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Amazing Spider-Man and Daredevil Comics Are Really Good Right Now

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I know it's tre' chic to say that all moderns suck, but I have to say, the last batch of Spideys and Hornheads have been really good.


Amazing 601-603- First, great covers of the prettiest redhead in comic book history. Second, great story lines. I feel like I'm reading a classic Spidey story, with the intrigue, social situations, fights, plot movement, return to inner monologues and editor's notes. And of course, this is intentional. Tom Brevroot said as much, when he talked about the impetus behind Brand New Day. He wanted a return to the things that made Spidey great, and I have to tell you, other than the reason for the changes (the dissolution of the marriage by Mesphito), I have enjoyed AMZSPY very very much, the last year. I'm hoping to see Petey and MJ back together again, sometime in the next year. Other than that, I like all of the changes they have made. Art, Writing, Editing, Covers, Arc Storyline directions; I've really enjoyed reading Spidey. And making Amazing a three times a month book, instead of carrying two floundering restart titles alongside the flagship book was brilliant.


Daredevil 500- I'm sorry to see Brubaker go, and more on him in a minute, but the new artistic style (more Superhero oriented, less crime noir) is a refreshing return. DD has been dark, brooding, paunchy for long enough. Let's see some action! (I'm talking about the preview, not the current work in 500)


Brubaker finished up a Kingpin arc, and we also get a big anniversary issue, but the best part about the book is the ending! I won't spoil it for anyone, but there is a very nice twist ending in which Brubaker honors the past Daredevil mythos, challenges the status quo and gives the reader a reason to want to come back next month! Now that's how you write a comic book, Bendis. You actually tell a third act.


Did I mention Ninjas? Yeah, it's nice to see Daredevil being shown in all his different facets for a change. The work that Miller and Nocenti did on DD has been shunned for far too long, in my humble opinion. Great, Bendis put his stamp on the book. Awesome. But he did it at the cost of a wonderful tapestry that Miller and Nocenti created. Brubaker was more respectful of his past, and I think the new direction is right on target. Very timely.


Great issue. Great back up story by Nocenti. Great stuff all around.





I still hate Quesada, but I'm enjoying my two favorite Marvel titles right now! :applause:

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Absolutely loved Daredevil. Considered keeping it up even after Brubaker left, but I'm in saving mode and thought it was one I could drop (or possibly pick up in trade).


ASM has been hit or miss. Really enjoy one arc, hate the next. I think the fact that it's out three times a month and has different writers and artists all the time really soured the book for me. I'm yet to read issues 601-603, though. Maybe reading that set will keep me interested. :shrug:


But with Batman Reborn reading so well, and with Conan/Warlord already on my list, I don't see any Marvel dropping into my regular reading again anytime soon.

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Even after following faithfully for over a year after Brand New Day started, I just wasn't getting into it. I really struck a chord with me when they revealed the identity of Menace and I simply couldn't pull myself to care. And maybe I missed something (very possible, a tie-in or I just wasn't paying close enough attention), but how did Peter know that revealing his identity to someone would remove any mental blocks they've had surrounding Spider-man? This started in the Fantastic Four arc around ASM 590 or so. Can someone enlighten me?


The art has been really hit or miss, which happens when you rotate your artists so frequently. I like the idea of a flagship title having a consistent creative team, but that's just a personal preference. I dig the writing of a few (like Waid), but some of the others fell a little flat for me.


I've still been buying all the issues and I'll keep reading (especially after the testimony here), but aside from the retcon and it's execution, these were just a few of the things I had some problems with recently. If it's getting better, I'll likely get to them this weekend. (thumbs u

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And maybe I missed something (very possible, a tie-in or I just wasn't paying close enough attention), but how did Peter know that revealing his identity to someone would remove any mental blocks they've had surrounding Spider-man? This started in the Fantastic Four arc around ASM 590 or so. Can someone enlighten me?


Spider-man made a deal with someone (not revealed who) to hide his Identity!

The whole gimmick in how it works never properly revealed!


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And maybe I missed something (very possible, a tie-in or I just wasn't paying close enough attention), but how did Peter know that revealing his identity to someone would remove any mental blocks they've had surrounding Spider-man? This started in the Fantastic Four arc around ASM 590 or so. Can someone enlighten me?


Spider-man made a deal with someone (not revealed who) to hide his Identity!

The whole gimmick in how it works never properly revealed!


That was my issue...I'M familiar with the deal, but I didn't think that Spider-man was privy to it after he made the deal. Then in one of the story arcs, he explains that once he removes his mask, the people who see him will have no more mental block surrounding Peter's identity. HOW DOES HE KNOW THIS? It seemed to just pop up in one of the issues with no explanation.


There are plenty of things wrong with how One More Day/Brand New Day was handled and I can get over most of the little plot holes, but some of these holes are gigantic and I have a hard time finishing the story without questioning it as a result.

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Passed on the latest DD. I only know Andy Diggle from his Losers run - which was fairly good - but not gripping enough for me to seek out his other work. Not familiar with the new artist, Billy Tan, at all - though his work seems decent enough. While Brubaker left DD in quite a predicament - and I would have liked to see how he (Brubaker) would have dealt with it - the Hand working to force DD into becoming their leader rings false to me - and I decided to drop the title when Brubaker left. Maybe if I hear enough good things about it - I'll pick it up again.


Haven't read ASM since the early Bronze Age, and It generally seems like more people complain about the title than love it.

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Moderns actually have been good lately as long as Grant Morrison doesn`t write them. ;)

:kidaround: Hiyo!


They are talking about Marvel's ASM and you waste time with a snipe at Grant "The Man" Morrison who is DC? UGH! Hate you types!!



Anyone realize that Marvels OMD and BND with Spiderman is completely like the story-arc in DC's Flash series? (Though it was handle a lot better and was excitingly)


It was a story-arc with Flash revealing his identity and settling down to have a family. Reverse-Flash (AKA Zoom) tried to kill Flash's wife in a attempt to force him to take being a super-hero serious, but instead cause her to have a miscarriage. There is more to this story with the time-treadmill, Barry Allen, Zoom, twins, and more characters. It was the greatest story-arc ever in a Flash series, in my opinion. I can beg down the issues if need be, but later though.

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And maybe I missed something (very possible, a tie-in or I just wasn't paying close enough attention), but how did Peter know that revealing his identity to someone would remove any mental blocks they've had surrounding Spider-man? This started in the Fantastic Four arc around ASM 590 or so. Can someone enlighten me?


Spider-man made a deal with someone (not revealed who) to hide his Identity!

The whole gimmick in how it works never properly revealed!


That was my issue...I'M familiar with the deal, but I didn't think that Spider-man was privy to it after he made the deal. Then in one of the story arcs, he explains that once he removes his mask, the people who see him will have no more mental block surrounding Peter's identity. HOW DOES HE KNOW THIS? It seemed to just pop up in one of the issues with no explanation.


There are plenty of things wrong with how One More Day/Brand New Day was handled and I can get over most of the little plot holes, but some of these holes are gigantic and I have a hard time finishing the story without questioning it as a result.


I wondered that too for about a minute during that FF arc. But then I remembered that it's a comic book and as long as I'm entertained (which I have been for a while with ASM), then I'm happy and I'm not going to over-diagnose things like a crazy geek.


In fact, I kind of liked how they did it. It was almost like the story was making fun of itself for being a comic book. I thought it was a bit funny.

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Moderns actually have been good lately as long as Grant Morrison doesn`t write them. ;)

:kidaround: Hiyo!


They are talking about Marvel's ASM and you waste time with a snipe at Grant "The Man" Morrison who is DC? UGH! Hate you types!!


I agree. Grant Morrison isn't worth wasting the time that a "snipe" takes. He's more overrated than Ohio State every year in college football.

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Moderns actually have been good lately as long as Grant Morrison doesn`t write them. ;)

:kidaround: Hiyo!


They are talking about Marvel's ASM and you waste time with a snipe at Grant "The Man" Morrison who is DC? UGH! Hate you types!!


I agree. Grant Morrison isn't worth wasting the time that a "snipe" takes. He's more overrated than Ohio State every year in college football.


Grant Morrison overrated? Inconsistent is more like it.

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Grant Morrison overrated? Inconsistent is more like it.


Consistently bad for me.


The Batman RIP stuff made me quit buying Batman and I tried Batman and Robin #1 and #2 since everyone gushes about it. It felt empty. Re-read Arkham Asylum recently - any time that I can read the panels in almost any order and get about the same thing out of it, it's a waste of time.


I liked JLA, but I can't remember anything since that he's written that I've liked.

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I was looking through Morrison's bibliography recently and realized I've read vey little of his stuff - even though I think hid Doom Patrol run is brilliant.


Arkham Asylum I don't recall that well - but I don't remember being overly impressed with it.


The Invisibles was nowhere near as good as DP, but it did have it's moments.


I've never read Animal Man, and the few Vertigo minis I read by him don't stand out.


It seems like his more highly praised work is from nearly twenty years ago.

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I've been buying overstock and trying to fill in between 500 and 600, I may be pretty close. I have some pretty huge gaps in Spidey reading as I pretty much dropped out after the clone saga, though I do pick up issues to fill in those gaps. I may very well nearly have 400 - 499 as well, other than the expensive black issue in there.



When would be a good time to start reading them in terms of issue? Once upon a time Spidey was a great title because you could pick up a random issue and not be totally confused....but criminey, I read #600, and he's in the Avengers and all that other nonsense....


start at 500? i feel pretty good that i have 500-600. start at brand new day?



obviously, reading 1 - 604 would be optimal...maybe when I'm unemployed.


having picked up a cheap 129, i actually have a legitimate shot at 100 through the present. sure, i don't have 121, 122 or 300, but if I was able to get a copy of 129 for $20 I figure I can get readers of those for less (and maybe even a half decent copy of 300 for less).

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