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The Wheels Are In Motion
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310 posts in this topic

The BSD's are just jealous. How can they hope to compete with a......




Yes but if they have their way, it never will be complete.


If the "COMIC GODS" can actually prevent the completion.....then I'll sell all of my comics in disgrace.


I find it hard to believe that the BSD's have that kind of a hold on the comic market.....

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Rofl, good one Aman.. 4/2/04




You must also remember that England is five hours ahead of New York, so when Joe Conzolo's e-mail arrived, it was still the third in New York, but the fourth in England.


Why am I even bothering ????????????????

Why do I even care ????

Why do I even wanna complete my DC collection ??????


Why would anybody pay ten times guide for a copy that's just a "good" ???

Yes we all know why...........



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okay... gotcha

I forgot the England factor and after trying 2/4/04 in my head, it was still tomorrow! Except in jolly old England. So after coming on here ane making nice, privately Vincent has still keeping the wheels in motion??


that really sucks. Guess we'll just have to wait for V to come on here again and explain this away. So lets not jump to comclusions: many here were pretty quick to see it "both ways" last time remember? But this will be hard for even The Great Vincino to extract himself from.



.. not saying its inconceivable that he can, mind you.....

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I find it hard to believe that the BSD's have that kind of a hold on the comic market.....



Well it's the combined comic collectors who let them.


Without us petty collectors, every last one of them would be doomed.


You'll complete the collection. Just sit back, take a deep breath....and relax.


AS I said in yesterday's thread:



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I have been away from the boards for a while so don't really know the full story here. But from what I can gather from this particular thread, Metropolis are behaving in a way that does not befit their status in the hobby. frown.gif

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Is this concerning the slabbed Double Action #2 that was floating around the Big Apple show a few weeks ago?If the seller went with Vincent in return for future relations as oppossed to an overseas buyer,this is somehow a bad thing?If it is about a different copy,then why hasn't Ian been able totrack one down?


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Is this concerning the slabbed Double Action #2 that was floating around the Big Apple show a few weeks ago?If the seller went with Vincent in return for future relations as oppossed to an overseas buyer,this is somehow a bad thing?If it is about a different copy,then why hasn't Ian been able totrack one down?


Because there are only about 7 copies so those who have it aren't always inclined to sell even if they can get well over guide.

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Dont worry, Ian youll get a copy eventually... especially if its the last one you need. When you get to that point, someone will loan you one or sell it to you for a year or something if only to share your glory and picture in CBG, Scoop, etc. Just keep plugging away.


,,,and relax..... theres no time limit on this.


Maybe Vinnie bought FOR you and is gonna give it to you soon....

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I am very sorry that Mr. Levine has chosen to air this situation with everyone. Guys- this one is very cut and dry and I am positive there will be no question as to who is right or wrong in this situation. First off I was threatened by Ian this morning that if I did not sell him the book he wanted to buy at the price he wanted to buy it for he would go on this forum and slam me. Slam me for simply not selling him a book I had no obligation to sell him. And sure enough he did.


Lets get one thing straight from the get go-this is what I do for a living. This hobby/business is very important to me- I realize my livelihood isn't so important to Ian-only Ian's collection counts to Ian. This is a very compulsive individual who doesn't understand there are other parties involved that count as much as he does. Perhaps I should send his correspondence to all of the record people in the UK so they can see that they should avoid this man at all costs...but I digress.


So here we go again. Let me state for the record that I was offered a book for sale-I was solicited-I did not go after this book out of a grudge or anything of the sort-simply offered the book. I am a business person, I saw an opportuntiy and had every right to pursue it. Today I bought the book. I have two customers I can sell it to-Mr. Levine being one of them. I told Ian at the end of his threat filled call that I would think about it- I did not say yes or no-just that I needed to think about what was in my best interest as a business decision. Needless to say I was leaning toward my other customer who has been nothing but a gentleman and a stellar problem free collector-possibly my biggest client.


Just so you all know-Mr Levine, after countless failed attempts to buy this book from the seller, finally contacted me last week to try to work out a deal. If he had been successful in his attempts he never would have offered me a cent- nor should he as I did not call him and tell him I was working on his behalf. Yet when I am successful in buying a book I was offered I am expected to do his bidding because he needs the book. Somehow this doesn't fly with me-call me crazy. I don't appreciate people telling me what to do with my money/comics and I most certainly don't like being threatened.


Ian first emailed me last week after he spent an exhaustive half hour of brow beating the owner-unsuccessfully. I could not in good conscience even dare to try to email him back, or contact him in any way because of what I learned after our past experiences. You all know the old adage- "Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me." Aside from that the seller was a nice guy and working a deal out behind his back (talking about last week not this week) would not have been right. So I decided to do my deal and make my decision as to who I would sell this book to later. No spite, no grudge simply a business decision.


Guys- after the first time he dragged our dirty laundry into the public forum I was quite angry. I was angry that he went and took private emails between us and aired them in a public forum- I think any of you in whatever business you are in would be just as upset. Also, I said some immature things and I apologized for those things and tried to make amends. I tried to move forward. Shortly after our falling out I sold Ian a group of books. I patiently waited for his payment for well over a month (past the original agreed upon date). And at the last second when he asked me if I could take several of the books off the invoice (because he had purchased them previously but they had been lost in the mail but now found...)after I held them for over a month I did just that- not because I had to but because I was trying to bridge the gap and get us on the right track.


This of course was not a good enough gesture- There was another book Ian wanted. Ian hounded me for a Mutt & Jeff #2 my partner had promised him before our big fall out. After the fallout it occurred to Steve and I that the book should not be taken out of the run (yes a rather long and complete run) we had purchased. We decided we needed to put ourselves first and actually sold it as a run- G*d forbid! Once again my sale and business did not matter to Ian - He needed a book, he wanted a book. Sorry I learned the hard way with this guy that I had to think of myself first. I needed to make the decision that best helped my company so I sold the run. I ask you the CGC chatroom members- Judge , jury and executioners-What would you do? I asked him to kindly understand my position- that the Mutt & Jeff run would not have sold as quickly without the #2 - but that didn't matter. In between his threats this morning this was thrown in my face several times. A good, understanding customer would not have done this....


After meeting with the seller today I was told how much Ian bad mouthed me in the previous weeks as he tried his best to buy this book. When I was offered this book I did no such thing. I simply sympathized with the guy for having to put up with the harassment. He bad mouthed me-even though we were trying to make amends-even though we both agreed to let the past rest. After I heard what was said I had to spend quite a bit of time defending my position. Obviously I was successful as I have now purchased the book and will start doing some business with the seller. And for the record the seller did not do this for the money in the form of the sale of the book but rather for future business and a solid business relationship with me. For over 15 years I have had an excellent reputation in this business and it will take more than a bunch of selfish, childish lies to sully it.


Apart from all of this I still never said I would definitely not sell the book to Ian. At the end of our call I asked him to be patient and wait- something Ian is very bad at- He wants what he wants what he wants what he wants. He tried to play himself off as a victim as I was reminded by the seller today at several points during our conversation. I never told the seller he had to sell the book to me or anything of the sort- I did not play any games or pressure him in any way. The seller kindly asked that after all the harassment he had to deal with from Ian- being called at all hours of the day, at his job etc....(typical Ian behavior-never respecting anybody's time-all that matters are him and his books) that I consider selling Ian the book. I told him I understood and that despite everything he told me Ian had said about me that I was thinking long term with Ian and that I would.



I left the office tonight not feeling well and forgot to email Ian that I needed to think about this and that I would get back to him tomorrow. What did I have to think about you may ask? First off whether I would sell this book to a very good customer of mine who expressed interest in it or to Ian who had threatened me and bad mouthed me. Secondly I had to think about what I wanted to price the book at. I got home, ate dinner with my wife and relaxed. At about 11pm or so (not sure if that is exactly right-but I am sure Ian will post my email on the chat room tomorrow with the exact time to make a liar out of me) realizing what a lather Ian was probably in over this I emailed him to let him know I would contact him tomorrow. About a half hour later I received a call from my partner telling me Ian is at it again- slamming me on CGC.


Ian - For the record I am unphased by your petty attempts at some imaginary revenge you are seeking. It bothered me the first time-but as soon as people heard my point of view they realized you were not the innocent victim you constantly make yourself out to be. Your attempts at black mail and extortion have not worked. You can not spread lies and falsehoods and expect people to believe you. Stop your games you little man. Because all the kicking and screaming and threats will not make me want to sell the book to you any more nor will they make me contact you any sooner. You are a troubled person Ian...and even though you are troubled I am still considering selling you your precious. Why? Because I understand your illness I have dealt with it before...Many customers (and most of you know a few of these guys) are obsessive. I realize you are so obsessive you can not see how low you have stooped to try to get this material possession.


However I will say this if I see even one more negative post on this chat room by Ian in any way shape or form I will not sell the book to him. This is not a threat, simply a statement of fact. I would imagine this decision would be understandable. Itis not made out of spite but rather a business decision. Why would I help someone who tries to tear me down over and over again.

Nevertheless I look forward to a civil conversation with Ian tomorrow.




Vincent Zurzolo


Metropolis Collectibles, Inc.

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As I noted earlier,there was a copy of this book at the Big Apple show and it seemed like it was for sale.As a matter of fact,I joked that I should buy it and sit back as Vincent and Ian bid on it.Earlier thread not withstanding,how is any dealer obligated to sell to any one client.


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