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I'm opening up a brick and mortar this year and want some advice!!
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On 8/12/2017 at 11:35 AM, masterlogan2000 said:

Great updates as always.  I'm really enjoying reading this thread. (thumbsu


Also, it does look like genesiscomics.com was registered waaaaay back in 2012, so maybe you saw something different when you searched GoDaddy.

That's definitely possible...maybe I was looking at .org or .net  

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Alright folks...getting close to the home stretch...

Picked up one of the keys this afternoon...he still has some stuff in the store that he has to remove, but that's OK as tomorrow is assess and buy whatever I need for the walls day...I took a picture of the pole and will post as soon as my phone charges...it's definitely electrical in nature as a small pole about 4 inches long comes out of the floor into a junction box that's about 12x14 approx and 4 inches deep.  Out of the top of the box about 6 inches to the left another pole comes out and goes to the ceiling.  I've been playing phone tag with the landlord, we've called each other numerous times and keep missing each other.  He will meet me there tomorrow to discuss and hopefully move or remove if it isn't necessary.  The place before the tuxedo shop was a hair salon so they may have needed extra electric coming in...hopefully that's the case and we can just kill it and move it...

I also spent some time over the last few days getting the grand opening weekend together.  I got some semi-professional cosplayers set up for Saturday and Sunday.  I reached out to multiple artists and have not gotten many responses, the ones I did get were unable to make it, the others are either at shows this weekend or on vacation.  So hopefully I can get someone in on Saturday...hoping for Billy Tucci or JaCo Taratuga (I love his stuff...check out his facebook if you haven't seen it before...unique)...but no guarantee...I also got someone in for facepainting on Sunday for the kiddies and also for Sunday (and hopefully Saturday) Mr. Popintwist.  If you are not familiar with Mr. Popintwist, he is a balloon artist...he makes the most incredible balloon items..check out his facebook page for some of the work he does.  Unfortunately, the cosplayers for Saturday, let me know today that they are unavailable for that day due to a con commitment they had forgotten about (Inbeoncon) ...that sucked as I was trying to have cosplayers on both days...luckily I was able to get the NYC Ghostbusters on that Saturday, but I'd rather have Harley and Spidey lol, but still cool nonetheless...Harley will be coming on Sunday making an appearance with Green Arrow and Poison Ivy!

Over the last 3 days I have gotten insurance, telephone and internet (Verizon), set up the signing and gave a deposit, reserved a truck for Friday (wanted to get it early as kids are going back to college soon), purchased a large dry erase board to post gaming/other events, picked out colors for the store (yellow, blue/red), purchased a printer, phone, began work on my grand opening flyer, contacted Diamond about better terms on the POS, set up a few estimates for work on the floors/walls...I will most likely do the work myself, but if the prices are cheap enough I may go that route...really depends on what I see tomorrow as the walls were not completely down when I was in today.  I also went to Ikea at 2PM on Saturday afternoon...note: if you hate yourself go to the Long Island Ikea during this time, anyway I picked up 2x4 cubes to place under the bookshelves as had been suggested in another thread about me looking for comic bins...going to build it and see how it comes out...the bookcases are also from Ikea and match the cubes, same exact color.

One unexpected thing that I ran into was the transferring of the Electric.  As a new business owner I need to put down a deposit of $495 dollars...not a big deal...figured they would just use it as credit for my first 2 bills or so...BUT it doesn't work that way...the $495 deposit is HELD by them for 36 weeks!!  LOL...if I pay my bill on time for that stretch, they will return the deposit, with interest)...another unexpected bill...geez...

I spent most of the morning working out my time frame so I could come up with a Grand Opening Date!  Here is what I came up with!  I do have a number of people helping me throughout the week, so it's not just me running solo or this time frame would not work..

Monday (tomorrow) - Heading over in the afternoon (Dr. appt in the AM) to do a full once over.  Going to check the electric, all outlets, plumbing, back and front door security.  Going to determine what I need to purchase in order to "finish" the box and have a clean retail space.  Going to clean, sweep, dust off a few shelves that I asked him to leave in my "NEW storage area" lol.  I have a contractor friend of the family coming to give me an estimate on getting it all clean.  I will then determine if he can meet my time frame and how much extra it will cost if any for me to do it myself with the help of others...I am not very handy unfortunately...my guess is it will be too much, and I'll move on to Home Depot and Lowes to pick up the sheetrock/paint etc that I will need.  The good part is the front 60% is beautiful so a coat of paint or 2 is all it will need...I'm only dealing with the back 40% and bathroom/storage area for actual fixing up.  I will be cleaning the bathroom and replacing all lights (tenant left a full box for me), that are out or on their way out.  I will also be making multiple follow up phone calls concerning gas, Diamond POS.

Tuesday - Walls...spackle, tape, sand, repeat, etc.  Starting early in the AM so I can put on 2 coats of spackle if necessary.  Want the walls ready by end of day if possible...I will have time on Wed for this as well if needed.  

Wednesday - Painting (front to back) of course...by the end of the day on Wed I'm hoping to have the walls done and completely painted.

Thursday - Flooring in the back.  Once again I have someone coming for an estimate...based on some research, looks like almost the same price for me to do it myself, but we will see.  I'm thinking matching the laminate with a "joiner" not sure of the word between each side...won't need too much...can do it myself for about 500-700 depending on how much I need and how many pieces I screw up trying to get the pieces correct around the bat pole lol.  If I can get a similar price from Empire today, they can do it (my wife used to work there so we can get a discount).  I also plan on replacing the ceiling tiles that have water damage (there is no roof issue anymore...they had issues 2 years ago and the roof was totally replaced as verified by multiple people in the shopping center).  I will also be installing my camera system.

Friday- Friday is move all the heavy fixtures in day and hang the slatwall and take lot's of aspirin day...needless to say I am not looking forward to Friday...I have back issues as it is...4 showcases, 7 bookshelves (3 for Trades) 2 for comic bins, 3 large cube shelves 2-5x5 and 1 4x4 for binders for cards, Tables and chairs for gaming, front desk, and a few other odds and ends.  Hopefully during the week I will have some help building the 6 cubes I bought so I would just have to put it all together on Friday...

Saturday AM, hook up all computers/phones/printers, etc

My aggressive goal is to have all this done by Friday night and to use Saturday PM and Sunday as merchandising days...unpacking boxes, loading up shelves.  I have been working on pricing items every night for the last 2 months...it's weird...I can sort through Magic Cards for hours on end, but pricing comics drives me nuts!  I'm actually taking a break right now to write this.  The hardest part was the older books, silver and bronze, as I used both Overstreet and Ebay, spent a lot of time on condition etc...I think I did a pretty good job of pricing the books fairly...we will see lol...just working on copper/modern backstock now...trying to keep the prices low enough to be a deal, but not too low to leave too much on the table...a fine line that I'm sure I went both ways on.

I'd like to soft open on Monday-Thursday (which gives me 4 days of leeway).  Friday evening I'm going to have friends and family night.  Basically just having everyone in, thanking them for all their hard work and support,  buy a bunch of pizzas and soda and have everyone tell me how wonderful the store looks and how successful I'm going to be LMFAO...

Saturday August 26th is my projected Grand Opening.  As I mentioned earlier, I will have face painting 12-3, NYC Ghostbusters (12-4), sales on comics (50% off back issues (Copper/Modern), 25% off all Bronze Age/Silver Age not on wall and 10% off wall books 25% off trades), all day.  Learn to play Magic the Gathering from 4-8. Trying to get some free into decks.  Open at 12 Closing at 10

Sunday August 27th- Green Arrow, Poison Ivy, and Harley Quinn cosplayers from 12-4/5 taking pictures with guests, Harley tells me she does a little show as well (Spidey can't make it on Sunday unfortunately). thinking of doing a kid cosplay contest as well with store credit being give out to the winners ($40, $25, and $20 for 1st 2nd and 3rd, and maybe a free comic or pack of cards for all participants.  Mr Popintwist 12-2 and learn to play Magic the Gathering 4-8, Open at 12 close at 9.  All Pokemon, plush, mini figs, POPS 25% off all day.  Both days Standard MTG packs are 4 for 10 (normally 3 for 10/11 depending on where you shop).

Both days I will be giving out free comics and free magic cards for anyone that likes and shares our page (comics and cards are in a blind box, about 10% is good stuff $5-$40 dollar stuff, other comic stuff is modern books I took at random and for Magic the Gathering, bulk rare cards...I have a list made up of what's in there so they can see what they can get.

Still have a lot of little things to do that I will fit in on the coming days and nights, but these are the main things I have to do...like anything else it's just a plan and things can and I am sure will...just have to roll with the punches/poles/cosplayers cancelling etc...till next time, thanks again for all your suggestions on the pole, and keep the catchphrases coming...there are a few I like and by this weekend, I'll pick 3-5 and post a poll to see what you folks thing I should go with!

One more piece of homework for you fine folks:

What does your LCS have as far as a "Comic Club".  What percentage do you get off...is it based on volume?  Is there an initial fee?  Is there a yearly fee?  What is their policy on books not picked up?  How long with they hold them with no communication?  I've read through the "Pick up your books" thread, but wanted to know what your LCS does (please include your location as well...rent is high here on LI so I may not be able to do what a store in North Carolina does etc)

Keep the feedback coming, I will keep the updates coming!  Appreciate you all!!!!  Thanks!

P.S. I did not proofread this as I have to get back to pricing books lol


Edited by Genesis Comics
Mistyped the discounts on the grand opening days and added some more content
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It sounds like you are well over your pressure point please take some timeout for yourself when the store opens. I was once told by a legal friend these words of wisdom "If you rent your home and are still paying your car what's to worry about go bankrupt!" Stay safe and I wish you well. 

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9 hours ago, Genesis Comics said:

...I took a picture of the pole and will post as soon as my phone charges...it's definitely electrical in nature as a small pole about 4 inches long comes out of the floor into a junction box that's about 12x14 approx and 4 inches deep.  Out of the top of the box about 6 inches to the left another pole comes out and goes to the ceiling.

Need to see a pic.   Depending on what it is, might be able to remove it.  

Is the building you are in just a one story building or more?   Which floor are you on?   As others have said, most of the wiring should be above ceiling/in wall.   If it's a single story building, not sure they'd run any sort of branch power underground.   

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10 hours ago, Genesis Comics said:

What does your LCS have as far as a "Comic Club".

My LCS uses this program: https://www.bellycard.com

You get a little card that you scan in a the register each visit that allows you to earn points.  Accrue enough points and you get a free Pop keychain, discount on certain books, etc.

Edited by Doc McCoy
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I think you are rushing the whole store opening process and putting far too much pressure on yourself to get so many tasks done or perfect before you open. If the whole idea is to start making sales as soon as possible, focus on that aspect and have the place look like it is under construction as you slowly get things in order. As a customer, I would come back each week to see what changes and improvements were made since the last visit.

That might not fit your personal idea of how the store will work though-- understandable. I just think trying to get it completely set up in such a short period of time is going to be super stressful. Will one extra week of getting the store prepared be that much of a money problem OR is this the result of the previous tenant/landlord dragging their feet on the expected getting the keys and starting? Seems that part took close to two weeks longer than you expected but you did not adjust your opening plans as a result.

The soft open and family thing are great ideas and timing works. But I would go one more week for the big expense of the Grand Opening so you have that much more time to get the store in order. If the idea is to impress new customers, more time to whip the store into shape as well as get the word out seems logical. Two weeks of soft open where you get some foot traffic allows you to meet those early customers and have them spread the word (give them some flyers to hand out to their friends etc).

good luck -- don't let the stress crush you

Edited by 01TheDude
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In terms of my LCS loyalty system, they use a frequent customer card. Free to sign up (and can do it in 10 seconds at checkout). Every $100 you spend, you get $5 in credit. After $500 spent, you get $30 in credit (ie. you get an additional $5 bonus after $500).

In terms of pull lists, they ask you come in at least once a month to pick up your books. If you reach out and let them know about certain circumstances, I'm sure no problem extending another month. I think they said policy is after 3 months, they sell it off.

Best of luck with the opening!

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 I've never seen a loyalty club like this, and while I had planned to use it in my own store if and when I ever got around to opening what would have been my fourth store, allow me to share it here..

People who join your loyalty club get no discounts on new books. Period. None. They pay full price. This is VERY important to your cash flow.  To succeed, you need steady cash flow and you need to maximize it however possible. Discounting new books is suicidal until you have your ordering down to a science.  What the people get instead is a credit towards a select group of back issues and trade paperbacks. Spend $40 on 15  new books, get 15 back issues free, or $40 credit towards older trades. You can make it half credit, or full . your choice.  For this to work, you have to have a good supply of fresh back issues, but as you can replace them at a quarter a pop and hopefully have thousands to begin with, it works well in that you are getting full price for the new books and helping your customers expand their reading and hopefully they find stuff they like and come back and buy more back issues or trades from that run.



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4 hours ago, shadroch said:

 I've never seen a loyalty club like this, and while I had planned to use it in my own store if and when I ever got around to opening what would have been my fourth store, allow me to share it here..

People who join your loyalty club get no discounts on new books. Period. None. They pay full price. This is VERY important to your cash flow.  To succeed, you need steady cash flow and you need to maximize it however possible. Discounting new books is suicidal until you have your ordering down to a science.  What the people get instead is a credit towards a select group of back issues and trade paperbacks. Spend $40 on 15  new books, get 15 back issues free, or $40 credit towards older trades. You can make it half credit, or full . your choice.  For this to work, you have to have a good supply of fresh back issues, but as you can replace them at a quarter a pop and hopefully have thousands to begin with, it works well in that you are getting full price for the new books and helping your customers expand their reading and hopefully they find stuff they like and come back and buy more back issues or trades from that run.

Agree you pay much less for back issues so its easier. I would insist on 50% payment on anything a customer special orders outside of a normal monthly order. That way you are not out any money if they don't show up to buy it. 

Only let customers go a month or two on new issues as well until you know them.


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I am such a dinosaur.  I only had two LCS reward systems and they are ancient.  One was a card punch system and the other was tracked manually in a book but the owner would remember your numbers.   Both stores had the same numbers.  Spend $100 get $10 to spend free in the store.  Basically it's like giving 10% off.  Now, my one LCS had a customer that banked his credits and had a large credit amount.  So you should possibly think about an expiration date system as well.


Edit:  I do know one LCS by me had a TPB credit system.  It was buy x amount and get one free.  I don't recall but again, it probably was 10 trades. 

Edited by nocutename
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I strongly encourage you to get some help for the opening day bash (if it hasn't been mentioned already).  You won't have time to breathe, let alone sell back issues, chat with new customers, go to the bathroom, and clean up whatever spills and mess the kids are going to make!

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Hey again folks!  Trucking along!  I had written an update yesterday, and before it was done, by computer battery died and I lost it lol, did not feel like writing it again.   I'll give a brief recap of Monday and then move on to today...

Monday (tomorrow) - Heading over in the afternoon (Dr. appt in the AM) to do a full once over.  Going to check the electric, all outlets, plumbing, back and front door security.  Going to determine what I need to purchase in order to "finish" the box and have a clean retail space.  Going to clean, sweep, dust off a few shelves that I asked him to leave in my "NEW storage area" lol.  I have a contractor friend of the family coming to give me an estimate on getting it all clean.  I will then determine if he can meet my time frame and how much extra it will cost if any for me to do it myself with the help of others...I am not very handy unfortunately...my guess is it will be too much, and I'll move on to Home Depot and Lowes to pick up the sheetrock/paint etc that I will need.  The good part is the front 60% is beautiful so a coat of paint or 2 is all it will need...I'm only dealing with the back 40% and bathroom/storage area for actual fixing up.  I will be cleaning the bathroom and replacing all lights (tenant left a full box for me), that are out or on their way out.  I will also be making multiple follow up phone calls concerning gas, Diamond POS.


Above was my plan for Monday...here's how it  worked out...Checked the electric...few outlets not working, some lights in ceiling held up by wall that was put in came down...not a big deal as there are plenty of lights.  Tenant still not out, walls still not completely down...once again, not a huge deal as the day was mostly about checking things out...but lot's of stuff still left...truck coming on Tuesday to finish up...I could work around things.  As he started moving stuff away from walls, things got ugly...his back room was patched, holes in wall that I didn't see based on tuxes being hung everywhere...pretty much out of my realm of capabilities to fix AND make it look good...this was the back area where the gaming was to be to nothing really to even cover it up...I had a friend of the family coming by to give me an estimate on some work, so I figured I pay a few extra bucks (story of my opening lol).  Spoke to him at 12...said he had 2 hours left and he would swing by...at around 3, I call, no answer, 3:30 I text, no response...4 I call my brother in law who works with him and he says we finished over an hour ago, he was supposed to swing by after.  Now I'm a bit worried about him, but also worried about what I'm going to do...it's getting late and as you all have mentioned I have an agressive timeline to get things done.  I call some family members to see if they can help with the spackling and it was too far gone for them to atttempt...ugh.

I'm starting to get a little frustrated, not only because this guy bailed (he was OK btw, just never showed), but the tenant is moving slow getting stuff out, can't get calls back from Diamond about the POS, and can't get a call back from the Insurance company who was supposed to send me a quote.  

Couldn't get to the lights to change out as there were fixtures literally hanging from the ceiling and supports and tiles all over the floor, plus, the area where the lights were was buried in piles of stuff the tenant had yet to remove...once again, not a big deal...about an hour or 2 of work all told at some point...

Decided to call the guy that painted the inside of my house a few years ago at about 5...great guy, a bit expensive but did great work!   Going to ask him to give me an estimate on getting all work done by Wednesday so I can paint on Friday...LMFAO...that sounds reasonable right???  Wouldn't you know it, he was doing a job in Ronkonkoma, the same town I am in, and was just getting off so he could stop by!  He put together a crew within 15 minutes and told me it would be done!  WOW!!  Great luck on my part...not cheap, but last minute work usually isn't.

Going to digress for a moment to explain my thought process about the short timeframe...It is just as TheDude surmised...I had a plan that was pushed back and didn't adjust to the shortened time frame...this was not because I didn't think of it...on the contrary, I was well aware of the work that lied ahead...BUT I wanted to be open before kids went back to school...(around the 1st week of September here on Long Island).  I wanted a good week or so, where kids were still off, parents were out shopping for school supplies.  My thought process is that once kids go back to school, there's not a lot of going out that month...parents are setting up systems for their kids...being strict for a week or two before they forget and loosen up...plus I wanted to use as much as the "free time" I got as I could.  I built in a few extra days for soft opening as I had said, if things didn't work out...I could always change the grand opening if I had to...plus, the pressure of getting open keeps me focused, my wife had taken off this week.  

Took a look at the floors where I wanted to put down laminate and started to lift some rugs in the back...reason there were rugs is that there were issues...not something I can do...again...so called a flooring company (Empire-my wife used to work for them) and they are coming Tuesday.

So really kind of a frustrating first day...more damage to floors and walls than anticipated, friend of family no call no show, lots of tux stuff still there, electrician came and looked at the bat-pole...thousands to remove and re-route...working out something with landlord.  He said he'd remove it, but after I re-did my floor plan I was able to work around it better than initially thought...not losing any gaming tables moving some stuff around.  Instead of spending a few thousand to remove and re-route, the landlord will replace the AC and heating units with new ones as the unit is old.  Did not get a call back about insurance, and did not hear back from Diamond about POS system.

The good, is that I got a replacement guy to do the walls, got a carpet company coming to give estimate on flooring, met a few other tenants in shopping center.  More good than bad, but still on track to get the list done...of course I'm paying more as I'm having people do the work as opposed to doing it myself...so that's a downside, upside is it will look much better than if I did it lol.  And the best news is I'm on my way to becoming a comic book and gaming store owner!!

I'll be back in a few hours to update Tuesday's "progress"...going to price some books now!!  


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A frustrating day, but to tell the truth not unexpected.  You're gonna find some nasty surprises and some tradesmen are gonna let you down and most of all, you're gonna have unexpected expenses and stress.

Sounds like you handled everything well and made progress, good work.  Don't stress too much, you will open,, maybe a day late or whatever, but a day won't ultimately make a difference.  It really sounds like you've put a lot of work and thought into this store, I hope it turns out wonderful.

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Tuesday - Walls...spackle, tape, sand, repeat, etc.  Starting early in the AM so I can put on 2 coats of spackle if necessary.  Want the walls ready by end of day if possible...I will have time on Wed for this as well if needed.

Alright, 2 updates in one day!  You're Welcome!! lol 

Quick note to everyone commenting and giving suggestions...I may not answer every comment/suggestion, but rest assured I am reading them and taking everything into account.  So if I haven't answered or commented, it's not because I don't appreciate the thoughts and suggestions!

Also, I took some pictures and will take more each day, documenting the progress...I'll start attaching them tomorrow as tonight's too late and my phone is upstairs and I'm lazy.

As you may have read above, in my previous update post, the 1st day had some bumps in the road, however, I am still on track to have the place move in ready by Friday.

Tuesday was just supposed to be walls for me...but because I am not doing them now, just paying someone else to do them, that gave me some extra time to work on other things.  The guys I hired came in and worked wonders, great job so far...one more coat tomorrow (they did 2 today) and I should be ready to paint on Thursday.  I had an appt this morning for flooring for the back of the store (front 60% has really nice wood laminate...unfortunately it was a Home Depot exclusive 11 years ago and they no longer carry it.)  Figured I'd get same type of flooring on back...if I couldn't match exactly I'd go for totally opposite color.  The area in question will be the gaming area.  After I got a price for leveling and resurfacing the floor with the laminate wood, I quickly decided on carpet lol...would have preferred the laminate, but I'd also rather have that extra $$ for collections that come in.  It's going to be installed Thursday morning.

We will start with the good stuff today.

I was able to go to PSEG (electric service) and get the account in my name...tomorrow is National Grid (Gas).

Bought tiles for the ceiling, my brother and uncle coming tomorrow AM to switch out water stained/stained/damaged tiles.

Spoke with Diamond and they are working on expediting the shipping on the entire system so I can get it hooked up and practice with it for a few days before the grand opening.  No guarantees but I should find out tomorrow for sure. The wonderful thing about the Diamond POS sytem is that you get credit towards select trade paperbacks from the major publishers...I'm sure they are not the cream of the crop, more likely they are things that didn't sell.  However, I am getting $6700.00 worth!!  That pays for the system plus more!  I realize I probably won't be able to sell them all at full price, but it gives me a lot of inventory to do sales with!

Went to Loews and got paint/primer with an extra gallon of each for me to keep...figured if I ever needed to fix an area, I'll have the same color and not a shade off if they had to make it a few years down the road.  I went with superhero blue, yellow, and red.

Got my shirts in the mail today...Ordered from Vista Print while they had a 33% off sale.  They look good...I'll prove it to you tomorrow! lol

Now for some of the bad:

Guy from carpet company was supposed to be there between 8-10...didn't get there till 11:30...had a few phone calls to make, so did that while waiting. Could have used that time better and gotten National Grid done today, but oh well.

Can't get a call back from the guy from the insurance company...left 3 messages to remind him to send over insurance quote so landlord can review and nothing...no call back, no email.  Called the company today to see if I can get some help getting the quote...got transferred 3 times, waited on hold for just under a 1/2 hour before I hung up.  If I don't hear back from him by tomorrow, I'll move on to another company.  I want to give them money...crazy...

Spent 30 minutes on hold with Pepsi as well...no one ever picked up lol...will have to try again tomorrow.

AC was left on overnight, set at 70, reading 72 (not my dime, so no real concern there).  At around 9:30 I noticed it felt like it was getting warm in there...went to the thermostat to lower the temp 2 degrees...after a 1/2 hour, even hotter, now reading 77...called the landlord to let him know the AC wasn't working...can't get someone there till Thurs/Fri...my workers loved that today...ugh.  Not looking forward to the heat and humidity while trying to get paint to dry...

The tenant, was supposed to get a truck today to finish getting his stuff out...I had asked him to make sure the walls were clear so that my guys could work...of course that wasn't done so I was schlepping his stuff from one side of the room to another...I'm trying to be real patient, but it's starting to wear thin.  Truck never showed today so there is STILL a bunch of in my way, and in the way of my workers...I was moving stuff all day, his stuff, and just putting them in piles...he promised that everything would be out tomorrow...I need to have the carpet installed on Thurs and paint...can't have his stuff lying around anymore...already almost a week after I was supposed to inherit a clean building.  There was also the remnants of a wall running down one part of a wall that I needed to work on, I overheard him saying to the guy who was helping him that the electrician would take care of it when came in...I went over and said, look, we don't know when the electrician is coming back...this needs to go now.  This was aggravating as it's being taken down around the guys that are trying to spackle...while they were working on it ceiling tiles, supports, and one lighting fixture crashed to the ground...nobody was hurt thankfully, but this should have been taken care of last week...the light fixtures were being held up by the top of the wall that was coming down, so without that support, everything started bending and falling...told him to just take the lights down, replace the supports and I'll just put tile there...I'm a nice guy, a patient guy, but this guy is now taking advantage...not cool.  I even told him that I'm not doing any work on my new storage area so he can pile all he wanted to the ceiling as long as it was out of the way...still not done...he's a truckload away from being done...so don't want to get nasty, but still...c'mon man.  He's leaving me a bunch of stuff including the $1700 neon in the front window as well as a glass showcase and some other items I need for the storage area...I appreciate that, I truly do, and he's a really nice guy...just wish he had a little more  sense of urgency.

So another kind of frustrating day, couple more hiccups...nothing earth shattering that can't be fixed.  Still on schedule due to some luck and extra $$.  

Thursday I added to my calendar going to my supplier to pick up my "initial" order of TCG's, POP's, comic supplies, gaming supplies, etc in the morning...I have a lot of volunteers that day to paint, and a bunch of volunteers to help me move in fixtures and merchandise over the weekend.  

Pictures tomorrow, I promise!

Keep commenting, suggesting, catchphrasing!  Hope you are enjoying the journey as much as I am!  Thanks!

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