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The Official The Walking Dead Discussion Thread
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40,464 posts in this topic

It's interesting to see the variation in prices. Seeing the splash you bought earlier Jerry for $1200? Then this one being valued at a quarter of the price, but I suppose it's value is what ever the highest bidder wanted to give. Art is so confusing and it's much easier just to stick with the books.


Edit: I hope that makes sense what I just wrote because it's late over here and I'm starting to become tired and confused.

Edited by buddymagoo
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look at the art though...the trees are drawn well but look how poorly glenn is drawn...he looks like a hardy boy with a raging clue (south park reference)





Which is one of the reasons $500 or so is a fair number for it.


I've had splashes in this size that I have sold for triple and quadruple what this sold for, it's hard to imagine a splash with a main character going for much less.

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makes sense magoo -- but remember, art is super subjective, especially published art...people may love that scene not just for the art, but for the scene itself, or the character, or the issue, or a myriad of other reasons..


in my view, i think the art is bad, the scene is cool, but if the art is bad, it just ruins it..


as for the page i bought...who knows, maybe i overpaid for it...but i liked it...and i think its way cooler than the 500 one..


i believe, as a lot of people do...in the comparison shopping way to evaluate art --- is A worth more or less than B?, than C? than D? once you do that to a 100, 500, 1000, 5000 piece of art...you get a sense of how much to spend on pieces...


:)2c and goodnight magoo :)



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More morning WD porn for everyone:




I love Charlie's work! Nice find. Should be interesting to see this scene recreated in Season 3 of the TV series. In the teaser promo for this season, there was a brief half-second shot of a helicopter crashing.


On another note: I'm sorry if my eBay selling practices irritate anyone on here. I'm not looking for absolution, but feel it is only fair that if someone is going to call me out, I have a right to respond.


That being said, I know it was a stupid move to save time and use the same image of me holding the #25 slab for all 48 auctions. It was pointed out by some very helpful members of this forum and I quickly tried to rectify it. Unfortunately, because bids had already been made, I could not remove the original photo that appears in the listing. But I did my best to explain that in the description and include an updated photo there and in the gallery.


For those that didn't have bids, that I was able to relist, I did include those additional numbers (1 2 16 19 27 33 48 92 100) in the new title. I did this mainly because I felt I'd lost a lot of potential buyers through the confusion caused by mistake #1 (see above). In all honesty, I do or did have all of those issues up for sale at one time. The only one I didn't is the #1, which I decided to keep for sentimental reasons. If you don't agree with me using this approach, that's fine. But I'm selling these to make money, not appease any of you.


I think it's a bit of a move, brendanb438, that you feel it necessary to attempt to get a 'female' employee of eBay to "not only kill all the auctions, but overreact at the pictures and suspend the eBay account also." Grade A person_who_is_obnoxiously_self-impressed-baggery in my book.


Also, I show no 'friendly warning' from you via a PM here, comments on my thread, or in my eBay messages. So unless you included it in a message to me buried under a pile of "ZOMG! SHO M3 UR B00813S!!!!11!! PLEEZ!" I didn't see it among the 400 similar messages.


And honestly, your reaction goes to the extreme. Which in my experience is an indication of some deeper underlying issues. Do you hate women in general? Or just ones with large breasts? Do you envy my WD collection? Or is it that you wish you had someone this pretty willing to pose with your auction items?


Any way, I can't even remove the "1 2 16 19 27 33 48 92 100" from the 7 auctions I have left that contain that in the listing title. I just checked.


So brendanb438, if you feel it's necessary to express your displeasure by reacting in such a vindictive way, go ahead. Just understand the unintended consequences of your actions.


I came here for help from people who I felt shared a common interest, and might be looking to fill holes in there collection. And many have been nice and helped me out. But it's people like you that remind me why I keep out of forums, and would rather spend my time interacting with reasonable adults who don't fly into a "Nerd Rage" at the slightest misstep.


First off for all the board members who have met my wife in person they know first hand you don't have nothing on my wife. You have some boobies, congrats so doesn't half the population on this planet.


Second you don't have nothing compared to my WD collection whether it is books, sketches, OA, variants whatever. There is no envy in regards to anything you possess or will ever have. Sorry I probably make more in a week than you do in 3 months of working.


Third your practices when it comes to listing on eBay are nothing but childish by trying to pose nude with books and then spam the titles of your worthless books with the numbers of books that people are actually looking for. I didn't give a damn about you posing nude with the books at first, even when you show how lazy you are by posting the same initial picture on each listing of yourself causing more confusion than anything. The fact that you continue to spam the titles of your listings is what pisses me off.


What is that word I am looking for that describes someone who uses their body in a sexual manner to attempt to make money? Dangit I just can't think of that word, can anyone help me out here?


The only reason you appeared on these forums is to sell your comics, don't try to pretend there is any other reason behind it.

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hey hey hey dont get my oa all wrapped up in the drama....


lol i tease....brendan i voiced my opinion on her and the posts got deleted, why i dunno...she has half naked photos of her on the site..and the mods seem to think thats ok...yet i literally state my disapproval of it...and my post gets deleted... :shrug:



Edited by Jerry S
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hey hey hey dont get my oa all wrapped up in the drama....





Indeed, removed the picture, it is far to big of a distraction and takes away from my post. :)


I really do love some of the people that pop up out of the woodwork thinking that it is cool to do what they do.


Let the comics sell themselves with legit listings, don't use spam, and post some actual legit pictures of the books. If you feel you need to pose nude with some comics to sell them I am not the one with issues.


Yeah I saw your posts and was shocked they got deleted at first. Honestly I don't think the Mods have looked closely enough at what was actually linked by her or she would have already been hit with a strike and at least a month long ban. But I am in the wrong here and so are you.




At least once she is done selling the few comics she has she will be gone from these boards.

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Guest Kiristine Wood
look at the art though...the trees are drawn well but look how poorly glenn is drawn...he looks like a hardy boy with a raging clue (south park reference)



I felt something was off with that page when I first read that issue. But you summed it up pretty well. South Park references aside. ;)

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thanks -- i try to be completely honest about my evals of art...also...i have no beef in your fights with anyone...i just voiced my opinion of you before...wont spread it around anymore...and i hope you sell for as much as possible...only helps all of us collectors -



Edited by Jerry S
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Guest Kiristine Wood

At least once she is done selling the few comics she has she will be gone from these boards.


I'm sure it wouldn't have anything to do with how I've been treated. :screwy:

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dammit i dont want to respond to this but i feel like there is a disconnect and i dont want you to feel like you are unwelcome because if anything, im happy to see another collector here on the boards excited about WD...


look i have no idea who you are and by all accounts im sure if we all chatted we would get along great...


but...i think the point brendan is making, along with what i was saying before..is that..


its kinda sleazy, grimy, and sort of trampy to post nude photos of yourself to promote your auctions...if you cant see that....whatever..



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Half naked pics to sell books doesn't bother me in the slightest. If it works, go for it. Comes off more like jealousy because us men cant do it. Adding 1 19 27 48 etc bothers me far more, as I hate looking for those books and finding people use that to advertise their sales.

Edited by Hawkman
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look at the art though...the trees are drawn well but look how poorly glenn is drawn...he looks like a hardy boy with a raging clue (south park reference)





Which is one of the reasons $500 or so is a fair number for it.


I've had splashes in this size that I have sold for triple and quadruple what this sold for, it's hard to imagine a splash with a main character going for much less.


What do you have that could go for triple and quadruple????:o

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Jeez... I should be in bed but I have been too busy today. looks like people won't be satisfied unless they have the last word ;) you have all gotten your points/opinions across by now, which you are all entitled to. definitely more of the getting along great less of the rest should be in order.


If this was about pretty much anything else it would be full of




because it might not touch on subjects people are likely to take personally, especially with a few poorly chosen words in the mix. Showing off your body doesn't make you a tramp *sigh*... but does it belong on ebay, probably not in this case seeing as regardless of TWD being for mature readers kids will be wanting to buy it (and yes ofc as stated earlier it couldn't be removed once the bids went in). Maybe irresponsible would have been a better word but I doubt there was any actual harm intended.


At least it probably made a lot of people smile / laugh... and the human body is not a thing to be ashamed of.


TLDR: I agree with some of the things you all said (especially the "whatever" bit)... just not everything.


edit: now on with the TWD thread ... or can I hijack this and change it to MLP?????

Edited by Garf
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nice words garf...i respect the views...


onto TWD...


very nice page on splash for $125 i overlooked a fwe times..




gets my seal of a good deal approval!


I just can't get into oa. I just can't find any pages that make me think "I HAVE to have it".


I have exactly 2 pieces of oa, one by Charlie of a zombie lebowski and a cap & red skull piece from a golden age artist.


No pages or covers.

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I got into OA from video games...Mirrors Edge is probably one of my favorites...I read the comics...thought the art was cool, contacted the cover artist and..




it was so cool to get it direct from the artist...and to see it in print makes it even cooler...I love the fact that i own that...the original...thousands of copies of that cover out there..but that oa is mine!!

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Half naked pics to sell books doesn't bother me in the slightest. If it works, go for it. Comes off more like jealousy because us men cant do it. Adding 1 19 27 48 etc bothers me far more, as I hate looking for those books and finding people use that to advertise their sales.




I was actually getting along with her well in another thread and she seems way cool, however....



Trying to look at WD #2 on eBay last night was a pain in the farking because every single one of her listings was clogging my search.


I was getting frustrated.


Oh, and Nico defending that behavior made me literally laugh out loud.


If it were him that didn't like that type of thing, you can bet your he'd be spouting off lawsuit talk and how its illegal in some way and how he could sue her for everything. That's a fact.

Edited by roastedbagel
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