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If you are going to sell books to other boardies...

355 posts in this topic

Stu, your logic is flawed.


Let's try this again. This is the first quote I replied to:


You've got to come up with a better "insult" than "pot stirrer". When I see you write that, I think of you as Richard Nixon shouting "Woodward and Bernstein are a bunch of pot stirrers, they must be stopped!"


You accused me of trying to insult you with "pot stirrer". Its quoted above.


I replied to that sentence that I wasn't trying to insult you with "pot stirrer" because you admitted to being one. Hence the "wooden spoon" comment.


The only mistake I made is that I didn't insert "pot stirrer" after the word you (added now in red for clarification). I didn't think I'd need to clarify it.


Here is my reply:


See, there you go again making this some sort of battle. I wasn't trying to insult you with "pot stirrer".


If the wooden spoon fits.... lol


I actually don't even think I remember calling you a Richard when I typed that 2nd reply up.


It's not semantics, it's simple English. I'm actually trying to be as open as I can with you but you're going out of your way to "win" yet again. You're the one arguing semantics.





lol You're going to stick with that, huh? Semantics 'til you die! Just like last time, "I'm asking a question, aren't I?" :makepoint: Well, no need to belabor this further, your responses reflect your personality perfectly. I dub thee: The Weasel! Instead of "snikt" your sound effect will be "Rzzzzz." Maybe you can fight Squirrel Girl...


But Royspeak is fun, let me try:


"Roy is a dirty hippy (sic)"


"Oh, sorry, I wasn't trying to insult you, I was just saying you need to take a shower and wash around your waist"


Yup, just as lame :facepalm:


Oh, and I think Mr. Pontoon and Mr. Evans would like to speak with you :insane:



Now, using your example quoted above, your logic is flawed because in the initial example that we're arguing over there was only one subject - "pot stirrer". You've split the argument into 2 subjects - "dirty" and "hippy", creating what I think is called a "Straw Man" arguement, meaning you're introducing something that wasn't in the original discussion. It's a subtle deflection but it creates a completely different argument.


So using your example above, it would be as if I had asked "Did you insult me by calling me a hippy?" and you replied "no, because you are a hippy".


Am I making sense?


I actually can't believe you're going on and on about this. What kind of person does that? :facepalm:


I'm not surprised though. The best defense is a strong offense, and instead of admitting even the possibility that you might be wrong, you'd rather just pour on the hate.

You've spent a decade trying to insult and discredit Borock (who if anyone has met in person will readily admit is probably one of the kindest people in comics), repeatedly come back create shill accounts to stay in a place that doesn't want you, and you are argumentative and insulting over the most trivial things.


That's what kind of person goes on and on about something like this.


I only go after you on this forum when I believe you are misrepresenting something. In this case you hurled the first insult at me in this thread by calling me a liar (unprovoked, which I feel is important to add) so I'm just defending myself but for the sake of the forum, I'll drop this.


You're not a nice person my man, but I do wish you good luck in whatever you choose to do.



lol This post is just majestic, it's got everything! Irony, dishonesty, semantics, stupidity, obfuscation, insincerity, deceit, and hypocrisy. You truly are the master of BS, Roy :acclaim:


I can't wait to see where The Weasel will strike next! Rzzzzzzz!

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Just had to respond once. Roy said he was going to drop it, but he can have the last post and respond to that, and then it will be (for you, mercifully) over (thumbs u

This is an endless battle for all of us. We shall see it rise again...

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Getting back to the original topic, I just got a box from Dr X, it took me 30 minutes to remove the items from their prisons.


The box was more than 6 inches high and there was one Slab and one raw book.


He cuts up stuff like REFRIGERATOR boxes for packing. I don't know if I could even CUT this cardboard if I tried, I'd need a hacksaw.


So...thanks, Tim! You belong on the A team:)









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I'm not going to out the board member.


But recently I had to open a package and the individual_without_enough_empathy took his shreded papers and used that as extra protection for 10 slabs that were already heavily bubble wrapped.


The individual_without_enough_empathy had to just take random papers and shred the mess up so much that there was no way not to make a mess.


it was total wildly_fanciful_statement.


I was hoping to tell him at Fan Expo but i never saw him. :sorry:

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