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I am so disgusted I won't turn this in...

356 posts in this topic

It is not in my best interest to shill with anyone, let alone get trapped by a potential enemy. Another reason I stopped my usual practice of buying from another Board was that I was afraid they would get me that way by slamming negs on me. I am very wary - some call it paranoid - of the enemies - and it started over CGC comics vs. "raw" comics. But that nonsense has spilled over here on this Board - and it has worked in the most part. But I am still here and doing well on eBay as a Seller right now. It does not compute for me to gamble away my Power Seller status I just achieved July 17. But they will think what they want to think - some people think that UFO's will invade the Earth and will argue and even fight you to the death over that belief. No reasoning with certain people.


No Cal....there's no reasoning with you. You need to take a very close look inside and see how you're perceived by others. Not sure what your problem is but I'm sure there's medication for it.


You have a serious paranoia problem and tend to play the victim with regularity during the frequent debates you have here. You're like a scared animal caught in the corner. And all your attempts to get out just close the exits further.


You started this debate, you ramped up the excuses, and when your excuses didn't meet the test, you compounded your situation further with more outlandish excuses. You keep telling everyone to get evidence but you haven't even backed up your first assertion of a shill, other than having a "feeling", or even given a shred of evidence to "the multiple e-mails daily asking you to shill" story. If you're getting them daily, I'm sure there are a couple just waiting in your queue. Are we supposed to just take your word for it?


You haven't proven a thing and made yourself look like an (again). This happens far to frequently for you not to wonder why, and maybe place the blame squarely where it's deserved. YOU.



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You haven't proven a thing and made yourself look like an (again). This happens far to frequently for you not to wonder why, and maybe place the blame squarely where it's deserved. YOU.


And what in the f have YOU proved? Not a GD thing.


Oh, I posted MK's posts - I posted all his shill-cartel posts - I did it - according to YOU. You know what you can do - .


I could care less how many times I look like what YOU must really look like - I will do this again and again, Don't like it - don't add to the fire. I don't need to prove anything. I already told everyone how to do this - and no one has yet taken me on my challenges:


rob_react PM'd me and posted also to "bow out" - too much work or so he claimed - but it was sure fun for him to take PART of the facts and try to put stats on my eBay winnings - but he wants out and NOW this is not HIS battle - it is MK's.


Flying donut has yet to respond to my PM - he won't because he knows I was and am right HE is the one w/memory problems - he even forgot the time I DID call him about those recalled Aspen comics - he also conveniently forgot WHY I stopped buying from him - and two others I recommended stopped too. He is another case of " I want to kick him too but if he gets up I want out - he did not see me kick him when he was down, did he?"


A few others joined in. You too. Why? Only you know for yourself.


Now Jim, awe4one or whatever you really are, I challenge YOU here:


take the time and get me on any shilling in this Thread. I will send you some FREE high-grade Silver Comics so you can upgrade.


Now, what I want in return: IF I am right about the first post of the guy who had zero feedback - I want YOU to quit this Board. Deal? C'mon, don't be a chicken. Take me up on this. Here is your chance to make me look bad.


It always makes me laugh that when people say " I did it because I was drunk" - they were already thinking about whatever in the first place - the alcohol was the ingredient that lowered inhibitions to allow the misbehavior.


Now Jim, here is your big chance. Let's see how tough you are by blaming ME for every time a MK or whoever accuses me of wrongdoing and they have nothing( like you). I have a few eMails ready too. I will NOT present them until I have you meet this challenge. Whaddya say, big JIM????



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I don't need to prove anything.


Ah, but Cal, you do.


You started this thread, and however you want to play semantics, the inference was that this was a shill bid. Having made the accusation, you do need to prove it.


You asserted that you NEVER edit posts, but then did exactly that.


You challenged anyone to produce any evidence to suggest that you might have shill bid and when somebody produced some facts, without any comment or editorialising, you tore into them, even though they had done precisely what you had challenged them to do.


You claimed that you were frequently bombarded by people asking that you shill auctions, but for somebody who puts so much store in 'evidence', you admit that you have destroyed the evidence that would have supported your claim.


You have rounded on people for expressing an opinion contrary to your own, even though you started the thread in a public forum.


You have called me a liar, without one single scrap of evidence to back it up.


You have posted offensive diatribes, but have then gone back to edit them (see above) and have even attempted to cover your tracks by editing out the edit notes!


Now, all of the above are facts.


But you still see yourself as the victim?


Please, Cal, seek help.

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I'm a bit late here and a little confused. If you're so disgusted why aren't you turning this in? I'd have thought you would have turned it in if you were so disgusted or maybe you wouldn't have turned it in if you weren't so disgusted confused.gif


I've only read the first page, so if you've already answered this, just post a link to the reply.



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I must say I agree with both awe4one and Flaming telepath here...


From the first week you posted here you rubbed me the wrong way, your style of posting, your choice of words, the single-minded view of things, the total lack of any sense of humour, like I said earlier most of your posts are a constant rant, hardly part of a conversation at all, and that's what a board is all about.

Frankly man you gave me the chills....


But from what I've read today and yesterday I agree there must be a bigger picture... you are probably not even aware that you are doing this....


Otherwise you would have picked up on this years ago....I mean you were posting on another board where they almost lynched you.... You come over here and the same thing happend. And no, it's not because "some" people follow you around to mess with you....that's your paranoia playing up again.


I've never seen a single individual alienate and even agitate some many people in so little time. If a large portion of the posters have a problem with you, maybe they are not the problem....


Do something about it Calamerica and do something about it now,and if you can't...get help


I just hope your real-life personality is a lot different from the one you use in cyberspace

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And what in the f have YOU proved? Not a GD thing.


I don't need to....the burden of proof is on you, my friend. You're the one claiming shill not me. Which is funny coming from a guy that's harping on others lack of evidence. Why is it a shill again? Because you have a "feeling" and are pissed because you were outbid. Do you call that compelling evidence?


Oh, I posted MK's posts - I posted all his shill-cartel posts - I did it - according to YOU. You know what you can do - .


Well go ahead and post the e-mails. I will leave this board today if you give me three different e-mails complete with three different Internet providers and different e-mail addresses as well as the eBay auctions involved that you were asked to shill (still have to be in the database and researchable). If I confirm them legit, I will gladly go.....if not....you have to go and seek professional help.


Three Cal.....should be easy if you get so many shill requests each and every day. You want me gone.....do this little thing. Make yourself the hero.


I'm waiting for your excuses.....


EDIT: All e-mails must be dated prior to 4 Aug 04 just in case you try to pull a fast one and get some of your shill friends to generate false e-mails in a lame attempt to salvage some semblance of credibility.



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Here is the bidding history of Cal's "shill bidder."


Note that the person joined eBay on July 28.


17 pages of paranoid invective, and it comes back to this. Cal, you were wrong about this being a shill bidder (btw, shill bidders usually don't win).

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Hi Folks! hi.gif.........;.


GOOD GOD IN HIS HIGH HEAVEN! WHAT THE....... 893whatthe.gif



Well, it seems my decision to hit the sack by 10pm last night paid off. I wake to find this thread twice the length it was yesterday.


Here is my short list of comments:


- Cal and I got into it pretty good a couple of months ago and I found myself in an endless loop of a flame war with him. It wasn't gonna end.....and it suddenly hit me...."This is nuts!" I have better things to do, and Cal probably does too. So, I said to myself, screw it, and I PMd Cal and asked if he would be willing to bury the hatchet. He agreed and we've gotten along quite nicely since then. He even recently volunteered to arrange for some long-distance purchasing for me at the SD con. So I want that on record.


We've had a couple of off-the-record discussions regarding survival tactics on the boards. I believe he is aware of his inability to "let it go" sometimes. It's easy to see people as 2-dimensional cartoon figures on the boards, especially when you know them only from posts. I don't think Cal is dishonest. I do happen to think he was off-target in his initial evaluation of the "shill". But I also observe that there is more than the usual amount of gusto brought to the chore of pointing out to Cal that he is wrong. Part of that is because of the strident and inflexible tone that comes across in his posts. You cannot use that style on the boards and get away with it. This isn't a courtroom. It is a public forum.


- One thing I've sloooowwwly learned to do in life is how to walk away from a fight. If you feel compelled to defend yourself against every accusation and every negative post made on the boards, you will simply never wake up. It is like the "endless loop" I mentioned above. You end up lashing out at people, and if you let the anger get to you, you will end up saying things you don't mean. I like to think that's why Cal edited his post about Joanna.


- The theories presented here about shilling, and shill-cartels hurt my brain. This thread has gone far beyond any rational debate on the subject.


- This is the first thread I've read that I can remember just wishing it would "stop". Neither Cal nor his detractors are coming off too well here. I'm really sorry to see this. It's too bad we couldn't have halted this thread sometime around the discussion of Kurosawa's films.


- So I'm staying out of this one. Maybe a first for Redhook. (Don't you hate it when folks refer to themselves in the third person?....Deion Sanders comes to mind). I think Cal does make contributions to the board, but when he gets caught up in a prolonged debate like this, things never seem to go right. I think he's his own worst enemy sometimes. (I can claim that too.) I think that's the case here.


- We've had a couple of folks recently storm off the boards. In both cases (Ian and Steve_HOCP) I sent PMs to them asking them to reconsider. We can joke about it, but in the end, there is a big difference between someone having a fit and leaving, and on the other hand feeling forced out. I don't think we really want that kind of atmosphere on the boards. If someone really bugs the crapp out of you....use the "ignore user" feature. It's the moderators gift to us posters.


So that's what I have to say, on two cups of joe and a good nights sleep.


Please, give this thing a rest!



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....ever the peacemaker smile.gif


Although I tend to agree w/ you. Thread's dead, and nothing 'productive' will come out of this mess.


(Damn you, Red. Now you've got me thinking logically too. wink.gif)

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It's easy to see people as 2-dimensional cartoon figures on the boards, especially when you know them only from posts


.......you know talk like that really pizzes me off,..just cause I'm two-dimentional doesn't mean I ain't got no feelings....


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