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Lord of the Rings Return of the King 5 Stars

25 posts in this topic

Just got home from the Midnight showing and I must say as trilogys go Peter Jackson did the three movies beautifully. Lord of the Rings Return of the King was a very beautiful epic film and a definate must see 5 Stars. Jackson manages to tie up all the ends in this film nicely and complete the epic that is Lord of the Rings. Now all us mega fans of the series have to do, among seeing it at least once more before it exits the theatres, is wait for the extended version of Return of the King because there is a lot of stuff I know he left out to add to the extended version. Then most likely the case they will be a box set of all three films with even more added scenes so figure on 13 hours to see all three films back to back with no breaks.Which I will of course own and buy every one. Then fast forward 8 years from now with the release of The Hobbit, since Jackson said he will not touch the film for at least 5 years plus figure three years filming and post production. I cannot wait grin.gif


All Around Awesome movie and trilogy 893applaud-thumb.gif893applaud-thumb.gif893applaud-thumb.gif893applaud-thumb.gif893applaud-thumb.gif893applaud-thumb.gifthumbsup2.gifcloud9.gif

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This isn't going to be another one of those threads that ramble on, is it?


I know what you mean, sometimes I grow so tired too, but I know I've got one thing I got to do. And thanks to you, I'm much obliged for such a pleasant stay!! thumbsup2.gif

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I just got back (in the rain) from seeing it and it's amazing. Most major action movies try to have a couple of jaw-dropping moments, this one has dozens. I never read the books so I didn't know what would happen and I was thrilled with the finished product. However, I have to agree with the criticism that the movie ends about six times too many. At one point, someone in the audience yelled out "WRAP IT UP!"


One other observation: this has to be one of the most (unintentionally) -erotic movies I've ever seen. There are SEVERAL times that you think the hobbits are gonna plant one on each other - I wanted to shout at the screen: "GET A ROOM GUYS!"

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One other observation: this has to be one of the most (unintentionally) -erotic movies I've ever seen. There are SEVERAL times that you think the hobbits are gonna plant one on each other - I wanted to shout at the screen: "GET A ROOM GUYS!"

27_laughing.gif I thought I was the only one who got a little tired of the deep gazes and cuddling... 27_laughing.gif

I was SOOO glad to see that Sam at least achieved hetero-status by the end.

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One other observation: this has to be one of the most (unintentionally) -erotic movies I've ever seen. There are SEVERAL times that you think the hobbits are gonna plant one on each other - I wanted to shout at the screen: "GET A ROOM GUYS!"

27_laughing.gif I thought I was the only one who got a little tired of the deep gazes and cuddling... 27_laughing.gif

I was SOOO glad to see that Sam at least achieved hetero-status by the end.

Yup Frodo left, Sam got the Girl, and Merry and Pippin have each other..... 27_laughing.gif27_laughing.gif I agree everyone was seeing the same thing, a little too -erotic at times, with the long deep gazes and the jumping on Frodo in the bed. It would all seem like inncoent kids having fun but these hobbits were grown adults males... 27_laughing.gif27_laughing.gif

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The whole deal with the ending was very, very tricky. If you haven't read the books, you don't know that half of Return of the King is spent wrapping up the characters lives and what happens to them when they return. Showing the final scene of the crowning of Aragorn, the return of the hobbits to the shire, and the ship sailing off to the Grayhavens is fine... but the movie should have ended with that final shot... instead, they end like the book, perhaps as a tip of the cap, and have Sam return home and end the story.


I think PJ was partially trying to satiate the Tolkien fans who would've been upset had the movie ended without some more explanations or longer or more detailed endings.


In the extended version you'll likely see a little more with regard to the ending, the romantic link of Faramir and Eowyn, the Mouth of Sauron (although filmed, I'm not 100% sure of this) the final fate of Sarumon, and some other goodies. No scouring of the shire, as PJ hated that part of the book.

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**Spoiler Alert** In case you haven't seen it yet... But then why are you reading this thread? On the fence?


The movie had to end with Sam saying "Well, I'm back." Simply had to. If the literary world composed a list of the 100 most famous literary lines, that would definitely be on it.


Now, you can't have that without Sam coming home to Rosie & the kids. And you can't do that unless you establish that they got married and sufficient time had passed for them to have kids. A good way to show that 4 years has gone by in 5 minutes is to have Frodo finishing up the book, so that's where that comes from.


Also doesn't make a lot of sense to have Frodo pining for the Shire the whole time then just have him up and leave once he gets home. So you need to establish that he's pretty beat up, physically and psychologically, and will never really recover.


The ending did drag for a lot of people, but I can see how there really wasn't any other way to do it.

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The ending did drag for a lot of people, but I can see how there really wasn't any other way to do it.

If a regular 2 hour movie usually wraps up in 20 minutes,

why shouldn't a 10 hour movie take an hour to wrap up?


Just be prepared for the movie to end a few times, and it's no big deal. grin.gif

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I'll be honest, I read the Lord of the Rings once every two years...just because I luv the characters and the story...and the ending of Return of the King always leaves me with a lump in my throat. So I don't mind that PJ takes forever to end the story...for fans who truly cherish the books, it is hard to let go of those characters once the end comes...

Haven't seen the last movie yet, but I may tonight.

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I have also read the books numerous times and what the fast food movie goers do not realize is how important the last 30 mins of Downtime if you can call it that is for the story and the point the Tolkien is trying to make. IE that after battle, on the grandest scale, there is still a reckoning for the victorious as well as the defeated. In that they must find someway to return to actual day to day life that might now be considered mundane. This is appropriately captured in one of the final scenes with the hobbits back in the bar with everyone celebrating while they sombrely enjoy a drink. Trulely masterfully done in the film.


As for the homoerotic insiuations. If you talk to people that have actually been in war where the outcome, or their survival is uncertain, I would be that the people they shared that time with are, to use a often cheaply tossed out term, sacred to them. How else are you supposed to feel about someone who has put their lives in your hands and for which you have done the same. I don't think anyone can elicit the emotions that take place between individuals who may happen to be men in those situations man. To call them homoerotic is to displace extreme gratitude with sexual overtones, which may or may not be present. IMO


Having seen the picture it is one of the few times where a movie actually fulfills almost all of the emotion in a novel - considering the magnitude and brilliance on the novels in question this a truely astounding feat of motion picture making.

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