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Have you ever seen a ghost?

187 posts in this topic

Halloween is just a few days away, so here I am posting my annual inquiry into your experiences with ghostly apparitions. I know many of you don't believe in ghosts. Heck, I don't think I do, either. But I love hearing the stories, and it puts me in a Halloween mood. I, myself, have never seen anything paranormal, but I sure would like to.


So, without further ado, Have You Ever Seen a Ghost? Please share your stories... :popcorn:

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Have You Ever Seen a Ghost?


Only at the Stanley Hotel (the inspiration for Stephen King to write "The Shining," and scared the heck out Jim Carrey while filming scenes for "Dumb and Dumber") have I ever caught something even close to being considered "ghostly."


I'll have to see if I can dig up the photos which matched some of the stories told by other visitors where they found objects on film that definitely didn't appear to the human eye.


But I'm not saying they are ghosts. Just interesting.

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At the expense of being laughed at, this is a true story that I can share 'cause you asked.


I personally haven't, but I know someone that has, and sees them regularly (meaning if they are around they notice them). I think some people are predisposed to that sort of thing where they see beyond what the human eye can see. I also think women are more predisposed to this sort of thing than men are. I have a tough time believing this but this is out the story goes as I remember it:


Lou used to have a tough time in her old home. For some reason, even though she lived there for nearly 4 years she never settled in there. There was always something that made her uneasy in the house. She would hear noises, feel like she wasn't alone and just generally felt uneasy about the presence of something else that she could feel but couldn't explain.


In the evenings she would sit in her living room and there was a presence of some sort at the top of the stairs leading into the bedrooms. She didn't really pay a lot of attention to it at first (she tried to block it out, actually as it was unnerving) as it's one of those things that you are not sure if they are actually happening or not but over the years strange things began to happen.


Creaking noises, water or lights being turned on that she didn't remember. Just really odd things.


Now stuff like this is enough to make you think you are going batty but Lou soon came to recognize that the "presence" was really a small figure at the top of the stairs. Lou described it to me as a small, little child or a small lady sitting at the top of the stairs watching and just waiting up there.




I'm a very logical person and tried to explain it away to Lou as her imagination when we talked about. I'd even been over many times but never noticed anything. The odd time there was either water left running or a light left on and Lou or I couldn't remember if we had done it or not, so I just chalked it up to our forgetfulness and moved on. Sounds one sided enough, right? Lou is imagining things, right? But this is where it gets messed up for me...


When her mom Fiona came over one day (and at this point Lou had not said anything about her experiences to her mom), Fiona noticed it as well. She nonchalantly mentioned to Lou about the little man sitting on the top of the stairs and wondered if Lou and noticed him.




Lou's sister Samantha also noticed the figure. Sam would come over some evenings to babysit Lou's kids and do her laundry and Sam noticed this figure standing in a doorway watching Sam. Sam said that she had the feeling that the figure was wondering what she was doing in Lou's house. lol


It turns out that the ghost (or whatever you want to call it) was doing more than just "being" there. It was disturbing Lou's family. :fear:


Lou's son Julian would wake up at night scared. He would run into Lou's room as fast as he could and say that he felt someone's hands on him. Other nights Lou would walk into Julian's room to check on him and she'd find him either huddled in his bed under his cover (fully asleep) and clutching the bed with all his might as though he was being pulled away or he would actually be under his bed asleep. :eek:


Even though Lou never, ever told her kids what she had seen or heard it, Lou's kids also noticed the presence.


It became really tough for Lou and her family. Julian was not sleeping at night, so he was exhausted during the day. You have to understand that Julian is a deep sleeper and sleeps like the dead so this is very uncharacteristic of him.


The only reason I can explain that Sophie, Lou's daughter wasn't disturbed by this, was that she is a very strong, definite personality and just wouldn't take none of it. She's a no-nonsense person.


Julian is more like his mom...really easy going, fun loving and generally light and very different than Sophie.


It got to the point that it was affecting their every day lives.


So they talked about it, and Lou actually counseled with someone on how to deal with this. It turns out that someone that Lou had worked with had similar problems. Lou spoke to this someone named Crysta, and Crysta referred her to someone named Dora. Louise got hold of Dora on the phone and Dora (who knew no details about what was going on) asked Louise about the little man sitting at the top of her stairs.




Finally, after dealing with this for some time, Lou found out from a neighbor that 3 years prior to her moving in that a small, older Asian man has passed away of natural causes in the house, upstairs in Julian's room no less.


Lou, and Lou's family (and Dora) all believe that the ghost was this small, elderly Asian man who was stuck in the house.


Now you can laugh all you want, but this was pretty freaking real in the 4 years that it was going on.


There it is in a nutshell.

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you all are silly, everyone knows there are no such things as ghosts...


I'm just retelling the story as it happened. Like I said, I personally didn't see anything (even though I tried) and I have no explanation for how it all went down, but you have to admit that it's a freaky story.


Lou still has trouble talking about it, it was so disturbing.



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you all are silly, everyone knows there are no such things as ghosts...


I'm just retelling the story as it happened. Like I said, I personally didn't see anything (even though I tried) and I have no explanation for how it all went down, but you have to admit that it's a freaky story.


Lou still has trouble talking about it, it was so disturbing.


nothing personal roy, but I didn't even read your post (sorry) :foryou: ...just made a "generic" truism lol
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you all are silly, everyone knows there are no such things as ghosts...


I'm just retelling the story as it happened. Like I said, I personally didn't see anything (even though I tried) and I have no explanation for how it all went down, but you have to admit that it's a freaky story.


Lou still has trouble talking about it, it was so disturbing.


nothing personal roy, but I didn't even read your post (sorry) :foryou: ...just made a "generic" truism lol



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