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OT: Holy Terrible Super Bowl Officiating!

367 posts in this topic

was it just me or did the steelers get away with offsides on defense all night?


Oh definitely. I also saw them in Dallas lingering on the grassy knoll the day Kennedy was shot.


I have friends who are die-hard Steelers fans that are echoing comments made on ESPN about the lop-sided officiating. You're just being MK here... 893naughty-thumb.gif

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was it just me or did the steelers get away with offsides on defense all night?


Oh definitely. I also saw them in Dallas lingering on the grassy knoll the day Kennedy was shot.


I have friends who are die-hard Steelers fans that are echoing comments made on ESPN about the lop-sided officiating. You're just being MK here... 893naughty-thumb.gif


ESPN is about as unbiased as Fox News. Unlike Fox, however, they're going to go with the popular opinion so as to not belittle their audience for their utter ignorance.


And, no, "utter ignorance" is not too strong a term judging from the WIDE array of accusations we're seeing regarding what ACTUALLY went wrong yesterday. People are going to ape what they hear on TV and the radio and at the water cooler (god help us all)... and typically they'll have NO idea what they're actually talking about. This whole "controversy" is an excellent example of that.



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was it just me or did the steelers get away with offsides on defense all night?


Oh definitely. I also saw them in Dallas lingering on the grassy knoll the day Kennedy was shot.


Right on cue monkey boy. 893applaud-thumb.gif

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was it just me or did the steelers get away with offsides on defense all night?


Oh definitely. I also saw them in Dallas lingering on the grassy knoll the day Kennedy was shot.


I have friends who are die-hard Steelers fans that are echoing comments made on ESPN about the lop-sided officiating. You're just being MK here... 893naughty-thumb.gif


ESPN is about as unbiased as Fox News. Unlike Fox, however, they're going to go with the popular opinion so as to not belittle their audience for their utter ignorance.


And, no, "utter ignorance" is not too strong a term judging from the WIDE array of accusations we're seeing regarding what ACTUALLY went wrong yesterday. People are going to ape what they hear on TV and the radio and at the water cooler (god help us all)... and typically they'll have NO idea what they're actually talking about. This whole "controversy" is an excellent example of that.




Maybe, but I watched the game with my wife, and we both said it during the game, before it was "cool" to say it (according to you).


So, the phantom hold call was so horrible that, by definition, the game couldn't have been fixed or biased. Nice logic.


Still haven't heard you comment on the time-out call with -2 seconds on the clock.


Sorry MK, now you're telling me everything and everyone else has and agenda or is wrong, and yet you defend the officiating in that game.


We'll have to agree to disagree, ESPN and water cooler crazy theories aside... poke2.gif

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I was spinning the channels tonight and stopped at a show on TLC called "The Girl Who Turned to Stone" about an adorable little girl with Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva, a rare disease that causes her to develop bone tissue in her skin, muscles, tendons, etc., which eventually leads to total paralysis and death. But she still keeps a stiff upper lip, even knowing what the future will bring.


I'm a hardass, but that was like someone punched me in the gut, and I literally thought "WTF am I arguing about a stupid game played between overpaid, millionaire infants?"


Perspective, people, perspective.

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Hey, I ain't whining! I hate the NFL, which is why I don't watch the games! I do watch the SuperBowl however, and thought the game sucked because of the biased officiating. Do they need to replay it? Of course not, the Steelers are the champs. I love everybody! flowerred.gif

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The refs were a major part of the game. If it were not a big deal, then the topic of discussion would be about the great Steeler win after coming through the playoffs as they did.


Seattle did not make enough plays. When they did, Mickey Mouse calls called the plays back. Would the Steelers have won if the 75 yd run would have been called back? Steeler fans point out they made the plays when it counted. Could they have overcome if their big plays had been called back? The Steelers were not doing much of anything on offense. Take away their two big plays and it's a different ball game.


The referees ruined a potentially exciting 4th qtr. The game would have been 17-14 and it would have been a chess match of coaching. In a close game, one or two big plays make a difference. I am not a big fan of the NFL, but I do feel the officials played a significant role in the outcome of this game. That doesn't mean I think Seattle would have won the game, it just would have been a much better game.


This was a defensive game and big plays were few and far between for BOTH teams. The Steelers did not look that great either. It would have been nice to see a game in which we didn't know referees even existed.

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Read this one.




1) What grade would you give referee Bill Leavy's officiating crew for Super Bowl XL?



50.4% F


24.5% D


14.1% C


9.0% B


2.0% A



2) How do you rate the overall state of officiating in the NFL?



34.4% Average


32.4% Bad


19.5% Good


11.7% Abysmal


2.0% Excellent



3) Did the officiating in Sunday's game unfairly favor one team?



79.1% Unfairly favored the Steelers


16.2% The right calls were made


4.7% Unfairly favored the Seahawks



4) Which played the biggest role in determining the outcome of the game?



57.3% Officials missing calls


28.7% Seahawks not making plays


14.0% Steelers making plays



5) Do you think the official made the right call on Darrell Jackson's offensive pass interference in the endzone, negating a Seattle touchdown in the first quarter?



73.8% No


20.4% Yes


5.7% I'm not sure



6) Do you think the football broke the plane of the goal line on Ben Roethlisberger's touchdown run in the second quarter?



59.1% No


26.5% Yes


14.4% I'm not sure



7) Do you think the official made the right call on Sean Locklear's holding penalty in the fourth quarter, negating an 18-yard reception to the one-yard line by Jerramy Stevens?



74.4% No


15.0% Yes


10.5% I'm not sure



8) Do you feel that you understand what constitutes a ''football move'' on plays involving potential fumbles?



64.0% Yes


36.0% No



9) How much would creating full-time officiating positions, instead of the current part-time positions, help improve the quality of NFL officiating?



45.1% A lot


42.8% A little


12.1% Not at all



10) Which major sport has the best officials?



44.9% MLB


22.9% NHL


20.5% NBA


11.7% NFL



Total Votes: 107,908

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Still haven't heard you comment on the time-out call with -2 seconds on the clock.


Sorry MK, now you're telling me everything and everyone else has and agenda or is wrong, and yet you defend the officiating in that game.


We'll have to agree to disagree, ESPN and water cooler crazy theories aside... poke2.gif


First, your big "time clock scandal" is something that happens ALL THE TIME (no pun intended). Try watching an NFL game more than once a year...


...wait, maybe THAT'S the problem. We've got a bunch of uninitiated, unaware, naive "armchair quarterbacks" who all want to watch ONE game a year and then play "Monday Morning Quarterback" the next day! (Pardon all the technical jargon, I realize you're out of your depth here.)


Second, I think the REAL conspiracy here is the obvious collusion between the NFL and the fine folks at Kleenex. Can you imagine the sales on tissues after a game like this?!?! Why, they must be making money over snot-soaked fist!

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Still haven't heard you comment on the time-out call with -2 seconds on the clock.


Sorry MK, now you're telling me everything and everyone else has and agenda or is wrong, and yet you defend the officiating in that game.


We'll have to agree to disagree, ESPN and water cooler crazy theories aside... poke2.gif


First, your big "time clock scandal" is something that happens ALL THE TIME (no pun intended). Try watching an NFL game more than once a year...


...wait, maybe THAT'S the problem. We've got a bunch of uninitiated, unaware, naive "armchair quarterbacks" who all want to watch ONE game a year and then play "Monday Morning Quarterback" the next day! (Pardon all the technical jargon, I realize you're out of your depth here.)


Second, I think the REAL conspiracy here is the obvious collusion between the NFL and the fine folks at Kleenex. Can you imagine the sales on tissues after a game like this?!?! Why, they must be making money over snot-soaked fist!


Seriously. I love the people that preface their paragraphs long person_without_enough_empathyfest with "I hate the NFL and never watch it, but the Superbowl sucked". If you don't WATCH the NFL, chances are you don't know what you are talking about when you TALK about the NFL. Before lecturing people try taking an active interest in the subject you are going to discuss. screwy.gif

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So true.


It kind of takes away any credibility when someone claims to never watch the NFL and not even be a fan, but they could clearly tell the refs were biased and making bad calls. If you don't even know the game, then don't try to be a professor of the rules.

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