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Marvel Comics article in new Maxim Magazine

36 posts in this topic

it also doesn't help that under Quesada's watch, the Marvel Universe's continuity went down the craaapppper :makepoint:


Not disputing this, just not aware of it--how'd they screw up the continuity? I haven't noticed it in the titles I read, which are Daredevil, Spidey, Punisher, Fantastic Four, although I may just be forgetting since I stack comics up and just read them once every year or two. All the major continuity screwups I've seen happened so often in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s that if I did notice any in those titles I mentioned, they seemed minor in comparison to what I've seen in the past, or just par for the Marvel course.


I think I did read that Osborn/Gwen story, but it was a year or two ago and I forget it now. :blush:

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Sorry, my wife made me end my post before finishing my thought....






I have found that whenever your wife is talking, it is much better to stop whatever it is you are doing and PAY ATTENTION...you never know when there is going to be a quiz at the end...I can't count the times when my wife would finish a statement with "what do you think?"...and I would be totally lost....lol.


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I have found that whenever your wife is talking, it is much better to stop whatever it is you are doing and PAY ATTENTION...you never know when there is going to be a quiz at the end...I can't count the times when my wife would finish a statement with "what do you think?"...and I would be totally lost....lol.


Someone obviously needs to learn the art of the non-response. :baiting: When asked "what do you think?" about something you weren't listening to, any of the following can work:


  • I'm not sure WHAT to think, can you tell me more?
  • I didn't understand that first thing, what was it again?
  • I think that's GREAT! (say the word "GREAT" with exaggerated emphasis so that she can't tell whether or not you're just kidding and you could actually mean the opposite. This one works in almost any situation.)
  • I think whatever you WANT me to think, sugarplum, so tell me...what DO I think?

If you respond in an upbeat, pleasing, humorous tone, often that's just as gratifying to them as whatever opinion they were seeking in the first place would have been. :foryou:

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The writing is due to the people actually writing. I have no beef with the quality of the stories. The writers today are the best in the history of comics.


My problem is that you can't read a title. You can't even read a few titles. At any given moment something pivotal, even detrimental to the title will happen somewhere else in the Marvel universe. It goes WAY beyond an occasional crossover because it happens every single month, sometimes completely unsolicited, and it's usually something big.


Quesada has 100% control of it, and he is the one that makes it happen "to boost sales in the other titles". Which is moronic given the scale of the problem.


Quesada also allowed the Norman Osborn/Gwen Stacey thing happen. The single most asinine thing to be put into a comic. He has also rebooted title after title to restart them at issue #1 just for the sake of trying to sell yet another #1. If that weren't enough, he'll reboot the same title...again...and again...and again... Then when the title crosses a milestone (such as issue #500, 600, etc) he'll go back to THAT numbering just for the sake of selling THAT issue, then reboot it back at #1 AGAIN.


Nothing the man does is for the sake of good comics and good stories. He's a snake oil salesman. He's stuck in the '90s mentality that there has to be some gimmick to sell a book, rather than doing it with quality stories and art. The guy is (arguably) an artist, NOT an editor. The fact that he runs the house of ideas WITHOUT HAVING A CLUE, is a slap in the face to anyone that has ever read comics.





This is an excellent summary of the issues I have with Marvel these days. The recent "Bruce Banner can never become the Hulk again." creap is a key example. No explaination of why or how and it happened in a different title...(a rebooted Incredible Hulk #600). When did this even happen? What is the continuity?


WWH was a good storyline and once last summer was over - they made Hulk into a childish brute again with no explainations...


One issue he is fighting with the invaders and tooling around the country, the next he is in a Gamma Base containment cylinder with MODOK performing experiments on him and A-bomb...utter nonsense.


I don't mind cross-overs, but you don't have story turning events for a character take place in a different book...that is a slap in the face for the people reading the main title.



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WWH was a good storyline and once last summer was over - they made Hulk into a childish brute again with no explainations...


Can someone please tell me how that happened? I haven't been able to get an explanation from anyone how it happened, everyone I've asked is as clueless as I am (yes, it's possible :P ).

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I have found that whenever your wife is talking, it is much better to stop whatever it is you are doing and PAY ATTENTION...you never know when there is going to be a quiz at the end...I can't count the times when my wife would finish a statement with "what do you think?"...and I would be totally lost....lol.


Someone obviously needs to learn the art of the non-response. :baiting: When asked "what do you think?" about something you weren't listening to, any of the following can work:


  • I'm not sure WHAT to think, can you tell me more?
  • I didn't understand that first thing, what was it again?
  • I think that's GREAT! (say the word "GREAT" with exaggerated emphasis so that she can't tell whether or not you're just kidding and you could actually mean the opposite. This one works in almost any situation.)
  • I think whatever you WANT me to think, sugarplum, so tell me...what DO I think?



If you respond in an upbeat, pleasing, humorous tone, often that's just as gratifying to them as whatever opinion they were seeking in the first place would have been. :foryou:


Very funny..but alas, I'm sure my wife wouldn't find it nearly as funny as me.

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i feel strange that when the new comics come in, and i'm not really a buyer off the rack much, i barely look at the marvels and i'm someone who actively collects and grew up reading marvel. true, i mainly look at the pretty covers on the DCs and if I by anything it's usually an oddball title off the non-big 2 rack.


and why do i stay away from marvel and only buy it out of the dollar box?


i don't want to have to read 32 or 64 issues spread out over 8 titles to figure out a story.


sure, i could deal with following a story in 2 or 3 X or spidey-titles 15 years ago, but today's cross-overs are a totally different animal.


DC seems to do it to, but maybe not as bad.

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i feel strange that when the new comics come in, and i'm not really a buyer off the rack much, i barely look at the marvels and i'm someone who actively collects and grew up reading marvel. true, i mainly look at the pretty covers on the DCs and if I by anything it's usually an oddball title off the non-big 2 rack.


and why do i stay away from marvel and only buy it out of the dollar box?


i don't want to have to read 32 or 64 issues spread out over 8 titles to figure out a story.


sure, i could deal with following a story in 2 or 3 X or spidey-titles 15 years ago, but today's cross-overs are a totally different animal.


DC seems to do it to, but maybe not as bad.

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i don't want to have to read 32 or 64 issues spread out over 8 titles to figure out a story.


What year did they start doing this so prevalently? As I mentioned earlier, I mostly read Spidey, FF, Daredevil, and Punisher, and outside of the Civil War storyline a few years ago, all the stories I can recall weren't cross-title. Plus none of the Ultimate titles did that, nor have I ever seen Punisher do it.


But I haven't read anything since about a year ago, so maybe they just got really bad with the cross-title stories this year? (shrug)

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I tried picking it up today in Barnes and Noble, but this hot girl was standing right there so I felt weird trying to pick it up :cry:


Well if you didn't leave the with comic, I hope you at least picked up the GIRL! (thumbs u

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I tried picking it up today in Barnes and Noble, but this hot girl was standing right there so I felt weird trying to pick it up :cry:


Well if you didn't leave the with comic, I hope you at least picked up the GIRL! (thumbs u


It was a Gwen lookalike and he was dressed as the Green Goblin so ^^

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