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DiceX, a child of the '70s, reviews Man of Steel...Spoilers Inside!

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and as bad as Punisher War Zone was...I kind of liked it for what it was.


Let me guess you liked it better than DREDD?


I didn't really like Dredd, I thought you knew that :P

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and as bad as Punisher War Zone was...I kind of liked it for what it was.


Let me guess you liked it better than DREDD?


I didn't really like Dredd, I thought you knew that :P


Dredd was much better than I thought it was going to be.



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and as bad as Punisher War Zone was...I kind of liked it for what it was.


Let me guess you liked it better than DREDD?


I didn't really like Dredd, I thought you knew that :P


Dredd was much better than I thought it was going to be.



Dredd was a lot worse than I hoped it would be :(

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and as bad as Punisher War Zone was...I kind of liked it for what it was.


Let me guess you liked it better than DREDD?


I didn't really like Dredd, I thought you knew that :P


Dredd was much better than I thought it was going to be.



Dredd was a lot worse than I hoped it would be :(


Yeah, but I thought they did a hell of a job considering they had literally zero budget.



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First of all, you're probably asking yourself, "self, why does DiceX get his own thread for reviewing Man of Steel?"

The answer is simple. You suck. I do not suck.


A little background. I was born in 1968. My childhood friends always made fun of me because they were Marvelheads. I liked both Marvel and DC, but I was WAY more of a DC fan. Superman was my favorite. I was a Legion of Superheroes junky and would wait outside the drugstore for the local magazine distributor to drop off the new comics every week.


I was 10 years old when Christopher Reeve debuted in the first Superman movie and was in complete awe. I didn't believe a movie could be more perfect, then came Superman II and I was given the gift that all other superhero movies would be judged against for the rest of my life.


I stayed completely away from all spoilers on this movie. Other than knowing Zod would be the villain, I was completely in the dark about all other aspects of the film walking in to see it.


What I liked about this movie...

1) The performances by the actors. All of them. Well, except for Kevin Costner, who I think is highly overrated and is completely forgettable. The rest of the cast was nothing less than superb. I don't just mean the lead actors, I mean the whole mess and shebang of them. Down to the most insignificant part.


2) The fight scenes. Though it was pushing the envelope of being excessive, it is exactly what I would picture an actual fight between Kryptonians would be like. The powers, speed and strength were completely believable. I've heard it being compared to a Transformer movie but I beg to differ...the action was completely over the top, but there's not a moment when you can't tell what's happening on the screen.


3) A tag-along to the prior point, there was no 3 minute fight scene here and a 10 minute one at the end. The action in this movie is long winded and kicking. I found myself wondering how much longer they could possibly beat on each other, but loved every second of it. You may walk out of the theater being disappointed by something, but you certainly won't find yourself wishing there had been more action.


4) The special effects. Absolutely mind-blowing. Especially Krypton.


5) The changes in the base story. Many things in the story of Superman were completely thrown out and redone. I must say that most of them made more sense and helped the story be more believable. I liked it all.


6) The actress playing Lois Lane is a brick house. 'Nuff said.


7) The conflict within Superman himself. His boyscout do-gooder image from my childhood had to be checked at the door, and I think I like what they did here. I don't think I trust Superman to be Superman yet, but that's the charm of this movie. It's about the character not knowing who he is yet and the conflict within him. In the end he makes a choice and I think it was important, for me anyway, to see him make this choice. I feel it makes him more human than he has ever been in all movies from the past.


What I DIDN'T like about the movie...


1) Kevin Costner. I know I've already mentioned it, but I really can't stand him. Almost to the point of hatred. Not a Jack Black kind of hatred. More of a Lady Gag-Ah hatred.


2) The destruction of Metropolis was WAY overdone. I found myself being frustrated every time another highrise building would topple over. There's a fine line between action-packed and overkill, and at times it was pushing it to the edge.


Overall, I am in love with this movie. The original Superman II seems like a dated broadway presentation now. If you want to know what Superman would really be like, Man of Steel takes you there.


I think I may have a new all-time favorite superhero movie, but I'll need to see it a few more times before I'm willing to give it that title.

This movie rocked my socks off.


Just saw the movie, managed to avoid all spoilers, and have just read your review - I totally agree with your assessment on what you liked and didn't like, especially the point #2 concerning the overdone part of the fight scenes with major buildings collapsing. In fact, I commented on this to my wife, as we exited the theater, that movies love to overdo destruction of cities. As far as Kevin Costner, I tend to like him, so I thought he did a reasonable job of playing Pa Kent. He's no Glen Ford, but he works in this movie.


I'm a '65 kid and nothing will ever outdo Superman I, but MOS is definitely in my top 3 or 4 superhero movies of all time. I may be forever thankful to Nolan and Snyder for getting the Superman Returns turd taste out of my mouth and giving us Superman fans hope for the future.

(thumbs u

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Amazing Spider-Man was better.




I am not joking when I say ASM was the best Spider-man movie. :whistle:


Tobey was just okay.


You lost me there. I put the ASM movie on par with Daredevil.


Couldn't disagree more.


I usually never care about on-screen romances in comic books movies, but I felt the Gwen/Peter relationship carrying out.


People will disagree, but not me.


Happens everyday: Nerd stalker with a camera and rock-a-billy haircut through careful use of stammering and hemming and hawing attracts hottest girl in school that has complete access to a multi-national corporation as a high school intern tour guide.

Despite that HIS Uncle dies and HER dad dies over the course of a week, they can smile and look lovingly into each other's eyes at the end of a movie, and forget that a giant Lizard attacked the city.



When it comes to that romance, I think it's more about the viewers infatuation with Emma Stone than anything else. (shrug)


You keep saying this, and I keep telling ya, it didn't happen that way. It was way more subtle. :baiting:


Every time we talk about it I watch it on YouTube and it just drives me nuts. Uncle Ben un-avenged. Captain Stacey dead. And the movie ends on an upbeat note. :frustrated:

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and as bad as Punisher War Zone was...I kind of liked it for what it was.


Let me guess you liked it better than DREDD?


I didn't really like Dredd, I thought you knew that :P


Dredd was much better than I thought it was going to be.



Dredd was a lot worse than I hoped it would be :(


Yeah, but I thought they did a hell of a job considering they had literally zero budget.



Urban was good, I just found the story kind of boring.

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