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Comic book collecting with a foreign variant focus
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@Define999: The Marvel X book looks great. I am not sure whether in the past they published some Marvel material in Japan.

I know for sure they produced custom-written and drawn "interpretations" of Spider-Man and I recall some important mangaka did a Batman story written and drawn by him.

Do you have the "Wolverine: Snikt!" mini-series?

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Got a few things in yesterday.






I agree.... (worship)(worship) That EBAL bats 222 is freakin sweeeeeettttt...

Apparently I'm gonna have to post the DC westerns in the Bronze thread to get them any love. :taptaptap:


:gossip: Hey I love them all... but the bats is my favorite... followed by the weird western man! :cloud9:

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As per your other question, I could have a million of different examples, but they all amount to value: it seems clear that here we are mostly speaking of desirability as a "collectible": well, I am not a collector in that sense, all I could do is recognize the dynamics which are implied in "collecting". In this sense, you are right, but Liam is also right: there are some people collecting this kind of "collateral stuff" in Italy, but I seem to get its not so common.


In what sense are you a collector?


I qualify as a collector since I collect comics, books, magazines, etc. because I am interested in their reading content. I mean that generally I would not collect a comic just because I like the cover, or because I like the art.

I can purchase something I like but its occasional, and generally has little to do with the fact the thing is sought after (i.e. I dont care about having an Iron Man #55 at those prices).


I do like rare things if they have historical value but that Punisher coloring book is mostly a curiosity, and I dont like the idea of dealers charging those prices for that, thats all. :)


I agree with you on collecting as just to read. Back home I have probably 10-12,000 books that are cover value from 70s-90s but as a kid more was better and I loved reading them. As an adult my focus has obviously went foreign but I still feel like that same kid when my dad brought home my books every Friday from the store.


Yes i wish the prices were low but that is the law of Supply and Demand...


More collectors versus quantity of a book = higher prices...

I agree on the IM55,some high price books have no sentimental value so I will pass....but some books I will pay 20-50 times any market value for.


In stock market we do the same thing. If there is no market on a stock, we create whats called a "Market Maker" to see who will buy


of we have a new stock at an (IPO) initial price offering to see how people will react.


I take the same philosophy form stock market to the books. Market Makers and IPO offers get the IM55s and the Brazilian 129s and the Arabic 227s


Market watchers do just that,...watch...

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EDIT: It appears Kobunsha published some classic Spidey in 1976: very likely, given the numbering it was a limited series:






They seem to be out of print, but it seems here there is a venue selling used/antiquary books, which has some of those:



I also performed a search with the search function using the japanese word for "Spider-man" (スパイダーマン), and that’s the result:




It appears Spidey #100 was published, and also this one:



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P.S. Notice the blurbs left in english: that’s because japanese love english words as "catchwords", also for their "foreign" flavor.

I learned this when I asked myself why Tsutomu Nihei called his series "Blame!": I obviously thought of the english verb, while Nihei did that because he liked the sound of the word, similar to a firing gun sound: "Blam!"


Modern Japanese comic authors… lol



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EDIT: It appears Kobunsha published some classic Spidey in 1976: very likely, given the numbering it was a limited series:






They seem to be out of print, but it seems here there is a venue selling used/antiquary books, which has some of those:



I also performed a search with the search function using the japanese word for "Spider-man" (スパイダーマン), and thats the result:




It appears Spidey #100 was published, and also this one:




super awesome!!!! wow love it!!!!!!

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@Define999: The Marvel X book looks great. I am not sure whether in the past they published some Marvel material in Japan.

I know for sure they produced custom-written and drawn "interpretations" of Spider-Man and I recall some important mangaka did a Batman story written and drawn by him.

Do you have the "Wolverine: Snikt!" mini-series?


We think so.... hm check these images out.... more comic-book-like.... but I am not sure if its Chinese or Japanese?






I have been trying to source some Asian bronze stuff with with absolutely no luck whatsoever? The most recent Asian thing I have seen is that rice paper Chinese batman and a Japanese Supes solorcadet showed me. I haven’t even been able to find scans of much of the Asian Bronze age stuff? Imagine Bronze age keys like IM55, Spidey 129, or god forbid a 181!!!!! Be cool to see but its weird? Why would Marvel X #1 seem to be built like it was introducing Japanese readers to the Marvel world? The only thing I can come up with is it was a re-introduction so to speak. Maybe Marvel had Japanese licensed stuff in Japan in the 70’s and it didn’t do well and died an early death? Maybe Marvel tried again in the 90’s or even more recently? Who knows, one thing I do know is many poepe have told me the Japanese markets can be quite finicky…. If they don’t like you they don’t like you period. We could probably speculate anything but what we really need is a Japanese collector themselves to discuss the state of American comics in Japan. Maybe I will work on finding one? (shrug)


nah I dont have the Snikt series.... I have heard its pretty cool though! :gossip:




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(…) Why would Marvel X #1 seem to be built like it was introducing Japanese readers to the Marvel world? The only thing I can come up with is it was a re-introduction so to speak. Maybe Marvel had Japanese licensed stuff in Japan in the 70’s and it didn’t do well and died an early death? Maybe Marvel tried again in the 90’s or even more recently? Who knows, one thing I do know is many poepe have told me the Japanese markets can be quite finicky…. If they don’t like you they don’t like you period. We could probably speculate anything but what we really need is a Japanese collector themselves to discuss the state of American comics in Japan. Maybe I will work on finding one? (shrug)


nah I dont have the Snikt series.... I have heard its pretty cool though! :gossip:


Indeed, as we just learned (browse some posts back ;) ).

From what I get, they were probably moderate successful, so they did not break hugely in the market.

The average japanese readers are more than often pretty "self-confined", like the majority of the US ones, and only in recent years it seems they started to develop more interest for non-japanese comics.


The ones you posted appear chinese, especially the Ultron. May be also vietnamese or korean, don’t know.

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EDIT: It appears Kobunsha published some classic Spidey in 1976: very likely, given the numbering it was a limited series:






They seem to be out of print, but it seems here there is a venue selling used/antiquary books, which has some of those:



I also performed a search with the search function using the japanese word for "Spider-man" (スパイダーマン), and that’s the result:




It appears Spidey #100 was published, and also this one:




I was making my post as you were posting this!!!!!!!! Can you say FREAKIN AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Holy sheeeeeet Claudio.... are you a genius or what? sweet, sweet detective skillz sir! :applause::applause::applause:

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(…) Why would Marvel X #1 seem to be built like it was introducing Japanese readers to the Marvel world? The only thing I can come up with is it was a re-introduction so to speak. Maybe Marvel had Japanese licensed stuff in Japan in the 70’s and it didn’t do well and died an early death? Maybe Marvel tried again in the 90’s or even more recently? Who knows, one thing I do know is many poepe have told me the Japanese markets can be quite finicky…. If they don’t like you they don’t like you period. We could probably speculate anything but what we really need is a Japanese collector themselves to discuss the state of American comics in Japan. Maybe I will work on finding one? (shrug)


nah I dont have the Snikt series.... I have heard its pretty cool though! :gossip:


Indeed, as we just learned (browse some posts back ;) ).

From what I get, they were probably moderate successful, so they did not break hugely in the market.

The average japanese readers are more than often pretty "self-confined", like the majority of the US ones, and only in recent years it seems they started to develop more interest for non-japanese comics.


The ones you posted appear chinese, especially the Ultron. May be also vietnamese or korean, don’t know.


I just saw that! Amazing dude..... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Holy sheeeeeet Claudio.... are you a genius or what? sweet, sweet detective skillz sir! :applause::applause::applause:


This was just a preliminary search. It just takes a little patience.

I learned to perform searches in unknown languages as Google started to offer the translator's pairs to languages like Japanese, Arabic etc.


Before that, as I was researching Astro Boy since 1995, it was a nightmare to do proper web searches.


By Googling "the Punisher" and "Kobunsha" in japanese it appears the Puni issue I posted is the only one. However…





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Im telling you one thing for :censored: sure... if a 129 variant exists in Japanese Chesperito, Liaton, Solorcadet and I are gonna sheeeeeet our pants..... lol


Its gonna be a smelly day the day that scan is found...... :roflmao:

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Okay, it seems they are twenty-four volumes in total, and definitely not easy to find as a whole collection.


From what the guy who wrote that chronology seems to say (and it is hard to tell from Google's automatic translation) it appears they published the first Punisher and the death of Gwen Stacy, but very likely they did not use the covers, as the eight Spider-Man issues are all shown there:




Now I want the two FF, and… it appears… Ms. Marvel? :o

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Holy sheeeeeet Claudio.... are you a genius or what? sweet, sweet detective skillz sir! :applause::applause::applause:


This was just a preliminary search. It just takes a little patience.

I learned to perform searches in unknown languages as Google started to offer the translator's pairs to languages like Japanese, Arabic etc.


Before that, as I was researching Astro Boy since 1995, it was a nightmare to do proper web searches.


By Googling "the Punisher" and "Kobunsha" in japanese it appears the Puni issue I posted is the only one. However…






oh snap!!!!!!!!


1)メイおばさんの結婚!? part1(ロス・アンドルー、AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #129 1974.2)

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Okay, it seems they are twenty-four volumes in total, and definitely not easy to find as a whole collection.


From what the guy who wrote that chronology seems to say (and it is hard to tell from Google's automatic translation) it appears they published the first Punisher and the death of Gwen Stacy, but very likely they did not use the covers, as the eight Spider-Man issues are all shown there:




Now I want the two FF, and… it appears… Ms. Marvel? :o


too bad if they didnt use the classic cover but still.... these books are must haves!!!!!!!!!!!! :censored:

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OK, Puni collectors, your "man" is volume 8:





1)メイおばさんの結婚!? part1(ロス・アンドルー、AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #129 1974.2)

メイおばさんの結婚!? part2(ロス・アンドルー、AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #130 1974.3)

メイおばさんの結婚!? part3(ロス・アンドルー、AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #131 1974.4)


2)溶けゆく男 part1(ジョン・ロミータ AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #132 1974.5)

溶けゆく男 part2(ロス・アンドルー AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #133 1974.6)


3)観光船乗っ取り事件 part1(ロス・アンドルー AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #134 1974.7)

観光船乗っ取り事件 part2(ロス・アンドルー AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #135 1974.8)


4)ゴブリン復活す!! part1(ロス・アンドルー AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #136 1974.9)

ゴブリン復活す!! part2(ロス・アンドルー AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #137 1974.10)


5)フラッシュの友情(ロス・アンドルー AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #138 1974.11)



And full index page to the site, with (apparently) most of Spidey stuff published and/or presented in Japan:



That is very cool, indeed! ;)

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too bad if they didnt use the classic cover but still.... these books are must haves!!!!!!!!!!!! :censored:


lol We continued to cross-post for the excitement…


They used the cover to Amazing #135, well… that’s not bad at all. They probably thought it included more characters, and thus made more sense. I always thought is’s more cool than the cover to #129, BTW.

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Im telling you one thing for :censored: sure... if a 129 variant exists in Japanese Chesperito, Liaton, Solorcadet and I are gonna sheeeeeet our pants..... lol


Its gonna be a smelly day the day that scan is found...... :roflmao:


No..it doesn't..I have held those issues in my hands, in Japan...the 129 has another cover...I remember this from like three years ago....there was a time when I was furiously looking for ASM 300, when I came across these...it wasn't my thing. I also remember finding a Spiderman book from 1969 and another from 1970, with super random as$ covers..thick, very thick books, and big

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