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How in the world did this go unnoticed???

1,945 posts in this topic

And did I read you right, Susan offers pressing now? Interesting.


According to Steve B. I have no independent confirmation.


I just think it's amusing that all the people who want to say what a disappointment NOD is and how they should govern their membership/leadership are all people who've never been members. Personally, I don't think someone's person_without_enough_empathying merits much response when they've never tried to help or join up.


I take joeypost's or nearmint's critiques of the NOD far more seriously than all those people in their glass houses.


Well, at least you are amused. :P




I think it's far more amusing that one of my most vocal critics works for Matt Nelson who is my direct competitor. And that same vocal critic would like to bring up the dichotomy of the situation. Pot meet kettle. :)


I think this will be my last post in this thread. I've said all I really need to say.

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And did I read you right, Susan offers pressing now? Interesting.


According to Steve B. I have no independent confirmation.


I just think it's amusing that all the people who want to say what a disappointment NOD is and how they should govern their membership/leadership are all people who've never been members. Personally, I don't think someone's person_without_enough_empathying merits much response when they've never tried to help or join up.


I take joeypost's or nearmint's critiques of the NOD far more seriously than all those people in their glass houses.


That's fine, Mike.


I've personally done my bit, whether it's in the conduct I adopt as a buyer/seller, or 'standing my corner' here on the boards, or donating to NOD auctions, or explaining the issues to buyers of mine who don't frequent these boards (and there are a good number of them that NOD don't seem to have reached).


However, as my opinions are clearly contrary to NOD's, and also fairly worthless to them, let me say here and now that I will never be a member of NOD, nor any offshoot/relaunch/reimagining/whatever.


I understand it's not much of a loss to those in power over there but it's certainly clarified my thinking regarding some recent discussions I've been having. (thumbs u

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And did I read you right, Susan offers pressing now? Interesting.


According to Steve B. I have no independent confirmation.


I just think it's amusing that all the people who want to say what a disappointment NOD is and how they should govern their membership/leadership are all people who've never been members. Personally, I don't think someone's person_without_enough_empathying merits much response when they've never tried to help or join up.


I take joeypost's or nearmint's critiques of the NOD far more seriously than all those people in their glass houses.


Well, at least you are amused. :P




I think it's far more amusing that one of my most vocal critics works for Matt Nelson who is my direct competitor. And that same vocal critic would like to bring up the dichotomy of the situation. Pot meet kettle. :)


I think this will be my last post in this thread. I've said all I really need to say.


Glad you too are amused. :P


I was never critical of your pressing venture Brent, just how it related to your position with NOD. Press away brother, I honestly have no problem with it.


Again, I think you are taking this way too seriously if you cannot see how it is funny on some level that a NOD head guy offered up a pressing service.


You can't make this kinda stuff up.







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Great exchange of views guys. The NOD public boards has an "Ask the NOD" section so why don't some of you ask them direct questions there? I admit I never really had a desire to get caught up in the politics that has gone on over the years but I do appreciate the awareness that the NOD has tried to bring to the forefront as this hobby can be down right sleazy at times.


I do think the NOD needs to address some of these issues/questions publicly otherwise the speculation will never end. Something tells me the NOD will morph from its current form in the near future because it seems to be fractured right now.

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And did I read you right, Susan offers pressing now? Interesting.


According to Steve B. I have no independent confirmation.


I just think it's amusing that all the people who want to say what a disappointment NOD is and how they should govern their membership/leadership are all people who've never been members. Personally, I don't think someone's person_without_enough_empathying merits much response when they've never tried to help or join up.


I take joeypost's or nearmint's critiques of the NOD far more seriously than all those people in their glass houses.


That's fine, Mike.


I've personally done my bit, whether it's in the conduct I adopt as a buyer/seller, or 'standing my corner' here on the boards, or donating to NOD auctions, or explaining the issues to buyers of mine who don't frequent these boards (and there are a good number of them that NOD don't seem to have reached).


However, as my opinions are clearly contrary to NOD's, and also fairly worthless to them, let me say here and now that I will never be a member of NOD, nor any offshoot/relaunch/reimagining/whatever.


I understand it's not much of a loss to those in power over there but it's certainly clarified my thinking regarding some recent discussions I've been having. (thumbs u

Don't take it so personally Nick. I'm sure the people at NOD would love to have you. I myself may not be long for the organization. I, for one, appreciate your stance on disclosure and don't see you as anything less than a completely stand-up guy to deal with. I also don't believe that they think your opinion worthless.


It's just frustrating that NOD gets blasted from both sides. One side wants them to be anti-pressing, morally superior primadonnas. The other says they try to rule others with an egotistical, unnecessary, iron fist.

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However, as my opinions are clearly contrary to NOD's, and also fairly worthless to them


Your opinion on this specific issue may be contrary, but I can assure you that your opinions are NOT worthless to the group. We can disagree on this issue and still agree on many others.



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Well while joeypost left nod before they could kick him out is sort of bs did he not get what he wanted in the end. Nod now has a main member that is pressing books. Maybe they can just let the past be the past and let joeypost back in if he wants back in since now their stance has changed.


Thats if joeypost wants back in, no idea if he wants to but from my understanding joeypost does support disclousure.


I would think in the end that pro pressers got a win based off of this since now nod has changed their stand in part regarding pressing and membership.



Disclaimer: Hopefuly that makes sense and this is in no way an attack on joeypost.

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Well while joeypost left nod before they could kick him out is sort of bs did he not get what he wanted in the end. Nod now has a main member that is pressing books. Maybe they can just let the past be the past and let joeypost back in if he wants back in since now their stance has changed.


Thats if joeypost wants back in, no idea if he wants to but from my understanding joeypost does support disclousure.


I would think in the end that pro pressers got a win based off of this since now nod has changed their stand in part regarding pressing and membership.



Disclaimer: Hopefuly that makes sense and this is in no way an attack on joeypost.

1) It doesn't make sense. I'll tell you like I tell my kids: Read it aloud to check to see if it makes sense.

2) NOD has not changed its stance. It's still disclosure. This just reiterates the fact that you don't know what you're talking about.

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They did change their stance.


Joeypost left nod before they could kick him out because he was pressing books and they did not like that which came from joeypost himself in a pm to me when I asked him about it.


Now they have a head member of nod pressing books so seems that yes their stance has changed.


Thats why joeypost along with others brought up what he did earlier in this thread and was upset about.


So yes a stance has changed because now they don't frown about members pressing books like they did in the past!





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The reality has come to this: If you don't want someone else to take advantage of you, you need to be pressing books. Whether you agree or disagree, if you don't press major books, many times you are facilitating the wealth of a select few who will target you and purchase books knowing you don't press.


That's really what it all boils down to. I press now for that exact reason. Set aside all of the histrionics, soapbox preaching and ethical debates...when someone buys a 9.4 from me for $800, presses it into a 9.6 and flips it for $3000, things need to change in my selling model. Period. Nobody likes playing the sucker or the mark, and I'd rather have that profit riding on my hip. I don't know too many people in this hobby, collectors or dealers, who are in this to make other people money.




Looks like I'll never be a playa. :cry:


It's not really about being a player, but take this example, if I have an Avengers 4 9.0, that I know could be made into a 9.4 -- should I sell that book to let's say, Storms, who probably isn't going to press it (or maybe he will) but will offer the book to Lauterbach who absolutely will press it. Why should I let Lauterbach make that $20k? I don't have to be a player, but I'm not here to enrich others either.


That's your call, Brian.


As for me...


I've just sold a number of my slabbed Avengers...about 16 of them in the 9.0 and 9.2 grades. I sold them to boarders, specifically two boarders who I know want them solely for thier own collections. They were sold for less than I could have got elsewhere and they were sold for waaaaaaaaaaaaaay less than they could have been if potentialised.


And I've been unemployed for 12 months and need every cent going into my new venture.


I understand that... but I guess my issue is, that's a very controlled way to sell, and sometimes, there isn't a market for just going down that route. I understand what you're saying, but this is a factor you can't dismiss as a legitimate reason as to why people feel inclined to press these days.


So, correct me if I am wrong, but essentially your argument (as well as some others) boils down to, "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em." Is that correct?


Using that logic, if other forms of enhancing the appearance of a comic and therefore the grade, could not be detected by CGC, where would it end?


I go back to a statement I made earlier in this thread. If there is nothing wrong with pressing and so many here, regardless of how they feel about pressing, are pro disclosure, why not ask CGC if they would add the designation "Pressed" to the label of a graded book they know to be pressed?


It would be similar to what they do on some books that still receive a universal label but have a small amount of glue or small almost insignificant color touch.


What would be wrong with that?


In addition, if the goal of an organization like NOD is truly to promote disclosure regarding any form of restoration or work done to a comic, why wouldn't they promote an idea like this?

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The reality has come to this: If you don't want someone else to take advantage of you, you need to be pressing books. Whether you agree or disagree, if you don't press major books, many times you are facilitating the wealth of a select few who will target you and purchase books knowing you don't press.


That's really what it all boils down to. I press now for that exact reason. Set aside all of the histrionics, soapbox preaching and ethical debates...when someone buys a 9.4 from me for $800, presses it into a 9.6 and flips it for $3000, things need to change in my selling model. Period. Nobody likes playing the sucker or the mark, and I'd rather have that profit riding on my hip. I don't know too many people in this hobby, collectors or dealers, who are in this to make other people money.




Looks like I'll never be a playa. :cry:


It's not really about being a player, but take this example, if I have an Avengers 4 9.0, that I know could be made into a 9.4 -- should I sell that book to let's say, Storms, who probably isn't going to press it (or maybe he will) but will offer the book to Lauterbach who absolutely will press it. Why should I let Lauterbach make that $20k? I don't have to be a player, but I'm not here to enrich others either.


That's your call, Brian.


As for me...


I've just sold a number of my slabbed Avengers...about 16 of them in the 9.0 and 9.2 grades. I sold them to boarders, specifically two boarders who I know want them solely for thier own collections. They were sold for less than I could have got elsewhere and they were sold for waaaaaaaaaaaaaay less than they could have been if potentialised.


And I've been unemployed for 12 months and need every cent going into my new venture.


I understand that... but I guess my issue is, that's a very controlled way to sell, and sometimes, there isn't a market for just going down that route. I understand what you're saying, but this is a factor you can't dismiss as a legitimate reason as to why people feel inclined to press these days.


So, correct me if I am wrong, but essentially your argument (as well as some others) boils down to, "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em." Is that correct?


Using that logic, if other forms of enhancing the appearance of a comic and therefore the grade, could not be detected by CGC, where would it end?


I go back to a statement I made earlier in this thread. If there is nothing wrong with pressing and so many here, regardless of how they feel about pressing, are pro disclosure, why not ask CGC if they would add the designation "Pressed" to the label of a graded book they know to be pressed?


It would be similar to what they do on some books that still receive a universal label but have a small amount of glue or small almost insignificant color touch.


What would be wrong with that?


In addition, if the goal of an organization like NOD is truly to promote disclosure regarding any form of restoration or work done to a comic, why wouldn't they promote an idea like this?


The ideal situation is a level playing field for everyone, but the ship has sailed on that. If you were talking 10 years ago at the inception of CGC to ask them to make pressing a part of their label when detectable, I'd be all for it.


It's a little more complicated than if you can't beat them, join them because I was never interested in beating them. The market evolved the way it evolved.


I think the problem is we can't turn back the clock and the genie is already out of the bottle. I'd rather a level playing field where nobody pressed -- or we could accurately and consistently detect pressing, but we can't.

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It should be dismantled and a new organization formed with something streamlined that truly promotes education in the hobby. Since NOD really has no presence at cons, no real hobby recognition (other than mostly as a joke, except to the people who are actually members) and has accomplished little (and I'd like to hear the list of actual "accomplishments" that extend to anyone beyond this microcosm here) -- I think it needs to be scrapped.


I think you are a good guy, Brian and a force for good in the hobby. Yet, I'm surprised you'd really disparage something that, while far from perfect, people were trying to do the right thing.


How did the collecting club you were going to establish come along? Not as easy as it seems is it?


No it's not, and I don't pretend it was or should be. But at the same time, I don't hold myself out that anything has actually been accomplished or ever will be with my idea.


What is possible, without a lot of baggage, is to start an organization and gather established committed people. You'd get so much help if the focus and intent of the organization promoted, without specific agenda, education. That doesn't mean a lack of disclosure on pressing, but rather, educate people on what pressing is, invite multiple opinions of people to write articles pro and con. Give people the tools to make decisions instead of taking a specific advocacy point.


I offered to Marnin quite some time ago thoughts on what I believed would help and streamline NOD as an organization to be more effective. The focus of the efforts to me was misguided as well as the mission statement from the very start.


I disparage NOD because its members seem to think it's done more than it has, and is more important than its irrelevant place it currently holds.


I wish that there was someone who had the time, energy and focus to become a positive focus for something that is unifying, not divisive, in its goals. NOD says a lot of things but hasn't really done anything, and this is my complaint with the organization. I was invited to join very early on but could not agree with the stance that we had to "force" members to disclose nor the draconian way in which people were "removed" from the organization. This idea that NOD was acting as a "police force" was what ultimately drove me to decline the invitation.


I believe in many things you guys do from a philosophical standpoint. I believe that many of the members of the NOD are good people, who are bright, passionate collectors. But the organization has failed from a structural and organizational standpoint, and whether or not I was ever a member, I've certainly had enough contact and provided enough advice to your leadership to feel comfortable commenting on the short comings.



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It's a little more complicated than if you can't beat them, join them because I was never interested in beating them. The market evolved the way it evolved.


I think the problem is we can't turn back the clock and the genie is already out of the bottle. I'd rather a level playing field where nobody pressed -- or we could accurately and consistently detect pressing, but we can't.


Great point Brian. There is no point turning the clock back so need to get some consensus on how we can move forward. However, its too bad that CGC didn't take a leadership role with this issue a few years back when they had the chance to [discussing it in an open forum, educating others as to how this has been practiced for years, etc]. Instead they tried to set up their own venture under a veil of secrecy and I blame that for being the spur in a lot of people's saddle when the subject of pressing comes up. The timing of it couldn't have been worse given the Ewart scandel, so its no wonder so many people are so jaded methods of profiting in this hobby, not so much the issue of pressing specifically. That could have been a turning point in this hobby [for the better].

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I understand the problem that you have Nick, but the bottom line is that what I believe Brent is limited to is actively disclosing what he knows. I don't think there's any effort being made to solve what you've identified as the long term, global "problem". As others have stated, he can't control what others do, and frankly, I don't perceive that he's concerned about the same things you are.


This is a business (as it is for you) and the model that is currently being employed is to not leave any money on the table. For Brent, I think he feels he's doing the best he can to comport with his ethical standards he has long stood by -- your concerns, however, do not fit in with the "problems" that Brent sees.


This is why I don't think the whole thing is that big a deal or a surprise. At some point, if you have pressed all along, this is a natural progression. I was unsurprised when this was announced, and frankly, didn't think it was a big deal for Brent to do this.


The reality has come to this: If you don't want someone else to take advantage of you, you need to be pressing books. Whether you agree or disagree, if you don't press major books, many times you are facilitating the wealth of a select few who will target you and purchase books knowing you don't press.


Brian: This isn't even the issue at all. I hope that Brent is able to net a billion dollars net profit, in this new venture he is undertaking. I would think that Brent should seriously look at stepping down as NOD chairman before starting this new new business so as not to undermine the organization and destroy any credibility the NOD has left. Hell even his posts in this thread come off as blase and appear to be indifferent at best.



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Oh, no, this is awesome.


A circlejerk if there ever was one. The head of NOD, an organization that has spent the last three years lighting people on fire for pressing is now pressing? Too rich. lol

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The reality has come to this: If you don't want someone else to take advantage of you, you need to be pressing books. Whether you agree or disagree, if you don't press major books, many times you are facilitating the wealth of a select few who will target you and purchase books knowing you don't press.


That's really what it all boils down to. I press now for that exact reason. Set aside all of the histrionics, soapbox preaching and ethical debates...when someone buys a 9.4 from me for $800, presses it into a 9.6 and flips it for $3000, things need to change in my selling model. Period. Nobody likes playing the sucker or the mark, and I'd rather have that profit riding on my hip. I don't know too many people in this hobby, collectors or dealers, who are in this to make other people money.




Looks like I'll never be a playa. :cry:


It's not really about being a player, but take this example, if I have an Avengers 4 9.0, that I know could be made into a 9.4 -- should I sell that book to let's say, Storms, who probably isn't going to press it (or maybe he will) but will offer the book to Lauterbach who absolutely will press it. Why should I let Lauterbach make that $20k? I don't have to be a player, but I'm not here to enrich others either.


That's your call, Brian.


As for me...


I've just sold a number of my slabbed Avengers...about 16 of them in the 9.0 and 9.2 grades. I sold them to boarders, specifically two boarders who I know want them solely for thier own collections. They were sold for less than I could have got elsewhere and they were sold for waaaaaaaaaaaaaay less than they could have been if potentialised.


And I've been unemployed for 12 months and need every cent going into my new venture.


I understand that... but I guess my issue is, that's a very controlled way to sell, and sometimes, there isn't a market for just going down that route. I understand what you're saying, but this is a factor you can't dismiss as a legitimate reason as to why people feel inclined to press these days.


So, correct me if I am wrong, but essentially your argument (as well as some others) boils down to, "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em." Is that correct?


Using that logic, if other forms of enhancing the appearance of a comic and therefore the grade, could not be detected by CGC, where would it end?


I go back to a statement I made earlier in this thread. If there is nothing wrong with pressing and so many here, regardless of how they feel about pressing, are pro disclosure, why not ask CGC if they would add the designation "Pressed" to the label of a graded book they know to be pressed?


It would be similar to what they do on some books that still receive a universal label but have a small amount of glue or small almost insignificant color touch.


What would be wrong with that?


In addition, if the goal of an organization like NOD is truly to promote disclosure regarding any form of restoration or work done to a comic, why wouldn't they promote an idea like this?


The ideal situation is a level playing field for everyone, but the ship has sailed on that. If you were talking 10 years ago at the inception of CGC to ask them to make pressing a part of their label when detectable, I'd be all for it.


It's a little more complicated than if you can't beat them, join them because I was never interested in beating them. The market evolved the way it evolved.


I think the problem is we can't turn back the clock and the genie is already out of the bottle. I'd rather a level playing field where nobody pressed -- or we could accurately and consistently detect pressing, but we can't.


So your argument is more Darwinian in nature - evolve.


If, as many are saying, the hobby has evolved, then what prohibits CGC from evolving with it. Even though pressing was going on prior to CGC, it was never as prevalent as it is right now. What prohibits them from changing or "evolving" as you say, in accordance with how things are now?

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I understand the problem that you have Nick, but the bottom line is that what I believe Brent is limited to is actively disclosing what he knows. I don't think there's any effort being made to solve what you've identified as the long term, global "problem". As others have stated, he can't control what others do, and frankly, I don't perceive that he's concerned about the same things you are.


This is a business (as it is for you) and the model that is currently being employed is to not leave any money on the table. For Brent, I think he feels he's doing the best he can to comport with his ethical standards he has long stood by -- your concerns, however, do not fit in with the "problems" that Brent sees.


This is why I don't think the whole thing is that big a deal or a surprise. At some point, if you have pressed all along, this is a natural progression. I was unsurprised when this was announced, and frankly, didn't think it was a big deal for Brent to do this.


The reality has come to this: If you don't want someone else to take advantage of you, you need to be pressing books. Whether you agree or disagree, if you don't press major books, many times you are facilitating the wealth of a select few who will target you and purchase books knowing you don't press.


Brian: This isn't even the issue at all. I hope that Brent is able to net a billion dollars net profit, in this new venture he is undertaking. I would think that Brent should seriously look at stepping down as NOD chairman before starting this new new business so as not to undermine the organization and destroy any credibility the NOD has left. Hell even his posts in this thread come off as blase and appear to be indifferent at best.




Jim, I understand the point you're making but honestly I can't agree. I don't think anything Brent has done or is doing is undermining the organization whatsoever. I also think that is something which is best left to those who are members and unfair for those of us who aren't to criticize. How the organization may have acted is up for fair game to me, but whether they choose to retain someone as a member I feel is within their purview to decide whatever their regulations are.



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The reality has come to this: If you don't want someone else to take advantage of you, you need to be pressing books. Whether you agree or disagree, if you don't press major books, many times you are facilitating the wealth of a select few who will target you and purchase books knowing you don't press.


That's really what it all boils down to. I press now for that exact reason. Set aside all of the histrionics, soapbox preaching and ethical debates...when someone buys a 9.4 from me for $800, presses it into a 9.6 and flips it for $3000, things need to change in my selling model. Period. Nobody likes playing the sucker or the mark, and I'd rather have that profit riding on my hip. I don't know too many people in this hobby, collectors or dealers, who are in this to make other people money.




Looks like I'll never be a playa. :cry:


It's not really about being a player, but take this example, if I have an Avengers 4 9.0, that I know could be made into a 9.4 -- should I sell that book to let's say, Storms, who probably isn't going to press it (or maybe he will) but will offer the book to Lauterbach who absolutely will press it. Why should I let Lauterbach make that $20k? I don't have to be a player, but I'm not here to enrich others either.


That's your call, Brian.


As for me...


I've just sold a number of my slabbed Avengers...about 16 of them in the 9.0 and 9.2 grades. I sold them to boarders, specifically two boarders who I know want them solely for thier own collections. They were sold for less than I could have got elsewhere and they were sold for waaaaaaaaaaaaaay less than they could have been if potentialised.


And I've been unemployed for 12 months and need every cent going into my new venture.


I understand that... but I guess my issue is, that's a very controlled way to sell, and sometimes, there isn't a market for just going down that route. I understand what you're saying, but this is a factor you can't dismiss as a legitimate reason as to why people feel inclined to press these days.


So, correct me if I am wrong, but essentially your argument (as well as some others) boils down to, "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em." Is that correct?


Using that logic, if other forms of enhancing the appearance of a comic and therefore the grade, could not be detected by CGC, where would it end?


I go back to a statement I made earlier in this thread. If there is nothing wrong with pressing and so many here, regardless of how they feel about pressing, are pro disclosure, why not ask CGC if they would add the designation "Pressed" to the label of a graded book they know to be pressed?


It would be similar to what they do on some books that still receive a universal label but have a small amount of glue or small almost insignificant color touch.


What would be wrong with that?


In addition, if the goal of an organization like NOD is truly to promote disclosure regarding any form of restoration or work done to a comic, why wouldn't they promote an idea like this?


The ideal situation is a level playing field for everyone, but the ship has sailed on that. If you were talking 10 years ago at the inception of CGC to ask them to make pressing a part of their label when detectable, I'd be all for it.


It's a little more complicated than if you can't beat them, join them because I was never interested in beating them. The market evolved the way it evolved.


I think the problem is we can't turn back the clock and the genie is already out of the bottle. I'd rather a level playing field where nobody pressed -- or we could accurately and consistently detect pressing, but we can't.


So your argument is more Darwinian in nature - evolve.


If, as many are saying, the hobby has evolved, then what prohibits CGC from evolving with it. Even though pressing was going on prior to CGC, it was never as prevalent as it is right now. What prohibits them from changing or "evolving" as you say, in accordance with how things are now?


To some degree yes. And I'm surprised that people on the pro pressing side aren't just blunt with the realities as well.


There's nothing that prevents further evolution and for someone to assume or argue differently is foolish. This hobby will continue to evolve. The problem will be is unless someone comes up with a cost effective way to detect, no one ever will and you will have tens of thousands of pressed books in the current and existing marketplace. It involves a problem of valuation and money. People who have pressed books now will not want to see a position adopted that devalues all of their books. I think it's becoming institutionalized and because of the rapid expansion, will end up being here to stay.



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Great exchange of views guys. The NOD public boards has an "Ask the NOD" section so why don't some of you ask them direct questions there? I admit I never really had a desire to get caught up in the politics that has gone on over the years but I do appreciate the awareness that the NOD has tried to bring to the forefront as this hobby can be down right sleazy at times.


I do think the NOD needs to address some of these issues/questions publicly otherwise the speculation will never end. Something tells me the NOD will morph from its current form in the near future because it seems to be fractured right now.

As a board of director I say.. No comment lol


Seriously though, im the last guy to bring this info to. I am for disclosure, I asked the same questions Nick did. But what am I supposed to say? I have no serious issue with intact pressing (shrug) . But it does seem unlikely the people that are getting their books pressed will follow up with the disclosure. And I doubt highly Brent will be outing customers. So I can see where this leads to many questions.


And this is not the view of the NOD, just myself thinking out loud. As far as my board of director stand point is. Simple.. No comment.

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However, as my opinions are clearly contrary to NOD's, and also fairly worthless to them


Your opinion on this specific issue may be contrary, but I can assure you that your opinions are NOT worthless to the group. We can disagree on this issue and still agree on many others.




Absolutely. I certainly value what Nick writes, whether I agree or not. (thumbs u

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