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This Might Actually Be Good. DC Needs The Win
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82 posts in this topic

On 10/16/2021 at 7:00 PM, BabyAteMyDingo said:

They still could. I cannot believe they don't know Marvel is killing them at the box office. Even the first Fantastic Four movie held my attention.

In 1999, I moved to where I live now. I sought out a LCS and made small talk with the owner. We talked about Batman: The Dark Knight Returns. He asked me: "You know who would make an AWESOME Bruce Wayne if they did that movie?"

Without missing a beat, we both said at the same time "Clint Eastwood". LOL! Because you just KNOW the character and the vibe so well.

They still could.  They wont.  they make money with cruddy movies so why bother?

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On 10/16/2021 at 7:03 PM, BabyAteMyDingo said:

I was always under the impression that the movies were corny by proxy. Because they were trying so hard for brand recognition. And all the while alienating the fan who loved and knew the character.

I showed a friend my copy of Batman #3 a few years ago. Heavy book. Know what he did?

"Duh-nuh-nuh-BAT-MAN!" Totally ignorant of what he was looking at.

He should have stopped at "Duh".

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On 10/16/2021 at 9:40 PM, Wolverinex said:

I loved The dark knight, Doom  Petrol,Aquaman ,Wonder woman 1

They all missed the mark. I am glad you loved them but I cannot get past the mediocrity in DC films. They are cheaply made and unimaginative. And you have NO IDEA how I wish it wasn't so.

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On 10/16/2021 at 10:04 PM, kav said:

They still could.  They wont.  they make money with cruddy movies so why bother?

It's Warner Bros, you know? The executives are involved in the creating process. Something they should not be involved in AT ALL.

"My grandson wants to see Batman THIS way. Make it so."

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On 10/16/2021 at 9:31 PM, BabyAteMyDingo said:

They sure can. They ruined Batman. They ruined Green Lantern. The 1st Wonder Woman movie was pretty decent. Then they shot it in the face. She wasn't ok with women being taken advantage of but she was ok with Steve Trevor inhabiting the body of a man so she could get some snu-snu. She was ok with necrophilia. And rape.

Yeah. I have had a problem with DC movies since 1989 when those terrible words were uttered:

"I'm Batman." I had to be restrained from leaving the theater when Keaton uttered those words.

You seem to have a lot of problems with casting.  Perhaps it is best for you to retreat to your bunker.

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On 10/16/2021 at 6:31 PM, BabyAteMyDingo said:

They sure can. They ruined Batman. They ruined Green Lantern. The 1st Wonder Woman movie was pretty decent. Then they shot it in the face. She wasn't ok with women being taken advantage of but she was ok with Steve Trevor inhabiting the body of a man so she could get some snu-snu. She was ok with necrophilia. And rape.

Yeah. I have had a problem with DC movies since 1989 when those terrible words were uttered:

"I'm Batman." I had to be restrained from leaving the theater when Keaton uttered those words.

@kav DC lacks villain's. All of the movies were terrible except the Nolan Bat-Man series. Shazam was good, honestly I could watch it over and over, but WW, Justice League, Affleck Bat-man,1 and done.

Both WW movies lacked a decent villain, and Justice League and the mother boxes were :tonofbricks:


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On 10/16/2021 at 9:31 PM, BabyAteMyDingo said:

"I'm Batman." I had to be restrained from leaving the theater when Keaton uttered those words.

i hated that first 1989 Batman movie so much that i  fell asleep halfway through ... and when i awoke thankfully it was over !!

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On 10/16/2021 at 9:41 PM, kav said:

Here's my review of that suckfest:

One thing I've noticed about DC movies as opposed to Marvel movies is the crowds.  In a Marvel movie the
crowd is reacting to what's happening.  In a DC movie the crowd just stands there while a green flying guy
you know, shoots magical beams that stop a crashing heli and saves a girl from a falling structure with
a FORCE FIELD.  Even after the FLYING GREEN GUY shoots skyward, no one says a word.  Also, they're evenly
spaced.  It's like the director said ok you guys stand here here and here etc then forgot about them.
Dumb, man.  No one says "WHO IS THAT DUDE? HOW CAN HE FLY?" or even "OMG!"
     Also, the debut of GL was dumb.  A heli starts to crash-heads for the crowd, all this times passes
before FINALLY GL does something about it.  He watched it all go down, like everyone, but just, I don't
know, reached for another drink.
     Also we have Sinestro- the GL leader(the guardians don't say or do much of anything-they kinda remind 
me of Michael Jackson on propofol. Dumb).  So Sinestro tells Hal how inferior and unworthy he is
cause he's human.  If I was Hal I would have quipped 'Hey Goebbels-what's with the racist attitude,
man?  Haven't you ever heard of diversity?  Seig Heil, dude.'  
The film plods along with the usual stupidities.  No one recognizes Hal because he's wearing an 
eye mask.  To test this I bought a same size domino mask and put it on.  I walked around to various
friends and acquantances and guess what-every single one said 'Hey Kav-what's with the mask?'  Dumb.
     I also don't like the lantern.  It's obviously a lightweight cheap plastic prop and looks somewhat
like a 60's hippie lamp.  Dumb.
     Then we have the scene kyped from the original Superman movie where he flies up to Lois Lane I 
mean Carol Ferris's penthouse.  He even steals Superman's line 
'are you ok?' And why does everyone in the movies live in penthouses???  I
guess Hollywood thinks since they and all their friends live in penthouses, so must the rest of
America.  Out of touch, boys?  It bugs me that the average 17 year old can spot these gaffes yet no
one on a multimillion dollar movie set can.  Hollywood: I'M AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION!  I'LL
     OK finally Carol recognizes it's Hal.  Why it took her 3 minutes of staring to come up with this
when my friends didn't even take 1/2 a second is a mystery.  PS can't the actor at least shave if he's
gonna be in a multimillion dollar film? These and other questions I have. The beard stubble is distracting.  
Hal's OA GL mentor explained the mask appears when he's among his own kind so he can go unrecognized.
The fact that beings as dumb as this have such powerful weapons scares me.
     And the romance scenes really DRAG, man.  They could have just as effectively put up a sign
that said 'ROMANCE SCENE HERE" instead of having the 'actors' go thru the painful motions of
speaking such lame dialogue.
     Then there's the scene where Hal's old schoolmate now turned toad-style kung fu lookin dude
battles GL. He keeps launching oxygen tanks at GL and GL keeps trying to block them with his ring.
Of course several slip past and knock him senseless.  Hey, dummy-just make a friggin force field.
Christ.  Then we have to hear the cheesy villain 'moogie-ha-ha' laugh.  Corny, guys. Weak 
characterization.  No one is 100% evil-Hitler liked dogs.  But that's too deep for these writers,
no-they went with the formula villain.  In fact this whole movie could have been written by a 
computer.  I'm not kidding.  There are actual programs that do this.  So then the villain starts 
MONOLOGUING.  Guys-go see 'The Incredibles'.  That movie MOCKED the weak character device pretty
     Then we learn that Hal is AFRAID.  He has the most advanced weapon ever devised and he's 
AFRAID.  Give me the freakin ring and I'll handle it dude.  I'll defeat the menace because I'll 
ATTACK it instead of staring at it with gaping mouth.  Double Christ.  Hollywood-it's not a good
sign when a viewer keeps waiting for the movie to be OVER.  But that's how I felt.  And everyone
else I talked to.  Even teenagers HATED this movie.  PS the actor that plays Sinestro is great-
it's too bad he got pulled into this suckfest.
     We also have the Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom rip-off where the evil guardian
sucks the souls out of his victim's eyeballs.  Lame.  Then Hal gets half his soul sucked out but 
he's still ok.  I guess a half-wit can operate with a half-soul.  This movie is a real tragedy
it could have been so good-GL has the most interesting super power.  But Hollywood formula 
writing prevails and we have suckfest instead.
     Hal lures the creature into the asteroid belt, which is strangely close to Earth, and is chock
full of asteroids.  Science note-the actual belt is so sparse if you passed thru it you would't
see a single asteroid.  The entire mass of asteroids circling the Sun at a circumference of billions
of miles would constitute a small moon.  There's not much there, folks.  Sorry.  If the actual
belt was this crowded Earth would be struck so often that no life, not even bacteria, would have 
time to evolve.
    So therefore I am re-naming this movie 'Green Latrine'
That's a wrap.

great review kav , do you have a review of Batman 1989 ?

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On 10/17/2021 at 7:59 AM, skypinkblu said:

BTW, I didn't mind Daredevil, but then again, I liked most of the DC movies. I was not crazy about Iron Man 3 or the New Black Widow movie.

Same here, Iron-Man 1,2, and 3 had junk villain's. 2 was okay, but 3 and the Mandarin ???

Amazing Spider-Man 2 and that metal Rhino, one of the worse one's ever. 

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On 10/17/2021 at 12:55 PM, Galen130 said:

Or how about the Ghost Rider movies???

There is an interesting POV about Elvis Presley movies. They always made money but they were not so good. Hal Wallis said once he made THOSE movies to fund GOOD movies he was making. That's some cold cheese but an interesting thought. Not sure WHAT Warners is doing with their bad movie money.

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On 10/17/2021 at 2:58 AM, kav said:

The movie Boy wonder could have been a young Batman.  Excellent film. 

Looked more to me like a thirtysomething Robin. Not a young Batman.  Kidding me if he was a teenage orphan. (Thought that while watching Batman Forever.)

Edited by Ken Aldred
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