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FAN EXPO CANADA™ 2011 - August 25th to 28th in Toronto, Canada - Now 4 Days!

562 posts in this topic

1. We have a show to run and a lot of work to do. If someone wants to facilitate for Cgc that is between them and Cgc.


2. Only Cgc knows the answer. I don't get it, I can only guess.


3. It didn't work out.


4. I'm in a hotel in Calgary writing this on my phone and limited internet. I'm fairly certain the service is express with signature required.


5. Because there was no where else to upgrade the VIPs who contacted us with their complaints and were locked out by the fire marshall last fall were given a list of items to choose from -DVDs, blu-rays, signed photos, prints, show exclusives and the like. The upgrades were only given to those people that contacted the show to complain and took the time to explain their problems at the show.



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1. We have a show to run and a lot of work to do. If someone wants to facilitate for Cgc that is between them and Cgc.


2. Only Cgc knows the answer. I don't get it, I think it is because they get free booth space. Maybe Wizard gives them hotel rooms as well - I don't know.


That is such a disappointing standpoint Kevin.

CGC has become THE one and only grading company for us collectors and I know how disappointed people will be if no options are given to facilitate the customer's desire to submit their signed comics.

CGC attended the Wizard show and even did a huge show in Chicago the same weekend? This year as far as I see there are no scheduling conflicts with FanExpo.

Why wouldn't Hobbystar try harder to make this happen?

We know you have a show to run and many things to organize but if this truly is a COMIC show as you state then some sort of CGC presence must be arranged even if incentives are given to overcome whatever reason is stopping them from attending.



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1. We have a show to run and a lot of work to do. If someone wants to facilitate for Cgc that is between them and Cgc.


2. Only Cgc knows the answer. I don't get it, I think it is because they get free booth space. Maybe Wizard gives them hotel rooms as well - I don't know.


That is such a disappointing standpoint Kevin.

CGC has become THE one and only grading company for us collectors and I know how disappointed people will be if no options are given to facilitate the customer's desire to submit their signed comics.

CGC attended the Wizard show and even did a huge show in Chicago the same weekend? This year as far as I see there are no scheduling conflicts with FanExpo.

Why wouldn't Hobbystar try harder to make this happen?

We know you have a show to run and many things to organize but if this truly is a COMIC show as you state then some sort of CGC presence must be arranged even if incentives are given to overcome whatever reason is stopping them from attending.



Being from Toronto I totally support this comment. CGC needs to be at huge shows like the TO show. At this point with CGC not there I have no huge incentive to attend other than to hunt for some keys I am missing which I could very well find elsewhere rather than stand half a day in line for. CGC at this show really needs to happen - please!! (worship)

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Listen, guys... It would be great, but they need to make the decision. They say the submissions were not as great as they would like, so perhaps KNOWING that you want to do books and telling THEM what you have in mind may get them to change their mind. Every year we talk and it is a long conversation. Perhaps by San Diego we can convince them to change their minds.

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O.K it's my turn..


I am in Philly this weekend. I have had a quick

chat with a few people from CGC. They are very

busy with on-site grading. We are gonna try to get together

and discuss Fan Expo.


A few quick points


1) The bigger than Stan Lee will not happen

this year. I have been working on 3 creators for a

few months and due to a variety of reasons

it just didn't work out for any of the 3 this year.

I have failed and regret making the statement.



2) What is wrong with you people?????

Demanding from us that CGC attends Fan Expo!!!

Really??? Seriously ????

Contact them.. Ask them why? Not us..




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O.K it's my turn..

2) What is wrong with you people?????

Demanding from us that CGC attends Fan Expo!!!

Really??? Seriously ????

Contact them.. Ask them why? Not us..



+1 (thumbs u

I have tried to stay out of this as much as I can but I had to chime in.



Some people are acting like kids and they need to grow up.

CGC is a business and make their choices.

You cant blame promoter for the choices others make..

Kevin and Tiz are doing the best they can and it is a remarkable show they do have set up.

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O.K it's my turn..


I am in Philly this weekend. I have had a quick

chat with a few people from CGC. They are very

busy with on-site grading. We are gonna try to get together

and discuss Fan Expo.


A few quick points


1) The bigger than Stan Lee will not happen

this year. I have been working on 3 creators for a

few months and due to a variety of reasons

it just didn't work out for any of the 3 this year.

I have failed and regret making the statement.



2) What is wrong with you people?????

Demanding from us that CGC attends Fan Expo!!!

Really??? Seriously ????

Contact them.. Ask them why? Not us..







Tiz And Kevin,


Thank you for trying to talk with CGC or at least arrange something for Fan Expo. I am sure all of us on the CGC Forums would be thrilled if you were able to convince CGC or an affiliate "like" DWC to come(I would prefer an Affiliate to take my books since I will not be able to make FanExpo this year).


As for asking them why. I have done that on the phone and in email. As per one of my previous posts :

I even offered up 20+ books for grading and was still given the same info "NO".

I have checked with :


CGC - Eric Downton :I am sorry, but we have no plans to attend FanExpo at this time. Canadian shows unfortunately do not always pay the bills and we have not had luck with FanExpo in the past. It is possible that may change as we get closer to the date, but I do not expect it to change.


DWC: will be traveling between Conventions at that time


NYComics: will not be attending this event either.


Looks like we will not have anyone taking SS subs for FanExpo :(


If you know another company that would be willing to attend and take SS Subs; I do not have a problem asking them via phone or email. :)


Best wishes with FanExpo - CGC or No CGC :whee:



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O.K it's my turn..

2) What is wrong with you people?????

Demanding from us that CGC attends Fan Expo!!!

Really??? Seriously ????

Contact them.. Ask them why? Not us..



+1 (thumbs u

I have tried to stay out of this as much as I can but I had to chime in.



Some people are acting like kids and they need to grow up.

CGC is a business and make their choices.

You cant blame promoter for the choices others make..

Kevin and Tiz are doing the best they can and it is a remarkable show they do have set up.


And here lies the problem gentlemen - Fan Expo attitude from last year until this point. Not until CGC Board members become confrontational do we get answers. Had you been straightforward or answered questions truthfully in a timely manner we would not be "acting like kids" or "having something wrong with us".


What everyone seems to be avoiding is the irony of this situation. Where are we? Let me remind you: THE CGC FORUM! OMG! That means you are advertising your event on a forum for people who support CGC GRADED comics. So when board members question why a show in the 7th largest metro market in North America and one of the largest Comic (as you said Tiz this has always been a comic show) and Fan-related shows doesn't have the company involved who is responsible for the Forum you are advertising in, don't fire back insults at us. If you do not want constructive criticism either continue to ignore us as you have until this point or do something about it.


It is pretty sad that a Toronto show the fraction of your size already has CGC secured next year. That is why you cannot use the excuse of amount of submissions - your CGC booth lineups from last year dwarfed what I saw at WW Toronto. If you were working together with them in any capacity I am sure you could find a solution.

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O.K it's my turn..

2) What is wrong with you people?????

Demanding from us that CGC attends Fan Expo!!!

Really??? Seriously ????

Contact them.. Ask them why? Not us..



+1 (thumbs u

I have tried to stay out of this as much as I can but I had to chime in.



Some people are acting like kids and they need to grow up.

CGC is a business and make their choices.

You cant blame promoter for the choices others make..

Kevin and Tiz are doing the best they can and it is a remarkable show they do have set up.


And here lies the problem gentlemen - Fan Expo attitude from last year until this point. Not until CGC Board members become confrontational do we get answers. Had you been straightforward or answered questions truthfully in a timely manner we would not be "acting like kids" or "having something wrong with us".


What everyone seems to be avoiding is the irony of this situation. Where are we? Let me remind you: THE CGC FORUM! OMG! That means you are advertising your event on a forum for people who support CGC GRADED comics. So when board members question why a show in the 7th largest metro market in North America and one of the largest Comic (as you said Tiz this has always been a comic show) and Fan-related shows doesn't have the company involved who is responsible for the Forum you are advertising in, don't fire back insults at us. If you do not want constructive criticism either continue to ignore us as you have until this point or do something about it.


It is pretty sad that a Toronto show the fraction of your size already has CGC secured next year. That is why you cannot use the excuse of amount of submissions - your CGC booth lineups from last year dwarfed what I saw at WW Toronto. If you were working together with them in any capacity I am sure you could find a solution.



Hey mndb369,


Don't forget Montreal Comic-Con Sept 17 -18th has DWC - CGC this year with Stan Lee as the guest speaker. However they do not currently have the guest list that FanExpo is currently entertaining.

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[font:Book Antiqua]

At this point of the conversation...


I want to invite a CGC representative

to join us in this conversation


And explain WHY...

they decide to appear year after year

in and small, still unpopular comic convention

like Wizard comic con

and refuse to join Fan expo...[/font]



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am i missing something but $35.00 to ship a ticket to the states? on top of the cost of the ticket?


Probably using like UPS, Purolator or FedEx, to ship quickly, and to pretty much guarantee that the ticket arrives. Personally, I would rather it be through one of those, instead of regular mail.

WTF! I get my plane tickets/boarding passes over the Internet! They cost a lot more than these do. They can't figure out a way to send them so they could be printed by the purchaser? Are they still using dogsleds up there?


So Jason I guess it is ok that our CGC board brothers from the States can poke fun at us "up here" because no one has offered a proper explanation.


Doesn't bother me if they poke fun. I'd do the same, but I am afraid to be shot, with them being legally allowed carry guns on the streets.


Joking aside, thinking about kdoginohio's comment, from my personal experiences, every the cons I've been to, when printing out advance tickets, I was given a barcode or a receipt, that I had to print out, to bring to the con, only to line up at the ticket booth, and switch the barcode or receipt, for a pass or wristband.


This is to ensure that the barcode or receipt, are not used again. This was done at Fan Expo (barcode system, long line, but with several thousand people, it's bound to be long), WW Toronto (barcode system, walked right up to the booth, not busy at all), and Motor City Comic Con (receipt to switch up for passes at the Will Call booth, then to switch the passes for wristbands... slow... one booth to check the names, with their master list).


Based on kdoginohio's comment, he suggests that we get our actual entrance passes, printed. I kinda like the idea, but here's where I see the flaw. Re-entry.


Using the Air Canada Centre as an example, they uses the same method that kdoginohio is asking about, printing the passes. I can print out my Leafs tickets, and use that barcode to get in. No problem. However, if I step outside, I'm done. I can't get back in. Even with a physical ticket, I can't get back in. Once the barcode is scanned, it's done.


I don't know the policies at the airport, since I don't fly that often, but I would think that re-entry is not an option, once you get through security (someone correct me if I'm wrong).


At the con, there is re-entry. So, without an actual pass/badge/wristband, it makes it significantly difficult to keep track of who actually paid, and who is given a photocopy of the printed pass. Hand stamps, not secure enough. Giving out the pass/badge/wristband, as people are going into the con floor, causes significant backlog, for those that already have their passes, and just want to enter.


I see the current method being correct, because of that re-entry factor alone. However, it does needs to be improved, to move the thousands of people in a lot quicker, to get their passes. The optional shipping service, is one improvement to speed up the advance ticket pick-up line, if people choose to use the service.


Now, I'm going to take a step away from all the bickering here, and try to watch from the sidelines. Try, being the keyword.


Off to the igloo I go, to get some sleep.

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mndb369 and Bruno_s4...


Lets get something straight here... We cant make someone or a company do something they don't want to... Im not sure if you think we have magical powers or something... Though with our tremendous guest list, you would think we do...


CGC is more than welcome to exhibit at Fan Expo Canada... All they need to do is fill out the application and send in a check, and I will personally process it and find a suitable location for them... This is the same process for everyone including Disney, Marvel, DC, Warner Bros, etc...


Now you, as a customer, need to tell CGC you want them there... For Fan Expo's stance, we sell out our exhibit space every year... So there is no need for us to push/bully/beg a company to exhibit at our event... Especially one that has shown very little to no interest... Maybe they have an exclusive deal with the other event... We dont know... That is their business...


Hope that clarifies our position...



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mndb369 and Bruno_s4...


Lets get something straight here... We cant make someone or a company do something they don't want to... Im not sure if you think we have magical powers or something... Though with our tremendous guest list, you would think we do...


CGC is more than welcome to exhibit at Fan Expo Canada... All they need to do is fill out the application and send in a check, and I will personally process it and find a suitable location for them... This is the same process for everyone including Disney, Marvel, DC, Warner Bros, etc...


Now you, as a customer, need to tell CGC you want them there... For Fan Expo's stance, we sell out our exhibit space every year... So there is no need for us to push/bully/beg a company to exhibit at our event... Especially one that has shown very little to no interest... Maybe they have an exclusive deal with the other event... We dont know... That is their business...


Hope that clarifies our position...




I will explain my point of view in terms that a business-minded individual like yourself understands and then I will be done with this:


You mentioned Disney, Marvel, DC, Warner Bros, etc... Please do not play me for a fool if you are going to tell me that at some point in the early years of Hobbystar you didn't start a business to business relationship with these companies that established an annual practice of participating - hence the "send in an app and check and we are done" approach. If Marvel one day decided not to attend don't tell me you would not be on the phone with them in a nanosecond to at least find out why.


That leads me to my next point. IF you had any proper relationship established with CGC you would know why. People would not be barking about it if you had an explanation. I fully agree with the fact that it is your business to run as you see fit and you should not beg anyone to come exhibit at your show. But if you're going to advertise the show in an open forum for CGC board members who want to see CGC at your show then deal with the questions and potential criticism properly and explain the situation. Do not respond with:




You have no idea as to what you are talking about.



Late, empty, childish remarks only makes matters worse.

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mndb369 and Bruno_s4...


Lets get something straight here... We cant make someone or a company do something they don't want to... Im not sure if you think we have magical powers or something... Though with our tremendous guest list, you would think we do...


CGC is more than welcome to exhibit at Fan Expo Canada... All they need to do is fill out the application and send in a check, and I will personally process it and find a suitable location for them... This is the same process for everyone including Disney, Marvel, DC, Warner Bros, etc...


Now you, as a customer, need to tell CGC you want them there... For Fan Expo's stance, we sell out our exhibit space every year... So there is no need for us to push/bully/beg a company to exhibit at our event... Especially one that has shown very little to no interest... Maybe they have an exclusive deal with the other event... We dont know... That is their business...


Hope that clarifies our position...






I have been on the phone and email with CGC. I have told them I want them at FanExpo; people in this CFC Forum have told them they want a CGC rep there! My response from CGC is they do not make enough money as per:

I have checked with :


CGC - Eric Downton :I am sorry, but we have no plans to attend FanExpo at this time. Canadian shows unfortunately do not always pay the bills and we have not had luck with FanExpo in the past. It is possible that may change as we get closer to the date, but I do not expect it to change.


DWC: will be traveling between Conventions at that time


NYComics: will not be attending this event either.


Looks like we will not have anyone taking SS subs for FanExpo :(


I and I assume others in this forum hope the new talks that Tiz mentioned will go over well with CGC and they will decide to join the FanExpo event.


As for your comment or statement to the CGC forum members:

Now you, as a customer, need to tell CGC you want them there... For Fan Expo's stance, we sell out our exhibit space every year... So there is no need for us to push/bully/beg a company to exhibit at our event... Especially one that has shown very little to no interest


Hope that clarifies our position...




There is only So much both sides can do here : we the customer and you FanExpo, but in reality who will be the one to get CGC to Fanexpo: That would be the People hosting the Event Business to Business relations. You at FanExpo are able to communicate with people at CGC that we the customer are not able too. Sure we the customer can hound CGC with emails and phone requests asking them and pleading with CGC to attend. That will only go so Far. - And yes I know you will say the same thing Hsm!

As a person that runs and owns a Business I do not ask my customers to communicate with my venders I ask them to come to me and then I will be the entity that fullfils their request. If I can fill the request great, if not then I let the customer know. But atleast I make an honest (none BS) effort and I explain to the customer as to why I could not meet their expectations. - expect push back, its human nature. learn to deal!


Yes it does Clarify your "Position" HSM -FanExpo asked CGC to attend, they said, "no thank you" and no other effort was made to have CGC at FanExpo until FanExpo members started getting "B itched" at in a "CFC FORUM" by CGC Collectors!


We the CGC collectors are part of your customer base for FanExpo, Make a little more an effort like Tiz and just tell us you are going to try talking with CGC. Don't make this into a Battle of words.


And last thing. Any business person that tells me as a customer, " we sell out our exibit space every year and there is no need to make an effort for my customers to have an exibit they would like at an event ". For one that is a very POOR attitude to have toward your customer base and secondly you just told everyone in this forum you could care less if they attended FanExpo! Hsm you might want to stop typing and let Tiz or Kevin handle the typing from this point forward! :slapfight:


Sorry for the long Post, I am just tired of the BS retorts! Yes you can call my post a retort as well!


Hope this Clarifies my position.....


CGC Forum member :whee:

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Does all of this talk mean that when CGC sets up at WW Toronto, that enough people submit books to them to make it worthwhile for them to attend and say they'll come back next year? And that when CGC sets up at the Expo, that there are less people who submit books than at WW Toronto?

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It takes 2 to make a relationship... Tiz and Kevin have tried on our end to have CGC at Fan Expo... They are just not interested... Maybe they can't afford our rates... I dont know... Let me ask why you are not giving this much grief to CGC? They are the ones that decided not to be at Fan Expo... and even if we did know the reason, we couldn't discuss it for confidentiality reasons anyways... but we really dont know... Though someone else on the boards mentioned they didnt do well, which is a valid reason, in my opinion...


Next, you are right that we would question Marvel if they didnt decide to come back... but that affects more the the 10-12 people who dearly want CGC at Fan Expo... The majority of our efforts have to be placed towards catering to 60.000+ people... but, as you can see, we do place an effort towards small companies such as CGC because of the handful of Fan Expo fans that want them there... but with no success in this instance... not sure what else you want us to do...


Ziazmere, I think it is very clear that we have made a sincere effort to have CGC at Fan Expo... Kevin and Tiz have both spoken to them on the phone and in-person...





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im just curious, does CGC do other shows in cities that WIZARD also puts on shows? could it be just a simple NON COMPETE clause in a contract they have with wizard or something like that?

and i have to say, no matter what differences a company has with customers, im a bit surprised at the way some posts are responded to. its becoming a school yard contest and thats sad.

i'll be there again this year and will enjoy myself again. thats all that matters to me

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im just curious, does CGC do other shows in cities that WIZARD also puts on shows? could it be just a simple NON COMPETE clause in a contract they have with wizard or something like that?


C2E2 (Reed) and Chicago Comic Con (Wizard). NYCC (Reed) and Big Apple Comic Con (Wizard).

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