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This has been another thrilling adventure of Superman!

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I may not be the biggest Man of Steel fan or collector (I give that nod to Brandon Shepherd and others), and I definitely haven't read every adventure of the Caped Wonder, but I am a big fan nonetheless. When I was a child, he was the one superhero I wanted to be. What he stood for... a symbol of purity, morality, strength, and order, which symbolically stands defiant in our often troubled, turbulent, and chaotic world. He never bends to the will of evil, nor does he sacrifice his morals or convictions. He is self-sacrificing and gives everything freely to serve man. He is also very compassionate and merciful.


If we study Superman's origins and make-up further, we can devine they are deeply rooted in Judeo-Christian beliefs, and one could arguably see parallels of what he represents and the Christ-figure. Even if Superman were somehow stripped of his powers, his devine, pious and rightous nature, makes him a God among Men! He is undoubtedly DC's Messiah. Some may condemn him and caustically call him a Big Blue Boyscout, but in my eyes, he will always remain Superman!


I've recently got back one of my favorite adventures of Superman, first appearing in Action Comics 552, and recently reprinted in the hardcover book: Adventures of Superman Gil Kane. I bought this newsstand copy, back in early 1984 (publication date February 1984). I can't believe it's been 29 years since I first read that issue. The cover is what really grabbed me. Gil Kane's rendition of Superman is one of my favorite's, up there with Neal Adam's take. Why? Probably because Gil makes him look like he's sculpted in the style of the ancient Greeks. He gives the Man of Steel a chiseled and natural look, not like some disproportioned bodybuilder on steroids, but reminiscent of Michelangelo's famous masterpiece, a 17 foot sculpture of the bibilical hero David (the guy who slew Goliath).


The story, written by Marv Wolfman, is most intriguing, and involves a mysterious pryamid-shaped temple harkening back to the beginning of time, Vandal Savage (the immortal villain), and several guest appearances of DC's Golden and Silver Age heroes. It actually spans over two issues: Action Comics 552 and 553, and a slight connection to 554.


Well, without furter ado... I give you my transciption of the entire issue of Action Comics 552:


Action Comics 552: Another Time! Another Death!


Written by Marv Wolfman


Faithfully transcribed by SW3D (not for commercial use; please do not reprint).


Immediately we discover the Man of Steel, like the ancient Greek Titan Atlas, with his mighty arms and shoulders, lifts several tons of concrete and steel, debris from a collapsed building in the inner city neighborhood known as Suicide Slum. Several survivors, the poor and unfortunate souls who called this derelict and abandoned building home, stagger forth and hobble for safety.


Superman (Thought Balloons): "I've flown by this building a dozen times and never considered people might be living in such squalid surroundings... while less than three blocks away stand some of the city's most exclusive luxury apartments. Inequities are so unfair. Those who have, keep on acquiring more... while those who never have only continue to suffer. Well, they won't have to suffer in this rat-trap any longer... though what may have been hell to these poor souls... may prove a heaven-sent boon to a Philippine village about to be deluged by an overflowing river... simply by turning a decomposing junk-pile into a very useful dam!"


Like a pitcher tossing a baseball into the air, Superman hurls the collected debris into the sky at impossible speeds.


Remarkably, with a blast of his heat vision, he turns the debris into a ball of slag, where, thousands of miles away, it lands between an overflowing river and a small village in the Philippine's, saving the village and its people from certain destruction!


Superman soon discovers the source of the building's collapse... several gigantic roots.


Superman (Thought Balloons): "These roots are what hastened the building's collapse... by cutting through the foundation. Trouble is, this is a complete anomaly... these roots are definitely prehistoric. There's no way the seeds which germinated them could possibly be surviving today. Well, I don't mind admitting I'm stumped. Maybe I can figure it out at the Fortress of Solitude."


As the Caped Wonder takes to the skies, he is unaware an ancient villain has been secretly watching with baited interest.


Vandal Savage: "He doesn't suspect. But then how could he? I've provided nothing he can possibly connect with Vandal Savage!"


Dr. Cruise: "Sir, I've completed the tests."


Vandal Savage: "And the results?"


Dr. Cruise: "Everything is in position. Superman is almost a full carrier. The disease we've infected him with will soon take him over completely."


Vandal Savage: "And once it does, Dr. Cruise... he will be mine! He and his world will belong to me!"


Meanwhile, in a secret facility resting on the apex of a rocky plateau somewhere on the West Coast, a vintage collection of DC's Golden and Silver Age heroes have gathered together under mysterious circumstances. They will soon discover they are facing a crisis eons in the making:


Congo Bill: "I certainly don't mind a free vacation, but I'd like to know why I've been invited."


Rip Hunter: "I agree. And I'd say it's about time we all learned the truth."


Dolphin: "Feel so... strange here. So... far from the... water. Will... Dolphin... be here.... long?"


Cave Carson: "Afraid so, lady. Y'see, the fate of the world rests in our hands! A world I wanted to forsake!"


Rip Hunter: "We've all accepted our tragedies in different ways, Cave. But I agree. It's about time to level with our newfound friends."


Animal Man: "What I wanna know is... How'd you know about me bein' Animal Man? I thought nobody knew. I mean, I recognize a couple of you... Cave Carson, America's Numero Uno Geologist. Even Rip Hunter, the famous Time-Master... although I thought you were younger. But some of you... sorry if I offend ya... but you mean nothin' to me."


Rip Hunter: "You're right about me being younger Animal Man. I am! Which is part of the reason you're all here. But, frankly, I don't know all of you either. Only one man does... the one who brought us all here. But he's asked that you meet him later for reasons which shall then become clear. When Cave's done you'll see a connection."


Cave Carson: "You done Hunter? Let me get on with it. Animal Man's right... I'm a Geologist. And to make my work easier, I created a little machine I called The Mighty Mole."


Flashback: The Mighty Mole: a midnight-blue, cylindrical shaped vehicle, with two turbine-like engines on either side, and a giant drill on its nose, digs through several miles of earth and rock... piloted by Cave Carson dressed in miner's gear:


Cave Carson: "It eats through rock like a fat man through pizza."


An ancient golden pyramid-like temple with ascending stairs majestically stands before Cave Carson. He emerges from his vehicle with a flashlight to explore:


Cave Carson: "Well I was doing some solo about three years back... when I came across this temple. I got a pic of it, so I take a look-see. It was intact in perfect condition, and when I explored it further, I found incredible statuary, jewels, gold, in short, wealth beyond imagining. I should'a known there'd be a catch!"


Cave soon finds himself in a courtroom... on a witness stand being subjected to a government judicial investigation:


Cave Carson: "Before I knew what happened, I was testifying at a grand jury investigation. Inquisition is more like it."


Government Prosecutor: "You were on Government Property, Mr. Carson."


Cave Carson: "I was fifteen miles straight down."


Government Prosecutor: "Fifteen miles under government land classified Top Secret. You were trespassing Mr. Carson. The treasure, the temple, and all evidence to the temple belong to the U.S. Government."


End of Flashback


Cave Carson: "So I gave 'em my maps, the treasures, smuggled out one photo as a souvenir, and did what the kids used to do in the 60's... I dropped out!"


Rip Hunter: "I'd like to hold my story for last. Mr. Dorrance, will you go next?"


Flashback: Four divers, clad in scuba gear, explore the depths of the Atlantic Ocean:


Dane Dorrance: "Sure, Rip. No problem. I'm Dane Dorrance, leader of the Sea Devils, an underwater exploration team. My wife Judy, my partners Biff and Nicky, and I were testing new scuba equipment in the Bahamas. While swimming, we found the remains of an ancient pirate frigate. Naturally we investigated. We also saw a small figure darting through the ship that perked our interest even more. We followed. Well the small figure darted through the frigate and beyond it we found a temple... golden, magnificent, if you've seen Carson's photo, you've seen it. Unfortunately our tanks were running out of air, so we resurfaced where..."


As the four emerge from the ocean depths, they soon discover a small craft with government agents waiting:


U.S. Custom's Agent: "Dane Dorrance... I'm Marlo of U.S. Customs. You're in U.S. Government restricted waters. I'm afraid you'll have to come with us."


End of Flashback


Rip Hunter: "Beginning to sound familiar, my friends? Mr. Flag, would you care to tell your story, next?"


Rick Flag: "I'd be delighted to, Mr. Hunter. I'm already piecing together the parts of this puzzle.


My name's Rick Flag, and I commanded a top secret government group which specialized in assignments considered too dangerous for anyone else. In a fit of black humor, we dubbed ourselves The Suicide Squad."


Flashback: On a clear indigo night, four figures covered in sapphire-blue hooded jumpsuits, descend on parachutes into a snow covered mountain region, as a military drop-plane flies overhead:


Rick Flag: "Eighteen months ago, my crew and I volunteered for an impossible mission into Cambodia. In the dead of night, we infiltrated the mountain area satellite surveillance had pinpointed."


To their shock and horror, the four come face-to-face with an enormous, hairy Primate-like creature:


Rick Flag: "I wasn't wrong. A suicide team learns not to die for the wrong reasons. We didn't have to fight the beast so Karin Grace, Doc Evans, Jess Bright and I ran. The ground was slick, we stumbled and slipped into a deep crevasse... where we wandered lost until a bright glow gave us hope of an exit. But what we found was a temple, one similar to Dr. Carson's photograph."


End of Flashback


Rick Flag: "Eventually we found our way home, reported our find, and two days later, the Suicide Squad was disbanded. I've spent the last months trying to find out why. Now I might finally learn the answer."


Animal Man: "Yeah, it doesn't take an Einstein to figger out something's rottener than twelve day old fish. Er... no offense intended Dolphin. Hmm... I guess it's my turn. Good. I hate being old maid. My name's Buddy Baker, but sometimes I call myself Animal Man."


Flashback: In his bright orange costume, Animal Man flies over the Amazon in Brazil:


Animal Man: "Because of a comet exploding near me, whenever I'm near an animal, I gain its abilities. Birds gotta fly and fish gotta swim, and I can do it all."


Running through the jungle with the speed and lithe of a spotted jaguar, somewhere deep in the Brazil's Amazonian rainforest:


Animal Man: "Anyway, I was doing some work in the Jungles of Brazil, when I ran across... guess what's big and gold and you've heard this story before?"


End of Flashback


Animal Man: "Do I have to tell you what came next? My passport was revoked."


Congo Bill: "I don't think my story is much different."


Flashback: Behind the cover of jungle brush, several rifles indiscriminately gun down an unsuspecting African safari:


Congo Bill: "Though it's been years since I led safaris, I'm still called Congo Bill. Well, for Old Time's sake, about eight months ago, I joined a photo safari... something far more sensible than the hunting trips I once led. During the expedition we were attacked by bandits. I, uhhh, wear a special ring. When rubbed, it permits my mind to take over the body of a great golden ape known as Congorilla. Using the ape's great strength, I dispatched the thieves with ease..."


Emerging from the trees, a golden-brown gorilla leaps above the fray of rifle fire and lands on a pair of criminals:


Congo Bill: "...And then went off to find a place to exchange minds a second time. That's when I ran across the temple we've all apparently stumbled upon."


End of Flashback


Congo Bill: "I've lived in Africa all my adult life. But when I reported my find, I, too, found my passport revoked. Dolphin, is your story the same?"


Flashback: Dolphin, swimming in the lower depths of the Atlantic Ocean, chances upon the ascending steps of a golden, pyramid-shaped temple:


Dolphin: "N-no... I do not think so. D-don't remember too much. But Dolphin remember awakening near the temple. It was... so beautiful, Dolphin wanted... to look closer. Beautiful... but it felt... felt so cold, it... frightened me."


Hiding in a pirate frigate which lies on the bottom of the ocean floor near the Bahamas, Dolphin spots a quartet of scuba divers:


Dolphin: "Then... people... four people came. Dolphin was... scared."


Dane Dorrance: "Was that us, Dolphin? Was it the Sea Devils you saw? That would explain the figure we saw."


Dolphin: "Think... so. Dolphin thought you... were enemy. B-but... enemy came later. Men... many men... with weapons..."


In the Caribbean waters, the silver-mane Dolphin is surrounded by several divers with harpoons. They ensnarl her in a net and hoist her up like a trophy fish onto an awaiting vessel:


Dolphin: "...and nets. Dolphin... so... scared... very scared. Asked... so many... questions."


On the boat, Dolphin's captivity severely weakens her:


Government Agent #1: "Something's wrong with her. She looks like she's dying.


Government Agent #2: "We've got to get her to a hospital."


Dolphin: "Dolphin... became sick. Needed... sea... needed... home."


The silver-mane beauty manages to escape and dives back into the life-nurturing ocean waters.


End of Flashback


Dolphin: "Dolphin... needs... water now."


Cave Carson: "There's both fresh water and sea water tanks in back. Use whatever you need."


Rip Hunter: In the meantime, I guess it's my turn. To get the suspense out of the way, I saw the temple. We all saw it. That's Bonnie and her brother, Corky Baxter, as well as Jeff Smith, our engineer and mechanic. I redesigned the time sphere to return to the dawn of time..."


Flashback: A metallic-gray globe of advanced technological design floats through a vast and infinite colored spectrum... a veritable miasma of time and space:


Rip Hunter: "...Not to the age of Dinosaurs... we'd been back there before. But to the moment that the universe was born! Whether to see that primal explosion, the hand of God or whatever else may have given life to everything that is. That was the reason I had designed the Time Sphere in the first place... and I was anxious for the moment when we saw the truth of it all... a moment that, when we reported our finding, might very well change the future of Earth!"


Inside the cockpit, one of its occupants voices his concern:


Jeff Smith: "Rip, the Time Sphere will be ripped apart! Three years reworking its frame!"


Rip Hunter: "It should survive the stress, Jeff."


Floating in an endless sea composed of dazzling coalescing color, like an overturned palette bleeding onto an empty canvas, the gray sphere known as the Time Sphere boldly voyages through the very fabric of the universe... intact:


Rip Hunter: "It did. I didn't think we were quite so lucky. The journey began, and time slipped around us. Centuries peeling away in instants! I'd made other time-trips before, but none was quite like this one. I was almost possessed by the thought of all beliefs, scientific and religious, being shaken to the ground because of what we were going to see."


Bathed in a raw, bubbling, orange energy field of intense magnitude, the Time Sphere crosses through the vast oceans of time:


Rip Hunter: "We travelled back One Hundred and Sixty Million Years. Dinosaurs which perished Millennia before mankind first crawled from the sea, were only now being born."


Floating like a hapless ball in a turbulent sea of cosmic energy:


Rip Hunter: "Then the true wonderment began. A symphony of color and sound reverberated from every corner of the time stream. We sat dumbfounded by the beauty of ages rushing by us. An endless ocean spilling forth endless waves..."


The fearless space explorers watch in stunned amazement at the spectacle which appears before their very eyes:


Rip Hunter: "One Million more years vanished before being born. Then we saw something else. Something that still makes no sense, even in retrospect. I can see the looks on your faces. Yes, it was The Temple, floating in the rainbow of energy waves that danced around us. And it began to emit a strange, unearthly noise that clawed its way into the base of our skulls. I struggled as I felt unconsciousness overtake me, but I failed. I can't say what happened next. The film in our on-board cameras was destroyed."


Miraculously, the Time Sphere has made its way back into the present, materializing on the very spot from whence it began its journey:


Rip Hunter: "I can't even guess what occurred. I just know what happened when we awoke and stumbled half-dazed from the Time Sphere hatch. We had somehow been returned to the lab we started from. I don't know how that could have happened... but that was still not the shock that occurred the moment we accidentally gazed into the laboratory mirror... and saw that we had aged!"


To his shock and horror, Rip Hunter catches a ghastly reflection... a shriveled and withered visage of his former youth!


End of Flashback


Rip Hunter: "We had left the present time no older than thirty-five! Even young Corky, only nineteen, was now eighty!"


Congo Bill: "I see connections, but I still don't understand."


Animal Man: "Yeah, and how did you know about me?"


Rick Flag: "There are still so many questions left unanswered."


Rip Hunter: "Don't worry, Mr. Flag. You'll get your answers soon enough. In fact, I think it's time you met the man who asked us all to come here. He may be the only one who can help my friends and me become young again... who can solve your particular problems... as well as save the world from being destroyed by its greatest hero! Here's the man who will lead us into a battle against Superman! And Heaven help the Earth if we should fail at our task!"


A non-descript door slowly opens allowing a shaft of light to cascade in. A shadow emerges, blotting a portion of the light. The gathered watch intently with baited breath for the identity of their mystery host.


Meanwhile, back in Metropolis, at the offices of the Daily Planet, Clark Kent and Lois Lane engage in banal conversation:


Clark Kent: "Oh, hi Lois. You're looking good!"


Lois Lane: "I've been working out lately. Getting myself back into shape. Even doing a bit of weight-lifting."


Clark Kent: "Good idea. Exercise is important. One day I might event try it. Well, Lois, gotta go. Loads of work to do. And you know what they say about idle hands."


Lois Lane: "Ummm, Clark, tell me, how are you and, ahem... er, what's her name doing?"


Clark Kent: "Lana? Gosh, Lois. I've known Lana all my life, but I never expected we'd be romantically involved. These past few months have been, well, super."


Lois Lane: "Oh, good. Um, Clark, can I see your paper? They forgot to leave one on my desk. I should have the front page today. Perry loved my skating rink exposé."


Clark Kent: "Lois, I hate to tell you, but there was this trouble uptown, and..."


Lois Lane: "What? Superman pushed my story off the front page? That miserable show-off! If he thinks saving Metropolis for the three-hundredth time is more important than... I... I'm sorry, Clark. I didn't mean to get excited. Say, Clark. I'd really like to talk with you a bit. Are you free for dinner? My place?"


Clark Kent: "Gosh, I'd love to, Lois. But I'm having dinner with Lana. Maybe another time."


Somewhere in Metropolis, in the skyscraper headquarters of the Abraxus Incorporated, we discover Vandal Savage plotting evil machinations:


Vandal Savage: "Is everything ready? Nothing must go wrong."


Dr. Cruise: Nothing will, sir. Everything's been double-checked."


Vandal Savage: "Excellent. Then I make my first move. Superman will be battling a menace he can't possibly relate to me... and, by the time I am done, I will not only control this Earth... but that muscle-bound dolt as well! Commence Operation: Creation!"


And with one pull of a lever...


...At Metropolis Park, unsuspecting citizens stroll through a picture-perfect day, unaware of what's to come next. Without warning, the ground beneath their feet rumbles and shakes, and splits open with violent fury as a geyser spews molten lava and steaming vapors into the air. People scatter and run for their very lives.


Their shrieks of terror get the attention of a certain reporter from the Daily Planet. He swoops out an open window and into the sky as Superman!


Superman (Thought Balloons): "Don't know why I should be surprised. I've come to expect the unexpected."


Converging on the scene, Superman uses Super Breath to freeze the spewing lava dead in its tracks:


Superman (Thought Balloons): "But this definitely takes the proverbial cake! Molten lave jetting up from the Earth's core... nothing a little Super-Breath can't take care of. But that still doesn't explain why this happened... in an area which has no history of active volcanoes! Well, I've said this at least a hundred times before... this is a job for Superman!"


Nose-diving into the epicenter of the volcanic eruption, the Man of Steel plows through the Earth to find the source of this disaster.


Meanwhile, Vandal Savage watches the Superman's every move on a giant TV monitor:


Vandal Savage: "Now! Activate the cultures! Superman is almost in place!"


Dr. Cruise: "We need a moment more, sir."


Vandal Savage: "You've had more than enough time, scientist. The very first time Superman confronted me in Abraxas, he was secretly sprayed with special biotechnic cultures, which have been kept dormant until now. I kept him busy fighting shadows, false menaces, and red herrings until the cultures had a chance to take root! But all is in place. The machinery is ready to be activated. We can delay no longer. So I say now, scientist... activate the cultures!"


Dr. Cruise silently obeys and presses a button executing the command.


After plowing through several miles of earth and rock, Superman arrives to his destination to discover: a golden pyramid-shaped temple!


Superman (Thought Balloons): "What's this? I've bored beneath Metropolis many times, but I've never seen that before!


Suddenly a pink and violet energy radiates from the temple, followed by a shrill which antagonizes the Man of Steel's ears. And within seconds a thunderous blast of green noxious vapors knocks Superman back into a wall of rock.


Superman (Thought Balloons): "What in the world? Something's going... the sound... shooting right through me... hurts... b-blast it... can't block it out. Driving me crazy!"


Vines and roots, like living snakes and tentacles, spring from the very earth, coil and wrap themselves around Superman, carrying him upwards back into the surface world.


Caption: Then they began to grow... microscopic spores which have been gestating for months suddenly blossom... instantly growing into plant life not found on Earth for more than five million years. Plant life which has been given an artificial intelligence controlled by Vandal Savage from several miles away.


Quickly recovering from the engineered assault, Superman breaks free of the plant binds.


Superman (Thought Balloons): "I let it bring me to the surface... and that's as far as it's taking me. I don't know what's causing this, but I don't for a second believe it's natural." The plant's seemed to grow from me, and though I'm not strictly human... I'm definitely not vegetable."


Superman's upward momentum comes to a crashing halt against an invisible barrier.


Superman (Thought Balloons): "What? Can't fly up! There's some sort of force field in place. Brainiac! He could be behind this... but this isn't his style... How did he recreate that prehistoric plant life? And more importantly... Why would he bother? But if it's not Brainiac... Who else?"


Prehistoric and gigantic plant life and vegetation grow like weeds at an accelerated rate as


The Man of Steel hammers away at the invisible barrier with his mighty fists.


Superman (Thought Balloons): "Well, I'll worry about the who after I smash my way out... If I can!"


On the other side of the invisible barrier, a crowd of astonished on-lookers have gathered to bear witness. Among the faces are Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen.


Lois Lane: "Jimmy... look! Superman can't break through!"


Jimmy Olsen: "I can see that for myself, Lois. But what I don't like even more than my pal's helplessness... is the fact that the prehistoric jungle and that protective barrier seem to be expanding! If they keep moving out, soon they'll take over all of Metropolis!"


Meanwhile... at the secret location where the forgotten heroes of yesteryear await their host: a tall, fierce-eyed, crimson-haired man with a glowing pendant hanging on a chain around his neck makes a dramatic introduction:


Immortal Man: "I'm pleased that you all could make it. Let me introduce myself. My formal name no longer has any meaning... but you can call me Immortal Man! I've brought you here because, in your own right, you have all been heroes. You are needed to battle a danger that even now is striking the city of Metropolis."


Rick Flag: "Metropolis? That's Superman's turf. What are we needed for?"


Immortal Man: "Mr. Flag, Superman is the cause of the disaster striking Metropolis. Indeed, the only way we can defeat the menace is to kill Earth's greatest hero!"


Next Issue: "The World at Time's End!"



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Hello Again SW3D,


This sounds like a great story, I'll have to pick up the Gil Kane hardcover soon! I have a paperback from a few years ago, Superman vs. Brainiac, a collection of brief stories throughout the decades of Superman's conflict with the evil alien. The collection is decent, an intro for the uninitiated, you can see see how both Superman and Brainiac have really changed over the years. In this collection, a portion of Action Comics #544 is reprinted, but it only shows the rebirth of Brianiac as a cyborg and nothing else from that issue. This was such a tease, to only get to experience a small sample of Marv Wolfman's writing and Gil Kane's amazing art. As I have said before, I have several check lists for my Action Comics slabs, Gil Kane's covers are one of my lists, as of this writing I have only 5 of his 17 covers. It is good to hear from one who had these when they came out, thanks for sharing!

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AC's 544 is also partially reprinted in Adventures of Superman Gil Kane; the Lex Luthor story as drawn by Curt Swan is not included (and that a good story where Lex Luthor visits another planet, had a wife, is treated like a savior, and must use his genius to save the planet from destruction).


I love that anniversary issue. I bought that back in the day.


Although the Luthor story is missing in the AOSGK book, the Brainiac story from AC 544 and the follow-up story in AC 545 are included; as well as another story from Superman Special 2 about Brianiac, which acts like a What If? to the Brainiac story in AC 544.


Glad you like the post.



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