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Blessings in Baltimore!! posted by bagofleas

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My eyes may be bigger than my signature expectations.


Beware, this is the longest journal I have ever written!


Baltimore was awesome! I will always remember this show and hold it near to my heart. So without further ado, here we go....!


It was a dark and stormy night....


Ok, it wasnt stormy, but it was dark. This was because I left my house on Friday at twelve fifteen in the morning. After all, I was traveling from Tallahassee, Florida all the way up to Baltimore, a 15 hour drive. I know, why didnt I fly, right? Because I am terrified to ever get into a plane. As long as my feet are connected to something that is in turn connected to the ground, it doesnt matter how high I am, but separating myself from the ground and putting me at the mercy of a machine that I have absolutely no control over whatsoever is just not my cup of tea.


So anyway, I drove. And drove. And drove... See a pattern here?


Tnerb kept in touch throughout the long journey, and once I arrived in Baltimore, I checked into my hotel and walked five blocks to meet up with him and his lovely friend he brought with him for dinner. We talked and talked and showed each other some of the things we brought for each other to see in person and exchanged a few gifts.


I gave him a very personal copy of What If 47 in 9.4 that my father and I acquired back in the late 80s. Sienkiewicz did the cover and we are both fans of his work, plus it puts in his hands something that I know will mean so much more to him, being that it comes from me and my fathers personal collection.


In turn, Tnerb handed me 3 raw Marvel Graphic Novels that I dont have yet. #2, #3 and #34. I realized I could get #3 signed by Starlin at the show and #34 signed by Tom DeFalco as well. He also brought a DC graphic novel of Star Trek Debt Of Honor that I have never remembered seeing before.


I could tell just from my first impression that Tnerb was a kindred spirit and a person that I was going to love to hang around. Similar interests, personalities and attitudes make me feel like I now have an older brother. I will always look forward to those rare times when I can spend time with him again. His friend is no different. I will enjoy any opportunities to meet her again as well.


Once we finished dinner, I walked back to my hotel and proceeded to look online to see if there was anyone at the show I could get the Star Trek issue signed by. Sure enough there were 3 people at the show! So cool!! I went ahead and read the graphic novel that night before I went to bed so I could at least have read it before encapsulating it. It wont get a top grade but that doesnt matter. Its what it means to me, having come from such a wonderful friend.


Anyway, I got up Saturday morning at 6:00 and went to stand in line at the convention center for all of us even though the show didnt let in until ten o clock. I was like the 10th person in line! An hour or so later Tnerb and his friend showed up and we hung out until they let us in.


While standing in line, I found out from someone that apparently the Simonsons

might not make the show because Walt had come down with a nasty stomach flu that he had acquired from Louise earlier in the week. I was so bummed because I had 27 things for Louise and 16 things for Walt to sign, but what can you do? Sick is sick. They love the fans and love to talk and spend time with them, so for them to not show up meant Walt was pretty bad. We would just have to see how it went.


OH. The answer to the Gameshow Trivia journal is... READY?




Both to be signed by Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez!!! These will be the only SS 9.8 copies in existence once I get them back. Assuming they retain their grades, of course.


So anyway, once they let us in, we went on a rampage of signatures. We started with Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz. I had over twenty things for DeFalco to sign and three things for Frenz. In fact, half of the things I had for DeFalco were also for Louise for double sigs.


DeFalco was a nice guy and so was Frenz. I actually made Frenz laugh out loud while getting something signed by him, so that was cool. Then we went back to the CGC table and spent a while coordinating with them for setting up open invoices and getting another witness for more sigs.


I will say right now that while I have had a lot of luck with my timing and sheer volume of signatures in the past three shows I have done, this show was a whole different animal. I had more things to get signed for this show than almost all three of my last shows put together! So by the time I got done with DeFalco and Frenz, I wasnt sure that I was going to get it all done.


But back to the show. While waiting for the next sig chance, we found out that Mike had set up a private signing for Sal Buscema for $10 per sig. This might cost a little more, but it would make it so we didnt have to stand in a long line for Sal, who was only going to be there on Saturday from 1 to 4 anyway. While those were getting done, we could be working on other things. I had 19 issues for Sal, so it was $190 for me to get them done this way, but this is almost certainly the last chance for a Sal sig at a show since he DOESNT do shows. He is 77 years old and the only reason he did this show was for the Hero Initiative.


There was a little time until Mike went for the private Sal singing, so we went to Mike Mignola next. I had 2 items for him, including a New Mutants issue that he accidentally started signing in the spot I had for Sal to be added later. Whoops! Oh well, just have to get Sal in the other spot. No biggie. I also picked up a copy of the first Year of Monsters issue that he signed and personalized for me. Neato!


Then we went on over to Jim Starlin next. I had 3 items for him. He refused to use my silver sharpie on one of my issues because he has an allergic reaction to metallic markers. Interesting. So I had to actually remove one of my copies from the bag for him to sign. It came out great though, so no worries. Then back to the CGC table.


At this point, Tnerb and I gave Mike all of our issues for Sal to be signed. Some of mine still needed other sigs as well. But Sal was more important than anyone else at this show. Tnerb had been with me up until now getting his items done as well. Now he went off to get something to drink for us and check out a few things with some friends of his at the show.


I went with Darren to get a few other sigs. I got Adam Hughes on my Star Trek Debt Of Honor. Darren said that CGC has NEVER had a copy of this Star Trek Graphic Novel come through them before for grading, so no matter what the grade is, it will be an OAK! I think it will get a 9.2, so thats not too bad. Besides, its not the monetary value as much as the sentimental value to me anyway.


Darren then went with me to get Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez on my Jonah hex issues. While I was in line for him, they cut the line off behind me so Jose could go get some lunch, but luckily, I was within the line already and got him done! YAAAAYY!!!!


We went back to the CGC table and took care of some more organization. At this point, Tnerb went to stand in the EXTREMELY LONG line for David Finch. His line was insane for the entire show! Poor Tnerb wound up waiting for an hour and a half just to get his sig for Finch! Luckily I was able to coordinate a witness for him at the right time.


While Tnerb was working on Finch, Molly went with me to get Joe Staton. He commented on one of my copies, saying that Joe Rubinstein was also at the show and I should get him on it as well. I told him I knew it already and was planning on Keeping Up With The Joeses! HAHA. He and his wife laughed at that one. lol


Bob McLeod was seated right next to Staton and had no one waiting, so I was able to get him right then and there! He signed 2 items for me, both of which are biggies, so I was very happy about that! I was feeling a little better about getting it all done at this point except for the Simonsons. Molly and I headed back to CGC.


Then I had Darren go with me to Joe Rubinstein. I found out that he had apparently been in a really bad car accident recently and was lucky to still be with us. I expressed gratitude at his being ok. He gladly signed my few items and cracked a few jokes in the process. Funny guy!


I now went back to the CGC table and caught up on my invoices. Closed a couple and added to a couple of open ones. Then Mike shows up with the Sal signed issues! FANTASTIC! Most of them I would have to wait and see if the Simonsons would show up at all, but even if they didnt, just having Sal would be enough.


I tried at this point to fill in a couple of sigs at this point but wasnt able to do it yet. I would have to wait until Sunday. Uuuuuuuuhhhhhh....


So Tnerb and I spent about 20 minutes or so walking around and looking at a few things. He pointed out a few modern comics that I should look into, and I will probably do just that. I also picked up a gorgeous copy of Avengers #196 to get signed by Rubinstein and pressed and graded! but I would have to wait until the next day to do that.


Tnerb kept checking back with the Simonson table throughout the adternoon since we found out from the CGC guys that they were heading down from NY and just might show up for a little bit by the end of the day. We never saw them, unfortunately, but were assured that they WOULD be there the next day at some point, for some period of time.


So we proceeded to go to dinner. This was where things got a little interesting. We stopped and watched a fire juggler do his act by the water for a minute or two, and then went into a restaurant to get some food.


While we were sitting outside on the veranda eating our food, police sirens went off, police cars went flying by, on foot officers went running by and a police helicopter began circling overhead and shining its spotlight down right on our location! They were definitely after somebody. It went on for a good twenty minutes.


Once that fizzled out, we went our separate ways for the evening. I went back to my hotel and tried to get some sleep. Sleep was in short supply on this trip. Between 3 hours Thursday night, 4 hours Friday night and 5 hours on Saturday night, that makes 12 hours over an 80 hour period or so.


So I got up Sunday morning and went to stand in line about six thirty. I was fifth in line this time. Tnerb and his friend showed up shortly after and we waited until they let us in again. Didnt seem to take as long this time for reason. Maybe it was just me.


Our first goal this morning was to get the Simonsons done! So TNerbs friend went to stand in the line for them and we got our issues together from CGC and then headed over. Luckily we were like the 12th and 13th in line. They were not there yet but were supposed to be on the way. The line was cut off at 20 or so to keep the aisles from clogging up.


Finally, from around the bend, LOUISE APPEARS!! Everyone cheers! But Walt isnt with her. She tells us he is getting up and getting himself together and will be there in 30 minutes or so. HALLELUJAH!


So they let us get our sigs one at a time from Louise and then get back in line for Walt until he got there. I was giddy with excitement at finally getting all of these sigs on my cherished beauties! Louise was wonderful and willing to do whatever you asked. I told her how happy I was that they made it. She said she tried to talk Walt out of coming but he insisted. What a trooper!


So we are back in the line waiting for Walt. Then a murmur started and grew and grew. HERE HE WAS!!! Everyone gave him a sounding ovation and he seemed very thankful. He was putting on a brave face, smiling, waving and talking to everyone. Amazing! He said he would sign for as long as he could.


Finally, there we stood, placing our items in front of him. He was just as gracious as his wife, doing whatever you asked from him. I expressed my concerned about his sickness and thanked him for coming out when he obviously didnt have to. I wished him a speedy recovery and he thanked me.


Even with his having the stomach flu, I HAD to shake his hand. What a fantastic guy!!!!


So there I was with only a couple of loose ends to tie up. Tnerb was done with his items, so he went to spend some time around the rest of the show and with his friend. Darren went with me to help me finish up. We went back to Rubinstein for the Avengers 196. I wanted to add Perez to it but you had to have purchased a ticket for him earlier in the morning and I wasnt able to get him done. Thats ok, got Joe on it so thats good enough.


Then I went over to Karl Story for his sig on the Star Trek GN that Tnerb gave me. I got to talk with him for a few minutes. I told him I was from Tallahassee and he said that he had lived there for one year when his girlfriend was going to school at FSU. AND GET THIS, he just happened to have been working on this particular GN during the year that he was in Tallahassee back then! How cool is that??!!!! That just makes getting this item done the way I have mean that much more to me. Thank you, big brother!!!!


I tried three different times to get Paul Levitz on the GN but he was never at his table whenever I went by it. And Karl told be that Ed Greenberger was walking around the show somewhere and would be an even better sig on than Paul, but alas I could never find him either. But I got Karl and Adam on it, so Im fine with it.


While I was back at the CGC table working on a couple of forms, Tnerb took a few items of mine still needing Rubinstein with Darren to get signed. What a friend! Once he got back with those, I went with Darren to get Herb Trimpe added to one item. Got it quickly, shook Herbs hand and headed back.


Now I was finally done with all of my items! Back at the CGC table, I finalized the rest of my invoices, and met back up with Tnerb and his friend. We walked around the show for a little bit. I picked up some hardback TPBs for barrel bottom prices, found a couple of XFactor issues that I may try for sigs and grading at a later show, and had my pic taken with Tnerb and our two prized possessions. Check TNerbs last journal for one of these pics.


He took more pics than me during the show, since he had his friend there to take many of them and I was so busy getting things done. I got a few pics, but he will send me some more later on.


So we reluctantly parted ways, and I went back to the hotel and got everything ready to leave. I slept til midnight and then got up and headed home. I arrived back in Tallahassee at 3 o clock in the afternoon. Whew, what a drive!


Now that I am back home, I realize that I enjoyed this show more than any of the others thanks to meeting and hanging out with Tnerb and his friend. They are both wonderful people and I eagerly look forward to Megacon in March when I will be able to see them again. I could not ask for a better set of friends to acquire, with Tnerb now feeling like an older brother of mine that I simply never knew about until now.


I hope and pray for each of his items to come back as he wishes or even better, and I know he feels the same for me and mine.


Thank you big brother! See you at Megacon!!!!!!!!


So what did I have signed in Baltimore? Here is the list...


New Mutants 11 (Sal, Louise, Walt)

New mutants 12,14,15,16(Sal, Louise)

New mutants 17 (Sal)

New Mutants 54 (Sal, Mignola)

New Mutants 58,62,86,87,88,89,90,91,93,94 (Louise, DeFalco)

New Mutants 92,98,99,100,100 2nd pr,100 3rd pr (DeFalco)

New Mutants 95 2nd pr,96,97 (Louise, DeFalco, Rubinstein)

New Mutants 81 (Rubinstein)

New Mutants Summer Special (DeFalco)

GI Joe 1 (McLeod, Trimpe)

Rom 1 (Sal, Rubinstein)

Rom 2,3,17,18 (Sal)

XFactor 6 (Louise, McLeod, Rubinstein, Frenz) WOW! Thank you, Ron!

XFactor 9 (Louise, Rubinstein)

XFactor 10,11 (Louise, Walt)

Dazzler 1,2,3 (Louise, DeFalco)

Dazzler 4,5,6 (DeFalco)

Special Marvel Edition 15 (Starlin)

Master of Kung Fu 17 (Starlin)

Marvel Two In One 3 (Sal)

Jonah Hex 1,2 (Garcia Lopez)

Marvel Graphic Novel 3 (Starlin)

Marvel Graphic Novel 34 (DeFalco)

Star Trek Debt of Honor (Hughes, Story)

Avengers 196 (Rubinstein)

Marvel Team Up Annual 6 (DeFalco, Frenz)

Marvel Fanfare 50 (Staton, Rubinstein)

Marvel Fanfare 60 (Walt)

Amazing Spiderman 300 (Louise, DeFalco)

Fallen Angels 5,8 (Staton)

Fallen Angels 6 (Staton, Mignola)

Star Wars 16,50,52,53,56,57,58,60,63,66 (Walt)

Star Wars 102 (Sal)

Star Wars 106,107 (Rubinstein)

Thor 373,374 (Walt, Sal)

Daredevil 238 (Sal)


Plus I did an extra New Mutants 16 to sell and an extra New Mutants 95 2nd print to give to Tnerb. Thats 78 ITEMS! AND I GOT THEM ALL DONE, thanks to Tnerb and his friend being there with me!


Below is a pic of a couple outside while we were waiting in line outside on Sunday morning.



See more journals by bagofleas

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Wow that is one heck of a load to get done all at once. Congrat's both to you and Tnerb and his friend for getting through the mountain of Signatures. Its an amazing recap of what sounds to be a truly great time shared between friends. As for your trivia question I have to say I wouldn't have come close to it.


Side note: An extra NM 16 to sell huh???



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Yeah, 79 items signed by 12 different creators is a tough task. Especially when it involves some together on a lot of issues. You have to organize as best as possible but when you're at the CGC table, you have to turn some items in and keep the invoices open until you can come back and go through them again to determine which ones still need other sigs on them.


Some had two, some had three, some had one sig the same but the other sig different. It can get real confusing and I will say that I felt a little bit overwhelmed a time or two. Tnerb kept telling me it was all right, we had all of both days to get it done. He was right. It DID take all of Saturday except the last 45 minutes or so and all of Sunday until about 5:00, a total of 15 hours, but we got it all done!

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Here are a few other pics I have from Baltimore.

Not much but Tnerb will send me more.


The Jonah Hex #1 I cracked for Garcia-Lopez to sign!


The fountain in a four story mall right next to the inner harbor.


A couple of cosplayers.


A boat in the harbor right next to where we ate saturday night.


"ooooh. A great ComicCon Batimore is..."


Don't be playing with the Jack of Hearts now...


A couple of skyscrapers near the Inner Harbor.


Louise and Walt signing away!! That's Jim Starlin at the table next to them in the background!


Me and Tnerb holding my Gem Mint 10 New Mutants #1 on Sunday just before we parted ways.

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Dude, that's craziness. I can't even fathom spending what it must have cost to get those graded, let alone the time and challenge of gathering all those signatures. Very cool that you were able to spend it with family though. Sounds like an amazing trip filled with great memories.




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Going crazy is part of the glory...Yes?

Nice Journal....as I get older I realize that it is Very important to document for all else Withers in the Wind.

I am happy your memories did not wither and Thanks for the Unwithering..........memories


Not all the time



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It will take probably 3 to 4 months to get it all back, but rest assured, I will post a substantial journal once everything is in.


In fact, between Supercon, Tampa and now Baltimore, I should start getting items back little by little over the course of the next few months.


It's almost like having Christmas for three months straight.


I may wait until I actually receive the items at my door before looking at the grades online just to make it that much more exciting.

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