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The umpire is calling strikes..................

5,775 posts in this topic

Sometimes I do not think it is a consistency issue. I believe it all has to do with the button hump. If no one is offended by the post then there is no reason for a mod to conduct an investigation into the matter. If someone is offended or claim that a post is in violation of the rules, they hump the button and the mod renders a decision.


I am sure though that once someone is off strike that the mods check in from time to time to see if a lesson was learned and look to see if their is any overt behavior offensive to guidelines.



No, it's definitely inconsistency. This moderation team makes many decisions based on how they feel about the poster(s) involved, rather than adhering to a standard set of rules that is just and treats everyone impartially.


How else do you explain the fact that one member can call another member a "first class buffoon" and a "mess-stick", have the post be reported (many weeks ago), and yet not removed? Whomever it was on the moderation team decided that was an acceptable post, and so it remains to this day, despite being about as clear and blatant a violation of the board's "rules" as anything.




Is RMA referring to you? That sounds like your lingo. I am going to try and work in "mess-stick" into a sentence today. lol


No it was F_T. I instantly knew the quote. I just find it funny because RockMyAmadeus has posted frequently that no one should ever let another person's words affect them. :ohnoez:


That's quite correct. No one should let another person's insults bother them. "Sticks and stones" and all that.


And a member insulting another member in that manner is against the board's stated rules, and has no place here.


I suppose you imagine those two concepts are mutually exclusive. They are not.


Go play in traffic.


I'm sorry you were hurt by my decisions.



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I've yet to see a strike where the poster was innocent.


You have the members who genuinely believe that they did not deserve their strikes; that's because they lack the ability to see themselves. These members are usually characterized by their criticism of the system being unfair and unjust and never admitting wrongdoing. They believe that because others do similar things, their actions are acceptable and shouldn't be punished.



:gossip: Stop being a martyr and realize there is a reason that the mods don't like certain members. You think it's because you wear funny clothes, or you have a tangy yeast smell? While clearly perfectly acceptable reasons, it's most likely because you are a bigger d bag than most and make their job more difficult.


You have yet to see a strike where the poster was innocent because you have only been here a little over three years, and you like to believe that everyone is as difficult as you.


There are people who have gotten strikes who did not deserve them.


Mr. Diggler got a strike for "nipplage" in a sigline picture, which would have stood if not for the outcry from the boards to look again. After review, the strike was removed, but it still happened.


And while that was a mistake, there are people who have gotten "behavior" strikes who did not deserve them.


Do most people who get strikes deserve them? Yes. Does everyone? A resounding no. And do many, many people who deserve strikes (based solely on the criteria of what behavior is actually struck) get them? Also a resounding no.


"Not liking certain members" is no justification for inconsistent enforcement of any rules, in any society. The responsibility that comes with authority is to apply the rules to everyone, impartially, or there is no point in having "rules" in the first place. You know..."with great power" and whatnot...?

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I've yet to see a strike where the poster was innocent.


You have the members who genuinely believe that they did not deserve their strikes; that's because they lack the ability to see themselves. These members are usually characterized by their criticism of the system being unfair and unjust and never admitting wrongdoing. They believe that because others do similar things, their actions are acceptable and shouldn't be punished.



:gossip: Stop being a martyr and realize there is a reason that the mods don't like certain members. You think it's because you wear funny clothes, or you have a tangy yeast smell? While clearly perfectly acceptable reasons, it's most likely because you are a bigger d bag than most and make their job more difficult.


You have yet to see a strike where the poster was innocent because you have only been here a little over three years, and you like to believe that everyone is as difficult as you.


There are people who have gotten strikes who did not deserve them.


Mr. Diggler got a strike for "nipplage" in a sigline picture, which would have stood if not for the outcry from the boards to look again. After review, the strike was removed, but it still happened.


And while that was a mistake, there are people who have gotten "behavior" strikes who did not deserve them.


Do most people who get strikes deserve them? Yes. Does everyone? A resounding no. And do many, many people who deserve strikes (based solely on the criteria of what behavior is actually struck) get them? Also a resounding no.


"Not liking certain members" is no justification for inconsistent enforcement of any rules, in any society. The responsibility that comes with authority is to apply the rules to everyone, impartially, or there is no point in having "rules" in the first place. You know..."with great power" and whatnot...?


Before I gave up commenting on the mods and the rules around here, this was my primary argument. You have to apply the rules evenly and consistently. That's not done here -- and this is fact. I think it's almost been admitted by the mods that they don't, and don't believe that they should. They believe it's more fluid and subjective. I've always disagreed, and certain mods have demonstrated incredibly poor judgment over the years.


Of course, it's their sandbox and they're gonna do what they do. And you either accept it or don't play.

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Before I gave up commenting on the mods and the rules around here, this was my primary argument. You have to apply the rules evenly and consistently. That's not done here -- and this is fact. I think it's almost been admitted by the mods that they don't, and don't believe that they should. They believe it's more fluid and subjective. I've always disagreed, and certain mods have demonstrated incredibly poor judgment over the years.


I think this post provides a good summary of why it is difficult for mods to be consistent at all times.

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I've yet to see a strike that wasn't deserved. All this crying about consistency is lame. It's their boards...they can do what they want. If you don't like the forum or how CGC grades...leave. Jeez.



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I've yet to see a strike that wasn't deserved. All this crying about consistency is lame. It's their boards...they can do what they want. If you don't like the forum or how CGC grades...leave. Jeez.


A lot of board members have done just that. It has really been noticeable over the last year and a half. I know it has been said before, but this place really is a shell of what it used to be.

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I've yet to see a strike that wasn't deserved. All this crying about consistency is lame. It's their boards...they can do what they want. If you don't like the forum or how CGC grades...leave. Jeez.


A lot of board members have done just that. It has really been noticeable over the last year and a half. I know it has been said before, but this place really is a shell of what it used to be.


I've seen good people leave and I've seen good people join in recent years. I'm still a noob compared to many of the old timers so I have a limited amount of time to judge but this place seems fine to me.


It's a great place to meet collectors and to buy/sell and to talk comics. The time I made a threat to someone, I was given a strike. I deserved it. No arguing from me and I admitted I was wrong.


I see too many people pointing fingers and not many who actually take responsibility for their actions. That's mostly how I see it here.



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I think Mark 1 should get a strike just for fun. If I was a mod, I'd do it and laugh over the computer in a maniacal way.


Oh how ripe with irony it would be.


And I'd have my BSD out the whole time!


It wouldn't be the end of my life... :fear:



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I've yet to see a strike that wasn't deserved. All this crying about consistency is lame. It's their boards...they can do what they want. If you don't like the forum or how CGC grades...leave. Jeez.



What you fail to realize is that no one would have a problem if it was "their board, their rules" if they simply stated that. The problem is having a clearly structured set of rules...and then ignoring them.


You yourself have a history on these very boards of loudly complaining when you feel you have been treated unjustly...why, then, do you denigrate others if they do the same?


PS. It's not "their" boards. The boards belong to the Certified Collectibles Group.

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I've yet to see a strike that wasn't deserved. All this crying about consistency is lame. It's their boards...they can do what they want. If you don't like the forum or how CGC grades...leave. Jeez.


A lot of board members have done just that. It has really been noticeable over the last year and a half. I know it has been said before, but this place really is a shell of what it used to be.



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I've yet to see a strike that wasn't deserved. All this crying about consistency is lame. It's their boards...they can do what they want. If you don't like the forum or how CGC grades...leave. Jeez.



Just because it's this way now, doesn't mean it can't change or shouldn't change for the better.


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well, the board would be boring without the occasional notorious poster...every Luke needs his Darth.


Naaah, Darth should be given a strike. :idea:

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If the mods are not applying rules evenly...

Does this mean that the Locked Thread Points Challenge is fixed and the Mods play us like Fantasy Football?


mess kids, If I was on the moderation team, I would draft forum members on my own fantasy team and gauge a year's worth of progress centered around a point system based on posts, threads started, LTPC and strikes.


Heeeeeeeeey.... :idea:

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