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Spider-girl ends at #100

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To be honest, I am suprised it has lasted this long. I remember when the title first started after the initial "What If" story. There was the whole "Next Generation of Marvel" books like A-Next and J2. When all those books tanked I was suprised that they continued with this title. Well congrats to the title even making it this far.

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Spider-Girl fans haven't given up hope yet.


Here's a message that writer Tom Defalco wrote a few days ago on the Spider-Girl message board.


"Things have gotten crazy, again. You may have been wondering why I haven't been telling you what's up. The reason is quite simple. I'm not sure what's going on or what the future will bring. I have spoken to various people at Marvel and have heard various plans, ideas, suggestions and possible scenarios--all of which change with the hours.


Here's the bottom line--we have been losing a few hundred readers every month. Is it because the comic book stores are spending all their dollars on the big events? Or is it because we're just not intriguing people enough? I suspect both factors--and a lot of others--are at play.


Here's what we know--the only way to help the sales of Spider-Girl is to put her on your pull list and encourage your friends to also put her on their pull lists. You can encourage store owners to put extra copies on their shelves...but that is a decision they'll have to make.


DO NOT BUY MULTIPLE COPIES...unless you intend to give them to specific people for personal reasons. I often buy multiple copies of books I like because I want to share those books with friends and family...but I don't want you guys buying up multiple copies of Spider-Girl out of a misplaced sense of loyalty. Your money can be put to better use. (Like PIZZA!)


Here's what the team and I are doing...

1) We're still talking to Marvel.

2) We're trying to make the book even better.

3) Spider-Girl #97 is a great jumping on point and it does bring back the original Hobgoblin.

4) The lead up to and the climax we plan for Spider-Girl #100 will be a GREAT ride...for you long-time readers and new guys as well. (If it's our last issue, we'll be going out in a blaze of glory. If it ain't, the guys and I are realllllly going to have to work hard to top it.)

5) LAST PLANET STANDING will go ahead as promised. (However, depending on what happens to Spider-Girl, the ending may change and even surprise Marvel.)

6)And just so there's no confusion--I've talked to the team and we're all ready to sign up for another 100 issues!


On behalf of the entire team, I want to thank you guys for all your support! You are the GREATEST!



Tom D."




He's never been the artist on the book, but here's what Mike Weringo said about the book last week in his blog:


"I've never quite understood why SPIDER-GIRL isn't just as popular and successful as ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN.


Sure, May "Mayday" Parker isn't a young Peter Parker-- she's the daughter of Peter and Mary Jane in a book set in the M2 Universe of the not too distant future. But to my eyes, that just makes her cooler. Instead of a 'reboot' of the SPIDER-MAN mythos, SPIDER-GIRL is an exciting extension of that concept. Like ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN, there are re-imaginings of the classic villains from the parent book (as well as lots of heroes).... but in my opinion, these characters are a lot more imaginative and fun than they are in ULTIMATE. I think that if you're a fan of straight-out superhero comics, SPIDER-GIRL is just about a perfect book. Not only is it a comic you can enjoy yourself (if you're anywhere NEAR as old as I am), but it's also a comic you can give to children without fearing that it's too dark and adult for them to understand or enjoy. In today's comic world, that's a rarity.


SPIDER-GIRL has had a tumultuous ride during its run.... to say the least. The book's been on the chopping block more than once, and now, it seems, it's in peril of cancellation once again. I don't understand the rationale for this, personally. I know that Marvel has had immense success with sales of SPIDER-GIRL digests in places like TARGET. And why is that...? Because SPIDER-GIRL is something that will appeal to such a wide audience. Boys, girls, women, men... they can all enjoy this comic as much as I do. That's a cash cow, really... so this is kind of puzzling to me. SPIDER-GIRL has a very loyal and vocal fanbase, so perhaps if we all pull together, we can stop this cancellation from happening, because if you ask me, we can't afford-- as an industry-- to lose a book like SPIDER-GIRL; a book that has the potential (and seems to be realizing that very potential) to reach a wider audience outside of the direct market.


I recently bought issue #11 of WRITE NOW!. from TOMORROWS PUBLISHING. It's got a wonderful interview with Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz inside... and they talk extensively about their collaboration on the creation of SPIDER-GIRL and their recent work on the book. These guys love working on SPIDER-GIRL. It's a concept they both enjoy immensely... and it shows in every issue of the book. If you want any proof of a couple of comic book creators who are at the height of their powers and loving what they're doing, then seek this magazine out, read the interview, and perhaps it'll make you a believer and prompt you to try SPIDER-GIRL. Some fans need to be convinced (for some reason) to even try a new book.... so maybe that would do the trick. Barring that-- Marvel just released a trade paperback of the recent LAST HERO STANDING miniseries (written by Tom D. and drawn by the talented Pat Oliffe). It'll give you a taste of what the M2 Universe is like. That, or one of the several recent SG trades that you can also find on AMAZON.COM will give you a sense of the thrill ride that is SPIDER-GIRL.


Let's keep fun and imagination alive, shall we...?



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Anyone else remember when Tom was the Editor in chief of Marvel at the top of the 90's? Don't know if I could go from EC to just writer. that kinda sucks. Again, I haven't read SG myself except for the first issue but I do have Green Goblin #1-#13 that Tom wrote and I just hope his writing style has improved considerably.

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