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Is there such a thing as an 'open' board?

73 posts in this topic

16 responces and no abuse, but also no reply.????


This could be the typical "pot-shot and run" scenario.




I give it four more posts and then I'm derailing this sonuvaperson_without_enough_empathy. devil.gif

You derailed it with your first post! grin.gif


Ye cats, I must be stopped! I'm a thread-jacking machine!

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16 responces and no abuse, but also no reply.????


This could be the typical "pot-shot and run" scenario.




I give it four more posts and then I'm derailing this sonuvaperson_without_enough_empathy. devil.gif


You Go Bro , I can take it Look At My Tarantino Post. Here we are not flamming anyone here

on a post that said that was going to happen(NOT). So i think we got 'played'

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16 responces and no abuse, but also no reply.????


This could be the typical "pot-shot and run" scenario.




I give it four more posts and then I'm derailing this sonuvaperson_without_enough_empathy. devil.gif


You Go Bro , I can take it Look At My Tarantino Post. Here we are not flamming anyone here

on a post that said that was going to happen(NOT). So i think we got 'played'


A thread without flaming is like a day without sunshine.*



*(Or so I've heard. I haven't actually been outside or to a window since the boards launched.)

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16 responces and no abuse, but also no reply.????


This could be the typical "pot-shot and run" scenario.




I give it four more posts and then I'm derailing this sonuvaperson_without_enough_empathy. devil.gif


You Go Bro , I can take it Look At My Tarantino Post. Here we are not flamming anyone here

on a post that said that was going to happen(NOT). So i think we got 'played'


A thread without flaming is like a day without sunshine.*



*(Or so I've heard. I haven't actually been outside or to a window since the boards launched.)




THOUGHT cloud9.gifcloud9.gifcloud9.gifflowerred.gifflowerred.gifangel.gifangel.gifgossip.gif

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glade you like it .

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Just for the record MK, it 'twas I who suggested and designed Greggy's avatar, in the style of the DC 100 pager logos. Had nothing to do with him wanting to shout out his post total. It was my idea!


HEY, congrats on approaching 10,000 posts! Really neato coolo! acclaim.gifacclaim.gif


Wow, that's a lot of posts! Holy coo-moley!
























ok. I'm done.

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BTW, in response to the absent now-absent Egambart......Beyonder certainly made him feel unwelcome after his first post.......




In fact, looking over your 34 posts...you've been welcomed several times, and I haven't seen one case where anyone heaped abuse on you, uh, except for JC, but as a longtime lurker, you know he really loves you!


And Egam.....your style seems to be to start a thread by posting a "press release" and then not bothering to dialogue with those who respond to it. I noted that fact in your long statement of April 30.....revealing titled A Shadow Speaks. It would be nice if you came back and actually talked with folks about the thread you started here.


You started a thread asking about being charged courier fees on shipping to Canada. You got nine pretty helpful responses but never appeared again to thank anyone for the information.


You took part in the Guess the Grade contest by simply posting a grade followed by your Poe quote "while walking on a lonely road.....". I think this has to do with how you see yourself.


I've gleaned from your 34 posts that you're a back issue comic dealer.....one of the "older" guys, and there are a couple of us of "that age" hanging out here.....former appraiser.....


Think about it,......everybody here was a "newbie" at one point.


So basically I think you've made an unfair assumption about the community here without giving it a chance. I think you should just open up, give us your name, and get on with it. No insult intended. Let your hair down, pull up a seat. Of course if you're more comfortable thinking of yourself as The Outsider.....I think you're not going to get the full benefit and fun of posting here.


Just never, ever mention Hulk 181......that's what set JC off! 27_laughing.gif



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Do you think there is such as thing as an open Board, where the merit of a post is based on experience and expertise, and the quality of the post rather than the amount of posts on that particular Board and the fact that they know every member by their first name?


I think what you are looking for here is a moderated discussion that is guided by a facilitator and not a chat board on the Interent.


....when reading the majority of posts on this Board I feel I'm eveasdroping on a private discussion...


The best solution to this is to scroll by and ignore the posts that you feel are irrelevant or "private." Better still, just put those people that you feel are not contributing on your ignore list. Trust me on this one, I use the ignore list and it does make the forums more enjoyable for me.


From a personal perspective, I have been here "a long time" and generally read the forums every other day. My post count is barely over 1000, yet there are members that have been here a few months and have more than I do...so what. You will notice that some of these people spend what seems like all day on here, and if that is what they want to do then more power to them. Maybe they do not have jobs, or they have jobs that allow them to do this, or they never sleep...again...so what? Consider this, there are members that have been here for over a year and have less than 1000 posts and are respected as much as, if not more than, those with several thousand.


I would never recommend leaving, and I have seen numerous members do it. I stick around because there are just as many knowledgable and experienced members as there are "non-contributing" members. I have met some great people through this forum and have develped a network that extends beyond it into my personal life.


I assure you, while on the surface post count may seem like it adds credability to who you are, in reality it does not. In the long run the quality of what you post will speak for you.


That is just my 2 pesos.

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Just never, ever mention Hulk 181......that's what set JC off! 27_laughing.gif




Ok... I won't talk about 181 directly... but what do you guys think of the push some people are making about wendigo's first appearance? It seems to be hyped a lot lately... and I think even greggy picked up a copy of wendigo's first appearance at the con... can a comic about the first appearance of a white snowman have any value?


Feel free to quote me years from now... oh.. and yes... my hulk 181 is doing ok if your wondering.

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I have never equated a post total with any kind of validness or "better than you" mentality.


In my case, I work at home, and I am in front of my computer most of the day since I am a graphic artist. It's pretty easy to check online during my breaks from working on an assignment. So yes, I do have a job, and I make a pretty good living. So job....boards are not mutually exclusive. There are more permutations to situations as you could ever imagine. It helps me get away temporarily, without leaving my studio, and chat for a bit.


The boards are in essence, my office water cooler. My pattern has been to check in fairly often, especially if there is a hot topic I am interested in. To me, it definitely is a community. It has never occured to me to wonder why someone else spends more or less time on the boards. The only reason I notice post totals is probably because I'm a stat freak, with some OCD mixed in. I also could tell you how many books total I've read since 1976. Or what Cleon Jones batted in 1969. Strange but true.


If I felt that "newbies" were treated cruelly, or that there was an actual "hazing" ritual for new members, I'd be out of here in a second. On the contrary, I have seen many acts of kindness and helpfulness played out here on the boards. And I have learned a ton about a hobby I really am interested in. Oh, and I've had more than a couple of belly fulls of laughs. Are opinions sometimes delivered like mallets to the head? Yep. Just as in real life. Do the boards sometimes resemble an out of control frat house? Yep. Or a kindergarten? Uh, yep to that too.


It is what it is. Please no bemoaning what it "could be". For me, there are plenty of moments and threads and folks on here that make it worthwhile. Take the time to discover that. Get involved. Thin skins definitely don't help, because as I've observed, even a fairly harmless comment posted in black and white on a computer screen is easy to take the wrong way, and a slight bit of intended friendly sarcasm can come across like a cattle prod set on stun.


Is it real life? Well, it's as real as anything else in our media driven, media manipulated world. I know there are real people behind every post, whether I agree with them or not. I mean, I thought we figured out a long time ago that a user board is the equivalent of an electronic town square. At least I remember illustrating an article or two on that kind of subject for a couple of magazines at least 15 years ago. In 1989 I was getting my feet wet on THE WELL, a chat board based in the SF area. A few years later I was exchanging ideas with folks at ECHO (East Coast Hang Out), a chat board based down in NYC.


Some people get it, some people don't. My 13 year old daughter doesn't sit chatting on the phone to her friends like she might have if this were 10 years ago.....they IM each other. I know plenty of AARP types who don't have a clue. I also know plenty of us middies who embrace the technology and "get it".


Just a few observations. Like I said, take your hat off, chill out, let your hair down, and don't play the cypher.



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You are now the official Ambiguously Posting POV-man!!!


also a pet peeve of mine , reticent vs hesitant. They are different but I see them mixed up all the time. Reticent is reluctant to speak. Hesitant is reluctant to do act.


but I love you too man.!

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hey egambert.... dont get your panties in a bunch!! Ive liked your posts! keep em coming.


just think youve walked into a large party where you dont really know anyone. And there are groups of friends who are laughing together and others locked in serious discussions. Sure its hard to walk on over and be accepted and join in the conversation. you cant do it by standing off to the side at earshot range and then jump in and there you go.


but here online, you can do just that. And if your first posts arent met with stunningly swift conversion to your ideas, so what? If you see value here in learning about the comics market, prices, good stories, convention reports, etc etc etc, just keep speaking up.


None of us were 'cool' in our first 34 posts!!! takes a while. Most of us will never be cool no matter how hard we try. Sme are even actively despised, and they keep em coming....!! and that was a great post about how 99% of everything obvious has already been discussed and disseccted many times. Its a shame that you are new and want to talk about something that others are jaded to.... but, .... yknow??


also, I think you were referring to Jay Parrino's first "post" only to be never heard from again as a key player who was "run-off" Well, it turned out he was using us and that "personal letter to the boards" was a third party press release...

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and the whoe post count thing is silly.... long posts count as much as a simple graemlin fling. Most of the page one guys have a thousand o r more quick retorts joke posts. But so what? Its not like anyones keeping score?


oh wait, they are...

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also, I think you were referring to Jay Parrino's first "post" only to be never heard from again as a key player who was "run-off" Well, it turned out he was using us and that "personal letter to the boards" was a third party press release...


There was that one other BSD train wreck...


Still, looking around at the number of former and present OS advisors, major dealers, BSDs and the like that are still present and accounted for, I think the two that have been "run off" are more than compensated for by the dozen(s?) that still remain.

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