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Jerry's All Star #8 better pics

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Not if the vote gets cancelled as was just suggested. Somethings going on here behind the scenes right now.


Think of me as the squeaky wheel. I'm fed up with this horrible human being. I'm not gonna rest until things are made right and he learns a lesson (as unrealistic as that is). You steal from a guy. You go down for it.


Your hall is the least I expect. Banning too would be great for a start. Whatever.


He makes a conscious decision every day to steal from me. This is a comics collecting, selling, and history board. You got to take the good and the bad. I'm sorry some of you are getting a little fed up with the bad right now. But it sounds like its brewing with this guy for decades. Isn't it better to finally have it out and deal with it and then never have to deal with the guy and his issues again?

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The issues surrounding Bob are spiraling out of control. There are many statements that can be considered defamatory being posted on the Boards and elsewhere, both directed at CGC and others.


CGC has always been very open and receptive in trying not to micromanage these boards but this situation is creating far too much controversy and animosity in many different directions and it cannot continue.


The best way to have this matter fade away is to simply let it go or at least take it elsewhere. Debating the situation merely adds fuel to the fire.


On behalf of CGC, I am respectfully asking everyone to please cease the discussion. CGC does not want to have to continually lock threads or suspend forum members. Of all places, the Gold Section has always been home to substantive comic book discussions and it should remain as such.




Ahem ... not that I have nor will say anything about, for or against Bob but Mark, might I remind you that you used these forums in order to raise funds to move forward legal actions against Dupcak? People here are reacting to BLB's postings on FB; you fund raised for legal actions on the boards. Talk about using the boards to add fuel to the fire. No need to reply or PM me, I will not add another word.


Here's your post from Jan. of 2010 -


I doubt I have to explain to many of you who Danny Dupcak is and what he represents to our hobby (although for those who do not know, I have provided background information below revealing his lengthy history of proven and suspected fraudulent activity).


Please excuse the cross-postings of this thread but given the importance of the topic and the interest this community likely will have we need to reach as many collectors/dealers as possible.


I had offered for several years to represent anyone who had been defrauded by Mr. Dupcak but his modus operandi was always to reimburse the victim after a period of time thereby negating the likelihood of either civil or criminal penalties. I am now pleased, however, to announce that we are about to embark about a significant legal effort to finally put Mr. Dupcak out of the comic book business and we need the help of our fellow forumites!


How can you help?


(1) You can donate any funds that you can spare; and/or


(2) You can donate comic books that will be used to raise funds.


Beginning this Sunday, January 10, 2010 and lasting until Wednesday, January 13, 2010, we will be hosting an auction to raise funds to help further the legal effort, both civil and criminal, to bring Mr. Dupcak to justice and require him to properly support his child.


Some of you may recall that earlier last year Mr. Dupcak's former girlfriend, Jan57, and mother of his child started a thread concerning her ongoing legal efforts with respect to child support. She is seeking an upward modification and he is seeking a downward modification. I had indicated that I, as well as another board member, was trying to assist her behind the scenes, particularly to expose Mr. Dupcak's comic book dealings on e-bay and elsewhere.


To date, we were successful in obtaining through discovery various e-bay and paypal records that appear to indicate that upwards of a million dollars in sales have been received over the years by individuals we believe are alias for Mr. Dupcak. The paper trail is quite convincing.


Up to this point, however, Jan was being represented by an attorney for New York City's Corporation Counsel whose resources were severely limited. In order to retain the free legal assistance she was not permitted to have outside private counsel such as myself formally represent her. Jan is now at a critical stage of her court proceedings, which will include the opportunity to question Mr. Dupcak himself under oath, and the pressure needs to be increased. Therefore, I have now committed myself to formally enter her Family Court proceedings and substitute for her current counsel. While I may be an aggressive litigator who routinely challenges the CIA and military, represents national security Whistleblowers and sues terrorist governments, I candidly don't have the slightest clue about how NY Family Court works. Therefore, I have arranged for a very experienced NY attorney who specializes in child support cases to co-represent Jan and she will provide the necessary guidance and expertise that will allow us to pursue Mr. Dupcak with the type of vigor and aggressiveness that this case deserves.


Due to my commitment to this issue I am handling Jan's case pro bono (for free). I have already expended thousands of dollars of my time and I am willing to devote what time is necessary but the same can not understandably be said for my expert co-counsel who has no connections to this great hobby. Jan does not have any funds that can be spared to bring Mr. Dupcak's escapades to light and force him to support his child at a level that properly reflects the significant amount of money he actually earns selling comics, oftentimes under suspected fraudulent circumstances. We also need funds to pay for deposition and trial transcripts, and we need this money ASAP.


Every dollar or comic that can be donated will significantly help this effort. The members of this board have demonstrated their generosity numerous times when the circumstances were purely personal. Now is an opportunity to help strike a blow against someone who has adversely affected the hobby that we love. His continuing ability to maintain his subterfuge permeates a stain in our community and hurts us all.


If you are willing to donate funds of any amount, you can do so via paypal to me at ZaidMS@aol.com (and please specify the donation is for the Dupcak legal effort). \(thumbs u


If you are willing to donate comics for auction, here are various steps you can take:


(1) Post a scan of the book(s), an assessed grade if raw, and estimated value right here in this thread, and indicate whether you are willing to also assume the shipping costs to the buyer or desire the buyer to do so, or


(2) If you wish to remain anonymous, PM or e-mail me (EsquireComics@aol.com) a scan of the image, an assessed grade if raw, and estimated value and indicate whether you are willing to also assume the shipping costs to the buyer or desire the buyer to do so. I will arrange for the book(s) to be placed in the auction.


It would be really appreciated if the minimum estimated dollar value of the book(s) would be $50.00 or more, but any donation will be graciously accepted. The starting bid for each lot will be a mere 20% of the estimated value (i.e., a $50 book will have an opening bid of $10).


The auction thread will be found in the Virtual Comic Con Hall. When the auction goes live, I will post a link in this thread as well.


If you have any questions, you may contact me directly via PM or e-mail at EsquireComics@aol.com.


For additional background on Mr. Dupcak, I direct your attention to these links:


NYT Memorabilia Sale Helps Victims of Store Swindle (1/22/98)


Additional Background Information on Dupcak


On behalf of Jan and her child, you have our sincere appreciation for your forthcoming support.

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Zing! (although that action was to Mark's credit).


I'd also take issue with the idea that it is "creating far too much controversy and animosity in many different directions"


--frankly its not creating controversy, its creating consensus. For a controversy you need difference of opinion and there has been precious little of that.



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But this is not the forum to resolve that dispute.

If this isn't the forum to talk about issues concerning the hobby then what is it?

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I have been pretty adamant in my opposition to Bob's pity spam posting here and elsewhere. He spammed up the Houston Fan Page on Facebook to the point that he got banned from there. He then went off on a tirade against CGC. He gets suspended from these CGC boards and he goes on a tirade against CGC on Facebook. So I don't understand CGC's stance here unless it is simply a desire to not have to deal with Bob's tirades. Well buck up boys. Bob is ripping people off. Your goodwill would be better served by allowing those folks the platform your chat boards provide, rather making a public stand via that same platform to silence those who have been screwed.

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I have been pretty adamant in my opposition to Bob's pity spam posting here and elsewhere. He spammed up the Houston Fan Page on Facebook to the point that he got banned from there. He then went off on a tirade against CGC. He gets suspended from these CGC boards and he goes on a tirade against CGC on Facebook. So I don't understand CGC's stance here unless it is simply a desire to not have to deal with Bob's tirades. Well buck up boys. Bob is ripping people off. Your goodwill would be better served by allowing those folks the platform your chat boards provide, rather making a public stand via that same platform to silence those who have been screwed.

(thumbs u

I think Bob is actually his own worst enemy at this point and the comic collecting community does not need this type of person. To use your credentials as a comic historian and your medical issues to get ill gotten gains from benevolent individuals like Mathew and Jean Bails, is incredulous.

Trying to extort money from CGC in the All Star issue also show's his mindset even with the before pictures etc. He does need to have exposure to protect other individuals from his snare. It is sad that a person who "could" have been with his credentials and history a key positive player in the community, however making his problems everyone else's is really unsavoury.


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The issues surrounding Bob are spiraling out of control. There are many statements that can be considered defamatory being posted on the Boards and elsewhere, both directed at CGC and others.


CGC has always been very open and receptive in trying not to micromanage these boards but this situation is creating far too much controversy and animosity in many different directions and it cannot continue.


The best way to have this matter fade away is to simply let it go or at least take it elsewhere. Debating the situation merely adds fuel to the fire.


On behalf of CGC, I am respectfully asking everyone to please cease the discussion. CGC does not want to have to continually lock threads or suspend forum members. Of all places, the Gold Section has always been home to substantive comic book discussions and it should remain as such.




I don't read facebook, but I read the rants Bob posted here, it seems that he was the one ranting against CGC.


I'm disappointed in this post Mark. I'd expect CGC to remain the basically impartial host it has always been while it allows the community to address issues of concern. That's what attracts many of us to this site and as Michael pointed out, it's a venue you yourself have used in the past.

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I am just confused, billy. First I read a heroic post about Mark getting Matt his pulps a few weeks ago and "ending this" with some vague references about "other stuff going on". behind the scenes with Bob, .then that post is altered.


Now this...I'm usually pretty sympathetic when someone has a problem, but I wish he had used his time to finally answer on the Cole Schave thread instead.


I am, as I stated, disappointed in the post. I'd rather that they had just locked the thread if there was a problem instead of making an extraordinary exception.

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Zing! (although that action was to Mark's credit).


I'd also take issue with the idea that it is "creating far too much controversy and animosity in many different directions"


--frankly its not creating controversy, its creating consensus. For a controversy you need difference of opinion and there has been precious little of that.



Ditto. Seems like no one is left in Bob's corner.

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My guess is that the discussion first started around what CGC wanted to do about Bob's pretty libelous post on FB. Then, I would imagine there was a discussion concerning the risks/benefits of suing Bob. Meanwhile this thread has taken a sharp anti-Bob turn with allegations around ripping off the Bails.


So, with all due respect to Mark, I would wager that the discussion began to center around what recourse Bob might have against CGC. Realizing that Bob may countersue CGC, I theorize that CGC decided that starting to cut off potential troublesome discussions might be the best course to avoid potential liability.


I don't fancy myself a libel/slander attorney, but I believe most jurisdictions will not hold the chatboard owner liable for these kinds of torts. But I understand the desire of any company to simply avoid the expense and hassle of litigation altogether. That said, I would offer the following.


CGC uses these boards as an advertising and revenue generating vehicle. Quashing a perfectly valid discussion on the legitimacy of the dealings of a comic dealer seems like a slap in the face of the users. The boards serve as an avenue of information to buyers/dealers/CGC customers. Hand in hand with the benefit of all the ad revenue, affiliate link revenue, advertising, goodwill, etc., that CGC obtains from the boards is the risk of having to defend itself against frivolous lawsuits.


I'm not aware of any actual suits against CGC for the boards in the 10+ years they've operated. So, if the concern is the cost of defending a highly suspect lawsuit from Bob Beerbohm, then I would strongly urge Mark and the rest of CGC to weigh that against the value to the community to have these discussions. Further, while I have painfully learned that these are CGC's boards and they can moderate them as the choose, they should also consider the potential appearance of trying to silence what appears to be a level headed and factually based discussion.


I know that if all we are allowed to post about is rainbows and unicorns, then this place serves little purpose. Instead, you will/do have a lifetime membership of members and CGC customers if the choice is to foster an informative and thoughtful discussion website.

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My guess is that the discussion first started around what CGC wanted to do about Bob's pretty libelous post on FB. Then, I would imagine there was a discussion concerning the risks/benefits of suing Bob. Meanwhile this thread has taken a sharp anti-Bob turn with allegations around ripping off the Bails.


So, with all due respect to Mark, I would wager that the discussion began to center around what recourse Bob might have against CGC. Realizing that Bob may countersue CGC, I theorize that CGC decided that starting to cut off potential troublesome discussions might be the best course to avoid potential liability.


I don't fancy myself a libel/slander attorney, but I believe most jurisdictions will not hold the chatboard owner liable for these kinds of torts. But I understand the desire of any company to simply avoid the expense and hassle of litigation altogether. That said, I would offer the following.


CGC uses these boards as an advertising and revenue generating vehicle. Quashing a perfectly valid discussion on the legitimacy of the dealings of a comic dealer seems like a slap in the face of the users. The boards serve as an avenue of information to buyers/dealers/CGC customers. Hand in hand with the benefit of all the ad revenue, affiliate link revenue, advertising, goodwill, etc., that CGC obtains from the boards is the risk of having to defend itself against frivolous lawsuits.


I'm not aware of any actual suits against CGC for the boards in the 10+ years they've operated. So, if the concern is the cost of defending a highly suspect lawsuit from Bob Beerbohm, then I would strongly urge Mark and the rest of CGC to weigh that against the value to the community to have these discussions. Further, while I have painfully learned that these are CGC's boards and they can moderate them as the choose, they should also consider the potential appearance of trying to silence what appears to be a level headed and factually based discussion.


I know that if all we are allowed to post about is rainbows and unicorns, then this place serves little purpose. Instead, you will/do have a lifetime membership of members and CGC customers if the choice is to foster an informative and thoughtful discussion website.


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