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The umpire is calling strikes..................

5,775 posts in this topic

I just think Brock has got some of his social handicaps like we all do and certain personalities just rub each other the wrong way.

We call them social "special challenges" now.


We all have them. :baiting:


True. Mods used to give me strikes for posting up pictures of hot women, something everyone hated. I've since corrected my prurient behavior for the betterment and adequately-clothed society.


I know I've changed over my 10 year membership here. I hope for the better.


You're still a loser
I like Verbose Greggy.
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Something else that needs to be discussed:


It is a great error to think that just because someone sells you things at a "good price", or even gives you things, that that therefore means they are a "good person."


Business is business. Someone who desires your business is going to say and do things that cultivate that business, utterly and completely regardless of what they think about you personally.


My (always unsolicited) advice to everyone: good packing, quick shipping, "cool books", great customer service...these are BUSINESS traits, NOT personality traits. It is simply good BUSINESS to do these things. And, frankly, it should be expected, not considered a bonus, when these things meet the customer's satisfaction.


Do not mistake good BUSINESS practice with PERSONAL character, integrity, decency, and class. Those things are determined by what a person does when they DON'T have something to gain.


It's an important distinction that is lost, and people end up bribed...even without their knowledge...by the "gifts" of others that come with strings they aren't even aware of.


I am not making a comment either way about this particular situation; this is a general comment.


^^ I can not agree with this post enough. Well said.

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Something else that needs to be discussed:


It is a great error to think that just because someone sells you things at a "good price", or even gives you things, that that therefore means they are a "good person."


Business is business. Someone who desires your business is going to say and do things that cultivate that business, utterly and completely regardless of what they think about you personally.


My (always unsolicited) advice to everyone: good packing, quick shipping, "cool books", great customer service...these are BUSINESS traits, NOT personality traits. It is simply good BUSINESS to do these things. And, frankly, it should be expected, not considered a bonus, when these things meet the customer's satisfaction.


Do not mistake good BUSINESS practice with PERSONAL character, integrity, decency, and class. Those things are determined by what a person does when they DON'T have something to gain.


It's an important distinction that is lost, and people end up bribed...even without their knowledge...by the "gifts" of others that come with strings they aren't even aware of.


I am not making a comment either way about this particular situation; this is a general comment.


^^ I can not agree with this post enough. Well said.



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received multiple PMs from a handful of users to be careful what I say to you.


I'm glad you admitted this publicly. This is not aimed at you, so don't take it personally. I am simply using your admission as a platform to discuss one of the most poisonous aspects of this (and any) message board: PM slander disguised as "warning."


I would like to ask you, and everyone who has received one of these "warning" PMs from others this: instead of simply accepting the information at face value, why not question the motives of the person sending it? Even if it seems to confirm your own opinion and experience, why let someone else's opinion influence how you view someone? I have many friends who are also friends with people who can't stand me. I don't tell them they shouldn't have those friends, or cut them off because of it...how much less should a stranger's "helpful warning" be considered?


What SHOULD be done is to think "now, why is Person X sending me this PM? Is it because they are genuinely concerned about me and my well-being? Or is it simply because they don't like the person they are "warning" me about, and wish to damage their reputation in any way they possibly can?"


The person willing to "warn" another member privately...out of "concern". mind...should be the first suspect.


It's pure poison, and it has done serious, severe damage on these boards, to many, many people.


To those who have sent, and continue to send such PMs: Shame on you. YOU are the poison on these boards. Mind your own business, and let others decide for themselves how they should, and should not, interact with others.


And to those of you who receive such PMs, always ask yourself why...and then tell that person "thanks, but I don't need my hand held. I'm smart enough to make up my own mind about who, and who I do not, deal with, and how. Thanks."


This whole Jeffro PM-bashing thing sounds fun. I think I'll start one.

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I think sometimes the mods here are a little quick on the gun to give strikes. And sometimes do not give strikes to the right people.

At least one of Brock's strikes was one of the dumbest I've ever seen on the boards. I think it was the first one where he was just making a helpful suggestion that was misinterpreted.


But I can't say I've seen what happened recently. The thread was changed too quickly for me to see what happened. Some people here love to cause trouble on a daily basis, but based on what I've seen, I don't believe Brock is one of them. (shrug)

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received multiple PMs from a handful of users to be careful what I say to you.


I'm glad you admitted this publicly. This is not aimed at you, so don't take it personally. I am simply using your admission as a platform to discuss one of the most poisonous aspects of this (and any) message board: PM slander disguised as "warning."


I would like to ask you, and everyone who has received one of these "warning" PMs from others this: instead of simply accepting the information at face value, why not question the motives of the person sending it? Even if it seems to confirm your own opinion and experience, why let someone else's opinion influence how you view someone? I have many friends who are also friends with people who can't stand me. I don't tell them they shouldn't have those friends, or cut them off because of it...how much less should a stranger's "helpful warning" be considered?


What SHOULD be done is to think "now, why is Person X sending me this PM? Is it because they are genuinely concerned about me and my well-being? Or is it simply because they don't like the person they are "warning" me about, and wish to damage their reputation in any way they possibly can?"


The person willing to "warn" another member privately...out of "concern". mind...should be the first suspect.


It's pure poison, and it has done serious, severe damage on these boards, to many, many people.


To those who have sent, and continue to send such PMs: Shame on you. YOU are the poison on these boards. Mind your own business, and let others decide for themselves how they should, and should not, interact with others.


And to those of you who receive such PMs, always ask yourself why...and then tell that person "thanks, but I don't need my hand held. I'm smart enough to make up my own mind about who, and who I do not, deal with, and how. Thanks."


PM sent. To everyone but you.

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received multiple PMs from a handful of users to be careful what I say to you.


I'm glad you admitted this publicly. This is not aimed at you, so don't take it personally. I am simply using your admission as a platform to discuss one of the most poisonous aspects of this (and any) message board: PM slander disguised as "warning."


I would like to ask you, and everyone who has received one of these "warning" PMs from others this: instead of simply accepting the information at face value, why not question the motives of the person sending it? Even if it seems to confirm your own opinion and experience, why let someone else's opinion influence how you view someone? I have many friends who are also friends with people who can't stand me. I don't tell them they shouldn't have those friends, or cut them off because of it...how much less should a stranger's "helpful warning" be considered?


What SHOULD be done is to think "now, why is Person X sending me this PM? Is it because they are genuinely concerned about me and my well-being? Or is it simply because they don't like the person they are "warning" me about, and wish to damage their reputation in any way they possibly can?"


The person willing to "warn" another member privately...out of "concern". mind...should be the first suspect.


It's pure poison, and it has done serious, severe damage on these boards, to many, many people.


To those who have sent, and continue to send such PMs: Shame on you. YOU are the poison on these boards. Mind your own business, and let others decide for themselves how they should, and should not, interact with others.


And to those of you who receive such PMs, always ask yourself why...and then tell that person "thanks, but I don't need my hand held. I'm smart enough to make up my own mind about who, and who I do not, deal with, and how. Thanks."


Unfortunately this is from RMA. Also unfortunately, this is a 100% true statement as ever witnessed on this Forum.


And the PMing slander/libel started against certain people back in 2000, on the eBay Comics Chat Boards. The war is still being fought to this very day, just different methods and different low-lying tactics now.


The anti-CGCers/PGX-ers/encapsulators chased people from the eBay Chat to THIS shell of-a-once-great-Forum.


FORTUNATELY they won't be able to chase me to my next home. I feel real good about that!


CAL already moving... :acclaim:

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I have some issues with CC. And one is that it is similar to Carolina Comics lol But in all seriousness, I feel that he is not a good "people person". I purchased a decent enough amount of books when I first started buying again. He PM'd me, and we went through what he had available. When we agreed on a price and terms we went through with the deal. I was pleased with how everything turned out.


The 2nd time I posted a WTB for common BA keys, nothing fancy, your average stuff IF 14, ASM 121, 129 etc.. He PM's me, I express which books of his I would like pricing for (I was a return customer, pleased with our last transaction). He proceeds to send me back prices up to 2x GPA? I was confused, and I questioned why he is trying to juice me like that. He then proceeds about how everyone gives him a hard time about his pricing, but when GATOR does it, nobody says a thing. So I replied... I explained that GATOR deals in books that are typically hard to find, are not traded often, so it may be harder to get pricing from sources like GPA, but also that he has always been very honest to deal with and does not gouge. But you are trying to sell me a book that has sold 12 times this year for a 30% increase, and that's not right.


After a bit the PM exchange calmed down, and that is fine. But I learned enough about him and his way of "business", to say I will not deal with him, and that he does not seem very honest a person. Especially on a forum that is more family than marketplace.


So I am glad some of you like the guy, I will remain civil, but do not care much for the guy.

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To those who have sent, and continue to send such PMs: Shame on you. YOU are the poison on these boards. Mind your own business, and let others decide for themselves how they should, and should not, interact with others.


And to those of you who receive such PMs, always ask yourself why...and then tell that person "thanks, but I don't need my hand held. I'm smart enough to make up my own mind about who, and who I do not, deal with, and how. Thanks."


This part of RMA's message is the most ironic, the most applicable for ANY Forum.


I found it sad that many here took the other side against me because they did not:


1) like me defending myself. As if I was the "punching bag" for the anti-CGCers. Not being able to defend one's self is so fascist, yet the same anti-CAL folks would rail against anyone else acting the same way. I call them all Hypocrites. You can call them whatever…


2) like me pointing out the outright FRAUD that occurred here four years ago. However, the upside of all of this is that I don't ever have to fall for some sob story here anymore.


Maybe all my naysayers can just give ALL their money and goodies to the fraudsters, have them move in with them, and support them 100%. That is basically what MANY here did in spirit.


CAL who will continue to defend himself and stand his ground...

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Brock is a nice enough guy in person, and I don't say that because I've bought something from him or sold him anything. The business we've done is negligible in the greater picture. I'm just basing that on the fact that we've hung out with him a few times.


Online, people edit themselves differently than they do face to face and sometimes people (much like myself) don't even realize how their written word might be perceived differently than their spoken word by others.



It seems like many of the issues people have with him are based in actions, or patterns of posting that expose certain flaws in his character, like the threadkrapping or the way he handled that ebay transaction that he started a thread on.


I don't know him and have never even exchanged posts with him here, so I don't know what his deal is, positive or negative. But based on other people's perceptions, you might consider that you have it backwards; it might not be the case that he has a problem communicating online, but rather, that he's really good at keeping it together in face to face interactions, but that his character comes out on here.


Again, not saying definitively that this is the case, but we tend to assume that the online persona isn't real, and the in-person one is, when it can very easily be the other way around.


It's very possible.


I think I also have a much higher tolerance for what some people might consider BS than most people do, so that will also affect my perception.


And to be fair, I generally don't read most of his posts, so there is that.


Again, personally I still don't think he's nefarious. Just a sometimes socially inept comic nerd.


Happy to be proven wrong though.



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Something else that needs to be discussed:


It is a great error to think that just because someone sells you things at a "good price", or even gives you things, that that therefore means they are a "good person."


Business is business. Someone who desires your business is going to say and do things that cultivate that business, utterly and completely regardless of what they think about you personally.


My (always unsolicited) advice to everyone: good packing, quick shipping, "cool books", great customer service...these are BUSINESS traits, NOT personality traits. It is simply good BUSINESS to do these things. And, frankly, it should be expected, not considered a bonus, when these things meet the customer's satisfaction.


Do not mistake good BUSINESS practice with PERSONAL character, integrity, decency, and class. Those things are determined by what a person does when they DON'T have something to gain.


It's an important distinction that is lost, and people end up bribed...even without their knowledge...by the "gifts" of others that come with strings they aren't even aware of.


I am not making a comment either way about this particular situation; this is a general comment.


I was going to post the same thing. Sometimes people have a problem differentiating between the two.

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received multiple PMs from a handful of users to be careful what I say to you.


I'm glad you admitted this publicly. This is not aimed at you, so don't take it personally. I am simply using your admission as a platform to discuss one of the most poisonous aspects of this (and any) message board: PM slander disguised as "warning."


I would like to ask you, and everyone who has received one of these "warning" PMs from others this: instead of simply accepting the information at face value, why not question the motives of the person sending it? Even if it seems to confirm your own opinion and experience, why let someone else's opinion influence how you view someone? I have many friends who are also friends with people who can't stand me. I don't tell them they shouldn't have those friends, or cut them off because of it...how much less should a stranger's "helpful warning" be considered?


What SHOULD be done is to think "now, why is Person X sending me this PM? Is it because they are genuinely concerned about me and my well-being? Or is it simply because they don't like the person they are "warning" me about, and wish to damage their reputation in any way they possibly can?"


The person willing to "warn" another member privately...out of "concern". mind...should be the first suspect.


It's pure poison, and it has done serious, severe damage on these boards, to many, many people.


To those who have sent, and continue to send such PMs: Shame on you. YOU are the poison on these boards. Mind your own business, and let others decide for themselves how they should, and should not, interact with others.


And to those of you who receive such PMs, always ask yourself why...and then tell that person "thanks, but I don't need my hand held. I'm smart enough to make up my own mind about who, and who I do not, deal with, and how. Thanks."


This isn't directed at anyone in particular, but having been the subject of this sort of thing in the past, I have to agree with this at least in part. Good information can be passed through the PM system but it's often used with nefarious intentions.


I think it's sad and petty when people have to resort to high school tactics on an adult chat forum.

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let's see:


The Ressurection vs. Brock( CC).


Brock NEVER started a Thread with the implicit intent to bash another Forumite, like the R did. 1- 0 Brock.


Brock was fair to me with the Forum sales Thread. Don't recall any business dealings with the R. 2-0 Brock.


Brock was always pleasant to me in PMs. The R not so much. 3-0 Brock.


Brock never tried to paint himself as another "holier-than-thou". The r's last post here: smells like the aforementioned.


Final Score: Brock 4, The resurrection negative -2( three points deducted for starting that Thread to bash another Forumite, something that I even have never done…)


CAL keeping score...

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let's see:


The Ressurection vs. Brock( CC).


Brock NEVER started a Thread with the implicit intent to bash another Forumite, like the R did. 1- 0 Brock.


Brock was fair to me with the Forum sales Thread. Don't recall any business dealings with the R. 2-0 Brock.


Brock was always pleasant to me in PMs. The R not so much. 3-0 Brock.


Brock never tried to paint himself as another "holier-than-thou". The r's last post here: smells like the aforementioned.


Final Score: Brock 4, The resurrection negative -2( three points deducted for starting that Thread to bash another Forumite, something that I even have never done…)


CAL keeping score...

Anything for attention eh?
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Roy are you really reading this Thread?


Someone else posted before you did, or are you mimicking someone?


Big echo here…


But not surprised…you need to do what you need to do apparently.


CAL been there before...

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This is officially starting to get awesome.


It's like a really great movie trailer - I'm just hoping that the best stuff is in what comes next, not what has already been posted.

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