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General discussion thread - keep the other threads clean
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I am less sure that words on message boards reflect the realities of people. It is not that I think that people posting on message boards are not showing at least some part of who they really are, but it is usually only a very thin and finally incomplete picture. People say and pretend to do things on message boards they would never do or even consider saying in public. When you try to read the person through only their words, you are looking through a distorting lens. I would be careful about making big judgments on that basis.


While I don't really participate in a lot of commerce here, I do think there are some things more important than money. While I don't feel I have any personal issues here, mostly because I wouldn't care if I did (just block - that's why it's wonderful) :headbang: I certainly would not feel on balance for getting money from someone who personally insulted me.


You see a lot of sellers list probies as not being able to purchase but also list something similar to "people I don't like", and I absolutely feel them, and if I was one of them, I'd be good with that, I don't want to do favors for anyone I don't like either.


On the flip side if I found a seller to be particularly deplorable (like stealing money from old people and getting disbarred for it) I also can live without buying comics from you. I was once told of a garage sale in my neighborhood where there were comics at, and I just walked over to check it out, but than saw a full sized confederate in their main front window and I just took a pass. I totally get that if you are about money, and I don't meant that in a bad way, that doesn't matter, but I just don't need that in my life. Just like I'm not going to the hood either to answer a craiglist ad.


There are people on this board who have large retail entities who I don't do any business with (and look, I'm sure the don't care, so it's not for effect it's just personal choice) because they've said some line-step type things here or elsewhere, not to me personally, but just general person_who_is_obnoxiously_self-impressed things (usually when I say this it implies I see something that strongly indicates someone is a bigot, racists, homophobe, or some other person_too_unaware_of_social_graces type of activity). Unfortunately comics has a lot of those.


At some point, actually almost at every point, this is a hobby for me.


I do understand why people who are obviously making a good % of the their income not caring one bit about the quirks of buyers but I'd suggest even in an online commerce heavy world, forums sales are a little bit different than standard retails sales where you pay people to put up with less than perfect customers.

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Whenever I sell a book that is pieced together I fully disclose the book as such. As I did with the action 23 that was posted last week. What I do not do is trim, color touch or restore books. If there is primitave resto I can remove without causing harm, that I will do. In case of this s cap, I fully disclosed the piece was removed. I did miss the missing piece in the interior. There was a better way to notify me rather than post on my thread, but you've had a vendetta against me for some time it seems.

I would love to chat about it at comic art con if you're attending.


lolClearly you can't be trusted. I avoid your sales threads and I'm sure I'm not alone.


+1 (Lack of full disclosure from a greedy flipper who rationalizes away scenarios = Ignore)


Speaking of ignore, it's always interesting seeing who has you on ignore, especially when you don't know of any specific issue or problem between the two of you, and you've done business with before and met in person.


I suppose, however, when you take strong stands and make your opinion known, people will be bound to have problems with it.


Curiosity, of course, plays a part, because you want to know what it was that you said or did, but generally, you don't find out.


Oh well.



Pot meet kettle. (thumbs u


Oh, you want to do this publicly, then...?


I've got nothing to hide. How about you?


I'll answer anyone who wants to know why I've put them on ignore.


Do what exactly? You were an to me in Phoenix for reasons you've imagined and I decided it wasn't worth my time. Not much to it. (shrug)

I was looking forward to seeing you. :facepalm:


Ok, let's do this, then.


Last year, you and I spoke at the Amazing AZ con about pressing and other things. I encouraged you to buy an 8.5 slabbed Walking Dead #1, and said I would be willing to do the work on it. I told you I wasn't a "pump and dump" mill, that I couldn't press large scale numbers of modern books, but that I was happy to do higher value, better quality books, if I could have the time to do them properly. You agreed to let me do the work.


I did the work on it. It got a 9.6. That's a pretty phenomenal bump, all things considered.


I asked you to leave me kudos about it, because that is precisely the kind of hard data that folks like to see..."it was a CGC this, and became a CGC that."


You didn't.


Not that you were obligated to in any way, by any means; I've had plenty of customers who prefer to remain anonymous, but they at least give the courtesy of explaining that. You did not.


However, in the meantime, you sent me three more Walking Dead #1s to work on, which I was glad to do. However, after only having them a short time, you sent me a PM asking if I could have them by "such and such a convention" (which was, I believe, a week or two away at the time.)


I told you that I couldn't, and without further explanation, you asked me to ship the books back to you...which wouldn't have been a problem, if I hadn't very carefully explained to you, at great length and detail, that what I do isn't like what other pressers do, and it takes time...likely a few months, with all the other work I was doing.


That wasn't a problem with your first books. You gave them to me at Amazing AZ in Feb, and I gave them to the person you designated at the Phx Comicon at the end of May.


But, after having your other books, you pulled them, with no reason given other than the "can you have them by thus and such a date?" after I had already told you that I don't work that way, and which had been fine on the first go-round.


Ok, fine, not really that big a deal...until this:


I only saw it on Jaydog's side but I admit I don't read

RMA's posts.




There are a lot of people who don't read my posts...no biggie. But you're going to post that, and then wonder why I don't want to interact with you...? Seriously...? I get a lot of mess on this board...again, no problem, I expect it, if not encourage it. But for someone who claims he was "looking forward to seeing me" to encourage people against me like that (whether you see it that way or not isn't relevant; people who don't like me were encouraged by your statement), and you have to wonder that I didn't want to deal with you?


Strange, odd standards, but pretty usual for Branget.


I had zero interest in interacting with you, and it is only unfortunate circumstance that you happened to be where I also happened to be. You would have thought you would have gotten the hint, but you didn't. I do not like, or appreciate, confrontation in person, and avoid it if I can. You had to make it awkward by continuing to try to engage me, when I made it beyond clear that I wasn't interested.


Then, as the pièce de résistance, you send me a PM while I'm out of state with essentially no internet access, then remove yourself before giving me the chance to explain all of this privately, because you immediately put me on ignore. You decided, without bothering to investigate, that I was just going to ignore your PM (which I still haven't red; I saw you removed yourself and put me on ignore, cutting off all communication, so there was no need.)


Finally, you call me a hypocrite publicly for not telling you why I'm ignoring you, when it should have been abundantly clear from this post in response to you back in November:


Since you admit you don't read what I post, should I not respond to yours? Serious question. Although, there's a bit of a catch-22, there, admittedly. If you don't read my posts, you won't read this, and I'll never get my answer.


To which you replied, in no uncertain terms whatsoever:


Yes, I would prefer no response. (thumbs u


...and yet, here we are, with you being offended when I take you at your word.


I would have been happy to explain all this privately, or not explained it at all, until you called me a hypocrite publicly. This is all really unnecessary melodrama. None of this needed to be said publicly. Since I have explained to you why I ignored you, no, no "pot meet kettle."


And that, as they say, is that.


Wow! I was looking forward to seeing you because it seems you had issue with something I said and I thought face to face was best.


I rarely leave feedback. I simply forgot. Since it meant so much a simple reminder would have solved that. I don't believe in our kudos threads here on the boards and did not even create my own. The encouraging is debatable. lol


The 2nd submission for pressing was returned for a Lincoln signing. It was not weeks but months after my question. I asked for their return because you clearly stated that you wanted no pressure on TAT and they would take awhile. The way I see it I respected your wishes and asked for their return as opposed to any pressure on TAT. My bad.


Isn't the Jaydog comment saying that he was name calling etc? I have to read it again. How does admitting that I don't know if you were name calling because I didn't read your post become offensive??


The last quote I would need the context. I suspect the reply was to a comment by someone else.


In short, I did see that there was an issue. I did not know or understand the details but I realized there was a chip. I opted to wait until Phoenix knowing you would be there. I was very much looking forward to chatting. There were 4 conversations I was hoping to have in

Phoenix which was my primary reason for going. I had one of those conversations and cancelled AA for next year. It was saddening and not what I'm hoping to walk away with from a convention.


Not sure how I was confrontational. I simply tried to understand.

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Problem with some people, not naming any names, is that they tend to be so involved with themselves that they don't possess any iota of empathy and cannot understand another's situation. Not naming any names, but that's just some people.



Other people are just jerks. And fine with it, not naming any names here.


People are people


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Is a turd list people who smell like a turd or people who look like one? Or are we talking about brown showers?

My turd list is simply record keeping for my more remarkable BM's. This mornings soupy abomination didn't make the list. :(

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Has anyone ever heard of this web site?


Comic Book Headquarters


Wife found it on group on and it had some deal but stated shipping not included so I went digging around the site and there are some decent books so I added a few to the cart and went to check out through paypal and there was again nothing regarding shipping.


I find it impossible to believe someone is selling a 10-12 dollar slab and that includes shipping...but looking around the site it was registered in 2012 and it has a private registration through GoDaddy but I was able to find the owners name. address and facebook...

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Has anyone ever heard of this web site?


Comic Book Headquarters


Wife found it on group on and it had some deal but stated shipping not included so I went digging around the site and there are some decent books so I added a few to the cart and went to check out through paypal and there was again nothing regarding shipping.


I find it impossible to believe someone is selling a 10-12 dollar slab and that includes shipping...but looking around the site it was registered in 2012 and it has a private registration through GoDaddy but I was able to find the owners name. address and facebook...


i would contact them and confirm them before sending any money but that's just me

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Has anyone ever heard of this web site?


Comic Book Headquarters


Wife found it on group on and it had some deal but stated shipping not included so I went digging around the site and there are some decent books so I added a few to the cart and went to check out through paypal and there was again nothing regarding shipping.


I find it impossible to believe someone is selling a 10-12 dollar slab and that includes shipping...but looking around the site it was registered in 2012 and it has a private registration through GoDaddy but I was able to find the owners name. address and facebook...


They have a Groupon :shrug:

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Has anyone ever heard of this web site?


Comic Book Headquarters


Wife found it on group on and it had some deal but stated shipping not included so I went digging around the site and there are some decent books so I added a few to the cart and went to check out through paypal and there was again nothing regarding shipping.


I find it impossible to believe someone is selling a 10-12 dollar slab and that includes shipping...but looking around the site it was registered in 2012 and it has a private registration through GoDaddy but I was able to find the owners name. address and facebook...


i would contact them and confirm them before sending any money but that's just me


I just bought the Amazing Fantasy 15!


I mailed them cash, they told me that it is the safest method of payment! Can't wait to get this grail book at a 2013 price!

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