steven Stepaniuk.

During the days when Dad was at the house doing the repairs a postal worker delivered the envelope and they had a chat about the former home owner who hung himself in the basement shower stall. The house had sat unsold for a long time as no one wanted to buy the decrepid looking place. Now my father knew why he had been able to buy this house for such a bargain. Dad didnt want us to know about this so he hid the letter from us and the information. In the days to come I helped dad rip out the basement bathroom and we replaced it all, he also sat at the bottom of the stairs every night reading before he would go to bed, and everytime he heard a noise or sound, he would say " you are dead, this is my house now, go away". Eventually the ghost of Steven left, and with alot of great effort my parents turned that house into a great home. I personally didnt live there very long and moved out and lived near the University in a house I rented with a couple of friends of mine.

I never saw the ghost of Steven...but I definitely felt his presence and heard him.




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When I was about 11 or 12 my parents left me alone in our house one evening. The couch faced the entryway, and beyond the entryway was the street. To the left of the entryway was a living room with a large window. On the right of the entryway was a mirror. I was sitting on the couch watching TV and saw something moving out of the corner of my eye in the entryway. I looked at it and clear as day saw a figure about 12 inches tall in white running in mid air. It ran from right to left across the room about 4 feet off the floor (toward the living room).


I jumped off the couch and ran to see what it was. A jogger had run by the front of the house, dressed in white, and the image had been reflected off the mirror into the air. Scared the heck out of me at first, but then I thought it was pretty cool. I always waited for it to happen again, but it didn't. There had to be some quality of the air in the entryway that night to display the reflection. The physics of it don't really make much sense otherwise.


As an aside, it's very common for people who have lost a loved one to "see" that person visiting them. The difference between a "ghost" and a grievance hallucination is perception.



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Never seen a ghost and once a month I help the Wichita Ghost Hunter's group do ghost investigations. ;)


However, interesting thing happened to me when I was in the third grade. A friend and I were rummaging through my closet looking for some sort of toy (which for the likes of me I forget what it was) and we stumbled upon an un-opened can of Coke. Being third graders, this was freaking fantastic. Especially since my parents never let me have any type of soda beverages unless on special occasions. So believing it was a can of un-opened soda from an earlier special occasion I never got around to drinking; we turn away from the closet and placed the Coke can in a dresser draw next to my bed.


Back to digging in the closet.. and AGAIN, we found a un-opened Coke can in the exact same place. Feeling that I would of seen two Coke cans, especially since they were in the exact same location, my friend and I chalked it up to just oversight and were now estatic that we can each enjoy our own Coke can once we found the toy. So we placed the second can in the drawer with the first can and went back to the closet.


To our shock, yet ANOTHER Coke can was in the exact same spot that we just farmed the first two from. An alone Coke can, by itself, in the left hand side of my closet. Well by this time my friend and I figured something was up so we marked the spot in the closet and would close the door for about 30seconds and upon our opening it, another Coke can would appear in the spot we marked. Being nine years old we were quite hyper about the number of Coke cans we now had in our possession and started moving them to the refrigerator in the kitchen.


When my parents got back home that evening and opened the refrigerator my mother became quite angry. She asked us where we got these Coke cans and I told her in my closet. Instead of heading to my room, she took us to the spare bedroom and opened the spare bedroom closet to reveal two cardboard Coke boxes completely empty. And guess what? The, now 22 Coke cans were in the refrigerator (we had drank two already by this point). So we both got a serious spanking since my mother figured we snuck into the spare bedroom's closet and helped ourself to some Coke.


The weird thing is that both cardboard Coke can boxes were NOT opened until my mother checked them and the spare bedroom is on the opposite end of the hallway from my room. Nor did we have any knowledge that there was Coke in the spare bedroom closet. So how did those cans appear in my closet? (shrug) To this day I keep my closet organized so that I always know what's suppose to be in there and what's not.

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No ghost sighting here, but I did have something weird happen to me when I was 12 years old. My parents, brothers and I were in the den watching TV. The movie the "The Exorcist" came on and we all started watching it. I personally hadn't heard of the film since we were recent immigrants, so after about 10 minutes I told my mom this movie is boring and exited the room.


When I entered the living room I noticed several bushels of bananas that my mom had purchased earlier in the day. Don't ask me why, but there must have been about 40 to 45 bananas there. Without thinking about it, I reached in and grabbed one from the very middle (I usually just pick one from the top). To my astonishment, my first name "Edward" was beautifully hand-written (1" high by 7" long) on the peel of the banana. What was also strange was that the wring was actually etched into the peel (almost like it was burnt in) instead of a pen being used.


I quickly called my brothers and parents, and we all spent about 30 minutes trying to replicate the writing via pen or other sharp objects, but it was virtually impossible since the banana peels were still ripe. The banana sat there for a week, until my mom decided to eat it. Nothing happened to her, and she's doing well at the age of 76.


I've seen every single horror movie imaginable (and I love this genre), but I still refuse to watch this film 25 years later!

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I certainly hope that some of these ghosts don't spend their entire time haunting one house or one specific area. If given the choice, I would certainly try and operate on a set schedule:


6:00 to 8:00 AM - Fly around the neighborhood and lakefront enjoying the scenery.

8:00 to 9:00 AM - Stop over my workplace and play some practical jokes on my boss.

9:00 AM to 12:00 PM - Go around town helping people with their everyday lives.

12:00 to 3:00 PM - Visit and spend some time with my living relatives. :)

3:00 to 5:00 PM - Visit and spend some time with my dead relatives. :(

5:00 to 6:00 PM - Visit the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader shower room after their practice. :) This also begs the question why aren't more female locker rooms crawling with spirits?! hm

8:00 to 10:00 PM - Hover over a sports fanatic and watch my favorite team play. Either that or actually fly over to the stadium and sit in front row seats.

10:00 to 11:00 PM - Go out and freak out some people (especially on weekends).

11:00 PM to 12:00 AM - Tuck in the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders at night.

12:00 to 6:00 AM - Pretend to sleep even though I don't really need it. :(


Every now and then, I'll fly over to various countries around the world stopping over at the best spots.

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When I was 3 in Dec '64, I was staying with the aunt's fam in Arkansas. We actually SAW the neighbor's house (a brother of the aunt's fam) BURN literally to the ground about 20 yards away thru the back bedroom window. The brother's wife & kids perished (he was deer hunting) and they buried them ALL together in one casket in Drew, Mississppi. A tramatic experience for all of us. My cousin is the same age as I and watched the house burn also. He claims to this day that Jean (the woman that died) has appeared into his bedroom and will talk to him (he's NOT married so no one can vouch for him).


Anyway, he has grown up like myself and he is a confirmed "Ghost Chaser" and has radio programs, etc about this. He's a nice man (and RICH) so he has the dough & time to do this stuff. (The only thing I have against him is he collected DC and the REST of the town collected Marvel!)


There is a haunted hotel in Eureka Springs, AR and he has checked that place out.

I believe it's called the Crescent Hotel.



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