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Strangely Poetic

27 posts in this topic

I thought I wrote out, "Bite the dog." upon a yellow note,

But when I read it back it said, "Don't forget to row your boat."

Now have I lost my mind?

And which is what I wrote?


I thought I wrote down, "Look at me." upon the blackboard green,

But when I read it back it said "Your father ain't no beauty queen."

Have my squirrels all gone bonkers?

And which is what I mean?


I thought I wrote down, "Eat a peach." upon a rainbow trout,

But when I read it back it said, "Fake it when you're in doubt."

Have I weasels in my pumpkins?

And what is it I'm all about?


Neither rain, nor sleet, nor snow; Nor dark of night, nor light of day; Nor fear of fear, nor words of love; Nor corn of cob, Nor ice, nor cream; Nor milk, nor shake, nor can of worms; Nor poodle dog, nor idle threat, Nor fish, nor sticks, Nor hedge, nor hog; Nor dip of clam, nor head of ache; Nor smelly socks, Nor fluffy kittens

Shall keep me from my appointed rounds.



I thought I wrote down "Spatulas." along the dotted line.

But when I read it back it said, "Keep it up, you're doing fine."

Oh, I've sprung a leak in my attic,

And I'm not yet thirty-nine!



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My one, off-topic, random post of the year :cloud9:


:headbang: And it was f***ing awesome :thumbsup:

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Speak gently! It is better far

To rule by love than fear

Speak gently; let no harsh word mar

The good we may do here!


Speak gently to the little child!

Its love be sure to gain;

Teach it in accents soft and mild;

It may not long remain.


Speak gently to the young, for they

Will have enough to bear;

Pass through this life as best they may,

’Tis full of anxious care!


Speak gently to the aged one,

Grieve not the care-worn heart;

Whose sands of life are nearly run,

Let such in peace depart!


Speak gently, kindly to the poor;

Let no harsh tone be heard;

They have enough they must endure,

Without an unkind word!


Speak gently to the erring; know

They must have toiled in vain;

Perchance unkindness made them so;

Oh, win them back again.


Speak gently; Love doth whisper low

The vows that true hearts bind;

And gently Friendship’s accents flow;

Affection’s voice is kind.


Speak gently; ’tis a little thing

Dropped in the heart’s deep well;

The good, the joy, that it may bring,

Eternity shall tell.

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Am a poet and I didn't even know it! :grin:

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Structure your sentences carefully, or I may disemvowel you.


If one can eat one's words, can one not drink a letter?


Your blowing my mind right now.













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Structure your sentences carefully, or I may disemvowel you.


If one can eat one's words, can one not drink a letter?


Your blowing my mind right now.
















It's a scandal! It's an outrage! We must start a revolution!

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Structure your sentences carefully, or I may disemvowel you.


If one can eat one's words, can one not drink a letter?


Your blowing my mind right now.
















It's a scandal! It's an outrage! We must start a revolution!





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`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves

Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:

All mimsy were the borogoves,

And the mome raths outgrabe.



"Beware the Jabberwock, my son!

The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!

Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun

The frumious Bandersnatch!"


He took his vorpal sword in hand:

Long time the manxome foe he sought --

So rested he by the Tumtum tree,

And stood awhile in thought.


And, as in uffish thought he stood,

The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,

Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,

And burbled as it came!


One, two! One, two! And through and through

The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!

He left it dead, and with its head

He went galumphing back.


"And, has thou slain the Jabberwock?

Come to my arms, my beamish boy!

O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!'

He chortled in his joy.



`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves

Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;

All mimsy were the borogoves,

And the mome raths outgrabe.

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"You are old, Father William," the young man said,

"And your hair has become very white;

And yet you incessantly stand on your head—

Do you think, at your age, it is right?"


"In my youth," Father William replied to his son,

"I feared it might injure the brain;

But now that I'm perfectly sure I have none,

Why, I do it again and again."


"You are old," said the youth, "As I mentioned before,

And have grown most uncommonly fat;

Yet you turned a back-somersault in at the door—

Pray, what is the reason of that?"


"In my youth," said the sage, as he shook his grey locks,

"I kept all my limbs very supple

By the use of this ointment—one shilling the box—

Allow me to sell you a couple?"


"You are old," said the youth, "And your jaws are too weak

For anything tougher than suet;

Yet you finished the goose, with the bones and the beak—

Pray, how did you manage to do it?"


"In my youth," said his father, "I took to the law,

And argued each case with my wife;

And the muscular strength which it gave to my jaw,

Has lasted the rest of my life."


"You are old," said the youth, "one would hardly suppose

That your eye was as steady as ever;

Yet you balanced an eel on the end of your nose—

What made you so awfully clever?"


"I have answered three questions, and that is enough,"

Said his father; "don't give yourself airs!

Do you think I can listen all day to such stuff?

Be off, or I'll kick you down stairs!"


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