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Dealer Selling Rule #1

1,007 posts in this topic

Is tool a NICE way of saying A-Hole???




You are in the same neighborhood but one is up across the Taintville bridge from the other.

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I freaking hate mainstream, so I am totally going to be mainstream on this one, because not being mainstream is now sooooooooooooooooo mainstream....


Well in that case you should not be buying comic books because of above^^^

Books??? :screwy:



I'm here for the babes...




Aaaand the guy drama that I don't get to see at work.. :popcorn:

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If somone doesn't agree with buying from Doug...then that someone shouldn't be selling to him either. Period.



Why, because you said so? For you and me, comics is a hobby. For some, it is how they feed their family. Who are you to say how they should do their deal? Everyone should get as much as information as possible and make their own decisions based upon their beliefs.




Roy's hacked Fingh's account.


He's assimilating stuff from me and doesn't even realize it.



You slipped subliminal messages into that Husker Du mix tape you sent him for Valentine's Day...didn't you?


Both of you blow goats. Plus it is very lazy, Caira, to not have proper umlaut placement.


Denial and deflection.



I hereby certify that I have never been near a goat in a sexual manner.




I can't believe there was another opportunity to post this. :whee:

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I can't wait till one day I find a 30000 book. Just a book of that value would give me so much freedom.


All my school loans, charges, everything would be wiped away.


And I'd even have $ left for nachos.


Luckily I have no debt but still I could use some money to do what I got to do.


First would be a car and insurance.


Then some nachos.

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If somone doesn't agree with buying from Doug...then that someone shouldn't be selling to him either. Period.



Why, because you said so? For you and me, comics is a hobby. For some, it is how they feed their family. Who are you to say how they should do their deal? Everyone should get as much as information as possible and make their own decisions based upon their beliefs.




Roy's hacked Fingh's account.


He's assimilating stuff from me and doesn't even realize it.



You slipped subliminal messages into that Husker Du mix tape you sent him for Valentine's Day...didn't you?


Both of you blow goats. Plus it is very lazy, Caira, to not have proper umlaut placement.


Denial and deflection.



I hereby certify that I have never been near a goat in a sexual manner.


Good to know.

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Or because when a seller sends you SOMEONE ELSES book by mistake, you actually lift a finger to find it in 9 months rather than be too important to look for someones measly $170 book that you have by accident??? hm


Isn't this the mix-up involving Cheetah? I was never involved in that, and as far as I know Cheetah made right with you. I don't think you and I have ever even talked or emailed each other.


Made right???


I dont have the book that i want BADLY and you do. Show me where i can buy another perfectly centered 9.6 Avengers 64 Pedigree copy and then i'll be "made right" (thumbs u


Considering everyone involved has told me that the book was sent to you and YOU have misplaced it, i'm pretty sure that you are "involved" hm


But you are correct that we've never talked since you never responded to my email.


I'm sorry your book got lost. And I respond to all of my emails promptly. I didn't misplace your book. Call me and we'll discuss. But don't call me today because my office phone line went kaput. doh!


I sent you an email on 8/4/11 at 5:32pm according to my sent mail folder.


Today is 10/18/11 at 6:39pm and ive yet to receive a response.


When exactly can i expect this "prompt" response? meh


Didn't get it buddy. Only one email sent to me in two and a half months? For being as mad as you are, that's not trying very hard.


Sometimes it is worthwhile to search for your name as you never know what you might be missing. I thought I would set the record straight on this, though.


The book I had sold to Jason was inadvertently included in one of approximately 30 boxes of books I traded to Worldwide last year. The error was entirely my own. I did not catch the error for a couple of weeks and by the time I got in touch with Steve Ritter, the book had been cracked out for pressing. I told Jason I would give him the book when it came back, even if it pressed up to a 9.8.


Turns out that between Worldwide and Classics, the book has been misplaced. It has not been sold, it has not been given away. As a result, I gave Jason his money back and I thought all was well. I am out a decent copy of a non-key Avengers book but since it wasn't even the best copy that I owned at the time, I'm not particularly upset. I've done enough business with Steve to where it all evens out.


As far as I know, Matt wasn't really involved in the deal so getting all over Matt's case isn't really the right way to vent the hysteria. You can be pissed off at me for making the error, and that is fine. I made it right by refunding your money and apologizing for my mistake. It's really the best I can do. But it is important to understand that you have your money back and the book is not 'yours.' The lost book is ultimately between me, Steve and Matt. You calling and emailing Steve (WW emails go to Steve not to Matt) isn't going to get the book back because Steve knows it is not your book. He probably doesn't respond to your emails because I told him it was not an issue between you and Worldwide; it is between ME and Worldwide.


So I would really appreciate it if you would turn down the drama on this one. No one has screwed you and if you feel people are ignoring you, it is because it is no longer your issue to deal with. I have explained all this in the past and thought you had understood. Coming onto the board to bushwhack Matt Nelson about something he is only tangentially associated with is inappropriate.


I'm sick as a dog and puking my guts out so this will probably be my Only response for the next day or two.


I'm sorry Jeff, but I disagree strongly with your little assessment of this situation.


I waited SEVEN months to take a refund from you because I WANT this book BADLY! I knew from your attitude that once I tooh a refund, you wouldn't lift a finger to try and find the book. He'll, you barely lifted a finger BEFORE I took the refund. I'd also point out that once I agreed to a refund, you never sent it!!! A month later, I pm'd you and you said "doh, I knew I was forgetting something."


From day one, Ritter, Matt and especially YOU have acted like you were too good and Important to spend 5 minutes finding my book. I don't care how high you tools are on the registry, that's not the way you treat a customer. I didn't ask you to sell menthe book, you put it in a sales thread and I sent you the money. You seem to have a serial habit of not being able to send buyers the right books and then acting like it's their problem. You did it to me a second time in the comicdonna sales auction where I had to spring an extra $12 to send you back the wrong book that you sent me.


This book may mean nothing to you but it does to me. You had my money for seven months and did squat to rectify the situation and you certainly NEVER apologized about the situation you caused. I'm out a book that I wanted and has proven impossible to replace. You may not Care since it's a "measly" $171 book bit I do. It wouldn't have taken about 10 minutes of your time to get this book found but as you made clear, you won't do that. You and Ritter BOTH told me that the book is sitting at ritters but you both know him well enough to k ow he won't try to find the book. I'm sorry you're upset for me "blasting" a guy thAt makes you a ton of money pressing your books but I call t like imsee it and the way imsee it all of your customer service skills SUCK bigtime (thumbs u


I apologize for messing up your order, Jason, and please know that I feel very bad about it happening. You are right in being angry with me since I am the one who made the mistake.


I hope you feel better.

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If somone doesn't agree with buying from Doug...then that someone shouldn't be selling to him either. Period.



Why, because you said so? For you and me, comics is a hobby. For some, it is how they feed their family. Who are you to say how they should do their deal? Everyone should get as much as information as possible and make their own decisions based upon their beliefs.




Roy's hacked Fingh's account.


He's assimilating stuff from me and doesn't even realize it.



You slipped subliminal messages into that Husker Du mix tape you sent him for Valentine's Day...didn't you?


Both of you blow goats. Plus it is very lazy, Caira, to not have proper umlaut placement.


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There are a ton of folks out there who I wouldn't buy from because they can't grade for mess or their prices are way too high or they have a rotten personality or really bad breath or they don't have anything I need or any number of other reasons.


But I'd sell them stuff all day long.


You should sell comics and breathmints.


I don't know if he sells comics, but he can sell the out of some hats

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I can't wait till one day I find a 30000 book. Just a book of that value would give me so much freedom.


All my school loans, charges, everything would be wiped away.


And I'd even have $ left for nachos.


I'd be able to finish my basement and/or replace my roof/finish my attic.


It wouldn't do jack to my debt.


It is depressing that $30K would have virtually no impact on my financial situation/mess other than to make my home a little more comfortable. Frigging Citibank owns my rear end.



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With 30K, I would finish paying off my house, my mom's, get my kids through college, and go on vacation in Spain for two years...wait..wait..I meant 3million...30k would almost get me out of the red though, at least for this month..

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I avoided reading this thread for a while because I thought "Rule #1" was some lame GA book, and I didn't care that a dealer was selling it.

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