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Post your San Francisco/Tom Reilly books
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if you, a dealer, "gladly" paid more than $150 for that book, you need to better acquaint yourself to life in fawcett-land, outside of a few keys and raboy covers.


and nothing you could have done, even including accepting my last offer, would have "helped" me. bob, i don't collect non-raboy cover c. mids. i attempted to buy a book from you to help you out in light of the repeated invitations to boardies in this thread to contribute to kara's medical situation.


I've tried too, Billy..When he was first ill, I made a few offers at guide and they were rejected so I gave up. I keep looking for something I might possibly collect in a somewhat normal price range, but I can't seem to find anything. I'm sure there are wonderful books here, just not in my range.


Bob, I'd gladly donate some cash if you want to start a thread, I'd rather do that than buy something I don't need...but you said you didn't want donations :shrug:


I've offered to help set up a thread for your daughter on the boards with your own books, but you have to be willing to take them off other sites. If that is what you would like to do, please get back to me. We spoke about this at length, but you never got back to me.


I'm very sorry about your daughter... if you want me to help with a straight donation thread where people donate cash and or books, I'll be happy to assist you. Just let me know.


However, I need some clear clues as to how you'd like to proceed, and you have to keep up with it. I know you are busy, but some of us are, too..and are just trying to help out.



Of course you could just do it all yourself, if you don't really need my help.

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I just wish the posts were shorter :insane::baiting:


he's like a skyscraper---he wouldn't give his 13th sub-part that number; just called it a p.s. he's seemingly as scared of that number as i am of his grading.

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Maybe some of you will learn one day "how" some aspects of eBay works:


1) list your item as Buy In Now Or Best Offer (which is what I do)


2) it is listed for 30 days


3) one can even make short term discount "sales" of various durations and scope. This CM #23 I listed out at $300 from day one.

My norm is a 20% short term duration semi store wide 'sale"

at which point I tighten up discounting further on many items

I would rather hang on to it and enjoy for a spell, allowing for quite a few lower grade items to filter out many a time as "bargains"


4) at the end of 30 days, items de-list on eBay and then have to be re-listed


5) one can either "re" list any given item, or not


6) About 30 books "fell out" last night, this CM #23 one of them


7) this Capt Midnight was re-listed along with the other 30 or so books last night


8) OK, so I forgot you made a third try up to a paltry $150 - I get in many offers daily on the vintage popular cutlure artifacts I list. Hundreds a week from all over the world. Just like the "big" guys in the biz. Imagine that.


9) I had come down to $200 "help" you out

- out of which i also pay eBay FVF much less a 'cost of goods' concept


10) I gladly paid more than $150 for this particular comic book

- tis a powerful cover denoting Japanese Americans supposedly making an escape from a USA concentration camp

- Have only had a few copies of this scarcer book in some 45+ years of doing the comics mail order gig.


11) have a great week end, one and all,

have fun with your pot shots, get a life,

and I know some just be teasing, -:)

I am still standing and growing stonger daily


12) back to work I go once again scanning more books

plus filling a steady stream of orders.

I thank one and all for sampling my wares.

Each order is very much appreciated.


PS If one uses an android type phone in order to try to conduct eBay business, much of the data which one would see in a laptop or table top computer simply drops out - so eBay tells me. I have learned to tell when some one is probably using an android "smart" phone based on the query they might send in which is 999 times out of a 1000 already in the description data I pump in to every listing. Your android phone is simply not that "smart" -:)


[font:Times New Roman]Bob, I understand how ebay works. I've been an ebay buyer/seller for 15 years. Usually, sellers make it imminently clear when special discounts are being offered, altered or rescinded so that potential customers won't feel baited & switched, and given that you have a special plea for support going on raising prices for whatever reason seems counter-intuitive.


Maybe it's just me, but I think Straw-Man's understated point is valid.


Everyone here sympathizes with your health issues and Kate's medical problems and would like to help out in whatever way possible, but I gotta say you don't make working a deal easy.


The Reilly information you've shared is invaluable and appreciated, but there seems to be a lot of bitterness and anger issues that you're trying to work through here as well, extending to a hatred of the service provided by those who sponsor the site itself. FTR, if not for CGC, I probably wouldn't have gotten back into comics.


No offense, but it wouldn't surprise me if folks around have started Jonesin' for a new thread from Mitch just to take the edge off.


I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm sorry if you found anything said by me personally offensive.[/font] :foryou:

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Maybe some of you will learn one day "how" some aspects of eBay works:

I learned very early an important lesson about eBay...

:preach: No matter how sincere the seller's story or bad the seller's predicament, don't bother making a mercy offer on over-priced, over-graded buy-it-nows.

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Maybe some of you will learn one day "how" some aspects of eBay works:

I learned very early an important lesson about eBay...

:preach: No matter how sincere the seller's story or bad the seller's predicament, don't bother making a mercy offer on over-priced, over-graded buy-it-nows.





[font:Times New Roman]Richard, you're a fee-losipher to be reckoned with! [/font] :headbang:

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Maybe some of you will learn one day "how" some aspects of eBay works:

I learned very early an important lesson about eBay...

:preach: No matter how sincere the seller's story or bad the seller's predicament, don't bother making a mercy offer on over-priced, over-graded buy-it-nows.





[font:Times New Roman]Richard, you're a fee-losipher to be reckoned with! [/font] :headbang:

The other thing I've learned is to never trust anything that comes out of Bob Beerbohm's mouth.

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One could measure almost half a foot of high grade Superman #1

Each one in a bag with 5 3/4 inches of backing board support

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the sale of the Tec #27 to Burl Rowe for $2200

I saw where you mentioned that the pain killers have dulled your senses so I'll delicately correct you....Burrel Rowe.

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burl ives played a badass big daddy in cat on a hot tin roof. in fact, one of his lines resounds as i read this thread--"there's a powerful odor of mendacity in this room." or something really close to that; haven't seen it in many years.

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Maybe some of you will learn one day "how" some aspects of eBay works:

I learned very early an important lesson about eBay...

:preach: No matter how sincere the seller's story or bad the seller's predicament, don't bother making a mercy offer on over-priced, over-graded buy-it-nows.





[font:Times New Roman]Richard, you're a fee-losipher to be reckoned with! [/font] :headbang:

The other thing I've learned is to never trust anything that comes out of Bob Beerbohm's mouth.


Yup, never trust any thing I write. That is why I was invited and continuously re-invited in to Overstreet every year since 1996 - over 15 years in a row and I believe still counting - to edit, compile the origins of the comic book for the Victorian, Platinum sections which I co-created including compiling the price indexes therein out of whole cloth, as well as the main price index section fronting and writing "Origins of the Modern Comic Book" - sure hoodwinked every one, eh?


Please do not trust hardly anything of the data in those articles and/or indexes, simply because Mr Evans corrected a Bur(re)l Rowe name typed in this microcosim of a thread in seemingly too much haste late at night. I thank you for correcting such a grevious error on my part. I hope Burrel will forgive me if he ever gets wind of this. Lord knows no one has ever misspelled my name before.


Just for the record, if any one cares, and to correct misconception tendered by Mr Evans, the pain killer meds were from 2006 thru 2010 which extended some months post surgeries. Last year and a half, in fact, working out at local gym, the personal nightmare written about becoming simply a memory in the rear view mirror of life.


Directed towards some one else now, if one hits a long post from me, simply don't read it. I aplogize if some of this stuff is not easy to try to explain in short stacatto sound bytes.


My last posts were amalgams of sorts towards several people at the same time, not one whole post directed at any one person, except the conversation re Captain Midnight 23, only because that was brought here, as it were, becoming "public" property to be bandied about by others which prompted wasting more time responding on some levels. I happen to think Captain Midnight 23 to be under priced in "Guide" based on what its - in hindsight - powerful cover theme. I do not think $200 unreasonable on any level. In any event, it will end up in a university research library before too long.


Been kind of buried in some 80-100 orders the past week or so. I thank the responses of people who simply have bought a book or two or three. Katy thanks you as well. Have a great week end, Sincerely, Robert Beerbohm


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damn, i just clicked on your link, and saw the $300 price; it was $240 yesterday. it got scarcer? new overstreet came out?


Just saw this from you as I am not tracking every post inside CGC boards.


The listing ended its first 30 days last night along with a few dozen other comic books. They were all relisted towards midnight central standard time. The $300 "list" price has been on it since day "one" - the $240 was with a short term store wide "sale." When an item relists, it auto-reverts to the original first listed price. In a little while, will begin a store wide '"sale" again and one will see it at $240 again. $200 is my bottom on this book, I have plenty of others am turning over and most all folks seem to be happy with what they are paying and getting.



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bob, for katy, i'll split the diff with you. pm me if you want to sell the book for $175.


Well, one dun got the entire funny book world all stirred up, especially that Mister Evans guy. Am going to lose tremendous amounts of sleep over what he thinks.


I only responded in to this Reilly Thread because evidently a few years back I must have clicked on to being notified when ever some one posts on it.


There is so much myth and misconception connected to its size and scope which is irritating at times when one considers younger folks who were not there, might not have even been barely born yet, thinking they know more about it than me.


Names, places, that sort of stuff, I have sought to help out best as possible to supply what crumbs of gleaned data possible for those compelled to sort it all out. I felt the same way some years back sorting out data on other concepts in the comics world such as


1) What is America's first comic book?


Answer: that 1842 Obadiah Oldbuck which one can look at aspects of here


with a facsimile exact size reprint some friends of mine in Italy printed up a decade ago in 2003 plus one can read more about in in the Victorian section of Overstreet


2) concepts of Why Ditko (and Kirrby) left Marvel back in 1966.


That is written up and one can read about what i think on the subject here http://blbcomicshistoryresearch.blogspot.com/2012/02/goodman-vs-ditko-kirby-by-robert.html'>http://blbcomicshistoryresearch.blogspot.com/2012/02/goodman-vs-ditko-kirby-by-robert.html and then click on to the Kirby Museum where it is presently housed. Soon I will have it inside my own blog spot replete with a lot more "visual" aid. To date no one has been able to knock a hole in any aspect of the research contained there in. But please do not "trust" anything there either simply because Mister Evans informs every one not to.


Regarding http://blbcomicshistoryresearch.blogspot.com this is where I am going to be debuting a tremendous amount of primary research I have gathered the past 20 years when I set out to research the wonderful world of comics.


Now that I have been healed going on a couple years, then got most of my stuff moved in to a 4000 square foot warehouse, have been sorting business stuff from research materials while realizing the internet is ultimate key to business survival, and that very few even "read" Overstreet any more outside of looking up prices. Akin to does any one actually "read" a dictionary.


Once I figure out how to present the words and pictures in a well laid out manner, will reboot what is alrady there, what with Katy's SJS slowing down said process as most any endeavor boils down to "time" being able to allocate same.


Back to your very public query: i will think about it. I might just keep it cuz I really like it. It finally dawned on me those are Japanese Americans seeking to escape an "American" concentration prison camp, or at least that is what it appears to me. This cover is outraegous to me for what it purports and implies.


There are some 45,000 other items in this warehouse yet to scan and post for sale not yet in my eBay store. All I have been mentioning is if some one sees something they might like in my ebay store, please consider buying it. I am not seeking to wholesale "good" stuff. I get a lot of very low ball offers I reject daily.


If Mac Raboy seems to be more your forte , there is also presently listed in my ebay store a Master 48 Raboy cover which also is the intro of Bulletboy plus Capt Marvel cameos in Minuteman. Neat book.

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and then is that America's Greatest #6 on your want list in my eBay store. Just a thought when one is also forced into eBay FVF, one factors that in to final hammer on any given item, just for the record. My email is in my tag line elsewhere, i will come down off it if not inside eBay, not as much as I think it was you who just offered, but enough where i think we can "meet" on it - just a thought


and, yes, i gave more for the CM 23 than $150. I do not always buy simply for resale, i love the comics all the way back in to their earliest origins. For me this is simply a hobby which got out of hand a very long time ago


and apologizes might be due to the fellow who started this Port Yer Reilly comics thread what with stuff like Fantasy Masterpieces amongst other wonderful gems getting posted here. My apologies already tendered now.

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