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Thank you Doug and Aaron

44 posts in this topic

I know there is a kudos page but this entire thing for me deserved in my eyes to be pointed out even more so.


NYCC has been a huge show for me. A few months ago I contacted Doug (dscott) on gaining a few commission’s from this Mecca of Con’s as I am currently an ocean away. So much talent packed into one area how could I not jump at the chance. So over the time frame of a few months I placed a want list and while it did change a little here and there I was pretty well set in checking off a few names from the list.


The closer the Con came the more we would message back and forth and the more I became comfortable in talking with him about random other things. Anyone I generally go through will see that I generally start communications by using titles such as Sir and Ma’am with an eventual first name and then once I’m really comfortable I drop the entire title all together. Anyways, one conversation we had I mentioned a transaction/seller I had felt a little leery on about our current situation as buyer and seller. This is not to say he is a bad seller by any stretch I think it was one opp that just didn’t sit right with me and a little lack of communication. During this conversation it came up that Doug actually knew him pretty well and mentioned he would help me in getting what was mine as well as ensuring that both he and I were completely satisfied with one another and that payments were finalized.


This is something no ordinary seller / facilitator would ever do. He stepped in and gave me peace of mind about a situation that had nothing to do with him without anything to gain from the entire thing. He did this simply because he was IS a great guy. Won’t show any pics of what was picked up because honestly I hold absolutely NO ill will toward this seller and do plan to continue to gain things from him it was merely the circumstances of how some of it went down that caused it to end the way it did.


So end of story about Doug’s awesomeness right…wrong.


So next situation that comes up, one of the commission requests I had made was of a JS Campbell. I have loved that man’s art since I had first laid eyes on it. Absolutely amazing work and anytime he gets a hold of a blank even his head shots are something to behold. Anyways the request I had made was for one of my favorite characters in the Marvel Universe, Hope and while she has a very common look to her with her head shots I knew that if he added a cape and at least the shoulders many would be able to tell exactly who it was. So NYCC begins and commission set, art done, and I think Doug knowing how much I love this character and her father daughter relationship with Cable knew that this one was a little let down. Its not to say that JSC did a horrible job or anything like it, he actually went above the call of duty and added color.


Normally this is a good thing, right? But this one time it honestly wasn’t. It was meant to get the inking and coloring process done by a few others and then off to CGC land but because he had used wax pencils when doing it made it almost untouchable by others. And I say this because Doug went everywhere to get this one colored or inked. Every name he asked either said, “that’s a JSC so not touching it with a ten foot pole” or “damn he already used colored pencils so sorry.” I have to say when he messaged me I think he knew deep down I would almost tear up a little at what had happened. For me and in my eyes, all I saw was a Hope commission that looked now more like a Mary Jane Watson wearing a turtle neck commission.


Fast forward to the next day (Saturday) and another board member Aaron (Ajl007) and I began a conversation about great Copic artists and he turned me on to an amazing talent, Sabine Rich. Gotta say absolutely beautiful style. During this conversation he asked if I had anything I would like done by her and some how I just thought what the heck, might as well ask. Following a ton of help coaxing by both Aaron and Doug, and absolute magic by Sabine I now have a piece of art that I am truly taking to the grave with me and if this had been the only thing I had picked up I would say that would have honestly been just fine.


So first and foremost THANK YOU DOUG you truly are a standard bearer when it comes to going the extra mile to both customer service and giving peace of mind to someone who truly needed it. You have done so much for me and have a customer and friend if you need one for as long as you’ll allow me to be one.


And Aaron, I already told you once, but when we meet up at the CGC dinner for Wizard World Austin beers are on me. You always seem to be that one piece in every man’s puzzle that he needs. You’ve helped me with gaining some almost impossible things easily and have given me something to look forward to almost a year before it even starts up.


Sabine, if you ever come on here and if anyone ever points her to the forum, thank you so much. I truly wish I could have been there to shake your hand and shown you how much I truly appreciate you adding something I truly could not get over.


Oh and can’t end it without a picture. Absolutely love it.







It's amazing what a little color will do.

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Congrats on a beautiful cover, Sabine worked some magic on that. Just gorgeous. And, yeah, Doug deserves the extra kudos, he has gone above and beyond for me on several occasions as well.

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It was odd how this post came about. Started typing on the Kudos page and it went from a small little thank you to a... well yeah whats above. Those two gentleman are absolutely amazing and for any who have ever even for a moment held back or was unsure of an opp they were doing please know that both of these gentlemen will take absolute amazing care of you as will many others. I just thought both deserved to be highlighted just a little more than normal.


And as for any compliments on the pick-up, Sabine has a fan for life based on a single piece for me. I guess as with the character's name, Sabine truly gave me Hope.

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Glad things worked out, Sabine is awesome, and I'm glad to see she getting noticed more.


I share the sentiment of many others here, Doug has many times go a couple extra miles for me. Especially after he asnwered all my stupid noob questions when I first joined and got into one of his opps.


Now I try and repay him by sending him all my disposable income.

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Doug's definetly a stand up guy and everytime we have convos about anything about cons, artist, sketch covers he will always reply in a heartbeat, which makes me think if he is so punctual with that he must be a even better person to deal with any art business, he gets my $ any day of the week.

BTW definetly a wonderful JSC piece with or without the coloring, being a HUGE JSC fanboy, I have to say he has the midas touch for sure!

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Glad things worked out, Sabine is awesome, and I'm glad to see she getting noticed more.


I share the sentiment of many others here, Doug has many times go a couple extra miles for me. Especially after he asnwered all my stupid noob questions when I first joined and got into one of his opps.


Now I try and repay him by sending him all my disposable income.


I got a surprise for you at this show also as long as everything goes as planned tomorrow.


But seriously I appreciate the kudos but with out all you guys and gals I wouldn't be going to 20 shows a year. So seriously a big (worship) to each and every guy or gal that has ever subbed a book with me.


I met a lot of board members and website customers for the 1st time at this show and it was great to meet each and everyone of you. I know I had more time to talk with some rather than others but its been a crazy busy show. Probably double the craziness that sdcc was if you can believe that.


Also I can't say enough about Aaron either we talk a lot and getting to meet him for the 1st this weekend was great.

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+1 on everything said about Doug. I ran into the same issue with my JSC Marvel Girl commission and I elected to keep it as is, but Doug PM'd me right away with the issue and asking me how I'd like to proceed. That was above and beyond, especially with all the other items he is/was coordinating for other boardies at the show.


(thumbs u

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I've only worked with, Doug and I have to say in impressed with his level of attention. Always a pleasure, even when I know I'm testing his mettle with silly, last-minute requests. He takes the info in stride and often goes above and beyond.

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I got a surprise for you at this show also as long as everything goes as planned tomorrow.


But seriously I appreciate the kudos but with out all you guys and gals I wouldn't be going to 20 shows a year. So seriously a big (worship) to each and every guy or gal that has ever subbed a book with me.


I met a lot of board members and website customers for the 1st time at this show and it was great to meet each and everyone of you. I know I had more time to talk with some rather than others but its been a crazy busy show. Probably double the craziness that sdcc was if you can believe that.


Also I can't say enough about Aaron either we talk a lot and getting to meet him for the 1st this weekend was great.


Oh my, am quite curious. You've surprised me many times before, and all extremely pleasant.


I figured NYCC was pretty crazy since we haven't seen too much stuff yet. We had SDCC stuff popping up Thursday morning.

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I got a surprise for you at this show also as long as everything goes as planned tomorrow.


But seriously I appreciate the kudos but with out all you guys and gals I wouldn't be going to 20 shows a year. So seriously a big (worship) to each and every guy or gal that has ever subbed a book with me.


I met a lot of board members and website customers for the 1st time at this show and it was great to meet each and everyone of you. I know I had more time to talk with some rather than others but its been a crazy busy show. Probably double the craziness that sdcc was if you can believe that.


Also I can't say enough about Aaron either we talk a lot and getting to meet him for the 1st this weekend was great.


Sir / Doug,


Both you and Aaron truly deserve every bit of this praise and more. We have spoken off-line about this before but Aaron and you, as well as others have truly given me something to not have to worry about. I honestly shell out what I conceive as a large amount of money for all of these pick-up's and or commissions and not once when you or Aaron while at the helm have ever had to make me worry or sweat about the small things. Even this JSC issue that I had started to bead up over was quickly and amazingly taken care of by two consumate professional's who take care of issues with absolute amazing results.


Honestly looking forward to attending a Con you have work or pleasure at so I can simply shake your hand and show you my sincere appreciation through. Additionally, I'm all about surprises but as you have become to know me its truly not necessary. I'm appreciative that I am even able to make your constant Group PM's when it comes time for the Con's.


Their are many others that I am currently doing opps through but will leave it at these two for now. As for meeting with Aaron I'm happy the two of you were able to finally get a face to face, and Aaron looking forward to next month when I return and we can do the same at Wizard World Austin.

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