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General discussion thread - keep the other threads clean
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35,161 posts in this topic

Don't hate the player, hate the game.


As much as I dislike cliches this is exactly it. There are numerous exceptions to the rules with CGC in general and a multitude of inconsistencies in the moderation of these boards. So much so that I simply made my goal to increase my post count and nothing else matters. :whee:


I understand the issue and can simply advise to shake it off and move on. It just ain't worth the stress. 2c


But I agree with you. :shy:

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Actually, in many ways I agree with you (joeycgcmaniac), and I actually have nothing personally against Dale. This is just a comics board, and at the core we're just talking about funny books...should not be any cause to get riled up about funny books, right? Seems a bit silly.


What I'm riled up about is a more fundamental concept - the display of a fundamental, transparent feeling by someone that (for whatever reason) the rules should not apply to that person, and the authoritative powers openly taking an action that reinforces that imbalance. It's a more primitive issue than comics, and one that elicits strong emotions in me, personally.


So, if the rules about where to list books have indeed gone to mess and it's just a big open marketplace for selling anything and everything in one place, that's fine too. We should just communicate to the mods that that's what we want, and delete all these separate areas in favor of one marketplace forum with no sub-fora....then, we won't have this issue.


I agree totally.


Another seller (who wishes to remain nameless) had a small sales thread a couple of months back that had about 20 silver age books and 1 modern in G/S/B and it was moved to mixed.


Isn't that the same as the "only 5%" modern that is supposed to happen in this thread in question.


Perhaps if that seller had known who to PM about the problem, then he could have had his thread placed back where he originally put it as well. Or maybe that seller isn't worthy since he doesn't know the right people hm


Honestly, that's the message this situation is putting across.


Again... the thread placement isn't the issue here.

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I have a problem with those who allowed the flip flop.


Sellers are here to sell.


If I were denied when others were allowed, Hell would be raised.


Should the powers that be give into my demands, that's on them.

Edited by MediumLover
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Oh, and for convenience, here are some direct snippets from the thread (bold font added by me for emphasis):


Page 1:

There will be Golden Age, Silver Age, Bronze, Copper, Moderns, Magazines, and even some misc stuff like fanzines, hardcovers, memorabilia, some modern full runs.

Page 3 (after the mods moved the thread to Mixed, which by the way was also after Dale had already posted two books in the thread: 1 Golden Age and 1 Modern):

What kind of bull is this. Move my thread back to the GA/SA/BA forum.

Page 6:

Sorry, on the phone. Hopefully will get it straightened out.

Page 28:

Oh and I will try to get this thread back where it belongs if the mods will be nice enough to help me out.

Page 43 (after the mods moved the thread BACK to G/S/B):

Was that another forum shift ? :ohnoez:
Yup - I started reading in mixed and now it moved to GA/SA/BA. It does look like it belongs in mixed...., but an awesome assortment of material!!


And I would like to offer special thanks to Dena and all the mods for helping me out here.



Page 44:

Actually, its been happening for years. Go take a look at any of Foolkiller's Holiday threads, or a hundred others.


Ultimately, does it really matter?


Looks like your thread is doing just fine regardless of "location".


Probably not. I was pretty fired up last night when my thread got moved right before I was going to start posting. But the mods were cool enough to talk to me about it, and I appreciate that.


Anyway, enough of this. Its over and done.


"enough of this", he says.... :roflmao: That's rich...

Edited by edowens71
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Actually, in many ways I agree with you (joeycgcmaniac), and I actually have nothing personally against Dale. This is just a comics board, and at the core we're just talking about funny books...should not be any cause to get riled up about funny books, right? Seems a bit silly.


What I'm riled up about is a more fundamental concept - the display of a fundamental, transparent feeling by someone that (for whatever reason) the rules should not apply to that person, and the authoritative powers openly taking an action that reinforces that imbalance. It's a more primitive issue than comics, and one that elicits strong emotions in me, personally.


So, if the rules about where to list books have indeed gone to mess and it's just a big open marketplace for selling anything and everything in one place, that's fine too. We should just communicate to the mods that that's what we want, and delete all these separate areas in favor of one marketplace forum with no sub-fora....then, we won't have this issue.


This has been going on for years Ed. Foolkiller ran epic threads in the past mostly old stuff, but with a few things mixed in. I have done this for 5 years in a row and it has never been a problem.


There are currently threads with copper and modern in them besides mine right now. I am talking threads with 20 books, and 4 or 5 of them are copper modern. Why don't you rail on them?


I told Dena if it was a problem, mixed was fine. I also said that the rules should be enforced equally and in fact, I was not the exception, I was the example. I was the only one moved, when other people were doing the same.




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I appreciate that response, Dale. Further, I appreciate your presence here on the boards and in the hobby, and I was looking forward to your sale.


Surely though, if you put yourself in the shoes of a detached observer and look at the message chain I outline in my last post above, you could see how this course of events might be infuriating.


As for the logic about what has happened in the past and what other people are doing, my opinion is that's never really a good reason to continue doing things the "wrong way," because as has apparently occurred over time, the "wrong way" has now become the norm...this is what happens, I'm afraid.


Again, as I mention in one of my other posts above, if the norm is now that everything gets mixed in anyway and people are OK with that, why don't we just do away with the separate sub-fora and have one general sales area? You are correct that I don't have a long history here, but I'm assuming that the separate sub-fora were established for a reason. If that reason still exists, then we each need to try to do our best to preserve that structure.


Again, I appreciate your response, and my infuriation at the circumstances is nothing personal.




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I appreciate that response, Dale. Further, I appreciate your presence here on the boards and in the hobby, and I was looking forward to your sale.


Surely though, if you put yourself in the shoes of a detached observer and look at the message chain I outline in my last post above, you could see how this course of events might be infuriating.


As for the logic about what has happened in the past and what other people are doing, my opinion is that's never really a good reason to continue doing things the "wrong way," because as has apparently occurred over time, the "wrong way" has now become the norm...this is what happens, I'm afraid.


Again, as I mention in one of my other posts above, if the norm is now that everything gets mixed in anyway and people are OK with that, why don't we just do away with the separate sub-fora and have one general sales area? You are correct that I don't have a long history here, but I'm assuming that the separate sub-fora were established for a reason. If that reason still exists, then we each need to try to do our best to preserve that structure.


Again, I appreciate your response, and my infuriation at the circumstances is nothing personal.





I understand and it is not personal with me either.


But actually, I don't understand why it should bother you at all. You are not affected in the slightest by what I do, whether I offer books in one thread, 2 threads or what type of books I offer there. I have 1 thread running, taking up the same amount of space, either way.


The way I have always understood it, and have been told by people here longer than me, separate forums were not established as strict rules, but to help sellers move their product. If you are selling only new product, you will probably have better success by having your own place to sell. The same for Golden Age, and other stuff.


My product is primarily old books, at least the money is primarily on the old books. The people shopping for GA/SA rarely go into the other forums. I don't know why. Its just the way it is.


I guess I could start 3 separate threads and hog space on all of them, but in my opinion, this is more efficient for me and my buyers, and it is more considerate to other sellers to have my books only in one place, as opposed to spreading things out all over the sales forum. Honestly, it probably hurts the sales on the newer stuff I offer, as my audience isn't as wide. That said, it is not hurting anyone else, at all.


I don't think I said anything about how long you have been here, because honestly I don't know. I didn't look. I don't really see that it has anything to do with the issue at hand.


I do know that I have been here since about 2008, and I have seen literally thousands of threads run the exact same way. I am just following the herd of zombies. Has nothing to do with high roads or low roads. I am part of the community here, and I have no interest in rocking the boat, or trying to move things in a different way. I am doing things the way that I learned them here. I pm'd the mods and asked them why my thread was moved (right before I was to start listing, which is why I over-reacted), and if it would be okay, could they move it back to the GA/SA/BA forum. I had a nice discussion with Dena (who I actually have never really talked to before) and she moved it back. She also told me I was out of line in my first response, and I agreed with her that I over-reacted, and apologized.


If they want to start to enforce these rules strictly, that is fine. I just don't want to be singled out. If these are hard and fast rules(which I don't think they are), then they must be enforced across the boards, and not only when someone decides they don't like what someone else is doing.


Ok, that's my piece. Going to scan books. No hard feelings on my end.




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There are currently threads with copper and modern in them besides mine right now. I am talking threads with 20 books, and 4 or 5 of them are copper modern. Why don't you rail on them?

Also, just to make sure I'm clear (then I'm going to stop my rant), the initial thread placement or mix of books therein was not what infuriated me...that's why I'm not railing on "them." My issue was summarized best up above by another boardie, so I'll just post that rather than rephrase:


The bigger problem here is the fact that it got moved from MIXED back to G/S/B ONLY... at the seller's request.


That to me is a TOTAL lack of respect to every other member out there who has been threatened with a "wrist slap" or a "strike" for not following the rules.


Horrible use of authority all the way around... right here.

That hits it on the head, right there. And the "lack of respect" idea is not a lack of respect on your part, but on the part of the authority. (thumbs u

Edited by edowens71
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I would like to live in a world where a few copper/modern books could be mixed in with a big G/S/B sales thread in the G/S/B area rather than solely in the Mixed area. And vice versa (a few G/S/B books in an otherwise copper/modern sales thread in the C/M area).





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There are currently threads with copper and modern in them besides mine right now. I am talking threads with 20 books, and 4 or 5 of them are copper modern. Why don't you rail on them?

Also, just to make sure I'm clear (then I'm going to stop my rant), the initial thread placement or mix of books therein was not what infuriated me...that's why I'm not railing on "them." My issue was summarized best up above by another boardie, so I'll just post that rather than rephrase:


The bigger problem here is the fact that it got moved from MIXED back to G/S/B ONLY... at the seller's request.


That to me is a TOTAL lack of respect to every other member out there who has been threatened with a "wrist slap" or a "strike" for not following the rules.


Horrible use of authority all the way around... right here.

That hits it on the head, right there. And the "lack of respect" idea is not a lack of respect on your part, but on the part of the authority. (thumbs u


My viewpoint is different. Someone notified the mods of my posts, ignoring everyone else's, to simply point out mine. I talked to the mods in a reasonable manner and they were in agreement with me. Had nothing to do with who I am. Simply that my thread was just like everyone else, with the simple fact that I mentioned listing a few moderns.

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When are you listing the TMNT 1?

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You are missing the point really. Its not that you had a mixed thread in the G/S/B area that is the issue. Yes everyone probably does it to one extent or the other.


Its just that moderation... Dena in particular I suppose... has just made you an exception to a posted rule and retracted a mods decision for you. That is in no way fair to anyone who did the same thing you did and wasn't able to get Dena to respond to them.


Honestly I don't think the majority of us give two cents weather u sell one modern in a Gold only thread or 20.


The problem is why is when I have my thread moved , altered or chopped to bits by moderation...why can't I call or PM them and have it corrected the way I originally had it?


That is out and out favoritism toward one individual and looks incredibly bad to the rest of us....especially those that have been threatened with wrist slaps and strikes by mods if we don't adhere to the stated rules.


Again its not you Dale...its favoritism shown by Moderation.

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