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Do you tell the artist, you are not happy with their commission?

28 posts in this topic

I know many of you on the board throw down their hard earned dollars on commissions and some are hits and some are not.


What do you honestly do when a commission does not come out the way you expect? Do you just say nothing and pass the trash on these here boards?


Artists: Would you want your customer to give "real" feedback? Are you offended if someone does say something?



And go!


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Sean, will it burn a bridge? Is it constructive criticism?


I think I remember a post waaaaay back where you said you would say something to the artist because of being burned on a half assed sketch.


honestly, like my OP, your words were along the linesof putting down your hard earned cash.

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I have picked up some sketch covers and have not been happy..I just smile say thank you and move on. It sucks but I do not want to cause a scene or any drama for an artist. 2c

Out of all the commissions I have gotten only 2 made me a little unhappy.

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you make good points........... it really does depend on the moment and if I want to burn that bridge or not.........


dang got me there. Anyways I think the peaceful way is the way I will go from now on. There is too much good art out there that if I get a bad piece I will just not go back.

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It really would be interesting to get several artist points of view on this simply because I do like most apparently and hold my tongue. Just the fact they are doing anything at all for me in some instances seems enough but in others it really is all about the money you laid down for the product you received.

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I have a sketch that when I first saw it I did not like it. I was prepared to have it graded for SS and did not. Now I like the sketch and wish I would have.

I have another sketch in which the artist did not know the character she was drawing did not ask for reference and even if she did the sketch was just not good.

In both case I took my sketch, thanked the artist and left.

I have had an artist give me a sketch because he did not like it. (I did)

Telling an artist their sketch is not good, not detailed enough, or rushed is something I would not do.

But if you are paying for a sketch I do believe you have the right to express your displeasure to the artist.

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I always expect the person not to like the sketch and then I'm pleasantly surprised when they do.


Personally, I'm selling myself and my work and I will do whatever it takes to make the buyer happy. Within reason of course! I wouldn't want anyone to have to buy something they aren't happy with. And I want the customer happy cause I want the repeat business. I'm sure most artists are like that.


If you paid someone to paint your house and they missed a spot or didn't color it the color you picked out, you would want them to fix it, right?


I'm used to it anyway as most comic guys have editors telling them to fix stuff all the time. Unfortunately most artists have fragile egos that can be bruised very easily.


I'm an artist and I say let him know.


Is it me your talking about? ???

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For me, it depends on how well I know the artist. Being halfway across the world makes things even tougher for me. When I first joined the boards, I was wowed by sketches I saw from Bill, Ken Haeser and Anthony. I actually spoke to them about how I admired their work and was hoping to get a sketch from them sometime. All three of them were very friendly and well, (not sure if they remeber me), but I think it broke the ice and friendships were formed instead of just client/seller relationship.


I'm sure this will help in the sense that when I get sketches from these fabulous artists in future, I can be more open and tell them what I want, what I like and what I dislike and yet know (ok, HOPE), they won't think I'm too fussy or am a difficult customer. :)


It definitely won't be the same if I were to go to a con and get a random artist who i haven't met before (famous or not) to draw me a sketch because without the initial friendship, egos could easily get bruised and things could fly out of hand.


Ultimately, it's also the communication that makes or breaks. I'm sure if customers were to find the right words and express their thoughts to the artist, any reasonable artist would understand and try to ammend (if it's not too late!) and keep that in mind.


One other thing I'll like to share is that if you aren't sure of an artist's sketches, take a look at what he's done so far before commissioning him to do one. I'm no sketch expert, but when I first started out, I wanted a particular artist to do a sketch cos his artwork on a series I read was cool. Real good! Unfortunately, I happened to see a couple of sketches he did and didn't really find them appealing. Lucky I've got to know this forum and can see the stuff that people share, so it widened my knowledge and allowed me to make a more informed choice. I'm not saying the artist's sketch was bad, it was different from his artwork, and didn't appeal to me. So in this case, I'm glad I didn't spend an expensive sum to get a sketch I might not enjoy. In fact, this amount of money would be better spent on getting sketches from our awesome board artists! :headbang:

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What do you honestly do when a commission does not come out the way you expect? Do you just say nothing and pass the trash on these here boards?


I love communicating w/ artists that do my stuff. I like to laugh & tease, but I mock us all D'Argo. If I'm not going to let myself off the hook, why should I somebody else. I'm going to do it w/ a grin, though. Some lines I've used.


"Dude... is this mine or like... did u like... give me somebody elses?"


"So this is what inflation gets ya these days, hunh?"


"Dude... I know you've been busy, but were you like... awake when u did this?"


"Ah... I was the warm up, hunh?"


"U do remember I PAID for this, right?"



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What do you honestly do when a commission does not come out the way you expect? Do you just say nothing and pass the trash on these here boards?


I love communicating w/ artists that do my stuff. I like to laugh & tease, but I mock us all D'Argo. If I'm not going to let myself off the hook, why should I somebody else. I'm going to do it w/ a grin, though. Some lines I've used.


"Dude... is this mine or like... did u like... give me somebody elses?"


"So this is what inflation gets ya these days, hunh?"


"Dude... I know you've been busy, but were you like... awake when u did this?"


"Ah... I was the warm up, hunh?"


"U do remember I PAID for this, right?"





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I look at it as I'm paying an artist for their TIME.

I'm not an editor, and they're not painting my house. I'm a fan who sees it as a very unique opportunity to obtain an original piece of work from someone who, without a convention or special event, I would probably never have the chance to interact with.

They're traveling, staying in hotels, dealing with long lines of people (some who smell, have no social skills/manners) unreasonable demands), etc.

It would have to be an extreme example of an artist really not giving a to make me say, "Hey, what the heck is THIS?"


Artists DO tend to have fragile ego's. Why would I ever want to intrude on that, when I feel somewhat lucky to pay for a unique piece of art in the first place?


Just my 2c

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most of my sketches i get through others


so when looking at a con's list i look up every name till i get about 5 names that i like the art i saw (1 or 2 sketchs + backups incase the artist are busy) comicartfans is a great site


i don't think i could say a bad thing to the person, just bc i didn't like it doesn't mean others don't......i've seen a # of sketchs on hear i didn't like the style of but others praised it as great


i have 2 sketches, i saw the work the people do and it looked great, 1 person the way he did the chacter was a little off then what i'm use to, the other took punisher and made him clean shaven....it just looks really off

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Speaking of price levels, I actually saw someone refuse an Adam Hughes piece. If he hadn't already started working on mine and Mark Brooks didn't snag it I would have grabbed it in a heart-beat. Just some people have a perception in their mind of what they want.

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