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Solid evidence of Chuck's ineptitude and duplicity.

100 posts in this topic

Murph....he posted the following.....


I was told that you would take it back this time but do not bother ordering again if I was going to be “one of those picky collectors.”


He was told not to order again and he did anyway. They said no. Doesn't matter if Chuck's excuse was the planets weren't aligned right. Fact is....he isn't allowed to order.




The fact that they would tell a customer to not order ever again because their grading sucks is pure BS. I guess you're a "picky collector" if you expect a NM book when you order a NM book?? And they were upset with him because he asked for a refund? makepoint.gif

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You were obviously flagged when the ASM was returned. They said do not order again at that time. You did. They said no. You then e-mail a response (and start a thread) sounding incredulous that you cannot order from them. What? You didn't think they were serious?


Wrong again, they never said do not order from then again. I said, once again, they said do not order if I was going to be picky. Picky as in grading. I ordered a CGC comic, there is nothing to be picky about that. So what are you talking about? Read my original post, I know what I wrote. But who cares - that is not even the point, the point of the post was that Chuck was lurking and was directly questioned on his [!@#%^&^] poor service and did absolutely nothing to address it.

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He has no real way to confirm who you are. Unlike Tomega who has his full name and email address in his profile, you don't have either. That's what made the diff here. He was able to pinpoint a person who was speaking negatively of his company, and had the resources to find/ban him. There's only about 3-4 people who actually have their name and email address posted anywhere on here.




Not to slam anyone, but I always felt that if I was going to post strong opinions and statements , I should post exactly who I am. If I am going to make obvious critical statements and such , I should be proud enough to show it was me. There is no question who I am nor can I be accused of hiding behind a computer. Like me or hate me, you know who is speaking and let the chips fall where they may. Besides, what is truthteller going to show up at my door because I called him an insufficiently_thoughtful_person for the 50th time? laugh.gif Again, I am not being critical of anyone who does not have their information, I totally understand why people may want or need to retain some anonymity - this is how I personally feel what is right for me. I could not care less about my order being rejected for what I have said, I can get the same thing elsewhere ( which I got something better from Metropolis and Comiclink instead.) The point was a terrible customer service and quality control problem that Chuck had a chance to address and did not. It only strengthened everything that was said about him and more.


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If you read between the lines in his replys, he's saying I am not going to sell these CGC comics and it's all your fault. I'm not doing anything wrong.


And that's bad business. I had a customer who told my boss (who I was working for at the time) to make absolutely sure I don't call on him anymore. I was chasing him down at the time over a lousy $90.00 bill for some business cards and he was over 90 days late already on the bill.


And no, I wasn't pleasant about it.


A couple years later we meet up at a red light and he tells me to come by next week 'cause he needed some printing. So...I went and got an order from the guy. I'm still doing business with him.


That's how it's done. grin.gif

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Pardon me for waiting so long get my 2 cents in here. shy.gif


If the returned book was a raw book that was the problem, then I can see him not wanting to sell that buyer any more raw books.


But why not CGC slabbed ones?

No returns on those right?




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Here's what I would do...


Id march into their shop and pull lots of books, from all over the back issue bins, heck Id do it in each of his stores for that matter.


Go up to the counter, let them ring em all up. start to hand the credit card, look down at it, so Oh, look I'm, insert name here CHuck said he wouldnt sell to me any more....Goodbye.


And leave him standing there with a pile of books to put up and void on the regsiter

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Using ebay's blocked bidders list as an example is ridiculous. Ebay's black list is available to sellers for multiple reasons, however a smart business man would use this tool only to prevent sabotage of his/her auctions and not because someone pointed out the fact that their grading stunk or that their business practices sucked. Based on my experience, customers hardly ever take it to the level of bad mouthing a seller unless the seller warrants it. The most common reasons are bad return policies on overgrading or undisclosure, lack of communication, being unreasonable, or even outright accusations, etc. Many buyers are able to live with a seller's overgrading and or mistakes as long as the seller can make or attempt to make amends.


Chuck "blocking" Tom from buying books from Mile High is quite different in this aspect. Tom paid for his books and gave Chuck a second chance. MH should have taken this opportunity to potentially save a previously lost customer by providing end to end service, instead he decided to alienate him and dig his heels in the ground with a hard head full of stubborness. A good business person (ie Vince from Metropolis) should be able to take constructive criticism and grow from said comments if they are in fact true of their company.


I recently placed an order on 7 CGC books when MH actually slashed prices by 75% to make the books atleast close to fair market value, but I think I have had it and will join the boat of not doing business with such an unprofessional individual. If it was some pimple faced teenage kid at the counter I could probably brush it off and ignore it, but when the president / owner of a company acts in this manner, it speaks volume. sign-rantpost.gif

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BTW,I was the type of businessman who retired at age 43,am called in to consult on new openings around the country and have co-written articles in two books on opening and maintaining nightclubs and bars,so I think I know a thing or two about what it takes to run a successful business.Or at least the people who pay my consulting fees do.


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BTW,I was the type of businessman who retired at age 43,am called in to consult on new openings around the country and have co-written articles in two books on opening and maintaining nightclubs and bars,so I think I know a thing or two about what it takes to run a successful business.Or at least the people who pay my consulting fees do.


Yeah so? Enron, Worldcom and Parmalat was run by some of the savviest business people on the planet who probably have a bit more consulting work under their belts then you. How are they doing?

What articles are you referring to, I would be happy to take look at them.I know a thing or two about business myself and it is bad business the way Chuck continues to run his company . So, again, do you think it is your customer's job to try to mend fences with your company because you had bad customer service and treated the customer poorly? If you do then your articles will be an interesting read.

I spend quite a bit per year on comic investments, more then most people here. Some companies have consistently proved that their customer service and products are quality. I spent well over 5 figures this year and two large companies consisted of 25% of that. Milehigh should want my business and treat me ( an everyone else) professionally. If Chuck saw a gripe from me then it was in his best to resolve the problem and try to be in that 25% figure or more - not the other way around. Case in point, Vinnie from Metropolis received a bit of beating in a thread but he caem here and addressed it. He was initially a bit defensive ( understandably) and eventually took the high road. That is a testament to his character and business sense. I am sure that quite a few forum members gained even more respect for him. If Chuckles had done the same thing and taken the high road then this thread would have been replaced with a kudos from me for the transaction - I can guarantee it.

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Not to slam anyone, but I always felt that if I was going to post strong opinions and statements , I should post exactly who I am. If I am going to make obvious critical statements and such , I should be proud enough to show it was me. There is no question who I am nor can I be accused of hiding behind a computer. Like me or hate me, you know who is speaking and let the chips fall where they may.


I'm with you on this. If you're going to slam someone publicly then at least have the balls to not hide. As a matter of fact I like to let people know what I look like and where I'll be (comic cons and the like) so if they have a problem with something I say they can address it in person if they would like. Chuck can add me to his list as well. I'd never order from him again anyway, but I'd be honored to be on his list.


Hey Chuck, screw you! And I'll be sure and say that to your face at the next con we're both at. thumbsup2.gif

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Well, I guess I'll chime in as one of Chuck's biggest slammers....


He's an insufficiently_thoughtful_person. His treatment of Tom show that he has little respect for the hobby at all (and this is the hobby that he single-handedly built, mind you). To turn away a potential customer based on what was said on these forums is ridiculous.


He relies on newbie and un-educated collectors for his business. My story is similar to many of you that posted. When I got back into collecting, I didn't know where to look for back issues. I remembered Mile High from the ads in old books, so I checked their website and found some issues I was looking for. I bought a TTA#57 in NM for 50% off. Luckily, I was one of the 'picky customers' and returned the POS for a refund (this was right before I discovered these boards and CGC and really learned what 'picky' was).


His reluctance to change with the times (ie. get up to speed on grading) shows his dis-regard for the hobby and collector's. That he would ban Tom for being a 'picky' buyer speaks volumes. He is content with over-grading and over-charging (I realize he has to make a profit, but come on!). I would guess that most of Chuck's business comes from people like myself who did not have the information available on where to obtain books or people who will not return over-graded garbage.


All the garbage he writes in TFTD is a way for him to champion himself and feed his enormous ego. He's a crook. Read his most recent 'Tales'. Maybe he did change the distribution of books, but he back-stabbed his so-called "friend" Phil Seuling in the process.


And Chuck, go ahead and ban me from buying your books as well. I'd rather pay Bob Storms or Ted VanLiew. I'd get twice the book for half the price.


Happy Collecting! smirk.gif



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Ironically, most of the people that read CBG are long time collectors and not the target market Chuck actually sells too. Kinda wierd that he doesnt try to court our dollar more than he does besides writing his autobiography since we, in the long run, are the ones who spend consistently. Most of the newbies will either leave the hobby or move on to better dealers.

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I'm not going to continue beating this dead horse-but why should Chuck want your business? Your niche in the hobby and his are quite different. He apparently is quite happy getting by without you or any of the so-called picky collectors,so why should he change? If and when the time arises when he needs to,I suspect he will.

I pointed out that if you had smoothed the situation from the get-go,things maybe would have been different. You,after all, wanted something from him. He was quite happy with the status quo.You don't like his practices,don't buy from him. If he doesn't like your posts,he doesn't have to sell to you.He could sell this book to you or he can sell it to someone else but rest assured he will sell the book to someone,and at his price.

If you want to think that he took the time to read thru all our posts,go to peoples home pages and then ban those he can id,fine. I prefer to think he whiles away his free time enjoying his peyote buttons,but to each his own.



BTW- and completely seperate from anything we've discussed in this entire thread. What's with your recent typos and mis-spellings. I've noticed more from you in the last three or four days than in the last year and a half. Are you trying some new program or something?I'm not slamming or digging,just curious.I've always been amazed by your volumious answers,always so crisp and precise.

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What it comes down to is, at this point, why would either of them want the other's business? Chuck doesn't want Tom's biz, and if I were Tom, I wouldn't want to put another peso into Chuck's little mitts, CGC or not. One can certainly live without the other.


They both seem to have made their point. Tom in a more articulate manner, but we know Chuck has trouble with the written word. wink.gif

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why should Chuck want your business? Your niche in the hobby and his are quite different. He apparently is quite happy getting by without you or any of the so-called picky collectors,so why should he change?


He certainly doesn't have to...and since pretty much everybody who regularly reads these boards is a picky collector...nobody should really have a problem with tomega's comments in these forums. We're not his target audience, right? So there's no problem with one picky collector warning other picky collectors that Mile High's grading and their attitude about their grading is a problem.


And so all is right with the world. 893scratchchin-thumb.gif

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First, let me acknowledge that I didn't read this entire thread word-for-word. After a few dozen postings, I think I get the picture.


What I don't understand is why Tomega would want to buy from Chuck anyway? Just so there are fresh examples of Chuck's overgrading and gouging? Anything you might want from Chuck you can find somewhere else, probably in higher grade and probably for less $.


It just seems odd that you, Tomega (or anyone else) would buy from Mile High more than once, while continuing to bash the company. I understand that Mile High is an easy target - I've taken more than my share of shots at Chuck and MH. But I've never purchased anything from MH, and I never will.


I think Chuck's within his rights to refuse service to anyone - just like any other business. Your rights as a customer including expressing your dissatisfaction and taking your business elsewhere. I would advocate your doing as much of the latter as you have of the former.


I would also regard being 'banned' by MH as a badge of honor makepoint.gif

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