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Hey! New poster - pre-code Horror and Crime comic book addict!!

296 posts in this topic

If thecreep is who he says he is perhaps the mods won't boot him and he will have a long and happy career here at the forums.



I would love that, but it's not going to be very happy for me at this rate!


I am guessing the mods/admins will have seen this thread by now, they've probably looked into this - if they thought there was anything untoward I would have thought my account would be gone by now.


I actually emailed them trying to clear this up, through the CGC site (via the contact link at the bottom of these boards), where I had to give my full name and address. Which I happily did because I've nothing to hide here.


Can we call an end to this now?


Yeah,I'm getting pretty tired of this too :P


All I can say is Welcome to the boards and have fun posting here.


Thanks, I hope I will. Off to bed now. I don't want to waste any more time on this.


Thanks for being so sweet through the whole thing!


EDIT: Just want to say before I sign off for today, that I can understand if Telepath is hesitant to concede he has been overzelous here and got the wrong end of the stick - it hardly looks good on him, treating someone new to the boards like this. In his position I would be embarrassed to admit I had been mistaken, too!


I just hope in time he can see I have told the truth here.




Anyway, have a good night guys.

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If thecreep is who he says he is perhaps the mods won't boot him and he will have a long and happy career here at the forums.



I would love that, but it's not going to be very happy for me at this rate!


I am guessing the mods/admins will have seen this thread by now, they've probably looked into this - if they thought there was anything untoward I would have thought my account would be gone by now.


I actually emailed them trying to clear this up, through the CGC site (via the contact link at the bottom of these boards), where I had to give my full name and address. Which I happily did because I've nothing to hide here.


Can we call an end to this now?


Yeah,I'm getting pretty tired of this too :P


All I can say is Welcome to the boards and have fun posting here.


Thanks, I hope I will. Off to bed now. I don't want to waste any more time on this.


Thanks for being so sweet through the whole thing!

No problem :cool:


The mods haven't said anything,so you should be ok.

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Well, I'd rather not disclose that. I will tell you North Yorkshire. There shouldn't be any doubt now! I've done all I can here.


Aside from posting my correspondence from a number of days ago with Mark (Esquire) I don't know what else I can do.






Let me get this right.


You would add a person on facebook, exposing said person to all of your friends and their frinds as well as their daily activities., girlfriends names, family members and where you all work etc etc ..... but wouldn't let said person know what school you attend ???


I don't know about you but I have about 600 plus friends on facebook from various provinces lived in, with multple schools, multple high schools, 2 different courses in post secondary school education and 15 years of playing both hockey, and football (soccer) and the last thing I would be worried about is telling someone what school I went to.





Rich, like I said, I only set up FB for my site. I have no intention of using it for personal use. I made this clear earlier in the thread.




Oh just for website usage. Just seemed a tad off but that doesn't mean your a shill in fact I hardly have spent enough time on these boards in the last couple years 2 know who these shills are myself.



As I indicated prior, we do have suspended members flying back in or trying 2 anyway and even selling the exact same books as their suspended counterparts.



If your new 2 the forums relax, most newbs are thought 2 be someone else and if your not, you have nothing to worry about.

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And again, posting any copies of e-mails proves nothing. I can get an e-mail account in any name I like within five minutes. And the fact that Mark Zaid received an e-mail from you means jack.


He also got a bunch from Nigerians promising him untold riches. meh


How did you know! Are you intercepting my e-mails FT? (tsk) Or perhaps you are one of those Nigerians!!!! :baiting::hi:


I can confirm that I did have a very pleasant, unassuming and non-suspicious e-mail discourse with The Creep a week or so ago. And I did, in fact, specifically recommend that he join to the Boards.


How could I not invite someone to join in the overwhelming family-friendly environment. meh:tonofbricks:


I can not speak to who he really is or if he is anyone other than who he claims, regardless of the coincidences that some may perceive by his posting style. Frankly, I don't really care. If he wants to meaningfully contribute to the boards, by all means happy to have him here regardless of who he is.


If he is DD trying to play me (or anyone else for that matter), please bring it on as it will simply cause me to work even harder to expose his fraudulent behavior and bring him to justice. But I have no reason at this time to believe this is what is going on.


I have sadly had to say this too many times in the recent weeks that this board, and particularly and almost exclusively this General Section, is a completely unwelcoming venue to newbies. People are too suspicious and aggressive with new posters.


There is no doubt that some of these folks are shills, but some of them are not. Sometimes I wish some of the more seasoned forumites (and I am not referring to anyone in particular who has participated in this thread) would be the ones to simply fade away rather than the alleged shills.


Eventually the shills will out themselves through some stupid statement or posturing, but the question is how long will a non-shill hang around here while being constantly bombarded by attacking posts.


That said, a newbie should be willing to identify themselves upfront as to who they are or else risk the wrath of those who will challenge them endlessly. Cryptic posts and not responding to requests for information (or photos) will not help resolve the debate and only further strengthen the conspiracy theories.


Personally, I hate the fact that the CGC boards, as well as others, allow "anonymous" user-name posting at all. I would, for one, like to know who I am talking to.


But that's just me.

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The Creep-

Don't waste your time trying to appease Telepath. Once he makes up his mind, nothing will change it.

Just carry on and ignore him.

Welcome to the Boards from another huge precode crime and horror fan!

From one shill to another (thumbs u


:gossip:hey..., what's the latest list of books that aren't selling for what they ought to....,???:cool:


Psssssssst! Just ask your buddies. After all, we all have a crystal ball and KNOW how much a book is worth!

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I have sadly had to say this too many times in the recent weeks that this board, and particularly and almost exclusively this General Section, is a completely unwelcoming venue to newbies. People are too suspicious and aggressive with new posters.


(thumbs u


They just need soothing newb relief...


There is no doubt that some of these folks are shills, but some of them are not. Sometimes I wish some of the more seasoned forumites (and I am not referring to anyone in particular who has participated in this thread) would be the ones to simply fade away rather than the alleged shills.


(thumbs u


Personally, I hate the fact that the CGC boards, as well as others, allow "anonymous" user-name posting at all. I would, for one, like to know who I am talking to.


But that's just me.


You have the advantage of being a lawyer. If someone wants to screw with you, you have resources at your fingertips that average schmucks do not. There are legitimate reasons to want to keep a low profile online, not the least of which is to keep a layer or two of protection between you and lunatics, if possible.


Has nothing to do with trying to "hide" anything (there are boardies who have known me for 10+ years, who have met me in person, and would happily vouch for me, for example.) It simply is an acknowledgement of the inherent risk one takes when interacting with people outside of one's community.


As well, if one has an opinion that anyone disagrees with, for any reason or no reason at all, and shares that opinion online, that experience can bite you in the rear forever. Frankly, I don't need potential employers and clients to see me share an opinion about ANYTHING, regardless of what it is.


Hell, there are "trusted and respected" board members who have posted personal information about me in fits of petulance that I gave in confidence and asked that such information NOT be posted. If those "trusted and respected" board members think nothing of breaking their word, what's to stop anyone?


Despite keeping a low proifle for over a decade, if you google my name, the first thing that comes up is a thread on another board called "The Rotten Ebay Sellers List" and my name is in the search result...despite the fact that *I* was the one who started that very thread!


Is anyone going to explore further to find that out?


Maybe not. As it is, it looks bad, even though it's not. I don't need more of that. Keeping a low profile certainly helps.


(thumbs u

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You have the advantage of being a lawyer. If someone wants to screw with you, you have resources at your fingertips that average schmucks do not. There are legitimate reasons to want to keep a low profile online, not the least of which is to keep a layer or two of protection between you and lunatics, if possible.


Has nothing to do with trying to "hide" anything (there are boardies who have known me for 10+ years, who have met me in person, and would happily vouch for me, for example.) It simply is an acknowledgement of the inherent risk one takes when interacting with people outside of one's community.


As well, if one has an opinion that anyone disagrees with, for any reason or no reason at all, and shares that opinion online, that experience can bite you in the rear forever. Frankly, I don't need potential employers and clients to see me share an opinion about ANYTHING, regardless of what it is.


Hell, there are "trusted and respected" board members who have posted personal information about me in fits of petulance that I gave in confidence and asked that such information NOT be posted. If those "trusted and respected" board members think nothing of breaking their word, what's to stop anyone?


Despite keeping a low proifle for over a decade, if you google my name, the first thing that comes up is a thread on another board called "The Rotten Ebay Sellers List" and my name is in the search result...despite the fact that *I* was the one who started that very thread!


Is anyone going to explore further to find that out?


Maybe not. As it is, it looks bad, even though it's not. I don't need more of that. Keeping a low profile certainly helps.


(thumbs u


Many of us have known your real name for quite some time, (redacted). We just don't advertise it because there's no reason to make your identity available to the masses. You're obviously a private person who guards his identity closely, and out of respect for you, we won't call you out.


I've known your name, your home address, and those of your relatives for over a year now. You dropped enough hints, that some diligent web searches proved fruitful. The searches weren't malevolent in the least, but when someone says "You can't find me!", I take that as a challenge and start looking for Waldo just to satisfy my curiosity.


I'd never do anything to compromise your ID, don't worry about that; just don't think that you're totally anonymous here.

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Beau, that is some funny sheit about you being Danny lol


I was also queried about being someone named 'Darwin'...I was like, "Who the $%^# are these people?!"


Just picked this book up.. Overstreet has it listed as the first{?} Horror Genre comic book ever printed...


I find it somewhat ironic that my post about how protective & insular this forum is, was followed up by a post from a member who is in The Hall of Shame.


I find it insulting your allowed to be on these boards. You did say you would physically harm my nephew Porcupine48. Something about a knife and his throat on these very boards.... Ring any bells there Beau??


I like Jimmers. You, on the other hand, are a human Vuvuzela.


Stop making noise. No one wants to hear what you're tootling out, and most would be happy if you just went away.



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Don't shills typically trip up eventually? If Creep isn't the real deal, it will come out. TBH, I have never seen such a grilling before in my life. If I were a newbie and this was how I was treated, i'd leave this place and tell everyone I know to stay away from it. (shrug)





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The number of friends on facebook is not a smoking gun.

I have a fictitious facebook account because my friends that wanted me on facebook so I can be kept up to date on all of their lame updates, but I didn't want old classmates tracking me down and starting long reunions. :blahblah:


According to the methods of scrutiny in this thread I wouldn't be cleared either. There aren't any photos of me there either although I do have photos of a certain dog with a follicle condition.

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I find it insulting your allowed to be on these boards.


How the can you find it insulting about somebody else being on the boards? Paid Filter81 the $1k you owe him yet? Have any remorse about it?


Thought not, now can it wanker.

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To those who think I've been unfair, heavy-handed, borderline psychotic about this...


I don't do this with noobs...give them a bit of hazing, yes, but I don't give them the Spanish Inquistion. The only time I really did it...and it wasn't immediately they joined, either...


...was with this guy.


There are a number of old-timers who have seen that particular individual come and go in at least eight different IDs and they are in agreement with me again...this is him.


However, I'm going to leave it be and you're welcome to him. When it all goes pear-shaped....as it always does with Thomas...I just hope that there isn't any collatteral damage.


Which was all I was trying to avoid in the first place.

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Here's what concerns me: If this poster is a 23 year old student that would make him born in 1987 and he would have been 10 or 12 in 1997-1999. Creepshow? ECs? Really?


Does not compute for me, but hey it could be true.



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