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Grader Notes

1,754 posts in this topic

the appraiser analogy is not completely fair, thoufgh its sounds perfect.


IF a house appraiser need only come up with a grade from 1 to 10.0 the analogy would be perfect. But the appraisers product that you are buying IS the notes in a full report, flaw by flaw.


We have always just bough the NUMBER, and occasionally became curious about the notes after the fact.


2 different products.


if Cgc (um, THE CGC) had been selling us a written description of the flaws of our books then we might own those notes/descriptions. But they have stated for a decade that we would get a GRADE not a description of how they determined that grade.


I cant tell if you guys really believe you have been buying the notes all along, or just arguing as such to negotiate with CGC? In any case, lets have some lawyers chime in. We might need them if you think this is the best approach.


What the are me and Transplant, chopped liver? Maybe you can get FFB or tth2 to chime in and they will have the chops you require.


Your hoo-ha is showing.


lol I vajayjay is inflamed because I have been trying to cancel my home phone long distance service for the last hour. I haven't used it since 2008, but have been paying $40 a month. They have sent me to three levels of supervisors to get me to switch my local to them. I can't cancel the account!!! :ohnoez:


It might be cheaper to bundle your long distance with your dial-up. Make a note on your palm pilot.


I miss my Palm Pilot. Now i have a Blackberry and am equally scorned by the Iphone and droid contingents. Like I'm not dorky enough for collecting comics. :P


I have a Blackberry as well. Women aren't too impressed with me.

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the appraiser analogy is not completely fair, thoufgh its sounds perfect.


IF a house appraiser need only come up with a grade from 1 to 10.0 the analogy would be perfect. But the appraisers product that you are buying IS the notes in a full report, flaw by flaw.


We have always just bough the NUMBER, and occasionally became curious about the notes after the fact.


2 different products.


if Cgc (um, THE CGC) had been selling us a written description of the flaws of our books then we might own those notes/descriptions. But they have stated for a decade that we would get a GRADE not a description of how they determined that grade.


I cant tell if you guys really believe you have been buying the notes all along, or just arguing as such to negotiate with CGC? In any case, lets have some lawyers chime in. We might need them if you think this is the best approach.


What the are me and Transplant, chopped liver? Maybe you can get FFB or tth2 to chime in and they will have the chops you require.


Your hoo-ha is showing.


lol I vajayjay is inflamed because I have been trying to cancel my home phone long distance service for the last hour. I haven't used it since 2008, but have been paying $40 a month. They have sent me to three levels of supervisors to get me to switch my local to them. I can't cancel the account!!! :ohnoez:


It might be cheaper to bundle your long distance with your dial-up. Make a note on your palm pilot.


I miss my Palm Pilot. Now i have a Blackberry and am equally scorned by the Iphone and droid contingents. Like I'm not dorky enough for collecting comics. :P


I have a Blackberry as well. Women aren't too impressed with me.

Stupid women. Don't they know that track ball serves as practice?

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Stupid women. Don't they know that track ball serves as practice?


I know right? I even use my tongue to make the point. I'm so sick of jumping through hoops and licking my phone.

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The difference here is that The CGC does not own the content. They are paid to evaluate the content. They are saying they own the evaluation. I agree they may own the process of the evaluation. But I seriously doubt they own the evaluation itself.


They own it, the notes are a unique expression and they own the copyright to them, just as film critics own the copyright to their reviews of films, and just as I own the copyright to this post commenting upon your post. If I call one of your comics a steaming pile of camel dung, that description is mine, not yours just because it's your comic. :baiting:

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Stupid women. Don't they know that track ball serves as practice?


I know right? I even use my tongue to make the point. I'm so sick of jumping through hoops and licking my phone.


If you can jump through her hoop, you ain't the first one been there, bubba.

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I dont get that people dont get that the notes are a BYPRODUCT of the grade we buy! we dont own the notes, doodles or water cooler discussions about our books while at the CGC!


You pay for a grade. period.


Whatever CGC does internally to decide on the grade is their business and property.... UNLESS you come to terms with the CGC for that info (the notes) and, now -- CGC has told us what the terms will be: $30 bucks and down.


why is this so hard? youre arguing the wrong end of this thing. Its the prices not the concept that is wrong.



always have been.


I agree 100% with Aman, and I believe that sound you are hearing is the hoofbeats of the 4 Horsemen bearing down upon us all.

I agree with Aman about 10%. How CGC determines the grade is somewhat their property (to the extent that they have criteria that differs from some sectors of the hobby). And I also agree that the price is exorbitant. But I feel that $1 for the notes is exorbitant, especially on books that I have submitted. Frankly, I would prefer that I have full control of the availability of the notes pertaining to any and all of the books that I have submitted.


Yes, Aman is correct, but his point is trivial...it's still douchey to double-charge your customer for the product of a process the customer paid you to undertake in the first place. People try to do it in plenty of industries already outline in the thread, and it's a low thing to do in all of those as well.

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Did The CGC disclose that they would be using the grading notes for a comic an individual submitted to make money and have everyone acknowledge that by submitting a book for grading you were agreeing to allow this information to be collected and used solely for the advantage of The CGC?

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I own the copyright to this post commenting upon your post. If I call one of your comics a steaming pile of camel dung, that description is mine, not yours just because it's your comic. :baiting:

lol I can tell you with 100% certainty that you aren't the only copyright holder on that description of some of my books.

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Well this thread has taken an interesting turn of debatable events.


Let's keep it short and simple here guys.


Raise your hand if you think CGC will be making any sizable money venture from charging for grader's notes? :eyeroll:


If you have your hand up please put it down. :gossip:


The only way CGC will make any noticeable money from this new venture is make the notes $1.00 to $5.00. At this current pricing structure it is pretty much a lock that their bank account will not be rising any time soon.


Obviously not many people will be whipping out their wallets to pay even $5.00 to see graders notes, especially the casual collectors. I can assume mostly all board members will not be forking over dollars for this service so why would other collectors?


Mike (Transpant) and Richie (Bedrock) most certainly bring up valid points, and I completely agree with their logic. However for a anyone to feel they are entitled to compensation wouldn't a lot of things have to take place for that to even be an issue. How can other people call in for grader's notes on your book unless you upload a scan on the boards or sell it on website. I mean how many times will a book be so hot hundreds of people will be rushing to the CGC website to pay $5-30 to know the graders noted.


More interesting is why weren't people upset to begin with that someone could call up CGC and obtain the grader's notes on a book you own. Can't you say that is leaking personal information on a book you send in for grading that is your and your alone? hm Again though how would anyone even know the CGC bar-code unless you willingly leaked the code to the public whether you realized it or not.


CGC has nothing to lose with this FREE money experiment. They wanted to be done with this service so they are trying to see if they can get rid themselves of this free service while making some extra found money.


Keys Here:


This will not help productivity what so ever.


CGC wants to find FREE money while eliminating a service they don't feel like giving out anymore for free.


Zero chance of customers actually spending money on this new service for $5-30 dollars per book.


People will always be upset for a free service that was a valuable resource to some people, and now it's a service that is a pay to play service--aka boardie outrage.


Highly doubtful anyone will ever own a book that will generate hundreds of dollars of free grader's notes money for CGC on a book you submitted. Just stop it.


The only right thing to do here since day 1 of CGC's operations was to make all grader's notes on all CGC books completely self contained with even the owner never knowing.

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The discussion of copyright and intellectual property is amusing, but seems to miss that "multiple spine stress lines" and "back cover corner crease" aren't original works that can be protected by copyright or intellectual property that can be protected by trademark or patent.


CGC wants to make more money. Is anyone surprised?

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The copyright discussion is amusing, but seems to miss that "multiple spine stress lines" and "back cover corner crease" aren't original works that can be protected by copyright.


CGC wants to make more money. Is anyone surprised?

Everyone wants to make more money :insane:
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Apparently things in this thread weren't so obvious to most people.


It's amazing how complex a simple thing can become if someone chooses to break it down that way.

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Apparently things in this thread weren't so obvious to most people.


It's amazing how complex a simple thing can become if someone chooses to break it down that way.

Now that is clever! (thumbs u


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