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Captain America: The Reviews are coming in and its a heaping pile of....UPDATED!

178 posts in this topic

Just seen it tonight. It was awesome.


Everyone cheered and clapped at the end and after the credits after the Avengers thing. Everyone was really into this movie. Was a little taken by the clapping, wasn't expecting that. I really liked this one. Much better then what I was expecting. This was a really good superhero movie. The way they should be.


On a side note, the Spider-Man trailer was pretty much a dud with everyone there. I heard someone say "This looks like k-rap!"

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Just got back to watching it in 3D (first time I have saw a movie in 3D too).And yeah--that movie was just what I was looking for. :cloud9:


Anytime I watch a comic movie, I ask myself: Would my wife watch this and not think less of me? lol


To give you an idea what works and doesn't work for her: All Christopher Nolan Batman films (incl. 3 which she hasn't even seen yet) are top-notch in her book. She also really enjoy Iron Man 1. Now, Iron Man 2 was NOT a good movie for her and the only thing saving Edward Norton's "Incredible Hulk" is that she thought Liv Tyler was cute. I took her to Ghost Rider and the only part she liked was when the lizard is suddenly set aflame (she did laugh out loud for that)--otherwise, she thought the movie was goofy as it gets. I can tell you this: I'd have no problem at all taking her to this film.


Solid action sequences that (minus the laser guns from Hydra) were really tight and well done. I did notice the very very subdued use of Nazi imagery, and I suspect that was intentional (as it'd be problematic for European and especially German audiences--I think there are laws about swaztikas over there).


Acting was solid and I had no complaints at all. The only times the dialogue sounded a little cheesy was when it seemed to fit within the context of the time period. And like Mark--I LOVED seeing the stack of Captain America #1s. It DEFINITELY felt like an inside joke with the fanboys as how many of us saw that and thought " :o OMG! That pile would be worth $$$$$$!!!"


I also appreciated how they left certain ... storyline possibilities open. I won't go into detail so I don't spoil the movie, but I like that they can really move in multiple directions following the end of this film and moving into The Avengers.


@Mister Comics: I had the same experience with the Spider-Man preview. While I'm still looking forward to it (being a die hard Spidey fan), it was a flat response in the theater, and frankly, I was REALLY underwhelmed with that preview.


**Edit** in one of the review above, it said there wasn't a post-credit teaser scene... well, yes, it DID. So if you haven't seen it yet--you want to stay after the credits for the teaser scene and trailer for The Avengers!

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With all the hype, I was a bit disappointed with the movie. Certain parts of the movie I thought it dragged a bit. Glad I watched it and it had some cool scenes, especially the use of the shield.


The teaser trailor after the credits looked awesome!!!


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I liked it a lot, very fun to watch. Better than Thor but not as good as X-men first class. Much better than GL. 2c


The crowd cheered several times during the movie and went crazy for the clip after the credits.



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**Edit** in one of the review above, it said there wasn't a post-credit teaser scene... well, yes, it DID. So if you haven't seen it yet--you want to stay after the credits for the teaser scene and trailer for The Avengers!


(thumbs u


Thanks for the heads up. 4 out of 5 of the Sensei clan are going to see it this afternoon.


On an unrelated note, I ended up doing four entries for the graphic novel encyclopedia thing.

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Solid action sequences that (minus the laser guns from Hydra) were really tight and well done. I did notice the very very subdued use of Nazi imagery, and I suspect that was intentional (as it'd be problematic for European and especially German audiences--I think there are laws about swaztikas over there).


I noticed that also about the low profile of the Nazis. Even in the scene where you have 3 SS officers, only 1 is wearing the red swastika arm band and they vaguely, vaguely show it. Usually in most WWII movies I've seen they're all wearing the bright red arm band.


Not sure about the European audiences, there's been plenty of WWII movies with the Nazis prominently portrayed. Maybe they didnt want to offend the Nazis? (shrug) They could have easily shown the younger audience that Cap was fighting the Nazis along with Hydra and maybe could have gotten them interested in some WWII history. Oh and that Hydra salute was corny!

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Went to a late showing and needless to say...it was AWESOME.


IMO, better than Thor and better than X-Men 1st class. Overall I would even go far as to say it is my favorite superhero movie so far (Iron Man being a close second).


Chris Evans was the PERFECT Cap. Haley Atwell was very attractive (especially in the bar scene where she is in the red dress....WOW!).


I have heard some critics say it was too long. Not for me...I didn't want the movie to end. I looked at my phone a few times during the movie, but instead of the usual "Ugh, how much longer do I have to sit through this" it was "Damn, there is only X minutes left!".


The only gripe maybe that I have is that I wish Red Skull wore a swastika. Would have been a bit more menacing I think.


And of course the Avengers trailer at the end is a fanboys wet dream. That movie is (hopefully) going to blow everything out of the water. Cannot wait for that one.


Marvel has done a superb job with their superhero movies so far. The only weak link (for me at least) was Hulk. IM, IM2, Thor, and now Cap. One could only dream what would have been if they had the movie rights to Spidey and X-Men...

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Just saw it. Thought it was enjoyable. Good to see Cap in action, although it was against Hydra not the Nazis.


I'd rate it about the same as Thor (7 out of 10).




Anybody else see the sign for Phineas Horton at the exhibiition.




My buddy pointed it out to me.. I thought it was pretty neat nod


There was something even cooler in that scene...



At the world's fair you can see the GA Human Torch in the glass tube in android form. Now tht was subtle, cool, and a tip of the hat to comic geeks


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I have to say I enjoyed much more than I thought I would. I got over my fanboy hesitancy about the costume and lack of secret identity, and was pleased with the changes in Cap's rank etc, as it made more sense actually than the original stories from the GA.


Overall I enjoyed it every bit as much as Thor and slightly more than First Class. Definitely a very good movie. The post credit stuff and Avengers trailer really got me fired up.

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**Edit** in one of the review above, it said there wasn't a post-credit teaser scene... well, yes, it DID. So if you haven't seen it yet--you want to stay after the credits for the teaser scene and trailer for The Avengers!


(thumbs u


Thanks for the heads up. 4 out of 5 of the Sensei clan are going to see it this afternoon.


On an unrelated note, I ended up doing four entries for the graphic novel encyclopedia thing.


Wow! I only stuck with doing the one I initially was assigned. I wanted to do more, but the call came too late in the semester as I was trying to close up shop at work and prep for my candidacy exams. I'm awful about biting off more than I can chew, but even I knew enough to pass! lol


This will sound stupid, but I was kind of glad they played down the whole love-interest angle. It was there, but very subdued and classy. Don't get me wrong: I'm looking forward to Scarlett Johansen again for The Avengers :cloud9: but I thought the way they did it with Cap was much more in keeping with the homage to the WWII era films--not too over the top.


And yeah, that's a really good point about playing down the Nazi background as a part of their marketing / merchandise campaign. I'm sure that factored in as well.


But yeah, I'm happy to report that no "beer goggles" on the film--I still think it was a fun and satisfying film the morning after!

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I saw it last night with friends and thoroughly enjoyed it.


Nice to see most of the Howlers on screen and a nice little nod to comic fans with Zola's first appearance being his face on a screen.

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a bunch of us saw it last night, THE best marvel movie I have seen yet! Thanks Conan


You're welcome! Had a lot of fun, glad you stayed for the late show!


Excellent movie! I think they pulled off the tricky task of showing how the character comes to be and having it be believable but not hokey. Good costume, good character in general. Also liked the bit with him punching out Hitler. The Red Skull was well done.


Regarding the red dress scene with Peggy Carter--in our theater somebody in the front of the theater exclaimed something like "Wow!" when she appeared on screen, and the whole theater laughed and cheered.

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a bunch of us saw it last night, THE best marvel movie I have seen yet! Thanks Conan


This review is all I needed.


I am going to leave the office, shockingly, & go home to grab my best little guy & the two of us will see this flick @ 4 pm today.


Death to HYDRA.

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Saw the movie yesterday and really enjoyed it. A very solid movie. My girlfriend also really enjoyed it too.


On another note, I shipped some ebay sales at the Post Office today, and the post worker upon seeing my labels marked "comic books" on the shipping forms, she asked me if I saw the latest comic book movie that came out yesterday, I replied "Yes". She told me that she saw it with her daughter at an advanced screening on Wednesday night and they both really enjoyed it too!

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Just saw it. Thought it was enjoyable. Good to see Cap in action, although it was against Hydra not the Nazis.


I'd rate it about the same as Thor (7 out of 10).




Anybody else see the sign for Phineas Horton at the exhibiition.




My buddy pointed it out to me.. I thought it was pretty neat nod


There was something even cooler in that scene...



At the world's fair you can see the GA Human Torch in the glass tube in android form. Now tht was subtle, cool, and a tip of the hat to comic geeks


That was great, and the best part of the movie imo


+1. Anyone that goes to see it should, of course, stay until the very end of the credits...

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