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As much as you'd like that to be true, unfortunately its not.


Marvel Superheroes #13 - First appearance of Carol Danvers

Ms. Marvel #1 - Carol Danvers becomes Ms. Marvel

Avenging Spider-Man #9 - First appearance of Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel #1 (2012) - Origin of how Carol Danvers becomes Captain Marvel


Again, no amount of wailing and flailing can change those facts.

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As much as you'd like that to be true, unfortunately its not.


Marvel Superheroes #13 - First appearance of Carol Danvers

Ms. Marvel #1 - Carol Danvers becomes Ms. Marvel

Avenging Spider-Man #9 - First reference to Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel (follows directly from CM1, released 7 days earlier)

Captain Marvel #1 (2012) - Carol Danvers becomes Captain Marvel


Again, no amount of wailing and flailing can change those facts.


FTFY, even worded it more in favor of your view, but you cant cram "origin story" on to CM1, its just not true.

Edited by CBT
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As much as you'd like that to be true, unfortunately its not.


Marvel Superheroes #13 - First appearance of Carol Danvers

Ms. Marvel #1 - Carol Danvers becomes Ms. Marvel

Avenging Spider-Man #9 - First reference to Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel (follows directly from CM1, released 7 days earlier)

Captain Marvel #1 (2012) - Carol Danvers becomes Captain Marvel


Again, no amount of wailing and flailing can change those facts.




Marvel Superheroes #13 - First appearance of Carol Danvers

Ms. Marvel #1 - Carol Danvers becomes Ms. Marvel

Avenging Spider-Man #9 - First appearance of Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel #1 (2012) - Origin of how Carol Danvers becomes Captain Marvel


Again, no amount of wailing and flailing can change those facts.

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Marvel Superheroes #13 - First appearance of Carol Danvers

Ms. Marvel #1 - Carol Danvers becomes Ms. Marvel

Avenging Spider-Man #9 - First reference to Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel #1 (2012) - Carol Danvers becomes Captain Marvel


spamming cant make CM1 an origin story,

Edited by CBT
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Marvel Superheroes #13 - First appearance of Carol Danvers

Ms. Marvel #1 - Carol Danvers becomes Ms. Marvel

Avenging Spider-Man #9 - First reference to Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel #1 (2012) - Carol Danvers becomes Captain Marvel


spamming cant make CM1 an origin story,


Since you don't follow logic and are quite delusional as some have mentioned, I'll keep posting this as a response:


Marvel Superheroes #13 - First appearance of Carol Danvers

Ms. Marvel #1 - Carol Danvers becomes Ms. Marvel

Avenging Spider-Man #9 - First appearance of Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel #1 (2012) - Origin of how Carol Danvers becomes Captain Marvel


Again, no amount of wailing and flailing can change those facts.

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Captain marvel 17 plus ms marvel 1 is hot




I've even seen the 2nd print of 17 doing okay because the new Ms. Marvel is on the cover. I'm a 1st print guy only because you can reprint indefinitely but it is a neat feature imo.

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often during Marvel crossover events, (and there are other examples), linked stories come up for sale out of sequence.


The 7 day offset in release, cant break the books, or force one to become an origin story.





if you want to trash the thread, go for it, if you have anything else to say that needs correcting, let me know.

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Marvel Superheroes #13 - First appearance of Carol Danvers

Ms. Marvel #1 - Carol Danvers becomes Ms. Marvel

Avenging Spider-Man #9 - First reference to Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel #1 (2012) - Carol Danvers becomes Captain Marvel


spamming cant make CM1 an origin story,


So the difference between "first reference" (nice to see you've allowed that much) and "first appearance" would be what, exactly? Please explain.

Edited by mysterio
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often during Marvel crossover events, (and there are other examples), linked stories come up for sale out of sequence.


The 7 day offset in release, cant break the books, or force one to become an origin story.





if you want to trash the thread, go for it, if you have anything else to say that needs correcting, let me know.


Since you don't follow logic and are quite delusional as some have mentioned, I'll keep posting this as a response:


Marvel Superheroes #13 - First appearance of Carol Danvers

Ms. Marvel #1 - Carol Danvers becomes Ms. Marvel

Avenging Spider-Man #9 - First appearance of Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel #1 (2012) - Origin of how Carol Danvers becomes Captain Marvel


Again, no amount of wailing and flailing can change those facts.



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Captain marvel 17 plus ms marvel 1 is hot


I've even seen the 2nd print of 17 doing okay because the new Ms. Marvel is on the cover. I'm a 1st print guy only because you can reprint indefinitely but it is a neat feature imo.


I pulled that one as well (obviously) at the time, but let Ms Marvel expire, and stuck with Carol. She's an interesting character, but at the price of modern books, wasnt worth hanging on to.


Interesting to see where the market takes it.

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Since you don't follow logic and are quite delusional as some have mentioned, I'll keep posting this as a response:




Just like trying to call CM1 an origin story cant make it so, try to claim i dont follow logic cant make it so. Janet, Linguini, Hulk an Zacrew (all pissed for other reasons), cant make it true either.


I'll respond to any valid points. Repeating the same wrong thing is pointless.

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Try responding to this then:


Marvel Superheroes #13 - First appearance of Carol Danvers

Ms. Marvel #1 - Carol Danvers becomes Ms. Marvel

Avenging Spider-Man #9 - First reference to Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel #1 (2012) - Carol Danvers becomes Captain Marvel


spamming cant make CM1 an origin story,


So the difference between "first reference" (nice to see you've allowed that much) and "first appearance" would be what, exactly? Please explain.

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DC Comics Presents 26 contains a story that is not available in New Teen Titans 1.


still a preview


If you say it enough times, that ought to make it true. Except for people who understand what the prefix "pre" and the word "view" mean, of course.


It was a preview yesterday, its a preview today, and it will be a preview tomorrow. You can insult me as much as you want, it won't make you any less wrong. Its referred to as a preview by its creators and serves the purpose of a preview.


You are not arguing that this preview is not the first appearance of the New Teen Titans though, correct? Just trying to understand why it being called a "preview" is so important to you. I can live with the preview label, because you are correct it is a preview, but it is also the first appearance of the New Teen Titans (Starfire, Cyborg, and Raven.)


Semantically, there have been tons of unlabeled previews over the years. Amazing Fantasy 15 has a 8 page preview of Spider-Man, for example. I believe some collectors are differentiating those previews (stories inside a comic) from the previews which are pages pulled from the first appearance of a character and bundled in a book containing other such previews. Then you have the "Previews" magazine which might have the technical first appearance of a character, but doesn't constitute an actual comic itself. Many Marvel Age issues fall into this last category.


Preview is such an overloaded word in some of these cases. Can the Incredible Hulk issue featuring the first appearance of Thunderbolts be considered a preview? Or does a preview have to be included in a comic and separate from the title's story ala Arak's preview in the Warlord title? Does a preview have to be identified by the publisher/creators ahead of time?


This is why when a character appears in print for the first time is should be considered that character's first appearance. CBT makes no mention or coherent argument against the summer spider-man comic because it's better to ignore the fact than explain how it is NOT Danvers first appearance as Captain Marvel.



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Try responding to this then:


Marvel Superheroes #13 - First appearance of Carol Danvers

Ms. Marvel #1 - Carol Danvers becomes Ms. Marvel

Avenging Spider-Man #9 - First reference to Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel (follows directly from CM1, released 7 days earlier)

Captain Marvel #1 (2012) - Carol Danvers becomes Captain Marvel


Again, no amount of wailing and flailing can change those facts.


FTFY, even worded it more in favor of your view, but you cant cram "origin story" on to CM1, its just not true.


So the difference between "first reference" (nice to see you've allowed that much) and "first appearance" would be what, exactly? Please explain.


sure, didnt see your post before I am happy to, but you miss-quoted, let me restore that for you.


The debate isnt about the release dates. The argument started because I said people were missing the forest for the trees, chasing a date instead of the actual event.


CM1 and AS9 are part 1 and part 2 of a two part story. They were released offset (out of order), to help boost part 1's sales, because part 2 was placed in a much more popular book (for the sole purpose of said sales boost).


Carol becomes Captain Marvel in Captain Marvel #1 (part 1 of the two part story).


Because of the offset release dates, he was attempting to call CM1 an origin story. The pointing being to diminish the fact that that is the book where she becomes Captain Marvel. But, saying it doesnt make it true. It is not an origin story, its part 1 of a two part story released out of order.


If people want to buy a release date (part 2, released out of order), they can (trees). I am saying they are missing the forest (part 1, where she becomes Captain Marvel).


In a way, its very validating that the debate has turned to trying to diminish the fact that Carol becomes Captain Marvel in Captain Marvel, by attempting to label it an origin story. At least that means what actually matters is the focus now, instead of nonsense, name calling, and straw-men.

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Try responding to this then:


Marvel Superheroes #13 - First appearance of Carol Danvers

Ms. Marvel #1 - Carol Danvers becomes Ms. Marvel

Avenging Spider-Man #9 - First appearance of Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel #1 (2012) - Origin of how Carol Danvers becomes Captain Marvel


Again, no amount of wailing and flailing can change those facts.


FTFY, even worded it more in favor of your view, but you cant cram "origin story" on to CM1, its just not true.


So the difference between "first reference" (nice to see you've allowed that much) and "first appearance" would be what, exactly? Please explain.


sure, didnt see your post before I am happy to, but you miss-quoted, let me restore that for you.


The debate isnt about the release dates. The argument started because I said people were missing the forest for the trees, chasing a date instead of the actual event.


CM1 and AS9 are part 1 and part 2 of a two part story. They were released offset (out of order), to help boost part 1's sales, because part 2 was placed in a much more popular book (for the sole purpose of said sales boost).


Carol becomes Captain Marvel in Captain Marvel #1 (part 1 of the two part story).


Because of the offset release dates, he was attempting to call CM1 an origin story. The pointing being to diminish the fact that that is the book where she becomes Captain Marvel. But, saying it doesnt make it true. It is not an origin story, its part 1 of a two part story released out of order.


If people want to buy a release date (part 2, released out of order), they can (trees). I am saying they are missing the forest (part 1, where she becomes Captain Marvel).


In a way, its very validating that the debate has turned to trying to diminish the fact that Carol becomes Captain Marvel in Captain Marvel, by attempting to label it an origin story. At least that means what actually matters is the focus now, instead of nonsense, name calling, and straw-men.


Since you don't follow logic and are quite delusional as some have mentioned, I'll keep posting this as a response:


Marvel Superheroes #13 - First appearance of Carol Danvers

Ms. Marvel #1 - Carol Danvers becomes Ms. Marvel

Avenging Spider-Man #9 - First appearance of Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel #1 (2012) - Origin of how Carol Danvers becomes Captain Marvel


Again, no amount of wailing and flailing can change those facts.

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CBT makes no mention or coherent argument against the summer spider-man comic because it's better to ignore the fact than explain how it is NOT Danvers first appearance as Captain Marvel.


I made mention of it at the very beginning when i said "chasing dates/previews". I lumped them together and responded to what people said from there. I would agree with you, if people are chasing a date instead of the book where she becomes Captain Marvel. Why stop at the one week offset of part1/part2.


Either you are want the book where she becomes Captain Marvel, or you want the first printed reference to her by that name. But, then really, people should scour ever occurrence of carol in comics, and see if anyone ever called her Captain Marvel before.


Captain Marvel 1 remains the book where she took the name, and it wasnt an origin story.

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I have no response to your logically sound rebuttal, so I will spam the thread instead.


Gonna have to add you to the block list, if someone quotes you with a new point I'll be happy to respond. Too bad, as I have bought books from you before.


Captain Marvel #1 remains the book where Carol Danvers becomes Captain Marvel, and its part 1 of a two part story, released out of order, not an origin story.



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