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Latest Scandal! Comic Book Dealer Disbarred As Lawyer!!!!

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Ask the mothers of the kids he cheated out of child support how many calls they received from board members. mad.gif



You know, this statement is very comical.


Why is it that people automatically assume that the mothers are getting screwed?


After paying out more than $300k over 17 years, 4 cars, and being stuck with a college bill, I have different views of who is getting screwed.


The kids are always the ones that get hurt in the end.

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I think you better go look at the JIM Trim thread and maybe adjust your time frame regarding when Doug started actively pursuing 'redemption'. Judging by what is now known, I'm not sure he's actually started yet.


If it were proven that Doug purposely submitted the trimmed copy blind, knowing it was trimmed, that would certainly cause me to take a different view on Doug. So far, I assume it remains speculation.


I will say this as far as the Heritage consignment. There were a number of high grade books that were his personal copies that were sold at the last Heritage auction, at least two of which I bought. I blieve these include the ASM 67 in 9.6, the ASM 69 in 9.6, I know it includes the one I did not manage to buy; the ASM 44 curator copy in 9.6. All of these were Doug's books that he was trying to sell on Pedigree and they ultimately moved to Heritage.


Given he is no longer able to practice law, I presume his only income is selling off his collection. I was told when I made queries of some who might know that Heritage advances decent amounts to sellers before auction. Doug had many of these books overpriced on his site and it may have been easier for him to use Heritage than to have the books going unsold on his own site and have buyers know he was selling them cheaper elsewhere.

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I find it less than convincing when you say we on the boards should contact Doug to see how he is doing and ask him whats going on. Doug's a dealer who is witnessing his reputation suffer from his own actions. I would thing that HE should be here speaking to and with those who are discussing his situation.


Its different with Borock because his actions are not in the crosshairs in the same way as Dougs are no. Speaking directly to Steve is educational, fun and worthwhile...if you can keep remembering you're in the Borock zone, if you know what I mean.... such access can be a little intoxicating, causing a distortion effect leading to agreement.

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I've done a bit of business with Doug, mostly buying. My experience with him has been nothing short of excellent. I never knew Doug when he was a lawyer, so I can't comment on any of that history.


That being said, it has been noted that redemption does not come overnight, rather it is earned. The wheels of justice turn slowly and up until now, I guess Doug's level of culpability has been in doubt. OK, so now it's not.


I wonder if the past 6 years as a dealer mean nothing in terms of redemption? If you have been cheated over the past 6 years, the pattern is intact, call him an ongoing cheat if your dealings with him have been positive, I would suggest that redemption in your mind should have begun with your first transaction. Maybe 6 years later, he is already redeemed in your mind, despite the fact that he is just now being hung out to dry.


I have noted a very disturbing trend in these boards to crucify as many people as possible. Reading through the raw venom and pure hate that seem to fill these threads does not make it a joy for me to participate.


The Monday after the Steve Borok witch hunt, I called Steve at about 4 PM Florida time. After all the calls for action I discovered I was only the third person to have put a call into him to try and find out what he had to say for himself. He then went on to spend over an hour on the phone with me answering every question that had popped up in my mind. I guess very few if any of the critics on these boards took it to heart to actually call the person in question to find out what is happening. Rather they wait for him to respond on the boards with answers that will probably not satisfy nearly everybody anyway.


So today I e-mailed Doug to ask him how he was. He responded that not a single person making comments on the boards, including people he had considered friends, had bothered to e-mail or phone him to see if he might have something to say for himself.


Does anybody actually expect to see Doug respond publically here?


I say let he who is without sin cast the first stone


In the meantime, congratulations on another fine lynching.


With all due respect, with comments such as this above I query whether you really read the comments that have been made, particularly by those of us who are attorneys (given we best understand the significance of what took place, not that it takes great intelligence to decipher the decision) and especially have read the disbarment decision.


Now, I don't necessarily agree with all of the specific comments in this thread, but for the most part they were quite well balanced and reflective of a legitimate gripe with and concern regarding the situation. I'm sorry to hear that no one apparently contacted Doug, though that makes no sense given that at least one or two people above said they had spoken with him directly, but in any event that is more reflective of those who call themselves his friends than of Doug himself. In light of the very clear and concise opinion ordering Doug's disbarrment I, for one, do not need Doug to respond. There is nothing he could say that would make any difference at this early stage. I set forth some suggestions in another post above as to how I feel he could start generating some trust by being more open in his comic dealings. Frankly, I perfectly understand why he might not want to come on the boards and post a response and for that I absolutely do not fault him. I fault him for what he did, not for his lack of commenting on what he did.


I am not without sin in my life, but you are totally out of line trying to make us feel guilty for our commenting on Doug's unlawful and unethical transgressions or for painting such a broad brush and calling this thread a lynching.

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Oh poor Doug. Woe is him. Y'know what, when there's a questionable business transaction, I'm all for contacting the dealer. I haven't commented on the JIM 92 trim because I don't know everything here.


You want to play the lynch card? Well guess what, when somebody does something clearly wrong, you can call it what you like. The information should be exposed so that people understand who and what they are dealing with. Do you think it works any differently in any other segment of today's instant communication society. Bottom line is this: 6 years ago or not, he hasn't been a dealer for six years. He's a relatively new dealer on any kind of public scale.


And give me a break with this "he is without sin" absolute GARBAGE. You want people to lay off your friend Doug who you did business with but who did something completely reprehensible. IT IS INCUMBENT ON DOUG, NOT THE REST OF THE COMICS COMMUNITY TO EXPLAIN HIS OWN ACTIONS IF HE THINKS THAT IT DOES NOT AFFECT HIS COMIC DEALING BUSINESS AND WHY. YOU DON'T GET A FREE PASS WHEN SOMETHING THIS SEVERE COMES TO LIGHT.


Here's the deal: I defended Donut, I defended Al Stoltz, and I would defend any dealer who takes a beating without getting the facts on a deal or situation. I went after Ewert, and I will continue to state that Doug has committed a terribly unethical act while an attorney. You people want to buy the line of "mistake" so be it. It's no mistake. He was an addict. Now -- that puts him in a different light than Ewert, but as Scott stated as something I would say, it is absolutely true: No forvgiveness without first penance. Doug, I am all ears. Email me, call me, whatever you like. I'd love to hear the other side of the story, and ask you some tough questions.


if Doug cares for the Boards so much, why wont he show up and tell us whats up already????


I think Doug has been caught with his pants well and truly down and his hanging out.


What could he possibly say at this point?

He's got that and then some hanging out. Is THAT a bad word?


I've done a bit of business with Doug, mostly buying. My experience with him has been nothing short of excellent. I never knew Doug when he was a lawyer, so I can't comment on any of that history.


That being said, it has been noted that redemption does not come overnight, rather it is earned. The wheels of justice turn slowly and up until now, I guess Doug's level of culpability has been in doubt. OK, so now it's not.


I wonder if the past 6 years as a dealer mean nothing in terms of redemption? If you have been cheated over the past 6 years, the pattern is intact, call him an ongoing cheat if your dealings with him have been positive, I would suggest that redemption in your mind should have begun with your first transaction. Maybe 6 years later, he is already redeemed in your mind, despite the fact that he is just now being hung out to dry.


I have noted a very disturbing trend in these boards to crucify as many people as possible. Reading through the raw venom and pure hate that seem to fill these threads does not make it a joy for me to participate.


The Monday after the Steve Borok witch hunt, I called Steve at about 4 PM Florida time. After all the calls for action I discovered I was only the third person to have put a call into him to try and find out what he had to say for himself. He then went on to spend over an hour on the phone with me answering every question that had popped up in my mind. I guess very few if any of the critics on these boards took it to heart to actually call the person in question to find out what is happening. Rather they wait for him to respond on the boards with answers that will probably not satisfy nearly everybody anyway.


So today I e-mailed Doug to ask him how he was. He responded that not a single person making comments on the boards, including people he had considered friends, had bothered to e-mail or phone him to see if he might have something to say for himself.


Does anybody actually expect to see Doug respond publically here?


I say let he who is without sin cast the first stone


In the meantime, congratulations on another fine lynching.

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Now that I have had some time to think this over for a few more days I am sticking by my original decision that I have no problem buying or selling from Pedigree Comics.


I am not agaisnt any of you who choose otherwise as its a very personal choice to make.


What does concern me though is some of the comments coming from the well educated amongst us.


What if the problems that Doug faces do actually originate from an addiction to buying the best comics around.


I don't know the answer to this yet but if he did or does in fact have a habit with regard to buing comics then some of you who should know better could be offering him help to overcome this problem not bashing the man. The punishment from the proper authority's has or will been done through the appropriate legal channels.


I am even more suprised that some of his past fellow lawyers are not first in line to offer some kin of support. Maybe its just that kind of industry. confused-smiley-013.gif


Remember that addiction is a mental issue for people to overcome and support & guidance is what people often need.


I may be completely off track here but please try to think this through before openly condeming the guy without having heard his side of this.


Thanks for listening.


Russ... flowerred.gif

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if Doug cares for the Boards so much, why wont he show up and tell us whats up already????


Listen, don't you think some people have better stuff to do than to make "tap tap tap" noises in front of a computer screen for fun?



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Ask the mothers of the kids he cheated out of child support how many calls they received from board members. mad.gif



You know, this statement is very comical.


Why is it that people automatically assume that the mothers are getting screwed?


After paying out more than $300k over 17 years, 4 cars, and being stuck with a college bill, I have different views of who is getting screwed.


The kids are always the ones that get hurt in the end.


893applaud-thumb.gif I could not agree more. In most cases the father is the one who is screwed. I watch my brother hand over every dime yet he has the kid more than her and she gets her hair and nails done on my brothers dime. Go figure.

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With all due respect, with comments such as this above I query whether you really read the comments that have been made, particularly by those of us who are attorneys (given we best understand the significance of what took place, not that it takes great intelligence to decipher the decision) and especially have read the disbarment decision.


Sorry Mark, I guess we should get our attorneys to proof read our posts too...what were we thinking? Only you understand the significance of what is going on here. screwy.gif

Guys. He sells comics. Why are we debating what happened 6 years ago? The trim JIM thread clearly shows Doug's willingness to "fix" what is wrong. He was trying to understand why people thought the book was trimmed, sounded sruprised from what i gather, and pulled the book (likely forever). Do you guys think he spends hours each day scouring the net for battles to fight, books to buy and threads to post on? What sort of world do you live in? I love this board, but am only here because i have the time. Had i a functioning family and a job that took most of my time, i probably would not be here. I can't belive this is still going on. As Aussie Russ said (and i'm loosely quoting) the proper authorities are dealing with this. Where are his peers to offer support? Give it a rest. I come on here to learn about comics and have fun. Let me tell you the fun is gone. It seems most people come on here to get stimulated. Oh sorry, law enforcement is insufficient in most parts of North America. I guess we need CGC forum to really make things right. The guy has yet to [embarrassing lack of self control] somebody over from what i hear. Money for sellers is on time, books are shipped on time, and he is easy to reach and communicate with. This is pretty much the only topic that needs to be discussed on these boards. What Doug did to an old lady and whoever else is being dealt with by Doug(mentaly and spiritually), and acc. to the law (by the governing authorities). Is it any wonder there are so many lurkers? Who do you expect to entice by this behavior? If you were a newby, would you post here after going through all this [embarrassing lack of self control]?

I wonder how many of the posters in these threads have dealt with Doug at all?

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I've done a bit of business with Doug, mostly buying. My experience with him has been nothing short of excellent. I never knew Doug when he was a lawyer, so I can't comment on any of that history.


That being said, it has been noted that redemption does not come overnight, rather it is earned. The wheels of justice turn slowly and up until now, I guess Doug's level of culpability has been in doubt. OK, so now it's not.


I wonder if the past 6 years as a dealer mean nothing in terms of redemption? If you have been cheated over the past 6 years, the pattern is intact, call him an ongoing cheat if your dealings with him have been positive, I would suggest that redemption in your mind should have begun with your first transaction. Maybe 6 years later, he is already redeemed in your mind, despite the fact that he is just now being hung out to dry.


I have noted a very disturbing trend in these boards to crucify as many people as possible. Reading through the raw venom and pure hate that seem to fill these threads does not make it a joy for me to participate.


The Monday after the Steve Borok witch hunt, I called Steve at about 4 PM Florida time. After all the calls for action I discovered I was only the third person to have put a call into him to try and find out what he had to say for himself. He then went on to spend over an hour on the phone with me answering every question that had popped up in my mind. I guess very few if any of the critics on these boards took it to heart to actually call the person in question to find out what is happening. Rather they wait for him to respond on the boards with answers that will probably not satisfy nearly everybody anyway.


So today I e-mailed Doug to ask him how he was. He responded that not a single person making comments on the boards, including people he had considered friends, had bothered to e-mail or phone him to see if he might have something to say for himself.


Does anybody actually expect to see Doug respond publically here?


I say let he who is without sin cast the first stone


In the meantime, congratulations on another fine lynching.


While I agree with most of what you have said - who are you? You have very few posts but seem to know quite a few names. 893scratchchin-thumb.gif

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. .. Remember that addiction is a mental issue for people to overcome and support & guidance is what people often need.


If this were true and you buy from him, would that not make you an "enabler". confused-smiley-013.gif


I guess you are technically correct.


And if no one buys from him doesn't that make us all the enabler's via unemployment payments made to him.


That holds about as much water as me blaming your governments wrongdoings on you because you pay taxes to them.


I understand you point but am not sure that I agree that its that black & white.




Russ... hi.gif

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I have noted a very disturbing trend in these boards to crucify as many people as possible. Reading through the raw venom and pure hate that seem to fill these threads does not make it a joy for me to participate.


From my view, most postings are very pragmatic. I doubt very few people here have any vendetta against any particular person or institution so I don’t see where this “venom” would materialize. If you mean that people speak out against perceived wrongdoing and they want to correct the ailments in this hobby, then I agree with you.


So today I e-mailed Doug to ask him how he was. He responded that not a single person making comments on the boards, including people he had considered friends, had bothered to e-mail or phone him to see if he might have something to say for himself.
893scratchchin-thumb.gif That seems to differ from some of the previous comments made yesterday.
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I've done a bit of business with Doug, mostly buying. My experience with him has been nothing short of excellent. I never knew Doug when he was a lawyer, so I can't comment on any of that history.


That being said, it has been noted that redemption does not come overnight, rather it is earned. The wheels of justice turn slowly and up until now, I guess Doug's level of culpability has been in doubt. OK, so now it's not.


I wonder if the past 6 years as a dealer mean nothing in terms of redemption? If you have been cheated over the past 6 years, the pattern is intact, call him an ongoing cheat if your dealings with him have been positive, I would suggest that redemption in your mind should have begun with your first transaction. Maybe 6 years later, he is already redeemed in your mind, despite the fact that he is just now being hung out to dry.


I have noted a very disturbing trend in these boards to crucify as many people as possible. Reading through the raw venom and pure hate that seem to fill these threads does not make it a joy for me to participate.


The Monday after the Steve Borok witch hunt, I called Steve at about 4 PM Florida time. After all the calls for action I discovered I was only the third person to have put a call into him to try and find out what he had to say for himself. He then went on to spend over an hour on the phone with me answering every question that had popped up in my mind. I guess very few if any of the critics on these boards took it to heart to actually call the person in question to find out what is happening. Rather they wait for him to respond on the boards with answers that will probably not satisfy nearly everybody anyway.


So today I e-mailed Doug to ask him how he was. He responded that not a single person making comments on the boards, including people he had considered friends, had bothered to e-mail or phone him to see if he might have something to say for himself.


Does anybody actually expect to see Doug respond publically here?


I say let he who is without sin cast the first stone


In the meantime, congratulations on another fine lynching.


You should try reading the thread fully before commenting. Red Hook clearly stated here that he had talked with Doug.


I just got off the phone with Doug and as you would expect he is extremely upset that his friends and clients are hearing about these things in this manner. I'm just reporting, not editorializing at all at this point.


He did say a few things which he said I could post if I wished.


- He was not in partnership with his Dad. They shared office space but not business. He ran a sole proprietorship when he practiced law.

- He admitted to poor bookeeping practices and did not deny the charges. He said if he HAD been in practice with his father, he probably wouldn't have made the mistakes he did.

- He said that he just found out about this himself Monday, and that he has not practiced law for two years. The hearing panel had recommended a suspension, not disbarment. Doug's lawyer had led Doug to expect either a suspension or censure. The final decision came as a surprise to Doug.

- He apologized to me and to his friends and clients for having to learn about this matter in this way.

- He also voiced frustration at the fact that these incidents were in the past, he had learned from it, and assured me that the running of his comic book business was totally on the up and up.


That's the reporting. Every person has to make his or her own decision about this. Based on what I know personally of Doug, directly, and my dealings with him, and his gentlemanly treatment of my daughter when he met her, I will continue to do business with him. I understand if others choose differently.


No one is as pure as the driven snow. I'm just factoring the latest in with what I know about Doug. We are all part Buddha and part demon. A mix of good and evil. (Except me. I'm perfect.) I'm disappointed in hearing the news. I don't minimize it, but it's my personal choice to continue to do business with him, and in the areas of comics, to trust him as much as I trust anyone I do business with.




Oh....and Jason Ewert can still burn in hell!


Would Doug prefer we each personally call him for a Q & A session or wouldn't it be a little less time consuming for him to post anything he'd like to comment on here? I for one am not going to start harassing him on the phone. I'd prefer to give him the space and opportunity to address everyone and anyone in a more effecient forum here if he so disires. I'm not one who is calling him out to do so however. If he wants to, then fine.


I think Doug has gotten FAR softer treatment than any other person I've seen on these boards involved in wrongdoing. Calling it a witchhunt is way over dramatic. Many have been extremely fair in their criticism in light of the circumstances.

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Now that I have had some time to think this over for a few more days I am sticking by my original decision that I have no problem buying or selling from Pedigree Comics.


I am not agaisnt any of you who choose otherwise as its a very personal choice to make.


What does concern me though is some of the comments coming from the well educated amongst us.


What if the problems that Doug faces do actually originate from an addiction to buying the best comics around.


I don't know the answer to this yet but if he did or does in fact have a habit with regard to buing comics then some of you who should know better could be offering him help to overcome this problem not bashing the man. The punishment from the proper authority's has or will been done through the appropriate legal channels.


I am even more suprised that some of his past fellow lawyers are not first in line to offer some kin of support. Maybe its just that kind of industry. confused-smiley-013.gif


Remember that addiction is a mental issue for people to overcome and support & guidance is what people often need.


I may be completely off track here but please try to think this through before openly condeming the guy without having heard his side of this.


Thanks for listening.


Russ... flowerred.gif


Ya, and I'm addicted to money..wanna send me some?


Poor Ewart was apparently addicted to trimming books, shouldn't he get a break too?


I could've respected your first two sentences as that's your personal decision, but the comic addiction excuse... foreheadslap.gif

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. .. Remember that addiction is a mental issue for people to overcome and support & guidance is what people often need.


If this were true and you buy from him, would that not make you an "enabler". confused-smiley-013.gif


I guess you are technically correct.


And if no one buys from him doesn't that make us all the enabler's via unemployment payments made to him.


That holds about as much water as me blaming your governments wrongdoings on you because you pay taxes to them.


I understand you point but am not sure that I agree that its that black & white.




Russ... hi.gif


So, should we also still buy from Comic-Keys and Ewart to keep them employed too? You're argument is technically week. Just stick with you are still going to do business with him, cause evrything else you say just makes him sound worse.

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I understand you point but am not sure that I agree that its that black & white.




Russ... hi.gif


Hi Aussie, Sorry. That was my attempt at humor. flowerred.gif



It's all good. thumbsup2.gif


It sure does take some time to understand each persons individual style. insane.gif



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With all due respect, with comments such as this above I query whether you really read the comments that have been made, particularly by those of us who are attorneys (given we best understand the significance of what took place, not that it takes great intelligence to decipher the decision) and especially have read the disbarment decision.


Sorry Mark, I guess we should get our attorneys to proof read our posts too...what were we thinking? Only you understand the significance of what is going on here. screwy.gif

Guys. He sells comics. Why are we debating what happened 6 years ago? The trim JIM thread clearly shows Doug's willingness to "fix" what is wrong. He was trying to understand why people thought the book was trimmed, sounded sruprised from what i gather, and pulled the book (likely forever). Do you guys think he spends hours each day scouring the net for battles to fight, books to buy and threads to post on? What sort of world do you live in? I love this board, but am only here because i have the time. Had i a functioning family and a job that took most of my time, i probably would not be here. I can't belive this is still going on. As Aussie Russ said (and i'm loosely quoting) the proper authorities are dealing with this. Where are his peers to offer support? Give it a rest. I come on here to learn about comics and have fun. Let me tell you the fun is gone. It seems most people come on here to get stimulated. Oh sorry, law enforcement is insufficient in most parts of North America. I guess we need CGC forum to really make things right. The guy has yet to [embarrassing lack of self control] somebody over from what i hear. Money for sellers is on time, books are shipped on time, and he is easy to reach and communicate with. This is pretty much the only topic that needs to be discussed on these boards. What Doug did to an old lady and whoever else is being dealt with by Doug(mentaly and spiritually), and acc. to the law (by the governing authorities). Is it any wonder there are so many lurkers? Who do you expect to entice by this behavior? If you were a newby, would you post here after going through all this [embarrassing lack of self control]?

I wonder how many of the posters in these threads have dealt with Doug at all?


First you are assuming this all happened 6 years ago..not sure where you got that info (do you know this to be a fact?). Second, his willingness to "fix" what is wrong would have been better demonstated by taking the appropriate measures with the book when qualitycomix fisrt alerted him about it and not "forgetting" about it and later consigning it to Heritage. He seems to show a pattern of willingness to fix things once they have been exposed or brought out to light. Much like the elderly lady had her funds restored after her niece threatened to take him to the bar and two years had passed.


I for one am thankful for Mark's input and any other intelligent insight provided by other forum members regardless of their occupation. By saying that Doug has yet to 893censored-thumb.gif somebody over, shows me that you may indeed someone with a higher level of intelligence to interpret the facts here.

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