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Dealer Selling Rule #1

1,007 posts in this topic

Based on the facts that Bob related, Doug was wrong in this instance.


If Doug apologized, it was up to Bob whether he wished to accept his apology. Any future dealings are between the two of them.


Based on the facts in this instance I wouldn't have any qualms about buying from Doug.





What about having any qualms based on his previous, well-documented, conduct? (shrug)

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Doug has bought books from me at shows


I'm sure you know where I am going with this...


Just playing devil's advocate... but why is it okay to sell him books but not buy from him?





And your point is what?? Its like a sales thread on this message board. Do you go into someone elses sales thread and say I got that book cheaper if anyone is interested?? No, because that is thread crapping. What Doug did, to make it easier to understand, can be called booth crapping. Difference is that Bob paid thousands for his booth and Doug got a badge from someone to get in free. End Story.


You have such a way with words... :cloud9:

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I'm not sure why you are playing Devil's advocate with me.


I have not posted the moral obligations posts so I'm not sure why you are asking me this question.


I posted what he did at the show as far as what you shouldn't do.


I do not list books in Doug's auctions.


Prior to this incident I have sold him books. I sold him some books last October 2010.


I haven't bought a book off him since 2008.



Right, you aren't posting moral obligations about buying from him and I'm not just pointing my question to you. It's an overall question...regardless


My point is...his money is good but his books aren't.


As someone else said. CASH IS KING


Doug has reportedly done all these horrible things and is shunned in this forum and people advise to never buy from him...if you do, forum members say your moral compass is off...but dealers will gladly sell him books so he can resell them?


It's fine if you don't get my point. I get it.


Bob, i've bought from you before and will gladly do so again. I just see some hypocricy in the forum sentiment that we ALL shouldn't buy from Doug...but there is no problem selling to him.



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Collectors will always buy high grade books...


From anyone?


Under any circumstances?


Yeah, some of them probably will...so maybe the rest of us need to scream just a little bit louder.


You know they will. How many people have rolled the dice with Hammer even after being here and reading the multitude of threads/warnings?



Mephistopheles has a sweet Suspense #3 for 15% over OSPG that is getting a lot of looks on the 'Bay.


Does he take blood diamonds :wishluck:


Only gold bricks....




Oooh, I like it! :luhv:

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I'm not sure why you are playing Devil's advocate with me.


I have not posted the moral obligations posts so I'm not sure why you are asking me this question.


I posted what he did at the show as far as what you shouldn't do.


I do not list books in Doug's auctions.


Prior to this incident I have sold him books. I sold him some books last October 2010.


I haven't bought a book off him since 2008.



My point is...his money is good but his books aren't.


As someone else said. CASH IS KING


Doug has reportedly done all these horrible things and is shunned in this forum and people advise to never buy from him...if you do, forum members say your moral compass is off...but dealers will gladly sell him books so he can resell them?


It's fine if you don't get my point. I get it.


Bob, i've bought from you before and will gladly do so again. I just see some hypocricy in the forum sentiment that we ALL shouldn't buy from Doug...but there is no problem selling to him.



I think that is a valid point. If I know someone is a shady dealer or did something I disliked I wont buy OR sell to them.

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I'm not sure why you are playing Devil's advocate with me.


I have not posted the moral obligations posts so I'm not sure why you are asking me this question.


I posted what he did at the show as far as what you shouldn't do.


I do not list books in Doug's auctions.


Prior to this incident I have sold him books. I sold him some books last October 2010.


I haven't bought a book off him since 2008.



My point is...his money is good but his books aren't.


As someone else said. CASH IS KING


Doug has reportedly done all these horrible things and is shunned in this forum and people advise to never buy from him...if you do, forum members say your moral compass is off...but dealers will gladly sell him books so he can resell them?


It's fine if you don't get my point. I get it.


Bob, i've bought from you before and will gladly do so again. I just see some hypocricy in the forum sentiment that we ALL shouldn't buy from Doug...but there is no problem selling to him.



I think that is a valid point. If I know someone is a shady dealer or did something I disliked I wont buy OR sell to them.


I always thought you and Mark 1 were the same poster. :gossip:

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I'm not sure why you are playing Devil's advocate with me.


I have not posted the moral obligations posts so I'm not sure why you are asking me this question.


I posted what he did at the show as far as what you shouldn't do.


I do not list books in Doug's auctions.


Prior to this incident I have sold him books. I sold him some books last October 2010.


I haven't bought a book off him since 2008.



My point is...his money is good but his books aren't.


As someone else said. CASH IS KING


Doug has reportedly done all these horrible things and is shunned in this forum and people advise to never buy from him...if you do, forum members say your moral compass is off...but dealers will gladly sell him books so he can resell them?


It's fine if you don't get my point. I get it.


Bob, i've bought from you before and will gladly do so again. I just see some hypocricy in the forum sentiment that we ALL shouldn't buy from Doug...but there is no problem selling to him.



I think that is a valid point. If I know someone is a shady dealer or did something I disliked I wont buy OR sell to them.


I always thought you and Mark 1 were the same poster. :gossip:


Becareful! You don't want to end up on my shady (>cough< crooked) dealer list.



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I'm not sure why you are playing Devil's advocate with me.


I have not posted the moral obligations posts so I'm not sure why you are asking me this question.


I posted what he did at the show as far as what you shouldn't do.


I do not list books in Doug's auctions.


Prior to this incident I have sold him books. I sold him some books last October 2010.


I haven't bought a book off him since 2008.



Right, you aren't posting moral obligations about buying from him and I'm not just pointing my question to you. It's an overall question...regardless


My point is...his money is good but his books aren't.


As someone else said. CASH IS KING


Doug has reportedly done all these horrible things and is shunned in this forum and people advise to never buy from him...if you do, forum members say your moral compass is off...but dealers will gladly sell him books so he can resell them?


It's fine if you don't get my point. I get it.


Bob, i've bought from you before and will gladly do so again. I just see some hypocricy in the forum sentiment that we ALL shouldn't buy from Doug...but there is no problem selling to him.




Who in this thread has actually said they wouldn't buy from him but would sell to him?


I have said that I wouldn't buy anything from Doug. I certainly wouldn't knowingly sell him anything or use his site to sell anything. I think he is the kind of dealer this hobby can do without.


If you are going to accuse people of hypocrisy maybe you should point to some examples as opposed to blanket statements.

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Then stop thinking because it's doing you no good.


(and I'll gladly take Whisp's registry points and collection then)


Holiday Ham is going to match you up with the perfect Secret Santa this year. :baiting:

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I just see some hypocricy in the forum sentiment that we ALL shouldn't buy from Doug...but there is no problem selling to him.




There is no such thing as a forum sentiment. Everyone has his or her own opinion and rightfully so. You may or may not agree with any of the opinions provided herein, but I will tell you one thing, I appreciate people providing information. I used to buy EXTENSIVELY from Pedigree. I also used them for auction services to consign books. I do neither any more, because I was able to assimilate a lot of the information that is available here and apply it to my own value system.


I used to be a "Doug is such a nice guy" guy. He is a nice guy when you talk to him, but I won't do business with him any more because of the many things he has done that i don't agree with.



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Based on the facts that Bob related, Doug was wrong in this instance.


If Doug apologized, it was up to Bob whether he wished to accept his apology. Any future dealings are between the two of them.


Based on the facts in this instance I wouldn't have any qualms about buying from Doug.





What about having any qualms based on his previous, well-documented, conduct? (shrug)


I am truly not well versed on everything in his past so I'm not sure my answer will be complete?


I will buy a book from a disbarred attorney if I am confident that the books bought will be delivered. If the auctions are shilled, I am really not bothered as I know my price limit before an auction starts. Perhaps, I'm just paying the buy it now price? I suspect that most high grade books have been pressed so it's

not a problem for me.


With that said, will I ever buy a book from him? Probably not. I've never seen a price advantage that suits me.

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Then stop thinking because it's doing you no good.


(and I'll gladly take Whisp's registry points and collection then)


lol My registry points don't amount to squat hehe


Can't have my collection though.

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There are a ton of folks out there who I wouldn't buy from because they can't grade for mess or their prices are way too high or they have a rotten personality or really bad breath or they don't have anything I need or any number of other reasons.


But I'd sell them stuff all day long.

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There are a ton of folks out there who I wouldn't buy from because they can't grade for mess or their prices are way too high or they have a rotten personality or really bad breath or they don't have anything I need or any number of other reasons.


But I'd sell them stuff all day long.


Good. Where is that B-wing cockpit gun front piece I am looking for :P

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I just see some hypocricy in the forum sentiment that we ALL shouldn't buy from Doug...but there is no problem selling to him.




There is no such thing as a forum sentiment. Everyone has his or her own opinion and rightfully so. You may or may not agree with any of the opinions provided herein, but I will tell you one thing, I appreciate people providing information. I used to buy EXTENSIVELY from Pedigree. I also used them for auction services to consign books. I do neither any more, because I was able to assimilate a lot of the information that is available here and apply it to my own value system.


I used to be a "Doug is such a nice guy" guy. He is a nice guy when you talk to him, but I won't do business with him any more because of the many things he has done that i don't agree with.



That's valid and I see your point. Look, i'm a reasonable guy and I take in all the info I get here and form my own opinions. I was also in the same boat as you. Doug seems nice and has some great books. I wanted them and felt, why not buy from him?


Then I was hung on the cross for even mentioning I bought from him. I defended my actions and was called a shill, etc. What if I consign with him but don't buy from him...am I still a horrible person?


My feeling is this.


If somone doesn't agree with buying from Doug...then that someone shouldn't be selling to him either. Period. Otherwise, it's hypocricy and the only reason why someone would sell to him is the almighty dollar.



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There are a ton of folks out there who I wouldn't buy from because they can't grade for mess or their prices are way too high or they have a rotten personality or really bad breath or they don't have anything I need or any number of other reasons.


But I'd sell them stuff all day long.


Ok, would you sell to someone who was caught misappropriating money from the elderly? Misleading GPA data? Trying to pass a trimmed book to CGC?


Would you buy from this person also?



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If somone doesn't agree with buying from Doug...then that someone shouldn't be selling to him either. Period.



Why, because you said so? For you and me, comics is a hobby. For some, it is how they feed their family. Who are you to say how they should do their deal? Everyone should get as much as information as possible and make their own decisions based upon their beliefs.




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I freaking hate mainstream, so I am totally going to be mainstream on this one, because not being mainstream is now sooooooooooooooooo mainstream....


Well in that case you should not be buying comic books because of above^^^

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