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General discussion thread - keep the other threads clean
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35,161 posts in this topic

When CG goes to two pages of new posts, I sure don't have any problems clicking the link to page 2 to see them. How would a sales forum with all combined be different?


FWIW - I am not advocating the change, just arguing that particular aspect.





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When CG goes to two pages of new posts, I sure don't have any problems clicking the link to page 2 to see them. How would a sales forum with all combined be different?


FWIW - I am not advocating the change, just arguing that particular aspect.





I don't know whether to :o or meh


bababooey who knows how serious slym takes emoticon usage

(hint: shock or disbelief)







Edited by bababooey
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When CG goes to two pages of new posts, I sure don't have any problems clicking the link to page 2 to see them. How would a sales forum with all combined be different?


FWIW - I am not advocating the change, just arguing that particular aspect.






You weren't here when they were all one big jumbled mess. Heck, even the WTB was in with the sales threads. :insane:


Trust me, you don't want to go back to those days, especially if you're trying to run a sales thread.

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When CG goes to two pages of new posts, I sure don't have any problems clicking the link to page 2 to see them. How would a sales forum with all combined be different?


FWIW - I am not advocating the change, just arguing that particular aspect. m

I don't know whether to :o or meh


bababooey who knows how serious slym takes emoticon usage

(hint: shock or disbelief)




I had a small job to do yesterday, was gone from the boards for about 7 hours. When I came back there were new threads halfway down page 2.


It does happen to me, believe it or not!







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Just had this pointed out to me and thought I would address is here rather than in Dale's thread.




I am glad the mods made an exception for you Dale.
Would you just stop?


Politely worded threadcrap is still threadcrap, right?




Chris...this isn't threadcrap since it's stated by Arch that other board members can remind another of the rules.



The following guidelines are now in effect. Over some period of time these may be modified or expanded.


As of now, dealers are allowed to post here as long as all guidelines are respected.


Note that BUYERS AND SELLERS HAVE FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR TRANSACTIONS. We will not resolve disputes, and purchases and sales are done at your own risk.


For Sale – Threads may be removed for failure to comply, and repeated issues could result in strikes.

1.Books must be CGC or raw only, or items directly related to comics.

2.No spamming. Group your for sale items into as few threads as is reasonable. Attempts to take up front page real estate by creating multiple threads for no reason are not allowed.

3.List your books only once, and in the appropriate sub-forum. Incorrectly placed threads or books posted in multiple places will be moved. Repeat offenders will have their threads pulled completely.

4.It must be an exclusive board-only offer. If the book is offered for sale through another venue (ebay, dealer site, personal web site, etc.) then it should NOT be offered here. It should be offered in the Sales Advertising board.

5.Links to outside sites for any purpose involving purchasing the offered books are not allowed.

6.It must list specific books with purchase prices. It is acceptable to bulk price, and/or to note that package discounts may be available, but you must list a starting price that you WILL sell for.

7.List scans or information about the grade of the offered books.

8.List estimated shipping costs, times, and methods.

9.List acceptable forms of payment (NOTE: Personal PayPal payment is NOT allowed as a listed option in your post as it is not appropriate for item purchases.)

10.If posting a trading thread you must list a dollar value price for the book that you WILL accept in TRADE VALUE, and you MUST put "TRADE ONLY" in the title of your thread if you will not accept money.

11.Prompt responses must be made to buy requests made through the boards (posts or PMs).

12.Threads may be bumped three times total AND only ONE FULL DAY AFTER falling off of the front page. This does not include "sold" notices, or truly useful informational updates. Note: we CAN tell the difference between a real update and a fake bump-update. Tread that line at your own risk. If you're spam bumping, "lawyering" the rules will not save you.

13. Threads selling digital codes or digital versions are not allowed.

BUYERS When you reply to a sale thread indicating that you'll buy something you must indicate what book you're buying. Otherwise, if someone else is more specific than you are first, your offer won't be considered valid.


Now I didn't quote the exact rule above (#3), but everyone knows which one it is.


Had I wanted to post it, Arch states I could do so politely...


This is a suggested "ok to post" rules reminder template so that everyone can feel comfortable helping to keep things in line with the guidelines instead of feeling like a self appointed forum cop.


If someone is not complying with the rules, this should be considered an OK way for everyone around here to nudge people a bit. Once in a thread is plenty, guys. After that you can re-post it in new threads (once) but then just hit the notify moderator button if things don't get cleaned up.


These rules have been pointed out to me by moderation before... and here is the link to them if you need to read them again.




I'm more surprised that as a lawyer, you don't see the bigger picture here. You have always been a proponent of what is right concerning these boards.


Plus I find it hard to believe that a lawyer of your caliber would actually allow anyone to use the defense of "such and such did it... so it must be ok for me to do it".


Moderation can do whatever they see fit... and if its showing preferential treatment to one board member over another, no one can stop them. But I ask you is it right?


The lack of response to Ed's query is staggering really. Which makes me need to use a quote from another board member who I really don't get along with... but when an appropriate quote comes along, you use it and give credit where credit is due...


"There are cool books to be had".


One more time I will add this as well... it's not about Dale, its about unfair moderation, favoritism, and over-all perception brought about by something a normal boardie couldn't do.



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I'm curious to see if the next GSB thread that has copper/modern books in it gets moved or not.


When you say the response to Ed, can you elaborate? Are you referring to Dales response or response from the community?



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Just had this pointed out to me and thought I would address is here rather than in Dale's thread.




I am glad the mods made an exception for you Dale.
Would you just stop?


Politely worded threadcrap is still threadcrap, right?




Chris...this isn't threadcrap since it's stated by Arch that other board members can remind another of the rules.





Which Arch gave us specific ways to approach. One simple post, quoting the rules, and nothing more. I don't see anything about more than one post intimating that he's getting special treatment.


How does a sarcastic "I am glad the mods made an exception for you Dale" equate to:



This is a suggested "ok to post" rules reminder template so that everyone can feel comfortable helping to keep things in line with the guidelines instead of feeling like a self appointed forum cop.


If someone is not complying with the rules, this should be considered an OK way for everyone around here to nudge people a bit. Once in a thread is plenty, guys. After that you can re-post it in new threads (once) but then just hit the notify moderator button if things don't get cleaned up.



This is a suggested "ok to post" rules reminder template so that everyone can feel comfortable helping to keep things in line with the guidelines instead of feeling like a self appointed forum cop.


If someone is not complying with the rules, this should be considered an OK way for everyone around here to nudge people a bit. Once in a thread is plenty, guys. After that you can re-post it in new threads (once) but then just hit the notify moderator button if things don't get cleaned up.





Welcome to the "Comics Market - Forum Only Selling" board!


The moderators have asked everyone around here to help educate new comers about the posting rules for this forum so that we can keep things running smoothly. So whenever we see a new thread go up that's missing some of the information required by the rules, someone will generally happen along and post this reminder (by moderator request).


You can find the posting guidelines here:






They are well worth reading, because your posts can be removed from the boards if they don't conform to the guidelines. This will help you to attract more buyers as well, since this is how people expect to have books offered around here.


Thanks, and glad to have you here!






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The issue isn't Dale's decision to post mixed books in there. Whether to move it or not is the mods' call. I don't necessarily agree with it, but it is what it is. You made your point. Someone notified the mods. No need to keep on and on about it.

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When CG goes to two pages of new posts, I sure don't have any problems clicking the link to page 2 to see them. How would a sales forum with all combined be different?


FWIW - I am not advocating the change, just arguing that particular aspect.






You weren't here when they were all one big jumbled mess. Heck, even the WTB was in with the sales threads. :insane:


Trust me, you don't want to go back to those days, especially if you're trying to run a sales thread.


And what's funny is the outcry back then when the change was made. It was CATACLYSMIC!

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The issue isn't Dale's decision to post mixed books in there. Whether to move it or not is the mods' call. I don't necessarily agree with it, but it is what it is. You made your point. Someone notified the mods. No need to keep on and on about it.


Sure there is because that what he does when someone elses sales thread gets different treatment than his. lol There is a right way to handle these things and a wrong way.

Edited by Jeffro
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The issue isn't Dale's decision to post mixed books in there. Whether to move it or not is the mods' call. I don't necessarily agree with it, but it is what it is. You made your point. Someone notified the mods. No need to keep on and on about it.



That's what I was saying. We say it once, in the way Arch has approved or in another polite way, but just once. If the change isn't made then we notify and the mods do it. That's how we prevent threadcrapping.


Snide comments regarding special treatment or to continue the complaint in the thread are pretty much textbook threadcrapping.

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The issue isn't Dale's decision to post mixed books in there. Whether to move it or not is the mods' call. I don't necessarily agree with it, but it is what it is. You made your point. Someone notified the mods. No need to keep on and on about it.


Of course there's a need- post count. :makepoint:

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Frankly, I would prefer that we just got rid of the Mixed sales section. I think most people (definately including me) don't think to check it.


It seems a little silly that if I have a sales thread of GA/SA/BA stuff, but want to include some McFarlane Spideys that it needs to move to a different section with a tiny fraction of the traffic.


Again, as I mention in one of my other posts above, if the norm is now that everything gets mixed in anyway and people are OK with that, why don't we just do away with the separate sub-fora and have one general sales area? You are correct that I don't have a long history here, but I'm assuming that the separate sub-fora were established for a reason. If that reason still exists, then we each need to try to do our best to preserve that structure.

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Here's a possible solution & it would spread the action among the forums.


The two current "age" forums stay the same, but maintain the formal rules on private offers, follow Arch's bump rules & no threadcrapping. Seller determines which one or splits his stuff & does two threads.


Mixed can still be the place for those who have something close to a 50/50 split but it also becomes the exclusive area for any haggling or auction threads for any age.






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Just had this pointed out to me and thought I would address is here rather than in Dale's thread.




I am glad the mods made an exception for you Dale.
Would you just stop?


Politely worded threadcrap is still threadcrap, right?




Chris...this isn't threadcrap since it's stated by Arch that other board members can remind another of the rules.




Which Arch gave us specific ways to approach. One simple post, quoting the rules, and nothing more. I don't see anything about more than one post intimating that he's getting special treatment.


How does a sarcastic "I am glad the mods made an exception for you Dale" equate to:



This is a suggested "ok to post" rules reminder template so that everyone can feel comfortable helping to keep things in line with the guidelines instead of feeling like a self appointed forum cop.


If someone is not complying with the rules, this should be considered an OK way for everyone around here to nudge people a bit. Once in a thread is plenty, guys. After that you can re-post it in new threads (once) but then just hit the notify moderator button if things don't get cleaned up.



This is a suggested "ok to post" rules reminder template so that everyone can feel comfortable helping to keep things in line with the guidelines instead of feeling like a self appointed forum cop.


If someone is not complying with the rules, this should be considered an OK way for everyone around here to nudge people a bit. Once in a thread is plenty, guys. After that you can re-post it in new threads (once) but then just hit the notify moderator button if things don't get cleaned up.





Welcome to the "Comics Market - Forum Only Selling" board!


The moderators have asked everyone around here to help educate new comers about the posting rules for this forum so that we can keep things running smoothly. So whenever we see a new thread go up that's missing some of the information required by the rules, someone will generally happen along and post this reminder (by moderator request).


You can find the posting guidelines here:






They are well worth reading, because your posts can be removed from the boards if they don't conform to the guidelines. This will help you to attract more buyers as well, since this is how people expect to have books offered around here.


Thanks, and glad to have you here!





Ok Chris, let's try it this way. Put any amount of sarcasm you think my ONE (and a half) post in DR's thread had and just look past it for a minute please.


Do you feel moderation made the right call in this situation?


I'm not asking you if you feel "they can do whatever they want".


I'm not asking you to say "regardless, ultimately it's the Mod's discretion and decision" either.


I'm asking you if you FEEL that it's right for any boardie who has clearly violated a stated posting rule, be able to get a retraction of his punishment (the moving of the thread) by simply asking for it... and not be required to change the content of the thread that caused it to be moved in the first place?


DR states his thread would have only 5% modern in a G/S/B ONLY thread. Hey that's not a big deal. 5% would be one copper/modern for every twenty G/S/B. His thread is already approximately 25% copper/modern (estimate).


Given that's a little off from the proposed 5% asked for concerning his leniency request to leave the thread where it originally was posted. But I digress. I personally could care less about this number or percentage... but hey, it is what it is.


When moderation shows BLATANT preferential treatment to one boardie, then all should see there is a problem.




Sure there is because that what he does when someone elses sales thread gets different treatment than his. lol There is a right way to handles these things and a wrong way.


Jeffro actually said something that made sense.


Yes Jeffro... you are correct in that I personally feel I am entitled the same, moderation rules as everyone else. No more and no less. Don't you? The only difference is when I send PMs to moderation they don't answer or do anything. Anyone else have success in doing this? Anyone?


Still don't know the "right way or wrong way" to "handles" these things. I always thought that was why it was brought to discussion threads. (shrug)




The issue isn't Dale's decision to post mixed books in there. Whether to move it or not is the mods' call. I don't necessarily agree with it, but it is what it is. You made your point. Someone notified the mods. No need to keep on and on about it.


You are correct Transplant. This has nothing to do with Dale's mixed books in the wrong thread. It has EVERYTHING to do with Moderation allowing a single boardie to dictate what rules apply to him and which ones don't.


I am glad that you note you don't agree with their decision. It just shows that I'm not alone in feeling it was the wrong decision to do by Moderation.


I pose the question to anyone... since the seller in question can dictate the rules concerning his thread... then shouldn't you be able to as well?


Doesn't this mean that ANYONE who wants to post Modern and Copper in the G/S/B ONLY can also do this. If and when your thread gets moved by moderation, you should be able to PM Dena or any other mod and say "he did it... I'm not doing anything different" and your thread should be moved right back to the high traffic area where you first posted it.


The majority of us have had moderation contact us on one issue or another. My first was a warning to not call my merchandise a certain humorous, masked word... even though it was ok for 2 years previously...it is now a violation of the rules. Could I ask for just being able to say it 5% of the time and it be ok now?


You can include any scenario you want to the above. If you don't go over 5% of breaking the rule that applies to your scenario, then you haven't broken the rule? Really? Plus now you can just say that "he was doing it... so why isn't it ok for me" and everything will be fine. ;)


It just looks bad. It just looks really bad. :facepalm:



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His thread is already approximately 25% copper/modern (estimate).

Good estimate!


72 "misplaced" listings out of 281 total listings to date, according to my personal calculations. 72/281 = 25.6%. This is using January, 1984 as the beginning of the Copper Age. Of course, if you believe the Copper Age started before January, 1984, the numerator increases.


(As has been stated, this is indeed not the core issue...just an interesting statistic...I like statistics (shrug) )

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