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Do You Feel The Church Books Being Stored in Stacks

597 posts in this topic

Like I said, it's very clearly stated. You either abide by the NOD guidelines or you don't. If you're not willing to abide by the guidelines, then don't bother to apply. If you are, then welcome aboard.

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Like I said, it's very clearly stated. You either abide by the NOD guidelines or you don't. If you're not willing to abide by the guidelines, then don't bother to apply. If you are, then welcome aboard.


Which might be the reason why it hasn't taken off. (shrug)

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Well if you were going to sell Richard some Timelys, do you want him to give you the dealer price or the collector price? hm
This is not specifically directed at Richard, but. If you're an org like NOD, should members be able to say "I sold a book with undisclosed resto. But it wasn't my individual self which is a NOD member. Rather, it was my dealer self, that's not a NOD member." Kind of defeats the purpose of the group if people can pick whatever disclosure they want to make and just pick a different avenue to sell depending on the disclosure.
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I agree that most of this thread is the S.O.S. However, that doesn't mean people aren't free to choose anything. When you join an org that has posted rules and policies, you are implicitly expressing your agreement with those. Or, at the least, an agreement with most and a desire to effect positive change within the org.


I believe in the goal of disclosure. Hopefully, down the road, NOD can be something more to educate collectors in general.

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Why does this thread make think of this commercial? :whistle:

Because you like to make bad analogies? (shrug)

Two reasons: 1) Not matter how it's packaged, it's still the same old same old. 2) It's all about being able to have your own choice or opinion.


Sure. You have a choice to join or not. It's not complicated. And as a member, you have the chance to voice your opinion any time.


And btw...the "same old same old" you refer to sounds like "staying on message" to me. I don't want to be part of a group that changes it's mission statement every time a critic gives it a hard time.


And speaking of choice, don't you believe in the buyers right to choose whether he wants to lay down bucks for a pressed book or not? That's what this is all about. If you really believe in freedom of choice, then you should have no problem with the Network of Disclosure.



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Why does this thread make think of this commercial? :whistle:

Because you like to make bad analogies? (shrug)

Two reasons: 1) Not matter how it's packaged, it's still the same old same old. 2) It's all about being able to have your own choice or opinion.


Sure. You have a choice to join or not. It's not complicated. And as a member, you have the chance to voice your opinion any time.


The "same old same old" sounds like "staying on message" to me.


And speaking of choice, don't you believe in the buyers right to choose whether he wants to lay down bucks for a pressed book or not? That's what this is all about. If you really believe in freedom of choice, then you should have no problem with the Network of Disclosure.


I don't have a problem with disclosure. I have a problem with pressing = restoration.

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I don't have a problem with disclosure. I have a problem with pressing = restoration.
Then you don't have a problem with NOD. Personally, pressing does not = resto to me. I just think the buyer should get the info and that's what NOD advocates.
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I don't have a problem with disclosure. I have a problem with pressing = restoration.
Then you don't have a problem with NOD. Personally, pressing does not = resto to me. I just think the buyer should get the info and that's what NOD advocates.

I don't have a problem with the idea of the Network of Disclosure. I have a problem with the execution among other, more personal, things. I know it sounds stupid, but I know too much and I can't just put the genie back in the bottle.

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Transplants post hits the nail on the head (very astutely done (thumbs u)...

But I am going to turn it around.

NOD needs to decide if it is a dealer network, or a collector organization. If it is a collector's organization, by and for collectors, looking out for the best interests of collectors, then it shouldn't have any problem allowing membership to a collector. If it is a dealer network, then it is doing nothing more than looking out for dealer interests and should represent itself as such (no more of this us versus them mentality).


I do not pretend that I am one thing or the other. I am both a dealer and a collector.

I have placed walls in my business, and my personal life, to keep those things separate. If something were to happen to my business, my collection is safe. If something were to happen to me personally, my business is safe and my employees are taken care of. If NOD can't respect that, well...call it publicity stunt, call it subterfuge, call it what you will. You asked me to join...I would like to join...this is what you get.

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As far as I can tell, NOD doesn't position itself as either. IMO, it doesn't have to. Even if it's deemed a collector's organization, what do you do about collector sales? In the age of CGC and Ebay, most everyone is selling at least occasionally. Does that mean you don't put any requirements on the collector member and how they disclose modifications? Kind of defeats the point of having the group to begin with.


What do you do with someone like Esquirecomics? Do you let him have a separate collection for pressing/resto and non-disclosure sales under a business identity? I can only begin to imagine the howls from detractors at the double standard practiced. Of course, showcase-4 comes to mind when mentioning this. However, I wasn't a member then and don't feel like searching for the particulars.


I had hoped that your public wish to join wasn't just an attempt to get turned down, but now I'm left wondering. I would love for you to join. As Brad pointed out though, there are rules that all members follow. My reading doesn't distinguish between individual and business members. Of course, if you join and consider it a collector membership and then it is later discovered that you didn't follow the rules, then expulsion might be the ultimate outcome. Frankly, I don't think it will be long to kick in if you join but don't follow the rules for logo display on your website (no dealer/individual distinction existing that I can see). Maybe that's the goal. But I hope not.

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Transplants post hits the nail on the head (very astutely done (thumbs u)...

But I am going to turn it around.

NOD needs to decide if it is a dealer network, or a collector organization. If it is a collector's organization, by and for collectors, looking out for the best interests of collectors, then it shouldn't have any problem allowing membership to a collector. If it is a dealer network, then it is doing nothing more than looking out for dealer interests and should represent itself as such (no more of this us versus them mentality).


I do not pretend that I am one thing or the other. I am both a dealer and a collector.

I have placed walls in my business, and my personal life, to keep those things separate. If something were to happen to my business, my collection is safe. If something were to happen to me personally, my business is safe and my employees are taken care of. If NOD can't respect that, well...call it publicity stunt, call it subterfuge, call it what you will. You asked me to join...I would like to join...this is what you get.


If you join NOD, Richard, you have to agree to disclose as an individual collector and as a dealer. Simple. If you find yourself in an ethical quagmire over a simple choice like that, then you wouldn't be happy with joining. NOD isn't there to serve as group therapy as you work through your existentialist dilemmas. You agree to disclose and abide by the guidelines. If you can't agree to do that, then you aren't NOD material.


Like I said. No matter how much you try to blur the issue, NOD has a single set of standards that both dealers and collectors agree to. I have the same set of ethical standards in my business as I do in my personal life. They are the same. If you can't deal with that, then NOD is not for you.


If you can't abide by the simple clear guidelines that NOD asks all it's members to abide by, in both their personal role as a collector and in their professional role as a dealer, then I would forsee that you aren't going to be accepted in the organization, and your application would proabably be rejected. Nothing personal. The organization has the right to protect the integrity of it's other members who don't seem to find it necessary to wrestle with the issues as much as you obviously need to. I'd vote against your application (if I had the power) if you can't abide by the guidelines as a dealer.

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Transplants post hits the nail on the head (very astutely done (thumbs u)...

But I am going to turn it around.

NOD needs to decide if it is a dealer network, or a collector organization. If it is a collector's organization, by and for collectors, looking out for the best interests of collectors, then it shouldn't have any problem allowing membership to a collector. If it is a dealer network, then it is doing nothing more than looking out for dealer interests and should represent itself as such (no more of this us versus them mentality).


I do not pretend that I am one thing or the other. I am both a dealer and a collector.

I have placed walls in my business, and my personal life, to keep those things separate. If something were to happen to my business, my collection is safe. If something were to happen to me personally, my business is safe and my employees are taken care of. If NOD can't respect that, well...call it publicity stunt, call it subterfuge, call it what you will. You asked me to join...I would like to join...this is what you get.


The NOD is not a collector organization or a dealer organization, it's a disclosure organization at the present time. Whether you call yourself dealer, collector, collector-dealer or crack head you can still be a member if you follow the guidelines. Since you own and run Bedrock City Comics, wouldn't you want to run your business in the way that is congruent with your beliefs ie disclosure? And if so, why would you not want your business to be associated with an organization that is congruent with said beliefs. Obviously, you applied to the NOD, because you'd like to make a difference in the hobby in a constructive way. So wouldn't you want the business that you own to have that same mindset? There's no one that's going to say to you that you can't cancel your membership down the road should you change your mind.


I can't join the NOD as just a collector even though my business is a corporation. Sounds like you're very close to fully committing and seeing what changes you can help effect. Take the next step Richard and let's see how far we as a collective community can make changes to help the hobby.


And I don't make the decisions on your application. That's up to Mark, Steve and Bill.



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Motorcycle Cop: Registration and drivers license please.


Richard: Sure. Um....I just want to let you know that it wasn't me speeding back there officer. I'm Richard Evans private citizen. The guy back there you saw speeding was Richard Evans owner of Bedrock City Comics. He was in a hurry and may have been speeding....but, uh....I personally always respect the speed limit.


Motorcycle Cop: Step out of the car sir.

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Motorcycle Cop: Registration and drivers license please.


Richard: Sure. Um....I just want to let you know that it wasn't me speeding back there officer. I'm Richard Evans private citizen. The guy back there you saw speeding was Richard Evans owner of Bedrock City Comics. He was in a hurry and may have been speeding....but, uh....I personally always respect the speed limit.


Motorcycle Cop: Step out of the car sir.


Ponch or Jon?





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