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I wonder if he just stumbled on the "buy, claim overgraded to get a partial refund, and sell after bumping the grade" tactic? As was discussed before we knew he was 12, variants of this tactic have been a hardy perennial with some dealers for decades.

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I wonder if he just stumbled on the "buy, claim overgraded to get a partial refund, and sell after bumping the grade" tactic? As was discussed before we knew he was 12, variants of this tactic have been a hardy perennial with some dealers for decades.

And his mom teaches aggressive business practices.

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This is the internet age, where if you don't monitor your children, things like this are going to happen.


Most parents stick their children in front of a screen to shut them up so they can get on with their adult lives. This is the problem. This kid is just one of thousands out there who clearly have way too much time online.


Who knows where else this kid hangs out, getting information from who all? This type of behavior is learned. Where from?


All any clear thinking adult can do is do their due dilligance and kick kids out where they are not supposed to be.


Thanks to all the boardies who participated and helped reveal this situation. Children do not belong here and glad to see that boardies and mods are doing their job in keeping this place as integral as possible.

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And what will be gained by engaging the father or proving the father was involved? at this point, the kid will be banned, all deals have been concluded or money returned. I guess I'm not sure why we should continue? oh wait I forgot the people want blood.



Except not all money has been returned.

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If anybody really wants to see the dad's facebook account you all know his first name, and can search it on facebook. Your probably going to need to go through tens of pages, but if your that blood thirsty. I have no dog in this fight myself, but I don't think its fair to be up and arms against other boardies because they wont post a link. I understand that People are saying its only the dad's account, but it has phone numbers, and i'm sure others like me have seen boardies exploite that in the past.


We also should of seen this coming in retrospect, with his favorite character being Atomic Robo when you think about it.

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This is the internet age, where if you don't monitor your children, things like this are going to happen.


Most parents stick their children in front of a screen to shut them up so they can get on with their adult lives. This is the problem. This kid is just one of thousands out there who clearly have way too much time online.


Who knows where else this kid hangs out, getting information from who all? This type of behavior is learned. Where from?


All any clear thinking adult can do is do their due dilligance and kick kids out where they are not supposed to be.


Thanks to all the boardies who participated and helped reveal this situation. Children do not belong here and glad to see that boardies and mods are doing their job in keeping this place as integral as possible.

His father STATED on his FB posts he KNEW what his kid was doing, and monitored his emails. He was encouraging him. Bragging how his 12 year old was outwitting 30+ year olds.

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And what will be gained by engaging the father or proving the father was involved? at this point, the kid will be banned, all deals have been concluded or money returned. I guess I'm not sure why we should continue? oh wait I forgot the people want blood.



Except not all money has been returned.

I was not aware of that as the only posting here waiting for a refund was resurrection and he mentioned that he had received a refund. my apologies to anyone else still in pending deals :wishluck:
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This is the internet age, where if you don't monitor your children, things like this are going to happen.


Most parents stick their children in front of a screen to shut them up so they can get on with their adult lives. This is the problem. This kid is just one of thousands out there who clearly have way too much time online.


Who knows where else this kid hangs out, getting information from who all? This type of behavior is learned. Where from?


All any clear thinking adult can do is do their due dilligance and kick kids out where they are not supposed to be.


Thanks to all the boardies who participated and helped reveal this situation. Children do not belong here and glad to see that boardies and mods are doing their job in keeping this place as integral as possible.

His father STATED on his FB posts he KNEW what his kid was doing, and monitored his emails. He was encouraging him. Bragging how his 12 year old was outwitting 30+ year olds.

He also video taped the kid (and created overly long, cheesy intro and outro credits). And worked up a business plan with monetary goals and an end date. And gave him access to his paypal account. And knew the kid was posing as him on the Boards. And most likely that he was lying about family, life, bills, troubles, etc.

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I cant help it because it just keeps getting better


"Just got a lesson on Comic Book Grading from my boy. Do you know the difference between CGC and PGX gradings? Do you know the difference in value between and 8.4 and a 9.2 grading? Well neither did I but I understand more of it now. If you DON'T understand this AND you have comics collecting dust in the attic, CALL ME NOW! He's a buyer! Quite the little business man. He kept having to stop our conversation to respond to emails with other collectors. I asked him, '..they don't know you're 11 years old do they?' He said, 'NO WAY'. We DO monitor is email. However, he doesn't write like an 11 year old."


so dad was telling him to lie on the boards about his age?


Clearly there were a few key topics that were not covered in Bible camp. :facepalm:


Last points on this. Again, just my view of it.


I don't think this dad understands that the comic book industry is a serious industry! I just thinks he views comics, like most outside of the collecting world, as useless junk. :o To him, his son is buying and selling toys or "funny books". Nothing more. Nothing less.


"CALL ME NOW!....Quite the little business man." You guys really see this than anything other than a proud parent who is happy his soon to be teenage son isn't getting involved with drugs or gangs or getting in trouble at school?


"They don't know you're 11 years old do they?" --> maybe he just is so proud that his son acts as an "adult" and that people believe he's an adult. I don't read this as his father was behind the scenes - dxctjn.gif "yes son, yes! Rip off those comic book people out of $15 here in partial refunds or $20 there! Yess.... good....good. :devil: "


Man, I must be naive. I'm not trying to be sarcastic at all. I just view the situation so much differently than you guys! (shrug)


I appreciate your effort to give the benefit of the doubt, but yes, I think you're being a bit naive.


The bolded part is key. While most likely not framing it in those exact terms, the intent is essentially the same: he's teaching his son to view the positive values of others as tools to exploit in order to get what he wants - in this case, make a profit.


Those members who offered partial refunds were doing so being because they were striving to be honesty and forthright in their business dealings - positive moral qualities. But for this boys dad and his ilk, these qualities are simply loopholes to be exploited.


I too am a bit naive. I would hope that as GIJOE reads all these comments, he would see a difference in the stand-up behavior of those who refunded him, the genuine kindness of those who sent him gifts and the manipulative self-interest that his hypocrite father is instilling in him.


But most likely, he's just sitting back laughing at what a bunch of suckers we all are and trying to figure out what his next "business venture" will be.

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On this site, in particular, here are the things you'll learn about the 'commerce' that takes place in this hobby.


- the grade of books is the most important aspect when determining value

- grading is subjective & opinions will vary

- being a good or tough negotiator is not a crime, it is admirable

- selling a book to a collector for more than you bought it for is the "game"

- it's ok for a seller to ask too much for a book & get it

- if you pay more than what a book is worth it is your fault


Is it surprising that a kid might :juggle: this information in his head and come up with an ethically questionable way to swap & sell comics on here by applying what he's learned? This hobby is not taken very seriously by the world at large - some of us forget that.


I give this kid a pass as long as no one is out of pocket.


I have no interest in facebook or the 'dad' comments but my father was pretty disinterested in this hobby when I was GIJOE's age & I'm sure he was rolling his eyes at the long-haired comic dealer who sold us my X-men 94 X-mas present for $45 bucks when I was 14 years old.


I don't think the dad knows enough to understand the extent of what most here feel is wrong or unethical behaviour - that's my thought on that.


Ouch, is that really all you see to be learned here?

No, because I am not 12 years old & I can process information to create my own ethical standards.


Thank you for the example of how a 12 year old might take partial information out of context & presume something though.



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This is the internet age, where if you don't monitor your children, things like this are going to happen.


Most parents stick their children in front of a screen to shut them up so they can get on with their adult lives. This is the problem. This kid is just one of thousands out there who clearly have way too much time online.


Who knows where else this kid hangs out, getting information from who all? This type of behavior is learned. Where from?


All any clear thinking adult can do is do their due dilligance and kick kids out where they are not supposed to be.


Thanks to all the boardies who participated and helped reveal this situation. Children do not belong here and glad to see that boardies and mods are doing their job in keeping this place as integral as possible.

His father STATED on his FB posts he KNEW what his kid was doing, and monitored his emails. He was encouraging him. Bragging how his 12 year old was outwitting 30+ year olds.


I doubt his father has the insight as to how this is actually unfolding. Perhaps the kid is running his dad's facebook as well.


Could be a fake account for all anyone knows. Who actually lives on facebook anymore? I haven't had an account since '08 myself, but I have seen countless people create multiple accounts there for years.


Anyone seen Hackers? Yeah, we don't have ZeroCool here. There has been no punishment, no reconciliation here. He is not going to grow up to fight for justice. This is just another doosh in a world of dooshes, laughing at the gullibility of people online.

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This is the internet age, where if you don't monitor your children, things like this are going to happen.


Most parents stick their children in front of a screen to shut them up so they can get on with their adult lives. This is the problem. This kid is just one of thousands out there who clearly have way too much time online.


Who knows where else this kid hangs out, getting information from who all? This type of behavior is learned. Where from?


All any clear thinking adult can do is do their due dilligance and kick kids out where they are not supposed to be.


Thanks to all the boardies who participated and helped reveal this situation. Children do not belong here and glad to see that boardies and mods are doing their job in keeping this place as integral as possible.

His father STATED on his FB posts he KNEW what his kid was doing, and monitored his emails. He was encouraging him. Bragging how his 12 year old was outwitting 30+ year olds.

He also video taped the kid (and created overly long, cheesy intro and outro credits). And worked up a business plan with monetary goals and an end date. And gave him access to his paypal account. And knew the kid was posing as him on the Boards. And most likely that he was lying about family, life, bills, troubles, etc.


hm a video you say, proving the father was involved?


So, is this going to escalate the way it should? With the father talking to child welfare? Surely condoning this behavior is unethical, perhaps illegal?


Sorry DJ, I was not totally aware of how much the father was involved

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You would think the monthly stories on the news about people losing their jobs due to postings on Facebook and Twitter would be a red flag to some people. My personal favorites are the individual_without_enough_empathys that steal phones and then take selfies with them, leading to their arrest. :facepalm:


Never underestimate the power of stupidity.

lol has that really happened?



NY Daily News


One of many


To illustrate how common this level of stupidity is, here's another one I saw on the morning news earlier this week. doh!


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On this site, in particular, here are the things you'll learn about the 'commerce' that takes place in this hobby.


- the grade of books is the most important aspect when determining value

- grading is subjective & opinions will vary

- being a good or tough negotiator is not a crime, it is admirable

- selling a book to a collector for more than you bought it for is the "game"

- it's ok for a seller to ask too much for a book & get it

- if you pay more than what a book is worth it is your fault


Is it surprising that a kid might :juggle: this information in his head and come up with an ethically questionable way to swap & sell comics on here by applying what he's learned? This hobby is not taken very seriously by the world at large - some of us forget that.


I give this kid a pass as long as no one is out of pocket.


I have no interest in facebook or the 'dad' comments but my father was pretty disinterested in this hobby when I was GIJOE's age & I'm sure he was rolling his eyes at the long-haired comic dealer who sold us my X-men 94 X-mas present for $45 bucks when I was 14 years old.


I don't think the dad knows enough to understand the extent of what most here feel is wrong or unethical behaviour - that's my thought on that.


Ouch, is that really all you see to be learned here?

No, because I am not 12 years old & I can process information to create my own ethical standards.


Thank you for the example of how a 12 year old might take partial information out of context & presume something though.


O, come on! All you said was


On this site, in particular, here are the things you'll learn about the 'commerce' that takes place in this hobby.

I'm supposed to interpret that as


On this site, in particular, here are the things a 12 year old might take partial information out of context & presume something.


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This is the internet age, where if you don't monitor your children, things like this are going to happen.


Most parents stick their children in front of a screen to shut them up so they can get on with their adult lives. This is the problem. This kid is just one of thousands out there who clearly have way too much time online.


Who knows where else this kid hangs out, getting information from who all? This type of behavior is learned. Where from?


All any clear thinking adult can do is do their due dilligance and kick kids out where they are not supposed to be.


Thanks to all the boardies who participated and helped reveal this situation. Children do not belong here and glad to see that boardies and mods are doing their job in keeping this place as integral as possible.

His father STATED on his FB posts he KNEW what his kid was doing, and monitored his emails. He was encouraging him. Bragging how his 12 year old was outwitting 30+ year olds.

He also video taped the kid (and created overly long, cheesy intro and outro credits). And worked up a business plan with monetary goals and an end date. And gave him access to his paypal account. And knew the kid was posing as him on the Boards. And most likely that he was lying about family, life, bills, troubles, etc.

I saw it all. Obviously gets encouragement from his parents to do what he did...I have no sympathy for the kid, as he is obviously intelligent and knew what he was doing. He had a pre-conceived plan and executed it with the intended results. For those that say "it was only $15-$20" to some people that is significant, not to mention when he gets older how he will apply these principles if he stays in the hobby. While the amount may not be huge, the principles behind what he did is more disturbing to me. If he is doing this to maximize profit, how do we know he won't be another Dupcak in the future?

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On this site, in particular, here are the things you'll learn about the 'commerce' that takes place in this hobby.


- the grade of books is the most important aspect when determining value

- grading is subjective & opinions will vary

- being a good or tough negotiator is not a crime, it is admirable

- selling a book to a collector for more than you bought it for is the "game"

- it's ok for a seller to ask too much for a book & get it

- if you pay more than what a book is worth it is your fault


Is it surprising that a kid might :juggle: this information in his head and come up with an ethically questionable way to swap & sell comics on here by applying what he's learned? This hobby is not taken very seriously by the world at large - some of us forget that.


I give this kid a pass as long as no one is out of pocket.


I have no interest in facebook or the 'dad' comments but my father was pretty disinterested in this hobby when I was GIJOE's age & I'm sure he was rolling his eyes at the long-haired comic dealer who sold us my X-men 94 X-mas present for $45 bucks when I was 14 years old.


I don't think the dad knows enough to understand the extent of what most here feel is wrong or unethical behaviour - that's my thought on that.


Ouch, is that really all you see to be learned here?

No, because I am not 12 years old & I can process information to create my own ethical standards.


Thank you for the example of how a 12 year old might take partial information out of context & presume something though.


O, come on! All you said was


On this site, in particular, here are the things you'll learn about the 'commerce' that takes place in this hobby.

I'm supposed to interpret that as


On this site, in particular, here are the things a 12 year old might take partial information out of context & presume something.




(tsk) Showing commerce as 'commerce' = :eyeroll:



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This is the internet age, where if you don't monitor your children, things like this are going to happen.


Most parents stick their children in front of a screen to shut them up so they can get on with their adult lives. This is the problem. This kid is just one of thousands out there who clearly have way too much time online.


Who knows where else this kid hangs out, getting information from who all? This type of behavior is learned. Where from?


All any clear thinking adult can do is do their due dilligance and kick kids out where they are not supposed to be.


Thanks to all the boardies who participated and helped reveal this situation. Children do not belong here and glad to see that boardies and mods are doing their job in keeping this place as integral as possible.

His father STATED on his FB posts he KNEW what his kid was doing, and monitored his emails. He was encouraging him. Bragging how his 12 year old was outwitting 30+ year olds.

He also video taped the kid (and created overly long, cheesy intro and outro credits). And worked up a business plan with monetary goals and an end date. And gave him access to his paypal account. And knew the kid was posing as him on the Boards. And most likely that he was lying about family, life, bills, troubles, etc.

I saw it all. Obviously gets encouragement from his parents to do what he did...I have no sympathy for the kid, as he is obviously intelligent and knew what he was doing. He had a pre-conceived plan and executed it with the intended results. For those that say "it was only $15-$20" to some people that is significant, not to mention when he gets older how he will apply these principles if he stays in the hobby. While the amount may not be huge, the principles behind what he did is more disturbing to me. If he is doing this to maximize profit, how do we know he won't be another Dupcak in the future?


+1 well said

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Boscoe and I had talked about GIJOE around Christmas when he was all over my $10 Mixed thread. Seemed like the most enthusiastic person I had ever had a PM about.


Constantly wanting lower price, add ons, etc. Annoying... but typical during a big sale for this type of activity.


It still amazes me the amount of cash this kid was able to sling around.


Here's your invoice sir...


























$200 + USA Priority FLAT RATE Boxed $13 = $213


...also remember I'm throwing you some surprises in there too for the recap.


My paypal addy is under the following...




Please PM me your ship address and I will get these puppies packed up and ready to go.


Appreciate you ! :)


xxx ooo




Some of those $10 books ended up in this last sale that got him busted and I PMd the person who bought those books telling them they were in no way the grades listed.


I would love to be able to say that I knew this guy was a kid by reading PM's like this one...


So will you ever consider trades for them? Scoob 1? ANYTHING MICHAEL! ANYTHING!!!! PWETTY PWEASE!


... but honestly, I have hundreds of PM's like this from adults lol


I understand this is a child we are all talking about... but the level of manipulation he perpetrated is staggering.


At 12 years old, this kid knew the system well enough to navigate ill begotten gains of hundreds of dollars.


These tactics are not something you just trip over in science class... you either learn them via buying and selling for years watching the practices unfold before your eyes... or someone shows you how to do them.


In my opinion, this is where the father has come in. Do I have any proof of this, hell no. Do I believe a 12 year old boy who just entered the hobby could attain this level of commerce deception, again hell no.


I blame the father all day long.


xxx ooo



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It seems to me if this kid wasn't so smug about his actions he wouldn't be getting this much flak,but since it seems he thought he was so much more intelligent then people up four times older then him, and bragging about fooling people I can see why some of the people he said to have pulled one over on are so irritated about it. But can anybody really do anything about it? Tell the girl he has a crush on that he peed his pants, or trip him in the hall way, knock over his lunch tray? He's 12 and being banned from these boards is probably the worse thing we can do to him since he can no longer sell or talk about comics with people which seemed to have been all he did in his life since signing up. Though I suspect he's jut gonna try and make a shill, or sign up to another forum.

Edited by DeadPoolJr.
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