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MCU's THE ETERNALS (11/6/20)
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On 11/7/2021 at 5:23 PM, William-James88 said:

I think those opening weekend numbers are pretty good. And they prove this film is review proof. 

Except...the Friday-Sunday drop-off is significant.

And the CinemaScore grade means general audiences thought it was *bad.* 

Which means it will likely fall off a cliff next week (down 65%+) and beyond.

Plus, these films are lagging indicators. If enough folks felt burned by the mediocrity of Black Widow...then Eternals...they'll likely not show up next time. Not necessarily for Spider-Man - which has distinct charm/fan-base outside the MCU, but for Dr. Strange 2, etc.

Which basically just means a reset in box office (and expectations). No longer will average MCU films still hit $600-$800 million box office; they may simply hit $400-500 million. Which sounds great, until you realize all-in spend is ~$250 per ($150 production + $100 marketing).

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On 11/7/2021 at 5:02 PM, drotto said:

They can only hope enough superfans will want to see this one 100 plus times.

Phase IV so far. Which if you notice with Shang-Chi the domestic box office contribution % wise. I have a feeling that Disney CEO's words helps spur on fans even more to show him 'experiment' was not what that film was about.


Maybe Disney should have Bob Chapek do a few interviews about the MCU. His foot-in-mouth sure seems to help.

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On 11/7/2021 at 5:36 PM, Bosco685 said:

Phase IV so far. Which if you notice with Shang-Chi the domestic box office contribution % wise. I have a feeling that Disney CEO's words helps spur on fans even more to show him 'experiment' was not what that film was about.


Maybe Disney should have Bob Chapek do a few interviews about the MCU. His foot-in-mouth sure seems to help.

Does not help that China has given the middle finger to the MCU phase 4.  Will be interesting to see if this will continue. 

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On 11/7/2021 at 4:20 PM, Jaydogrules said:

Maybe they should have released this on home video at the same time again like they did with Black Widow so they could say that it made an "extra." $150MM there too. :eyeroll:


... or they could say SAVED $150MM by boning everyone who was payed by percentage.... what a wonderful bunch of corporate poster boys (and girls). GOD BLESS....

-jimbo(a friend of jesus)(thumbsu


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On 11/7/2021 at 3:48 PM, drotto said:

the pandemic clouds the issue,

I don't think anyone truly realizes what an effect this likely has ..... the 15% factor I keep seeing bandied about.... talk about ambitiously optimistic. I'm trying to figure out what sort of gain someone is expecting from spinning a fictitious number like that as truth. Above my paygrade I guess,,, GOD BLESS...

-jimbo(a friend of jesus)(thumbsu

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On 11/7/2021 at 9:55 AM, Oddball said:

Are you listening to yourself? I didn’t pirate any movie. I didn’t download or distribute anything. I didn’t view it via peer to peer. The movie is available to stream online and it is not illegal for a viewer to stream unlicensed content. At least as of December 2020. The other false statement you made is that I don’t own any products from this company. I have posted my collection here over the years so are there any other lies you would like to state about someone you do not know? Don’t hurt your credibility by making any further assumptions.



I started reading your spin on watching Eternals illegally, but got bored and quit reading.

On 11/5/2021 at 11:55 AM, Oddball said:

Ok, I started watching it just now and turned it off after the generic opening battle that bored me to tears.

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On 11/7/2021 at 5:42 PM, Bosco685 said:

You are not kidding.


Still not sure if Disney fundamentally misread the Chinese government, or did not care.  Shang-Chi has Chinese roots, and cast members and Eternals had a Chinese born director.   I assum part of the intention was to appeal to this market, but it went oh so wrong. 

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On 11/7/2021 at 7:21 PM, drotto said:

Still not sure if Disney fundamentally misread the Chinese government, or did not care.  Shang-Chi has Chinese roots, and cast members and Eternals had a Chinese born director.   I assum part of the intention was to appeal to this market, but it went oh so wrong. 

Perhaps the Chinese government isn't comfortable with the portrayal of Chinese heroes fighting oppression ? Please note that I am basically unfamiliar with the details of the dynamics of their government and it's society. GOD BLESS...

-jimbo(a friend of jesus)(thumbsu

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On 11/7/2021 at 7:50 PM, jimjum12 said:

Perhaps the Chinese government isn't comfortable with the portrayal of Chinese heroes fighting oppression ? Please note that I am basically unfamiliar with the details of the dynamics of their government and it's society. GOD BLESS...

-jimbo(a friend of jesus)(thumbsu

With Shang-Chi his father was originally Foo Manchu who they consider highly offensive.  The movie changed this, but the historical roots and resentment are still there.  With Eternals it is that Chloe Zhao has been outspoken again the communist party. 

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On 11/7/2021 at 6:00 PM, drotto said:

With Shang-Chi his father was originally Foo Manchu who they consider highly offensive.  The movie changed this, but the historical roots and resentment are still there.  With Eternals it is that Chloe Zhao has been outspoken again the communist party. 


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On 11/7/2021 at 3:49 PM, Axelrod said:


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I can't speak to the way the Deviants are/were in the original comics, all I can speak to is the way they were used in this movie, which was as a means to the end of getting in some big fight scenes.  And that was about all. 

I don't remember them saying that the Deviants "returned" because of the imminent emergence of the Celestial.  I remember them saying that there were some Deviants frozen in the ice who had just recently thawed out.  Perhaps I missed something.  Even if I did, it doesn't seem to make much sense that the Deviants would "return" just in time to get destroyed with the rest of the planet.  What were they doing then?  Were they planning to stop the emergence?  Help it along?  I got no sense that the Deviants had a plan for anything except to be big scary monsters that get into some fights.  You are pointing out that it is the reappearance of the Deviants that causes the Eternals to get back together, which is true in this movie, but is also absolutely incidental for the larger story involving the Celestial.  They could have  brought the Eternals back together again in any number of different ways. Shoot, Ajak apparently just tells Ikaris about the coming emergence 500 years before it's supposed to happen.  

Also, you are explaining the plot of this movie as though there were no other way to tell the story - for example saying that, but for the Deviants, Ikaris would have had no one to blame for Ajak's death.  But that's not true at all.  It is what happened in this movie, but it did not have to happen that way.  That was the choice the writers/director/producers made.  

I feel like you are ret-conning Thena's madness also.  I don't recall it being tied to the Celestial emergence, or having anything to do with Deviants.  It was the result of (millions of?) years of mind-wiping and being reset.  Frankly, I thought it felt somewhat out of place in the larger story. I mean, I didn't hate it, and I gather that the comic character also suffered from some kind of madness (albeit for a different reason?) so maybe they felt like they needed to do something along those lines?  But I felt no real significance to the overall story going on there.  I also missed where you say she "cured" herself in the fight with Cro.  All I got was, she's in his clutches, she's about to be drained and then...she kills him.  Which begs the question what was the point of his having the abilty to steal Eternal powers to begin with?   He was one of the most - if not the most - anti-climactic villains in the entire history of the Marvel cinematic universe.

I'm also probably giving the movie more credit than it deserves when I talk about the Eternal family "fracturing" over what to do about the Celestial emergence.  Because it basically boils down to Ikaris vs. everyone else.  Yes, Sprite sides with him (for love), and Kingo abstains, but literally everyone else wants to stop it.  Again, I feel like this kind of undercut what the movie wanted to be about, turning it into something far simpler, and presumably easier for Marvel audiences to digest.  


I actually saw Eternals tonight in 3D XD again. It's stunning in the 3D large format and it's going away from my  theater Wednesday so I wanted to see it in that format one last time. So now I'm a little more familiar with the smaller details of the story. Regarding your response about the Deviants and their role in the story, Thena's condition, and the Eternals family, my spoiler filled rebuttal is below...


When Ikaris reveals the Deviants to Ajak in Alaska, he states they awakened from the ice because the ice thawed due to the warming effect of the imminent Celestial emergence, which also caused earthquakes around the globe. I think the earthquake reported by Okoye in Avengers Endgame could have been one of these Celestial related earthquakes btw. Yes, the Deviants are chaotic savage beasts at first, but when Kro siphons off the essence of Ajak, its unstable Deviant nature stabilizes as a result and it gains Ajak's memories, healing ability, and the newfound intelligence to form a plan to siphon off even more Eternals essence. This is why the Deviants attacked Sersi in London, Gilgamesh and Thena in Australia, and Druig's village in the Amazon. After Kro siphons off Gilgamesh in the Amazon, it gains even more intelligence and knowledge of the truth of the Celestials. It's here that Kro speaks and says it will kill the Eternals in revenge for the thousands of deaths of its kind throughout the universe when other Celestials emerged from host planets. It is Ikaris's idea to unite the Eternals again as he is aware of the new Deviant threat and wants to protect them, and also to distract them from the truth of the coming emergence. Ikaris just did not count on Ajak passing on the leadership to Sersi, when he says he wishes Ajak had not given her the leadership, when they are aboard the Domo towards the movie's climax. And about Ajak's death, I'm not sure Ikaris could have blamed anything else for Ajak's death other than a Deviant. What else would have killed an Eternal?

Thena's madness was actually a glitch where she still remembers the deaths of the Celestial host planets she "protected" in the past and her mad spells were actually a crazy way to warn her fellow Eternals, though she was unaware that she was doing it. In the final fight with Kro, I'm not exactly sure now what happens there, but it seems to me that Gilgamesh's last words to Thena "Remember" and Kro, who has adopted the memories of Gilgamesh and tells Thena to "remember" as he clutches her, that Thena is able to self-fix her "glitch" and restore her memories from her former lives, which I think is why she says "I remember" after she kills Kro.

The big picture problem of the Eternals movie is absolutely about the Eternals fracturing over whether or not to stop the Celestial emergence. As Ikaris is the Superman of their group, it's devastating to them and their desire to save Earth that Ikaris remains faithful to the Celestials. What wins the day in the end and allows Sersi to finish the job is Ikaris himself, who chooses not to kill her as she is attempting to turn the Celestial into ice, and the reason he doesn't kill her is out of love. 

In the end, the main theme of Eternals is love.


Edited by @therealsilvermane
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On 11/7/2021 at 8:00 PM, drotto said:

With Shang-Chi his father was originally Foo Manchu who they consider highly offensive.  The movie changed this, but the historical roots and resentment are still there.  With Eternals it is that Chloe Zhao has been outspoken again the communist party. 

Chloe Zhao was not exactly outspoken against the communist party. She said in a film magazine interview 10 years ago that in Beijing where she grew up, "there are lies everywhere" probably referring to China's state run media. She was also misquoted by another magazine to say "the United States is now my country" which she didn't say. Those two things caused Zhao to be censored by China's current authoritarian regime which is embracing hardcore nationalism and isolationism. 

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On 11/7/2021 at 10:37 PM, @therealsilvermane said:

Chloe Zhao was not exactly outspoken against the communist party. She said in a film magazine interview 10 years ago that in Beijing where she grew up, "there are lies everywhere" probably referring to China's state run media. She was also misquoted by another magazine to say "the United States is now my country" which she didn't say. Those two things caused Zhao to be censored by China's current authoritarian regime which is embracing hardcore nationalism and isolationism. 

That is all it takes for the Chinese government, but thanks for clarifying.

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On 11/7/2021 at 10:37 PM, @therealsilvermane said:

Chloe Zhao was not exactly outspoken against the communist party. She said in a film magazine interview 10 years ago that in Beijing where she grew up, "there are lies everywhere" probably referring to China's state run media. She was also misquoted by another magazine to say "the United States is now my country" which she didn't say. Those two things caused Zhao to be censored by China's current authoritarian regime which is embracing hardcore nationalism and isolationism. 

The Chinese government actually noted these two things? Was there an interview with a representative that stated this? That's incredible if so.

Otherwise that would be 'it is assumed...'

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Since Chloe Zhao has said she was inspired by multiple movies in the making of Eternals, I think the movie might be well described as being Avengers meets Clash of the Titans meets 2001 a Space Odyssey meets Terence Malick's The New World meets Man of Steel meets Logan's Run meets John Carpenter's The Thing meets Invasion of the Body Snatchers meets The Dark Crystal meets Mork and Mindy to throw a little classic television in there.

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On 11/7/2021 at 11:47 PM, Bosco685 said:

The Chinese government actually noted these two things? Was there an interview with a representative that stated this? That's incredible if so.

Otherwise that would be 'it is assumed...'

I believe it was first reported by the New York Times which is a reliable news source. Zhao was considered the Pride of China apparently over the success of Nomadland but when the 2013 interview was discovered and made its way on Chinese social media, all mention of Zhao in China media was deleted. Now that's what you call cancel culture.

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On 11/7/2021 at 10:53 PM, drotto said:

That is all it takes for the Chinese government, but thanks for clarifying.

Here's a reference on Variety's assumed reasons.

 ‘Eternals’ Could Face China Release Issue Over Chloé Zhao Backlash, ‘Shang-Chi’ Also at Risk


A recent report from Variety suggests two upcoming Marvel Studios releases, “Eternals” and “Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings,” could be barred from release in China due to growing nationalist backlash against each comic book tentpole. While there is no hard evidence at this time proving a ban will take place, Variety notes that rumors were ignited after the CCTV6 China Movie Channel aired a list of U.S. release dates for upcoming Marvel films and omitted “Eternals” (Nov. 5) and “Shang-Chi” (Sept. 3), the two MCU titles to be released this year following “Black Widow.”

Her Oscar award was blocked and with no Eternals date there are assumptions why. But never any statement from China.

Just articles noting 'Of course we clearly know...'

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On 11/7/2021 at 5:00 PM, drotto said:

With Shang-Chi his father was originally Foo Manchu who they consider highly offensive.  The movie changed this, but the historical roots and resentment are still there.  With Eternals it is that Chloe Zhao has been outspoken again the communist party. 

and BW was because of lingering hostility over the Sino-Soviet conflict

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