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General discussion thread - keep the other threads clean
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I originally bought it for $200. I was thinking about getting it restored and graded but thought that would cost too much so I tried selling it on here for $200. jsilverjanet offered $175 and I took it. I offered her $100 back for it now because that would be more affordable for me to get it restored and graded. I do not want to spend $175 on it and I already lost $25 on it plus the cost of shipping it to her to begin with.


This was too good to pass up.


Welcome to 21st Century morality and reasoning. Anything goes, provided it benefits me. It sounds perfectly reasonable to Meeklo, so much so that he publicly confesses it, not having any idea how bad it makes him look. He literally considers them to be two separate transactions in his mind.




That was one of the worst excuses for not issuing a refund as I have ever seen. It actually disgusted me to read it because it is unfortunately a perfect example of modern morality.

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Somebody called GIJOEISAWESOME was actually only 12 years old?


Who would have believed that.


Glad you could join us.




There was a lot of stuff to get through.


Grown men arguing on the internet is always distracting and time consuming.


In the real world it would all be over in a couple of minutes.

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I originally bought it for $200. I was thinking about getting it restored and graded but thought that would cost too much so I tried selling it on here for $200. jsilverjanet offered $175 and I took it. I offered her $100 back for it now because that would be more affordable for me to get it restored and graded. I do not want to spend $175 on it and I already lost $25 on it plus the cost of shipping it to her to begin with.


This was too good to pass up.


Welcome to 21st Century morality and reasoning. Anything goes, provided it benefits me. It sounds perfectly reasonable to Meeklo, so much so that he publicly confesses it, not having any idea how bad it makes him look. He literally considers them to be two separate transactions in his mind.




That was one of the worst excuses for not issuing a refund as I have ever seen. It actually disgusted me to read it because it is unfortunately a perfect example of modern morality.


I didn't follow....

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Here is a simple one: :baiting:


Can someone make an overly-complicated Venn diagram of who dislikes who here?




That isn't a Venn diagram.




(but I knew I would be the subject, regardless)
















Wasa Venn diagram?

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I took you off ignore Park just to see what you would say...glad I did.


Please provide a link anywhere on these boards where any of whatever you are spouting is located concerning guns to someone's head... a link anywhere on the CGC board to any of these things.


Anywhere on the board please with a link.


Surely you didn't take the time to go through over 7700 plus pictures in my personal photo accounts around the web did you? Hoping to find something to rile me with? Nice try, but your hot air is wasted on me ;)


Whatever you think you are spouting off doesn't exist on these boards.


You posted your own pic to these boards so it exists here. I'm personally glad you did just so everyone can put your face with all that hot air.


Your recent past here is well documented with a justified two week vacation for bullying. My personal opinion of you is evident... I just don't follow you around the boards like you do me. You might want to take a step back and look at your behavior here. Outside of five or six people... no one seems to want to interact with you.


It's sad really since early on in your posts on this board it really seemed you enjoyed the hobby. I don't know what happened to cause you such personal anguish that you feel the need to continue your bullying and investigative behavior... but I wish you would deal with those personal demons and aleviate the venomous bile that spews from your keyboard.


Get help Park. It's really not only for your own good but your family's as well.


It was never about finding something to rile you with. It was about being infuriated with how disgusting and disturbing the stuff that you said via those memes.


That stuff is so far beyond the pale. Those people are my friends and only a coward would do those kinds of things. Friends that I have spoken with on the phone. Friends that have been in my house. Friends that are permanent in my life. Not the virtual hand-jobs you pal around with while making memes behind their backs. The fact that you even tried to spin this back to me shows me that everything I have thought of you is true.


My animosity towards you comes from that. Not the all the crud you said on these boards or to your buddies via PM or your constant swipes that you call jokes when you are the one trolling. I could not care less about those things.


My animosity towards some of your "buddies" also stems from this as well. It takes a special kind of disturbed to come up with that trash but to sit there and share a laugh with you about it is pathetic. They own some of this as well. This isn't the usual bs that goes on around here and isn't going to go away.


I know that stepping up and owning this is never gonna happen. I don't think it is going to matter all that much any more any way.

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I don't where all this animosity against Park comes from, but he is one of the nicest guys on these boards. He is also one of the most popular - outside of a couple of people, I don't know anyone who doesn't like Park.


You said you had him on ignore, yet you created and posted a meme about him today - seemingly to taunt him. I don't know how the ignore function works because I've never used it; but if you really want to avoid conflict with him, it might be a good idea to stop making memes about him using his photo.


As far as his strike goes, isn't that a little disingenuous? I mean, you received a strike just a few months ago for "Consistently disruptive altercations." Don't you think that taunting Park with memes would fall into that same category?


As far as the memes which Park was referring, there has been a rumor going around for a few months now that you were PMing boardies here with memes about Fingh. I think at this point, just about everyone has heard this and seen them. I've seen the memes, and they're highly disturbing. They graphically show Fingh's avatar getting his brains blown out against a wall with a hand gun, coupled with angry homophobic remarks. They appear to be in the same style as the other memes you've created. I haven't heard anyone say that you've posted these anywhere on the boards, only that you've been sending them to other people. This is the first time I've seen you refer to them directly, and I find it odd that you don't deny that you've been doing this, only that you haven't posted them. Did you create them? If so, again, this would probably fall into the "consistently disruptive altercations category" and not be a great idea.


I really do hope you guys can mend fences at some point, because this is getting really silly.




While I appreciate your concern for your friend, I regretfully disagree with your assessment of his character.


As far as your other queries... I deny, nor corroborate, anything you feel the need to tell the board about me. You have no links to anything I supposedly posted publicly to the boards... well at least you haven't provided links to anything posted publicly.


That said, I'm sure with enough time and the four or five of you going through endless online photo accounts, meme makers and other internet sites to make comical forms of entertainment... you could probably link me to the Kennedy assassination in some shape or form.


Since I didn't post anything publicly to the boards... all you (and about 4 others I'd guesstimate) have done is take trolling to a new level. One where the trolls in question go above and beyond to publically attempt to taunt and shame them.


I might point out it was a highly concentrated effort indeed involving the group of you.


I have every single PM since I started on this site. I know exactly what I have sent to everyone on this board. Don't think I don't know what you little rascals are doing and how you are doing it. ;)


Now I could care less what your little gang of four or five thinks about me but I do hate that you all involved Roy in all this with backdoor PM's and an elaborate plan to "stick it to ole Rupp"... and I will PM him and work that little issue out privately.


Until there is anything you want to provide links to of items I publically posted to the CGC board, I urge you to quit PMing other members and instigating them about me as that could be construed also as a "consistently disruptive altercation"... involving not only me, but whoever you might be PMing as well.


All for mending fences :foryou:





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I took you off ignore Park just to see what you would say...glad I did.


Please provide a link anywhere on these boards where any of whatever you are spouting is located concerning guns to someone's head... a link anywhere on the CGC board to any of these things.


Anywhere on the board please with a link.


Surely you didn't take the time to go through over 7700 plus pictures in my personal photo accounts around the web did you? Hoping to find something to rile me with? Nice try, but your hot air is wasted on me ;)


Whatever you think you are spouting off doesn't exist on these boards.


You posted your own pic to these boards so it exists here. I'm personally glad you did just so everyone can put your face with all that hot air.


Your recent past here is well documented with a justified two week vacation for bullying. My personal opinion of you is evident... I just don't follow you around the boards like you do me. You might want to take a step back and look at your behavior here. Outside of five or six people... no one seems to want to interact with you.


It's sad really since early on in your posts on this board it really seemed you enjoyed the hobby. I don't know what happened to cause you such personal anguish that you feel the need to continue your bullying and investigative behavior... but I wish you would deal with those personal demons and aleviate the venomous bile that spews from your keyboard.


Get help Park. It's really not only for your own good but your family's as well.


It was never about finding something to rile you with. It was about being infuriated with how disgusting and disturbing the stuff that you said via those memes.


That stuff is so far beyond the pale. Those people are my friends and only a coward would do those kinds of things. Friends that I have spoken with on the phone. Friends that have been in my house. Friends that are permanent in my life. Not the virtual hand-jobs you pal around with while making memes behind their backs. The fact that you even tried to spin this back to me shows me that everything I have thought of you is true.


My animosity towards you comes from that. Not the all the crud you said on these boards or to your buddies via PM or your constant swipes that you call jokes when you are the one trolling. I could not care less about those things.


My animosity towards some of your "buddies" also stems from this as well. It takes a special kind of disturbed to come up with that trash but to sit there and share a laugh with you about it is pathetic. They own some of this as well. This isn't the usual bs that goes on around here and isn't going to go away.


I know that stepping up and owning this is never gonna happen. I don't think it is going to matter all that much any more any way.


I appreciate your concern for my well being Park.


Rest assured that nothing you say will hurt my relationships with my friends on this board.


I appreciate your admittance to animosity towards myself and my friends, it is truly the first step to healing your soul.



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I don't where all this animosity against Park comes from, but he is one of the nicest guys on these boards. He is also one of the most popular - outside of a couple of people, I don't know anyone who doesn't like Park.


You said you had him on ignore, yet you created and posted a meme about him today - seemingly to taunt him. I don't know how the ignore function works because I've never used it; but if you really want to avoid conflict with him, it might be a good idea to stop making memes about him using his photo.


As far as his strike goes, isn't that a little disingenuous? I mean, you received a strike just a few months ago for "Consistently disruptive altercations." Don't you think that taunting Park with memes would fall into that same category?


As far as the memes which Park was referring, there has been a rumor going around for a few months now that you were PMing boardies here with memes about Fingh. I think at this point, just about everyone has heard this and seen them. I've seen the memes, and they're highly disturbing. They graphically show Fingh's avatar getting his brains blown out against a wall with a hand gun, coupled with angry homophobic remarks. They appear to be in the same style as the other memes you've created. I haven't heard anyone say that you've posted these anywhere on the boards, only that you've been sending them to other people. This is the first time I've seen you refer to them directly, and I find it odd that you don't deny that you've been doing this, only that you haven't posted them. Did you create them? If so, again, this would probably fall into the "consistently disruptive altercations category" and not be a great idea.


I really do hope you guys can mend fences at some point, because this is getting really silly.




While I appreciate your concern for your friend, I regretfully disagree with your assessment of his character.


As far as your other queries... I deny, nor corroborate, anything you feel the need to tell the board about me. You have no links to anything I supposedly posted publicly to the boards... well at least you haven't provided links to anything posted publicly.


That said, I'm sure with enough time and the four or five of you going through endless online photo accounts, meme makers and other internet sites to make comical forms of entertainment... you could probably link me to the Kennedy assassination in some shape or form.


Since I didn't post anything publicly to the boards... all you (and about 4 others I'd guesstimate) have done is take trolling to a new level. One where the trolls in question go above and beyond to publically attempt to taunt and shame them.


I might point out it was a highly concentrated effort indeed involving the group of you.


I have every single PM since I started on this site. I know exactly what I have sent to everyone on this board. Don't think I don't know what you little rascals are doing and how you are doing it. ;)


Now I could care less what your little gang of four or five thinks about me but I do hate that you all involved Roy in all this with backdoor PM's and an elaborate plan to "stick it to ole Rupp"... and I will PM him and work that little issue out privately.


Until there is anything you want to provide links to of items I publically posted to the CGC board, I urge you to quit PMing other members and instigating them about me as that could be construed also as a "consistently disruptive altercation"... involving not only me, but whoever you might be PMing as well.


All for mending fences :foryou:







That ain't gonna play. No one has ever said anything about "publicly" because you would have been banned inside of ten minutes of posting them.


It isn't just four or five but keep spinning. lol PMing the mods ain't gonna dig you out of this one either.


That fence has burnt down and you are holding the matches.



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I took you off ignore Park just to see what you would say...glad I did.


Please provide a link anywhere on these boards where any of whatever you are spouting is located concerning guns to someone's head... a link anywhere on the CGC board to any of these things.


Anywhere on the board please with a link.


Surely you didn't take the time to go through over 7700 plus pictures in my personal photo accounts around the web did you? Hoping to find something to rile me with? Nice try, but your hot air is wasted on me ;)


Whatever you think you are spouting off doesn't exist on these boards.


You posted your own pic to these boards so it exists here. I'm personally glad you did just so everyone can put your face with all that hot air.


Your recent past here is well documented with a justified two week vacation for bullying. My personal opinion of you is evident... I just don't follow you around the boards like you do me. You might want to take a step back and look at your behavior here. Outside of five or six people... no one seems to want to interact with you.


It's sad really since early on in your posts on this board it really seemed you enjoyed the hobby. I don't know what happened to cause you such personal anguish that you feel the need to continue your bullying and investigative behavior... but I wish you would deal with those personal demons and aleviate the venomous bile that spews from your keyboard.


Get help Park. It's really not only for your own good but your family's as well.


It was never about finding something to rile you with. It was about being infuriated with how disgusting and disturbing the stuff that you said via those memes.


That stuff is so far beyond the pale. Those people are my friends and only a coward would do those kinds of things. Friends that I have spoken with on the phone. Friends that have been in my house. Friends that are permanent in my life. Not the virtual hand-jobs you pal around with while making memes behind their backs. The fact that you even tried to spin this back to me shows me that everything I have thought of you is true.


My animosity towards you comes from that. Not the all the crud you said on these boards or to your buddies via PM or your constant swipes that you call jokes when you are the one trolling. I could not care less about those things.


My animosity towards some of your "buddies" also stems from this as well. It takes a special kind of disturbed to come up with that trash but to sit there and share a laugh with you about it is pathetic. They own some of this as well. This isn't the usual bs that goes on around here and isn't going to go away.


I know that stepping up and owning this is never gonna happen. I don't think it is going to matter all that much any more any way.


I appreciate your concern for my well being Park.


Rest assured that nothing you say will hurt my relationships with my friends on this board.


I appreciate your admittance to animosity towards myself and my friends, it is truly the first step to healing your soul.



Probably because I have not said anything about your friends blowing their brains out while calling them gay slurs, genius.

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What does it matter if they were public or private? They still existed.



FYI, you might want to lock down your photbucket account, otherwise it's open for the world to see 2c


So you and the boys have been actively trolling my photobucket account?


Have you been to my Facebook page as well? How about my wife's?


Someone hacked into my computer over the summer as well as we all remember when I tried to warn other boardies of a possible problem. hm


Do you all really need to look that hard to try to press me to the wall?


Casey... you pretty much have made it all clear.



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