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Facilitator questions for discussion

118 posts in this topic

1. should never happen


2. should never happen


3. should never happen


I have never agreed with Pirate on anything until now.


I have to agree with Pirate 100% far all 3!!!!!!!!


But if the 3 did possible happen!


Useful discussion is more like Baloney


1. Its your fault if there is an outstanding balance that is unpaid, especially if you have the credit card! doh! You are just being lazy and not billing the customer or providing a detailed bill to the customer and now you want twist the real issues! Get off your Back end and provide the customer service that is expected! Do not make excuses or Lie to CGC about your inability to swipe a credit card if you want your money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. The facilitator should be responsible enough to never loose a book! Period! And if this really happened do not Blame CGC or Lie to the customer! You know you have!

3. Do not blame CGC, Its your responsibility as a facilitator to keep up with this information, if you can not then maybe its time you Stopped being a facilitator!

i won't offer a responce to 2-3 (either these 2 responces or with my own)


but with #1 you 2 are being unreasonable people do work all the time and get paied after......just so happens that DWC has the books to hold over peoples heads to pay their bills, instead of in some other buinnesses where they have to take them to court to pay up


ok let me ask both of you......is it the companys fault if someone has an outstanding blance but yet wants their item and the company refuses to give it over till blance is paid, take you pick on a company (plumber, electric company, water compeny, other)


my family owned a catering/party/resturant, we did a wedding where we asked for X down payment......and mother holds her daughter wedding resaprion with us, then can't pay so we take her to court..........in then end were left with a 2-3k bill and the mother is paying us 20-50 a month bc that's all she could afford


you can not honestly tell me that it's out fault for not demanding up front payment in full, buinsness relay on people doing a down payment the paying it off in full after or arranging to make make payments all the time, is it their falut if the costumer is a deadbeat and refuses to pay.......i know for myself when family borrows money i give a little leeway but after that they aren't getting mess till what they owe is paid off no matter the sob story (and if you say i'm being horrible to my family, off bc i'm currently owed in the 5 figure #'s by them combined so i've been more then generous)


if anything DWC should require you to put a down payment on the order if not paid up front......and it's kinda hard to charge a CC when non is given, then doing the work on "good faith" that the payment will be done afterwards


please read my answer to #1, thought it was pretty straight to the point.



1. Your answer is straight to the point for #1. I'm not defending anyone in particular. But I work in internal audit, and I can say that if there is a dispute in terms of what the charges are (which I believe was the initial question), then a company should absolutely not charge the credit card, even if they have CC the number. In fact I would recommend to any business owner to NEVER (if at all possible) charge a credit card without proper support be it a signed contract, copy of receipt, email, recorded oral agreement.


To say that they should just charge you and send the books back even though there is a disagreement is... well a slippery slope, and would likely lead to a place darker than the original disagreement and held books. It would lead to a place where vendors/companies charge your CC w/o proof of your consent to be charged, which sounds a lot more like fraud than a dispute. And is actually just plain bad business, much worse than holding your books waiting for payment, which is actually very close to normal business (for many industries; best practice for CGC SS is still being established).



FOR 2 and 3, I think the replacements and refunds meet the minimum legal requirement to be made whole according to Uniform Commercial Code and most tort law stuff I learned. And even though mistakes shouldnt' happen, I think we can all agree that mistakes DO in fact happen, in every company, in every industry, including industries or companies we work in (I actually made one mistake 2 years ago, shocking I know!). But how hard we work to make up for those mistakes and prevent future mistakes is what defines successful companies. SO YES, you're answers for 2 and 3 are just fine from a legal perspective, but from the perspective of keeping clients happy and retaining them, there may be other options to consider. And if one were to find themselves in these situations (in 2 and 3) on any type of regular basis, that person/company may have bigger more difficult questions to ask themselves.

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Rich Henn just motivated me in a way I wish I know what. By whatever it is I better do a good job at it.


Rich, I want you to be my best man at my wedding and the godfather of my first born

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1. should never happen


2. should never happen


3. should never happen


I have never agreed with Pirate on anything until now.


I have to agree with Pirate 100% far all 3!!!!!!!!


But if the 3 did possible happen!


Useful discussion is more like Baloney


1. Its your fault if there is an outstanding balance that is unpaid, especially if you have the credit card! doh! You are just being lazy and not billing the customer or providing a detailed bill to the customer and now you want twist the real issues! Get off your Back end and provide the customer service that is expected! Do not make excuses or Lie to CGC about your inability to swipe a credit card if you want your money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. The facilitator should be responsible enough to never loose a book! Period! And if this really happened do not Blame CGC or Lie to the customer! You know you have!

3. Do not blame CGC, Its your responsibility as a facilitator to keep up with this information, if you can not then maybe its time you Stopped being a facilitator!

i won't offer a responce to 2-3 (either these 2 responces or with my own)


but with #1 you 2 are being unreasonable people do work all the time and get paied after......just so happens that DWC has the books to hold over peoples heads to pay their bills, instead of in some other buinnesses where they have to take them to court to pay up


ok let me ask both of you......is it the companys fault if someone has an outstanding blance but yet wants their item and the company refuses to give it over till blance is paid, take you pick on a company (plumber, electric company, water compeny, other)


my family owned a catering/party/resturant, we did a wedding where we asked for X down payment......and mother holds her daughter wedding resaprion with us, then can't pay so we take her to court..........in then end were left with a 2-3k bill and the mother is paying us 20-50 a month bc that's all she could afford


you can not honestly tell me that it's out fault for not demanding up front payment in full, buinsness relay on people doing a down payment the paying it off in full after or arranging to make make payments all the time, is it their falut if the costumer is a deadbeat and refuses to pay.......i know for myself when family borrows money i give a little leeway but after that they aren't getting mess till what they owe is paid off no matter the sob story (and if you say i'm being horrible to my family, off bc i'm currently owed in the 5 figure #'s by them combined so i've been more then generous)


if anything DWC should require you to put a down payment on the order if not paid up front......and it's kinda hard to charge a CC when non is given, then doing the work on "good faith" that the payment will be done afterwards


I am not being unreasonable...I provide my credit card up front. If DWC does not bill the card (shrug)

that is you.....not everyone does that, ask anyone i've done opps with or SS i pay be check and if my math is off they let me know and i pay up (but you are right as it relates to you, you give the info, if they don't charge it is not your problem)


and Pirate shouldn't happen and doesn't happen are 2 different things......as i said alot of buisness work that way


have you ever booked a party for a wedding or funeral or any type of party......hell a kids birthday party all work in this manner 1 down payment, 2 the party happens on the "good faith" that the host pays the bill, 3 bill is dilivered and either A paid for or B not paid for and court will be in the future if arrangments are not made


honestly JJ had the best idea pay or books don't get done, but again that's how he does it, DWC doesn't, Mr. Mylar for opps works both ways somtimes up front sometimes not, rich i forget (think he's like JJ unless he trusts you, but not sure) so everyone does it different


Well if you let it happen to you as a facilitator, then you're setting yourself up for problems.

never mind it seems your world is only black or white/right or wrong, there are shades of grey in everything

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We agree completely with many of your comments. Just because we have some issues with a few of our customers, doesn't mean we don't believe in customer service. And to answer your first question (I spent the last several hours computing), the problem occurs .0027 percent of the time and I am sure at least half that percentage are not happy customers no matter what we do to remedy the problem. But in turn that means it doesn't happen 99.9973% of the time and those customers appear to be very happy. But still it is a problem and we are striving to reduce this percentage to zero.

I have to ask though, are you the same Rich that posted the below quote several months back. I must say my jaw dropped when reading this and the fact you clearly stated you were not kidding, I couldn't dismiss it as just teasing. While we certainly can appreciate some of the message you were trying to deliver, in my opinion, your tone surely didn't display any finesse or diplomacy to your customers. I failed to see any customer service in your statements.




Okay boys---it seems like some basic "Comic Book Signature Series 101" is required here.


I could have hit a post in my prior thread and bounced that back, but I really feel this is important enough to warrant it's own thread/post.




Because this is so important and so basic, and I am only going to say this once.



Books are starting to show up.


With ZERO information.


So, and I say this in all seriousness...if you can't be bothered to provide me with basic information AND money---then I cannot and WILL NOT be bothered to get your books done. And if this is the sort of thing that DWC has to put up with, then it's no wonder you're waiting for books.


And I'll apologize in advance and only once for my tone, but this is uncalled for.


You MUST provide the following--










If any of these four basic and VERY important things are not provided with your books, your books will










Not kidding, even a little bit.

I can't believe that I'm even getting packages of books without any of these four basic things.












If you guys can't be bothered to supply me the bare essentials needed for a signing, then I can't be bothered to get the job done.


Make no mistake, I am very good at my job, so it's your loss. If this is the sort of thing that DWC has to deal with, then it's no wonder some of you are waiting 2 years for your books.

I won't be holding your books for 2 days without this info.


If I sound frustrated it's because I AM. This isn't the first time this has happened, but it's going to be the last. Mail aways, upcoming appearances, creator signings....you HAVE to give me the info that I need to work with.


And one more thing.....if you send me your books in envelope mailers and not US PRIORITY BOXES ---with books packed SECURE to PROTECT THEM....you can be sure as the sun comes out tomorrow that your books are arriving damaged.


Again, if you can't follow these basic steps, don't send me your books.


DO. NOT. SEND. ME. YOUR. BOOKS if you can't follow these four basic steps. Because then you'll at least still have your books and they'll be safe and sound in the comfort of your basement.....unsigned.


I know this might sound harsh, but it has to be said.

On behalf of ALL facilitators that have to deal with this, this MUST be made crystal clear how important this is.


I've had to deal with this sort of thing several times in the past, but moving forward, no more.













Thank you.

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1. should never happen


2. should never happen


3. should never happen


I have never agreed with Pirate on anything until now.


I have to agree with Pirate 100% far all 3!!!!!!!!


But if the 3 did possible happen!


Useful discussion is more like Baloney


1. Its your fault if there is an outstanding balance that is unpaid, especially if you have the credit card! doh! You are just being lazy and not billing the customer or providing a detailed bill to the customer and now you want twist the real issues! Get off your Back end and provide the customer service that is expected! Do not make excuses or Lie to CGC about your inability to swipe a credit card if you want your money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. The facilitator should be responsible enough to never loose a book! Period! And if this really happened do not Blame CGC or Lie to the customer! You know you have!

3. Do not blame CGC, Its your responsibility as a facilitator to keep up with this information, if you can not then maybe its time you Stopped being a facilitator!

i won't offer a responce to 2-3 (either these 2 responces or with my own)


but with #1 you 2 are being unreasonable people do work all the time and get paied after......just so happens that DWC has the books to hold over peoples heads to pay their bills, instead of in some other buinnesses where they have to take them to court to pay up


ok let me ask both of you......is it the companys fault if someone has an outstanding blance but yet wants their item and the company refuses to give it over till blance is paid, take you pick on a company (plumber, electric company, water compeny, other)


my family owned a catering/party/resturant, we did a wedding where we asked for X down payment......and mother holds her daughter wedding resaprion with us, then can't pay so we take her to court..........in then end were left with a 2-3k bill and the mother is paying us 20-50 a month bc that's all she could afford


you can not honestly tell me that it's out fault for not demanding up front payment in full, buinsness relay on people doing a down payment the paying it off in full after or arranging to make make payments all the time, is it their falut if the costumer is a deadbeat and refuses to pay.......i know for myself when family borrows money i give a little leeway but after that they aren't getting mess till what they owe is paid off no matter the sob story (and if you say i'm being horrible to my family, off bc i'm currently owed in the 5 figure #'s by them combined so i've been more then generous)


if anything DWC should require you to put a down payment on the order if not paid up front......and it's kinda hard to charge a CC when non is given, then doing the work on "good faith" that the payment will be done afterwards


please read my answer to #1, thought it was pretty straight to the point.



1. Your answer is straight to the point for #1. I'm not defending anyone in particular. But I work in internal audit, and I can say that if there is a dispute in terms of what the charges are (which I believe was the initial question), then a company should absolutely not charge the credit card, even if they have CC the number. In fact I would recommend to any business owner to NEVER (if at all possible) charge a credit card without proper support be it a signed contract, copy of receipt, email, recorded oral agreement.


To say that they should just charge you and send the books back even though there is a disagreement is... well a slippery slope, and would likely lead to a place darker than the original disagreement and held books. It would lead to a place where vendors/companies charge your CC w/o proof of your consent to be charged, which sounds a lot more like fraud than a dispute. And is actually just plain bad business, much worse than holding your books waiting for payment, which is actually very close to normal business (for many industries; best practice for CGC SS is still being established).



FOR 2 and 3, I think the replacements and refunds meet the minimum legal requirement to be made whole according to Uniform Commercial Code and most tort law stuff I learned. And even though mistakes shouldnt' happen, I think we can all agree that mistakes DO in fact happen, in every company, in every industry, including industries or companies we work in (I actually made one mistake 2 years ago, shocking I know!). But how hard we work to make up for those mistakes and prevent future mistakes is what defines successful companies. SO YES, you're answers for 2 and 3 are just fine from a legal perspective, but from the perspective of keeping clients happy and retaining them, there may be other options to consider. And if one were to find themselves in these situations (in 2 and 3) on any type of regular basis, that person/company may have bigger more difficult questions to ask themselves.

I have to +1 this
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We agree completely with many of your comments. Just because we have some issues with a few of our customers, doesn't mean we don't believe in customer service. And to answer your first question (I spent the last several hours computing), the problem occurs .0027 percent of the time and I am sure at least half that percentage are not happy customers no matter what we do to remedy the problem. But in turn that means it doesn't happen 99.9973% of the time and those customers appear to be very happy. But still it is a problem and we are striving to reduce this percentage to zero.

I have to ask though, are you the same Rich that posted the below quote several months back. I must say my jaw dropped when reading this and the fact you clearly stated you were not kidding, I couldn't dismiss it as just teasing. While we certainly can appreciate some of the message you were trying to deliver, in my opinion, your tone surely didn't display any finesse or diplomacy to your customers. I failed to see any customer service in your statements.




Okay boys---it seems like some basic "Comic Book Signature Series 101" is required here.


I could have hit a post in my prior thread and bounced that back, but I really feel this is important enough to warrant it's own thread/post.




Because this is so important and so basic, and I am only going to say this once.



Books are starting to show up.


With ZERO information.


So, and I say this in all seriousness...if you can't be bothered to provide me with basic information AND money---then I cannot and WILL NOT be bothered to get your books done. And if this is the sort of thing that DWC has to put up with, then it's no wonder you're waiting for books.


And I'll apologize in advance and only once for my tone, but this is uncalled for.


You MUST provide the following--










If any of these four basic and VERY important things are not provided with your books, your books will










Not kidding, even a little bit.

I can't believe that I'm even getting packages of books without any of these four basic things.












If you guys can't be bothered to supply me the bare essentials needed for a signing, then I can't be bothered to get the job done.


Make no mistake, I am very good at my job, so it's your loss. If this is the sort of thing that DWC has to deal with, then it's no wonder some of you are waiting 2 years for your books.

I won't be holding your books for 2 days without this info.


If I sound frustrated it's because I AM. This isn't the first time this has happened, but it's going to be the last. Mail aways, upcoming appearances, creator signings....you HAVE to give me the info that I need to work with.


And one more thing.....if you send me your books in envelope mailers and not US PRIORITY BOXES ---with books packed SECURE to PROTECT THEM....you can be sure as the sun comes out tomorrow that your books are arriving damaged.


Again, if you can't follow these basic steps, don't send me your books.


DO. NOT. SEND. ME. YOUR. BOOKS if you can't follow these four basic steps. Because then you'll at least still have your books and they'll be safe and sound in the comfort of your basement.....unsigned.


I know this might sound harsh, but it has to be said.

On behalf of ALL facilitators that have to deal with this, this MUST be made crystal clear how important this is.


I've had to deal with this sort of thing several times in the past, but moving forward, no more.













Thank you.



I don't think there is a board member here that would argue these are valid points.


It's like taking an exam and not putting your name on the top of the test, and expecting your teacher to know who's test it is.


These are the core BASICS to submitting your books.



I'd say it again, but you did it for me.


I'd suggest a permanent sticky on that too.


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I'd suggest that if ANY facilitator receives books that don't match the guidelines stated in Rich's post that they be sent back to the return address on the package postage due. Facilitators have enough to deal with and really don't need the additional workload of doing the paperwork that should accompany a submission anyway IMO.

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1. should never happen


2. should never happen


3. should never happen


I have never agreed with Pirate on anything until now.


I have to agree with Pirate 100% far all 3!!!!!!!!


But if the 3 did possible happen!


Useful discussion is more like Baloney


1. Its your fault if there is an outstanding balance that is unpaid, especially if you have the credit card! doh! You are just being lazy and not billing the customer or providing a detailed bill to the customer and now you want twist the real issues! Get off your Back end and provide the customer service that is expected! Do not make excuses or Lie to CGC about your inability to swipe a credit card if you want your money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. The facilitator should be responsible enough to never loose a book! Period! And if this really happened do not Blame CGC or Lie to the customer! You know you have!

3. Do not blame CGC, Its your responsibility as a facilitator to keep up with this information, if you can not then maybe its time you Stopped being a facilitator!

i won't offer a responce to 2-3 (either these 2 responces or with my own)


but with #1 you 2 are being unreasonable people do work all the time and get paied after......just so happens that DWC has the books to hold over peoples heads to pay their bills, instead of in some other buinnesses where they have to take them to court to pay up


ok let me ask both of you......is it the companys fault if someone has an outstanding blance but yet wants their item and the company refuses to give it over till blance is paid, take you pick on a company (plumber, electric company, water compeny, other)


my family owned a catering/party/resturant, we did a wedding where we asked for X down payment......and mother holds her daughter wedding resaprion with us, then can't pay so we take her to court..........in then end were left with a 2-3k bill and the mother is paying us 20-50 a month bc that's all she could afford


you can not honestly tell me that it's out fault for not demanding up front payment in full, buinsness relay on people doing a down payment the paying it off in full after or arranging to make make payments all the time, is it their falut if the costumer is a deadbeat and refuses to pay.......i know for myself when family borrows money i give a little leeway but after that they aren't getting mess till what they owe is paid off no matter the sob story (and if you say i'm being horrible to my family, off bc i'm currently owed in the 5 figure #'s by them combined so i've been more then generous)


if anything DWC should require you to put a down payment on the order if not paid up front......and it's kinda hard to charge a CC when non is given, then doing the work on "good faith" that the payment will be done afterwards


I am not being unreasonable...I provide my credit card up front. If DWC does not bill the card (shrug)

that is you.....not everyone does that, ask anyone i've done opps with or SS i pay be check and if my math is off they let me know and i pay up (but you are right as it relates to you, you give the info, if they don't charge it is not your problem)


and Pirate shouldn't happen and doesn't happen are 2 different things......as i said alot of buisness work that way


have you ever booked a party for a wedding or funeral or any type of party......hell a kids birthday party all work in this manner 1 down payment, 2 the party happens on the "good faith" that the host pays the bill, 3 bill is dilivered and either A paid for or B not paid for and court will be in the future if arrangments are not made


honestly JJ had the best idea pay or books don't get done, but again that's how he does it, DWC doesn't, Mr. Mylar for opps works both ways somtimes up front sometimes not, rich i forget (think he's like JJ unless he trusts you, but not sure) so everyone does it different


Well if you let it happen to you as a facilitator, then you're setting yourself up for problems.

never mind it seems your world is only black or white/right or wrong, there are shades of grey in everything


You missed the entire point of my post, but i'm not surprised.

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I don't think there is a board member here that would argue these are valid points.


It's like taking an exam and not putting your name on the top of the test, and expecting your teacher to know who's test it is.


These are the core BASICS to submitting your books.



I'd say it again, but you did it for me.


I'd suggest a permanent sticky on that too.


People that send books with no information are dummies, not customers.


Unless it is me, in which case, I was in a hurry.

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I don't think there is a board member here that would argue these are valid points.


It's like taking an exam and not putting your name on the top of the test, and expecting your teacher to know who's test it is.


These are the core BASICS to submitting your books.



I'd say it again, but you did it for me.


I'd suggest a permanent sticky on that too.


People that send books with no information are dummies, not customers.


Unless it is me, in which case, I was in a hurry.



To bad DWC received their form filed out with a confirmation email!

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We agree completely with many of your comments. Just because we have some issues with a few of our customers, doesn't mean we don't believe in customer service. And to answer your first question (I spent the last several hours computing), the problem occurs .0027 percent of the time and I am sure at least half that percentage are not happy customers no matter what we do to remedy the problem. But in turn that means it doesn't happen 99.9973% of the time and those customers appear to be very happy. But still it is a problem and we are striving to reduce this percentage to zero.


Having to figure out your success rate and then boasting about it is just self loathing and means squat to those of us that have had issues with you. Maybe you should have spent those several hours trying to figure out how to resolve the Problems you have within DWC and not number crunching to make your self feel better about your screw ups!



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So let's give that little nudge to Rich on his post and deflect.

Bottom line what he posted months ago is customer service. He needs that information to properly get signatures, books back to CGC and those books entered into CGCs system.

I am still waiting for upset customers to start threads about his incompetence, but have yet to see it.

Questions from DWC were asked and people responded. Whether the answers were what the original poster wanted go hear makes no difference.

Bottom line for any facilitator...

Do your job.

Be available.


This isn't about Rich Henn's customer service and if it is you lost the minute you hit 'submit'


I think everyone agrees on this:

Let's just get everything worked out so it doesn't come to public bashing and threads like this. There is 1 a month it seems. That is not good for DWC, CGC and most importantly the customer.

I hope this can get resolved for Zia and for DWC soon!

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To clarify, this thread was not about Zia or DWC's customer service or anyone in particular. I asked three general question so I could read the intelligent answers and formulate policies. That's all. Many got it and had terrific answers, some even had legal answers. Thank you.


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We agree completely with many of your comments. Just because we have some issues with a few of our customers, doesn't mean we don't believe in customer service. And to answer your first question (I spent the last several hours computing), the problem occurs .0027 percent of the time and I am sure at least half that percentage are not happy customers no matter what we do to remedy the problem. But in turn that means it doesn't happen 99.9973% of the time and those customers appear to be very happy. But still it is a problem and we are striving to reduce this percentage to zero.


Having to figure out your success rate and then boasting about it is just self loathing and means squat to those of us that have had issues with you. Maybe you should have spent those several hours trying to figure out how to resolve the Problems you have within DWC and not number crunching to make your self feel better about your screw ups!



That computed success rate also doesn't include the number of dissatisfied customers that haven't ranted publicly but have quietly stopped using DWC and transferred their SS business to other facilitators.

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You opened your self up to all answers by asking open ended question!


Really you asked those 3 questions with no spiteful or malicious intent! Tell the truth, its not hard.

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