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General discussion thread - keep the other threads clean
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To the conspirator/clickers (Sean? Park? Slym? RMA? Roy? comix4fun? Blowie? Baba? Ditch? Speedy? I can't figure out who's involved, but it's BIG), here you go:




As stated before, I am in no form of clique around here, and I am certainly not a "conspirator" of any sort, by anyone's definition.








I am in a clique, but not the one he thinks I'm in. :ohnoez:

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Opinions are like individual_without_enough_empathys, every n00b has one (shrug)


So a new person is not allowed an opinion or any thought on the subjects hm interesting aspect.




I wish we had neither, and everyone could keep their krap to themselves.


So, no new people thinking and posting.....seems a little drastic now doesn't it? ???


No, it means that I don't care for someone who's been here less than a year and doesn't really know the history of a situation, telling me how I or anyone involved should feel about it. I also don't care for the dismissive and minimilizing tone.

Right, because we're really spoiling the place. What, effecting all this retroactive acrimony among the vets like we do. :tonofbricks:


And, you know, there's a touch of irony in your dismissive and minimizing tone towards newbies.


Anyhow...what is this thread going to accomplish? Many folks want to extract an apology from a member, who apparently has given all the apology that he sees fit to give. And what is the actual purpose of this thread? Is it to discuss folks who have violated the marketplace and might suffer some consequence? Or is to discuss any perceived malfeasance that takes place on the boards? From what I've read, mods have already been made aware and will take action as they see fit. Frustrations have been vented, grievances aired, fingers pointed, claims laid, and non sequiturs made. At this point, it seems that people are just stoking the coals, fanning the flames, and tossing the occasional log on the fire.

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Opinions are like individual_without_enough_empathys, every n00b has one (shrug)


So a new person is not allowed an opinion or any thought on the subjects hm interesting aspect.




I wish we had neither, and everyone could keep their krap to themselves.


So, no new people thinking and posting.....seems a little drastic now doesn't it? ???


No, it means that I don't care for someone who's been here less than a year and doesn't really know the history of a situation, telling me how I or anyone involved should feel about it. I also don't care for the dismissive and minimilizing tone.

Right, because we're really spoiling the place. What, effecting all this retroactive acrimony among the vets like we do. :tonofbricks:


And, you know, there's a touch of irony in your dismissive and minimizing tone towards newbies.


Anyhow...what is this thread going to accomplish? Many folks want to extract an apology from a member, who apparently has given all the apology that he sees fit to give. And what is the actual purpose of this thread? Is it to discuss folks who have violated the marketplace and might suffer some consequence? Or is to discuss any perceived malfeasance that takes place on the boards? From what I've read, mods have already been made aware and will take action as they see fit. Frustrations have been vented, grievances aired, fingers pointed, claims laid, and non sequiturs made. At this point, it seems that people are just stoking the coals, fanning the flames, and tossing the occasional log on the fire.




I apologize if it offends you that I get irritated by someone who has NO CLUE what they're talking about being condescending and dismissive.



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Whew I finally caught up. :P


And only just now are you qualified to offer an opinion.






-slym ( ;) )

Are there really cliques around here? I guess if I have to ask I wouldn't be in one. :signofftopic:


I thought you were part of the West Coast Crew?

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Opinions are like individual_without_enough_empathys, every n00b has one (shrug)


So a new person is not allowed an opinion or any thought on the subjects hm interesting aspect.




I wish we had neither, and everyone could keep their krap to themselves.


So, no new people thinking and posting.....seems a little drastic now doesn't it? ???


No, it means that I don't care for someone who's been here less than a year and doesn't really know the history of a situation, telling me how I or anyone involved should feel about it. I also don't care for the dismissive and minimilizing tone.

Right, because we're really spoiling the place. What, effecting all this retroactive acrimony among the vets like we do. :tonofbricks:


And, you know, there's a touch of irony in your dismissive and minimizing tone towards newbies.


Anyhow...what is this thread going to accomplish? Many folks want to extract an apology from a member, who apparently has given all the apology that he sees fit to give. And what is the actual purpose of this thread? Is it to discuss folks who have violated the marketplace and might suffer some consequence? Or is to discuss any perceived malfeasance that takes place on the boards? From what I've read, mods have already been made aware and will take action as they see fit. Frustrations have been vented, grievances aired, fingers pointed, claims laid, and non sequiturs made. At this point, it seems that people are just stoking the coals, fanning the flames, and tossing the occasional log on the fire.




I apologize if it offends you that I get irritated by someone who has NO CLUE what they're talking about being condescending and dismissive.



Apology accepted. :foryou:


Well, truth be told, I'm not offended. Just a bit ridiculous how some folks want to act like newbies are the problem with the place created by the folks who laid all the bricks.

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The B---ch word is thrown around like that because for most people in society it has become numb to such things.

No, there's a small segment of society that throws that word around because they see women as LESS than men. It's a put down.

Small......I feel bad for you if you believe that


No need to feel bad for me. Just stop watching so much TV and get out in the world and meet some real everyday people. You'll see that most people in our society do not use the 'b' word 'like it ain't no thang.'




Listen to a rap album or hip-hop or even some rock that word is used often and pretty much always in a derogatory manner.

No thank you....Yeah, I don't think anyone here doesn't know what some of these phrases are or mean, but regardless of how known or repeated they are, to some, they will never be an acceptable part of everyday human interaction.

Unlike 'man', as in "Hey, man! How are you!", the 'b' word, has far too much of a negative meaning.

Disagree that may be true for the C--T word as that will never be acceptable but B--ch is on T-Shirts in the mall......how much more mainstream do you want?


Your view of what is acceptable in the mainstream is by it being printed on a t-shirt? It's weird but, for all of these t-shirts I see none of them. I'm sure they're for sale, but as I work around over 1000 different people who come through my work place every week, I don't see anyone wearing one.



Society has dramatically changed Television, Music, Movies, Books all are affected and that is just the way it is. Is it right? NO but nothing will stop it now as it also has become to some people a term of endearment.......

Society hasn't changed as much in your above scenario as much as Tv, Movie, and Music makers have geared their product toward a portion of society that tends to be impulsive in their buying habits.

So our society now is the same or similar to lets say the 40's? 50's? Not hardly...


See, now here I was going to try and get through this whole thing without calling you a noob, but you had to go and do a noob move like ASSUME my meaning and present it as if I said it. THAT'S NOT WHAT I SAID. THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT. YOU MISSED THE POINT BY A MILE. Very noob.



This all seems like a soap opera to me...........way too much drama....

No one is forced to follow along.

“If ignorant both of your enemy and yourself, you are certain to be in peril.”


“It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.” - Mark Twain


Should others have posted the pictures on the board? No

Sometimes evidence needs to be shown to make people understand the extent of the situation.

f the evidence is so incendiary it really need not be shown especially when it was available by looking in the "public" photobucket account.


Wait... you're just getting ready to say no one should be scarred by it....


Was anyone really scarred or is now involved in serious mental anguish? No

I've always been taught to not judge someone else by my own experiences.

And some would say NOT being affected by images like this, means you already have been scarred.

I have been scarred many many times. I have held my dead sisters body as the life passed from it. I have fought for this nation in 2 separate wars. I have killed and been severely injured. I carry both the physical and mental scars and will til my dying days.


And so everyone else should be held to THAT standard? So an 18 year old, should just be exposed to your life at that age so that he can be prepared to see anything that may come up on the internet for the rest of his life? Weird.


Personally I think giving everyone involved a little vacation would not be out of order. Pushing buttons and posturing causes just as much conflict as a meme does imo.

Understanding and responsibility isn't of importance here? Just flush everyone involved for the week? Shouldn't the mods be a little more careful in how they wield that power?

IMO no not really everyone involved is encouraging more talk of the incidents on both sides of the coin. Plenty of members are not posters look at the number of posts and then you see that maybe 50 people on the entire site are the ones posting the most in non sales threads. The rest are enjoying what the site has to offer.


So everyone should be as unconcerned about disturbing images as YOU, should be as uninterested yet as wordily involved in drama as YOU and should enjoy all of the same things here on the forum as YOU. What's your point in all of this?



Many people get tired having to deal with others issues. An advertisement that has all of these threads and pictures posted can not be good advertisement


But they're not scarring anyone, right? What's the big deal. And if people get tired, maybe they should lie down.



Why facepalm I wanted Sha to know that I respect her and not to take offense "big girl panties" ummm joke because she would question and not just irrationally come to the conclusion about my intent.


If you don't get it, I don't know what to say. Glad I'm not a part of your 'mainstream'.

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I really, truly, believe that 95% of the extent this type of issue comes from is the failure of people to realize that there's a real person on the other end of the screen....



While this may be true for some, I feel that it is more an indication of the complete lack of empathy among an ever growing segment of the population. Lack of consideration for others has become rampant in society. For some it is akin to wearing blinders to the effects of their actions upon others. "It is all about me", has become an epidemic.


Excellent (thumbs u

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I was going to respond with a long post but ya know what.....it isn't worth it going point by point by point proving my argument but as I said before I have NO dog in this race..and

I have had a nice talk with a boardie I respect so I will walk away


Macho out..........

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I'm quoting this post again because it's so damned good, and reading it I've come to remember that peace of any sort takes sacrifice on all sides. Nobody is truly altruistic so we're always going to cross someone at some point even if it's unintentional. Just like during the Cold War, someone needs to make the first move to make any relationship better.


This was posted right after your post transplant since it was the last post in the chain, but it's not a response to you. It's to the boards in general:


I really, truly, believe that 95% of the extent this type of issue comes from is the failure of people to realize that there's a real person on the other end of the screen, to humanize their actions and interactions, to realize that their words are not spoken in a vacuum, that the person they are speaking to or about is a real person (a father, husband, wife, mother, human being) and that they probably want to be treated with the same respect and empathy as they themselves would.


I know I am guilty of it too, when I get my teeth into something I think is wrong. I go all out and it's far too easy to let the train run off the tracks.


This is a place that people come to to share a common set of hobbies and likes. It is also a place where people come to escape the garbage of the real world, 9-5 jobs, family and medical woes. It was always a place for me to come to share some laughs and a smile in a place where I was among people that shared similar hobbies.


I am not saying everyone needs to be friends, or even friendly. We just all need to learn to get out of each others way, respect that space, and treat others the way we'd want to be treated. There are enough scammers and liars invading this place on, what seems like, a daily basis and that's exhausting enough with which to deal. I've striven to make friends here and never sought or desired to make enemies. I think that's true of most people.


There's a way to co-exist in this space for all the honest and fair people of the forum, even if everyone's not friendly. I believe that and I need to believe that or I am not sure how long the center will hold on this wonderful forum that's been such a positive part of my life and introduced me to so many great people.


Stopping for a moment and granting another person (who is more than the sum total of their avatar, screen name, and post count) the empathy and respect you'd want for yourself will go a long way towards healing this place and bringing it back to a place where people can enjoy spending time.



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Opinions are like individual_without_enough_empathys, every n00b has one (shrug)


So a new person is not allowed an opinion or any thought on the subjects hm interesting aspect.




I wish we had neither, and everyone could keep their krap to themselves.


So, no new people thinking and posting.....seems a little drastic now doesn't it? ???


No, it means that I don't care for someone who's been here less than a year and doesn't really know the history of a situation, telling me how I or anyone involved should feel about it. I also don't care for the dismissive and minimilizing tone.

Right, because we're really spoiling the place. What, effecting all this retroactive acrimony among the vets like we do. :tonofbricks:


And, you know, there's a touch of irony in your dismissive and minimizing tone towards newbies.


Anyhow...what is this thread going to accomplish? Many folks want to extract an apology from a member, who apparently has given all the apology that he sees fit to give. And what is the actual purpose of this thread? Is it to discuss folks who have violated the marketplace and might suffer some consequence? Or is to discuss any perceived malfeasance that takes place on the boards? From what I've read, mods have already been made aware and will take action as they see fit. Frustrations have been vented, grievances aired, fingers pointed, claims laid, and non sequiturs made. At this point, it seems that people are just stoking the coals, fanning the flames, and tossing the occasional log on the fire.




I apologize if it offends you that I get irritated by someone who has NO CLUE what they're talking about being condescending and dismissive.



Apology accepted. :foryou:


Well, truth be told, I'm not offended. Just a bit ridiculous how some folks want to act like newbies are the problem with the place created by the folks who laid all the bricks.

I am going to assume you may be speaking of me. And just let me explain myself. When I started this place it was members who genuinely loved the hobby, contributed, and there was a real sense of community. The past few years have brought (almost) no members who offer any real contribution, sit here and stir the pot, or have come here solely to seek profit by selling here. The amount of in board flippers is disgusting, the fact that many of them do NOTHING but TAKE from the community makes me want to puke. I am not ashamed to say if you have 2,000 posts and they are all from selling books.. I do not like your kind. We have a market place for members, but these people act like this is Ebay minus fees, with a chat area. I know MANY members here by name, have gone to many conventions to say hello, and have made some real life long friends. Not board friends, friends. The people who come in here, disrupt the community, act like total JERKS, and then act like there is a conspiracy against them.. Are trash. There are many people in here who are abrasive, rude, snobby.. There are others who are shy, friendly, caring, and genuinely give a rats behind about all of the other members.


So yes, we can be a bit harsh here. But regardless of who you think you are, have some manners, and be polite to others! You can make many many friends here, or you can be a jerk, find a "click" and be disliked. It is a shame more people have not chosen to make friends in the past few years. I really do miss that people used to be friendlier, and it wasn't a bunch of new guys coming in here being sarcastic jerks and acting like people need to accept their disrespectful behavior. I give most the benefit of the doubt, minus the ones who are only here to profit off our community. They can all kiss my rear, don't like that, don't care.



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Noobies be trippin'.


More like Veterans be trippin (thumbs u


Yeah, because it's the vets who're coming in all condescending, talking about a situation they know very little about.




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I'm quoting this post again because it's so damned good, and reading it I've come to remember that peace of any sort takes sacrifice on all sides. Nobody is truly altruistic so we're always going to cross someone at some point even if it's unintentional. Just like during the Cold War, someone needs to make the first move to make any relationship better.


This was posted right after your post transplant since it was the last post in the chain, but it's not a response to you. It's to the boards in general:


I really, truly, believe that 95% of the extent this type of issue comes from is the failure of people to realize that there's a real person on the other end of the screen, to humanize their actions and interactions, to realize that their words are not spoken in a vacuum, that the person they are speaking to or about is a real person (a father, husband, wife, mother, human being) and that they probably want to be treated with the same respect and empathy as they themselves would.


I know I am guilty of it too, when I get my teeth into something I think is wrong. I go all out and it's far too easy to let the train run off the tracks.


This is a place that people come to to share a common set of hobbies and likes. It is also a place where people come to escape the garbage of the real world, 9-5 jobs, family and medical woes. It was always a place for me to come to share some laughs and a smile in a place where I was among people that shared similar hobbies.


I am not saying everyone needs to be friends, or even friendly. We just all need to learn to get out of each others way, respect that space, and treat others the way we'd want to be treated. There are enough scammers and liars invading this place on, what seems like, a daily basis and that's exhausting enough with which to deal. I've striven to make friends here and never sought or desired to make enemies. I think that's true of most people.


There's a way to co-exist in this space for all the honest and fair people of the forum, even if everyone's not friendly. I believe that and I need to believe that or I am not sure how long the center will hold on this wonderful forum that's been such a positive part of my life and introduced me to so many great people.


Stopping for a moment and granting another person (who is more than the sum total of their avatar, screen name, and post count) the empathy and respect you'd want for yourself will go a long way towards healing this place and bringing it back to a place where people can enjoy spending time.



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Noobies be trippin'.


More like Veterans be trippin (thumbs u


Yeah, because it's the vets who're coming in all condescending, talking about a situation they know very little about.




You are being a bit snarky, you need a snickers dude? The noob thing was always a joke, but I guess it is really offending people.. Maybe we should all lay off, and let people settle in before joking with them too much.
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