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Sample of [!@#%^&^] I receive for protecting people

60 posts in this topic

For those who missed it...this is what the disgruntled seller is referring to (below). He's lucky that greg knows him or he would have had 4 negatives shoved up his [!@#%^&^].



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Ricky, I am not surprised to see you posted this on the forum. When I suggested you switched the books, which others have and continue to do, I NEVER posted it on the forum. I discussed it in private with Greg, who's your friend. I didn't know you nor had I had any contacts with you. The way you have taken this to the forum, and adding my name to your profile list is quite immature. I have filed a complaint with the Forum, let's see what happens from there.


I am glad to see all the posts you are receiving from the forum, most if not all of them are pretty honest people. No one is on my side? I have a few emails from people who are. They don't feel you are as sincere as you claim to be.They think you are a big windbag.


I contacted you in private to discuss the matter. You are to young to know that what you are doing is illegal. If you are dissatisfied with a purchase the forum is the place to discuss it. Your constant posts and that littlel smart [!@#%^&^] comment on your profile, not to mention the old link to my ebay auctions is crossing the line. As I said your just to young to know that.


I will not sit by and let you slander my name over some returned books. I did not rip you off, or cheat you, you never mention the books you kept, except to say that he was doing me a favor keeping them!


Ricky does nothing for anyone but himself, he won't keep anything he doesn't want. I know that for fact. oOn the first sale he spent 6.00 to return 9.99 book. How smart is that. I got the book back and didn't know why? He must have opened it at the PO and sent it right back. Would you return a 9.99 book, without emailing the seller and then pay 6.00 to ship it back??? I am getting 9.4 and 9.6 grades from CGC from the file copies he bought and returned. I am not making those grades up.This happened months ago, I sold them on ebay.


I did not email him and tell him CGC gave me grades like that. I did not rub it in his face. It's his loss.


I have been on ebay five years this month. I am not a cheat, a lier, a swindler or any other things related to that.


I have over 1500 sales on ebay. Can all those people be wrong. Some of you have bought from me in the past, which one of you returned 90% of the books you won Claiming the were F/VF and VF minuses? I may be getting older, but I am not missing the grades like that.


I have very few negatives, less than five at last count. You don't get numbers like that by cheating anyone.I have had less than ten books returned on ebay. I don't count the fiasco with Ricky, he is the biggest complainer I have met to date.


Regardless of what Ricky says, and remember it's his side of the story you are hearing, I am not ripping anyone off.



I have plenty of things I can say about his emails to me and how he handled this situation. I will keep them private for now. You may all like him and that's your choice, but I don't. He's what we call a crybaby. He has nothing better to do than slander my good name. One bad sale to a guy like Ricky will not be the end of my world. If you want to stay away from my auctions that's fine. Read my feedback and decide if what Ricky says is true. He's one crybaby buyer who got a refund.



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**anything posted here is purely my opinion**

nochips ... I don’t know you, never bought from you, heck I have never even seen any of your auctions. Had you not posted here I would of passed it as just the usual eBay BS. But you’re posting here, sounding just like every rip off coin dealer I have ever dealt with on e-bay and in real life pretty much seals the deal. Instead of letting one transaction gone bad slide, letting your product and rep stand up for what you say they are, you go and threaten to sue, and keep the [!@#%^&^] flowing.


If your stuff was all that great you wouldn’t have to worry. Instead you throw a hissy fit to get the bad man to shut up. Sounds to me like you know you sent over graded books to Rick, and are now trying to cover it up so more people will buy from you. More than likely you only have a few negs since you probably threaten others the same way you have threatened Ricky and they don’t leave you negs in fear. Well not everyone is afraid of getting retaliatory negatives, not everyone is willing to sit there and let people get away with this stuff. When we buy stuff on e-bay, we buy sight unseen, if someone is not giving correct information, we have the right to know. Ricky grades damn good, if he says the books were over graded, then they were over graded. You should have just let it go, instead you tried to threaten as usual and it backfired. Sure you will get some sales from the publicity, and no matter how hard you try, eventually people will forget this and move on, but yet you continue to try to extend the ordeal confused.gif


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Bond 25, Matt:


Matt, are you sure you feel this way, after all you are bidding on my books and have so in the past?



Retract your bids. Stand beside the youthfull leader of the forum!! It's Ok with me. Make sure the reason you give is acceptable to ebay, I would hate to see you get in any trouble for siding the with Rick.


You need to take a stand. Please retract them now.






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This happened months ago, it was in the past. But Ricky is stiring up the waters. Had it not been for a forum reader, I would have never know what the kid was saying.


Someone told me to read what he is saying and doing. He's just a kid, probably lives at home and works part time at the BK drive thru. He does not know what he is really doing. Someone needs to calm him down, maybe the CGc forum people will control him.



Contrary to opinion, Ricks hobby is not buying overgraded books from me. That is the biggest lie of them all. He hasn't spent a dime with me in months.



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Here's some more slander for you. Learn to spell! You want to single out Ricky for being young? He may be young, but he has a good grasp on the English language, and he's the last person to try and screw someone. You're barking up the wrong tree if you want to come here and insult him.


You said - "I contacted you in private to discuss the matter. You are to young to know that what you are doing is illegal. If you are dissatisfied with a purchase the forum is the place to discuss it. Your constant posts and that littlel smart [!@#%^&^] comment on your profile, not to mention the old link to my ebay auctions is crossing the line. As I said your just to young to know that."


The last sentence should read "...As I said YOU'RE (meaning YOU ARE) just TOO (NOT "to") young to know that."



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What in the hell are you talking about? I was responding to Ricky as a joke, and you ask me to retract my bids on your items? What is wrong with you?


Here is the sequence of posts I'm talking about:



RICKDOGG – (in response to Blowout) I am not worried at all. I have an extremely well known lawyer who would kick his lawyer's [!@#%^&^] anyday. The funny thing is, this person accuses me of slander while he tells others that I switched a $10 book on him on a return. Atleast I had the balls to come to him like a man and explain my reasoning behind my opinion on the grades of the books he sold me. He emails people and tells them that I switch books behind my back. If he had any intelligence he could have compared the scans he had with the book I returned which had distinct pink spots all over the middle of the front cover!


ME – (in response to Rickdogg) Oh yeah? My lawyer could kick your lawyer's [!@#%^&^] anyday!


YOU – (in response to me???) Bond 25, Matt:


Matt, are you sure you feel this way, after all you are bidding on my books and have so in the past?


Retract your bids. Stand beside the youthfull leader of the forum!! It's Ok with me. Make sure the reason you give is acceptable to ebay, I would hate to see you get in any trouble for siding the with Rick.


You need to take a stand. Please retract them now.







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>sigh< Sorry, Rick. I'd flame the hell outta this guy for you, but... you know... :::taps "NO FLAMING" sign::: wink.gif


And I'd LOOOOVE to see some of these "emails" where people are trashing Ricky behind his back. That may be the most popular lie on message boards everywhere: the classic "Everyone hates you but they don't tell you they only tell me, a complete stranger, via email" bluff.

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OK, this is the only post that I am going to make on this subject and I will let it go. Unlike others on the forum, I have first hand knowledge of the situation and not hearsay.


With respect the rickdogg's intial deals with Stuart AKA nochips, Ricky asked me if he was a good dealer and if he graded properly. I told him that I have been dealing with Stuart for a few years and have been generally happy with the books that I have gotten. Have I agreed with all the grades of the books. No, but my tolerances are a bit wider than rickdogg's and Stuart is better than most of the [!@#%^&^] dealers out there.


Where Ricky order I believe a MTU 10 and got it, he expressed to me that he felt that it was overgraded and pointed out the defects that would take it down lower than the advertised NM? grade. Ricky was going to just keep and chalk it up as experience and advised me that he was not going to going to bid on anymore of Stuart's books anymore. I told him that it was his choice but mentioned that I recalled Stuart writing in his my eBay page stating that he is willing to take back books and will even pay for return shipping. Ricky, hearing this, decided to send the book back. I was not aware that he did not bother to even contact Stuart before he sent it back.


Around 1 or 2 weeks later, Ricky mentioned that he got the $$ back but also mentioned that he was interested in a MTU 15 that Stuart had on eBay. Ricky said that he felt unfortable asking Stuart for a bigger scan because he returned to the books so he asked me to ask Stuart without mentioning that it was for Ricky.


When I asked Stuart, he came back with a response basically stating that he was surprised that I had let Ricky influence me in thinking that he was a poor grader, as I NEVER asked for a larger scan before. He also expressed his feelings that he felt that Ricky switched the books and that he put Ricky on his blocked bidder list. I admitted that the scan was for Ricky and adamantly told Stuart that Ricky would not do such as thing. I also told Stuart that if he feels strongly about it, that he cancel my existing bids on his auctions and that I will no longer bid on any of his books anymore. Stuart, sensing that I was sure of Ricky's innocence, agreed to take Ricky off his block bidder list. I kept Ricky informed about the situation and while Ricky was not happy about being accused of switching the books, he did trade EMAILs with Stuart and was able to smooth things over.


Then, the part of this situation is that Ricky bid and won a few more lots and was not happy with the grading. He was upset and mentioned to me that a Marvel Spotlight 14 graded NM+ 9.6 was actually in the F/VF range due to certain faults. Please be aware that I have not inspected the books either via a high resolution scan or in person so I can't attest to the actual grade. He said that he was going to return some of the books and kept some even though he felt all of them were overgraded.


I guess he sent it back. I am unsure if he advised Stuart before he sent it this time or not. Please note that before he returned the books, I made an off eBay deal with Stuart. I guess he received the books back before I received them so he sent an EMAIL asking me if I had received it. He then mentioned that Ricky returned some books back to him and he expressed a feeling that he felt that Ricky did not know how to grade properly. As I did not want to inflame the situation, I just advised that I will inform him when I receive the books without commenting on the part about Ricky's grading ability. I am unsure if Stuart expressed this feeling to Ricky at the time but I believe so because I recalled Ricky being upset about this comment.


To be friggin' honest, I don't know why the situation has gotten this far. Ricky got his money back in both situations. Sure, Stuart should not have been so expressive regarding the refund. If you are going to have a refund policy, it is best that it is no questions asked. It does not make any sense to make it difficult. Maybe both of your egos were hurt but come on, let it go. There are worst people in the world and more important things to worry about.


My solution to this situation is simple. Whether you guys choose to do it is strictly up to you. I will still converse with both of you if you are receptive but I am sick and tired of being in the middle and being uncomfortable.


Ricky - Although you may have felt you were slighted or had your ego bruised by Stuart's comments about your grading, you have to let this go. If you don't like his grading, just don't deal with him. Providing links such as the one you had in your signature but removed when I asked you to is not productive. Also, your other references in your bio should go. It just seems too vindictive for some deals that are not that signficant and you DID get your refunds.


Stuart - I know you don't want your name smeared on the forums but the threatening of a lawsuit is not productive or logical in this circumstances. I understand that you may have had other bidders try to switch books on you but you should not be so jaded and be upset if someone returns a book to you. If you are going to trumpet your grading skills and mention that you are willing to take refunds, take it back without question.


So...I hope something can be worked out. Hopefully in private because this should not have ever been brought out in the open. Most of the people posting are basically posting blindly. I am friggin' tired from working a graveyard shift so please work this out by the time I wake up!


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Matt, that's the trouble here. This is no joke to me and it's certainly no joke to Rick.


This guy has been slamming me for months, I never said a word. I come to the forum to defend my 1500 sales on ebay and I get ingnorant comments from the group. The thing I am feeling here is that Ricky, becasue he's in the "boys club", is always going to be right. That's what I keep reading. I must be a bum, because Rick is my pal and he sold me a slabbed GI joe 52....and he posts all the time, he must be right. I have a job, I do not have time to play on the forum like the dogg.One post said that rcik was finding bad dealers and exposing them to the group. I have 4 negatives, 1500+ sales, and ricky finally found me out!!


I am not messing around. If someone was going after you for months you would stand up and fight back. I'm done sitting on the sidelines. Ricky started this mess. Read all the cheap shots he has thrown at me.Read his immature profile. The kid got his money back and he's still beefing.


I am not laughing about this.


This is not a joke.


I stand by my feedback, even the positives rick left for me. Yes,he did leave me some positives, go figure that one out!

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I'm going to post once and then go away.


1. I've bought from Stuart in the past and have been pleased. He's bought from me and has been pleased.


2. I have NOT dealt with Ricky, except here, and he seems to be a standup guy.


3. Work this out guys, and keep it off the boards. Both of you are over-reacting.

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I'm not defending anyone here. Ricky went overboard but using you in his signature line, and you went overboard in threatening to sue him. I've had no problems with you in the past, but I've always bought CGC books from you. Ricky is a good grader, and maybe you just happened to send him a bad batch of books. Let's all just drop this!

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I suggest that when you receive an overgraded comic, you send email to the seller describing the defects which make the book overgraded. That way, there's less room to argue, and if the seller is open-minded, they might even learn something from the experience. Here's an e-mail I sent to another board member I bought a book from a while back:


From: "Jamie"


Subject: Re: Spidey Annual #2

Date: Friday, June 08, 2001 3:29 PM

Re: Spidey Annual #2


I received the book, but thought it was overgraded. I always take time to think about it when I assess an overgrade by looking it over on several different days. Defects included (sorted by most severe defect first):


- Multiple non-color-breaking creases. One on lower-left half of front cover parallel to spine 3" long; two in lower-right corner of front cover, one 2" long and another 2.5" long; upper-right corner of front cover 3/4" long; two on upper-left corner of back cover, one 3.5" long and another 1" long; two in lower-left corner of back cover, one 2" long and another 3/4" long.

- 1" glue/tape pull of cover's surface on upper-middle back cover

- Rat chewing, or more likely, drag-impact creasing creating a shallow (1/32") tattered tear along a full inch of the top-middle front cover

- Color-breaking thumbmark on right edge of front cover that created a 3/4" circular crease

- 1/3" tear in upper-left corner, with non-color-breaking impact creasing extending 3/4" from the left side of the tear over to the spine

- Several ink smudges on front cover. One ink-smudged fingerprint in lower-left corner. Streaked smudge around 2" long on right edge, just to the right of Spidey's waist in the full-standing drawing of him.

- 9 color-breaking transverse spine stress marks

- Some sort of glue or deeply-ingrained 1/3" circular dirt spot on right side of front cover, just below 2" long ink smudge described above.

- Moderate rounding of all corners, with very minor (1/8") tears on upper-left and upper-right corners of front cover


Overall grade is somewhere around 7.0 and 7.5; I think it's a 7.0. Just the first two defects listed above take the book a few steps out of the VF+/NM- grade you assigned it.

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