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Legitimate Non-Threatening Questions Posed To Matt Nelson

719 posts in this topic

Scenario 1:

Buyer: "Any restoration?"

Big Wig Dealer: "Not that I know of"

Buyer: "Book been pressed?"

Big Wig Dealer: "I don't want to tell you"

Buyer: "Yikes, I'll pass then."



Scenario 2:

Buyer: "Any restoration?"

Big Wig Dealer: "Not that I know of"

Buyer: "Book been pressed?"

Big Wig Dealer: "Yes, it was professionally pressed"

Buyer: "Hmmmm, OK, thanks for telling me."


Scenario 3:

Buyer: "Any restoration?"

Big Wig Dealer: "Not that I know of"

Buyer: "Book been pressed?"

Big Wig Dealer: "Yes, it was professionally pressed"

Buyer: "No, I'll pass on it then."

I prefer Scenario 4:

Buyer: "Any restoration?"

Big Wig Dealer: "Not that I know of"

Buyer: "Book been pressed?"

Big Wig Dealer: "Yes, it was professionally pressed"

Big Wig Dealer: "WTF! Stop pouring blood all over my book!"



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you may not be an apologist for Matt and Im glad you restated your position against all pressing, not just disclosure... but when you write posts that even hint at learning to deal with the present situation, or suggest that Matt's right not to show up here anymore you only add fuel to the other side.

I don't recall saying that Matt was right not to show up here, but maybe I did. Although if I did say that, I probably meant it in the context of "If I were Matt's lawyer, I'd advise him not to come on here" or "I'm not surprised he hasn't come on here".

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I know. I agree its good advice. But good advice for Matt doesnt move us an inch toward we wanna go. Matt;ll be fine without those of us who arent supporters of his position aiding, agetting, or even agreeing with his choices that dont get us closer to a better place.

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I know. I agree its good advice. But good advice for Matt doesnt move us an inch toward we wanna go. Matt;ll be fine without those of us who arent supporters of his position aiding, agetting, or even agreeing with his choices that dont get us closer to a better place.

Yeah, but posting every 12 days asking why Matt hasn't come on here isn't going to get us closer to a better place either. And jumping all over him and presenting him with a hostile environment when he DOES come on here doesn't get us closer to a better place either. It just alienates him more from our viewpoint.

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Matt's gone. He tried to step up to the mike and bear the scrutiny and gave it a good shot. But if he really believed everything's as kosher as he claims, he'd still be here dodging bullets (which to him are like blanks anyway right?) - but he's not. To me, his absense speaks loudly.

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Matt's gone. He tried to step up to the mike and bear the scrutiny and gave it a good shot. But if he really believed everything's as kosher as he claims, he'd still be here dodging bullets (which to him are like blanks anyway right?) - but he's not. To me, his absense speaks loudly.

Nonsense. Unless you were a masochist, you wouldn't put with such overt hostility either. It's pretty clear that minds are made up and nothing that he says will convince anyone to change their minds. If it were affecting his business, then yes, he'd need to come on here and take his lumps just like a spokesman for Phillip Morris. But it's clear that there's been NO impact on his sales whatsoever, so his choices are (i) make a lot of money in peace, or (ii) make a lot of money and deal with a lot of hostility. Gee, tough choice.

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I've said before I can certainly understand why Matt would avoid posting here, particularly because I don't believe he can support his own arguments. But at the very least I would respect him for trying. He is completely entitled to his own opinions. Just because some might disagree with those positions (of course I need to know what some of them are before I reach any decision) means nothing, and I would openly condemn anyone who attacked him personally because that would be entirely inappropriate and inconsistent with the type of discussions this Board should be about.


But Matt had e-mailed me and said he would respond to my questions. He could e-mail me his responses if he didn't want to subject himself to whatever some of you think he would find here (and shame on any of you who might have encouraged him not to respond). Yet he hasn't.


Is Matt that thin skinned not to be able to defend his own expert opinions?


Doug Schmell has been the subject of some very unflattering posts on these boards. Some were entirely undeserved, and some were highly inappropriate. Indeed, he has faced some very hard questions about not only his comic transactions but his other professional and personal activities. Yet Doug, to his credit, remains a vibrant participant on these boards. He continues to engage in professional debate and as far as I can tell has never shied away from answering direct questions (though of course some may differ with the substance of the answer).


So it can be done. And its been done by many others on these boards, both dealer and collector alike, as well.

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Why should Matt do something that no one else in the industry does, disclose all pressed books?


Totally not true. There are already more than a dozen members of the Network of Disclose, which includes numerous dealers and e-bay sellers, who willingly and affirmatively disclose all restoration and enhancements to a book (including pressing).


I am quite confident that membership will increase to a significant number once the NOD is open to everyone, which will be likely within the next 2 weeks if not sooner.

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The big buyers are already aware of pressing. I would venture to say that anyone investing thousands and thousands of dollars in high end books is aware of a practice like pressing that has been going on for 20 years.


Also an untrue generalization. While some (and maybe even many) of the big buyers are aware, there are a lot who are not.


I can personally account for buyers who have spent more than seven figures (including me) who were not aware of pressing before spending a lot of their money. Indeed, I continually have new investor/collectors who come to me to purchase books in the five figure range and they had no idea about pressing until reading about it on these threads.


I have personally stopped purchasing books for resale through Heritage because of their involvement with pressing and the selling of pressed books. Unfortunately that happened after I spent a nice six figure sum with them.

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You're missing the point. There should be NO NEED to ask if a book has been pressed.


There's the way things "should" be and then there's the way things are. Never the twain shall meet until you FORCE pressers to disclose. All this talk is just fantasy and grandstanding. That's just a fact. confused-smiley-013.gif



That's not 'fact'...that's opinion. gossip.gif


Not really. What has been accomplished here? After literally thousands of posts on the subject Matt is still selling pressed books without disclosure and doing well at it. All this talk hasn't even made a dent in the most public and obvious "offender". Talk about a dog without a bite!


If you REALLY want to make a difference, if you REALLY want to get something done, organize a boycott. Take names of those who refuse to buy from Matt because of his nondisclosure policies and send him the list. Go on every message board you can find and get the word out. Hand out leaflets at cons. Take an ad out in Overstreet. You guys are so incensed over his actions but you all seem content to sit back and argue with the same freaking dozen people over and over again. It hasn't accomplished much and it won't accomplish much. confused-smiley-013.gif


Rome was not built in a day. Anyone who believes change will occur in a short time frame is likely either short-sighted or trying to undermine the effort by ridiculing it. Nor is any effort targeting any specific person or business. Matt Nelson, the person, is not the issue. He has simply become the focus of discussion because of his unique role as a restoration expert and comic book dealer.


As far as the ad, the Network of Disclosure will have an ad in the forthcoming Overstreet Grading Guide.

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Rome was not built in a day. Anyone who believes change will occur in a short time frame is likely either short-sighted or trying to undermine the effort by ridiculing it.


This discussion has been going on for well over a year, hardly a short time frame. How long do people need before graduating from jawing to taking action, a decade? screwy.gif


Nor is any effort targeting any specific person or business. Matt Nelson, the person, is not the issue. He has simply become the focus of discussion because of his unique role as a restoration expert and comic book dealer.


Oh PLEASE. I don't know how you can type that with a straight face. He has been called every name in the book by people on this board, and has had his ethics called into question on a daily basis. Specifically tageted? That's exactly what has happened. Saying otherwise is laughable.


As far as the ad, the Network of Disclosure will have an ad in the forthcoming Overstreet Grading Guide.



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The big buyers are already aware of pressing. I would venture to say that anyone investing thousands and thousands of dollars in high end books is aware of a practice like pressing that has been going on for 20 years.


Also an untrue generalization. While some (and maybe even many) of the big buyers are aware, there are a lot who are not.


I can personally account for buyers who have spent more than seven figures (including me) who were not aware of pressing before spending a lot of their money. Indeed, I continually have new investor/collectors who come to me to purchase books in the five figure range and they had no idea about pressing until reading about it on these threads.


I have personally stopped purchasing books for resale through Heritage because of their involvement with pressing and the selling of pressed books. Unfortunately that happened after I spent a nice six figure sum with them.


i'm kind of confused as to why "big buyers" are even in this argument in the first place. i know that i don't want Matt to disclose on account of protecting some investor - no offense to same; to each their own - i want him to pre-disclose for the rest of us schmoes who may think dropping $200 on a book is a once a year kind of deal. and who want as pristine a copy as they can get for that price. pristine being defined as 'off the newsstand.'


we're the ones that need protection from NDResto, not the "big guys." heck, like the man said, a good deal of the BSDs already know about the whole pressing thing

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no. Matt has been only a target of opportunity here. His actions were discussed. and he showed up. He was questioned, excused, lambasted, ridiculed, lauded, excused and lots more. It was his auctions (and actions) that brought him the attention he has gotten here. I dont see "xxx" being discussed here because "xxx" hasnt been outed or been pressing books. (xxx being any and all dealers who arent being treated like Matt has.

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The big buyers are already aware of pressing. I would venture to say that anyone investing thousands and thousands of dollars in high end books is aware of a practice like pressing that has been going on for 20 years.


Also an untrue generalization. While some (and maybe even many) of the big buyers are aware, there are a lot who are not.


I can personally account for buyers who have spent more than seven figures (including me) who were not aware of pressing before spending a lot of their money. Indeed, I continually have new investor/collectors who come to me to purchase books in the five figure range and they had no idea about pressing until reading about it on these threads.


I have personally stopped purchasing books for resale through Heritage because of their involvement with pressing and the selling of pressed books. Unfortunately that happened after I spent a nice six figure sum with them.


Me too. Call me naive, but I was unaware of pressing too. And I refuse to believe pressing isnt very much MORE prevalent today too. In any case, its still cheating no matter when or why or how often its done... or how long it takes to come to light.

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The big buyers are already aware of pressing. I would venture to say that anyone investing thousands and thousands of dollars in high end books is aware of a practice like pressing that has been going on for 20 years.


Also an untrue generalization. While some (and maybe even many) of the big buyers are aware, there are a lot who are not.


I can personally account for buyers who have spent more than seven figures (including me) who were not aware of pressing before spending a lot of their money. Indeed, I continually have new investor/collectors who come to me to purchase books in the five figure range and they had no idea about pressing until reading about it on these threads.


I have personally stopped purchasing books for resale through Heritage because of their involvement with pressing and the selling of pressed books. Unfortunately that happened after I spent a nice six figure sum with them.


i'm kind of confused as to why "big buyers" are even in this argument in the first place. i know that i don't want Matt to disclose on account of protecting some investor - no offense to same; to each their own - i want him to pre-disclose for the rest of us schmoes who may think dropping $200 on a book is a once a year kind of deal. and who want as pristine a copy as they can get for that price. pristine being defined as 'off the newsstand.'


we're the ones that need protection from NDResto, not the "big guys." heck, like the man said, a good deal of the BSDs already know about the whole pressing thing


good points. I was starting to believe that it was our "agenda" to protect our "investments" and we "big buyers" were the only ones affected and complaining. Its all amatter of scale, and the lower priced books prices are just as inflated after their potential is released.

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If anyone is clouding the issue, I think it's the apologists who keep shouting that Matt will diclose that work has been done to a book if someone asks. How convenient for both Matt and his pocket book.

I guess my words are being misinterpreted if I'm being labeled as an apologist for Matt. I am against pressing. Disclosed or not, I'm against it. I want to get people off this position that if it's disclosed then it's okay. It's no more okay than Jason's micro-trimming would have been okay as long as he disclosed it. I am against the manipulation/destruction of books for purely aesthetic purposes, and I don't care if the person doing the manipulation/destruction buys billboards proclaiming that he did the work.


If athletes of a sport were allowed to compete if they disclosed upfront that they took steroids, I still wouldn't support that sport anymore.


I am with you Tim.......if Bonds admitted taking the drugs then he still wouldn't be the greatest home run hitter of all time, if you are not doing something to preserve the book (and no, reaching full potential is market talk not preservation talk). There just isn't any excuse for doing it. makepoint.gif

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Scenario 1:

Buyer: "Any restoration?"

Big Wig Dealer: "Not that I know of"

Buyer: "Book been pressed?"

Big Wig Dealer: "I don't want to tell you"

Buyer: "Yikes, I'll pass then."



Scenario 2:

Buyer: "Any restoration?"

Big Wig Dealer: "Not that I know of"

Buyer: "Book been pressed?"

Big Wig Dealer: "Yes, it was professionally pressed"

Buyer: "Hmmmm, OK, thanks for telling me."


Scenario 3:

Buyer: "Any restoration?"

Big Wig Dealer: "Not that I know of"

Buyer: "Book been pressed?"

Big Wig Dealer: "Yes, it was professionally pressed"

Buyer: "No, I'll pass on it then."

I prefer Scenario 4:

Buyer: "Any restoration?"

Big Wig Dealer: "Not that I know of"

Buyer: "Book been pressed?"

Big Wig Dealer: "Yes, it was professionally pressed"

Big Wig Dealer: "WTF! Stop pouring blood all over my book!"




Not that I advocate pouring blood on books, nor does pressing bother me, but this was funny. thumbsup2.gif

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This conversation began in the Restoration Section in the thread about the results from Matt Nelson's pressing demonstration. The contents soon spilled over into a substantive debate. It was accurately pointed out that this discussion was an aside to the topic of the thread. As I dislike when a thread gets pulled off topic, I will initiate a separate thread in the General Section here.


I have been responding to Matt Nelson's substantive comments wherein he has tried to explain his expert opinions regarding restoration, conservation and pressing. I do not believe any of the questions below have been substantively answered by Mr. Nelson.


I do not see this as attacking in any way, intimidating or hostile. Mr. Nelson is an expert in this field and I do not see why he would be unwilling to address these questions. I am not looking for him to persuade me towards his positions, but I would like to better understand them. If anyone thinks these questions are inappropriate, then please state so and indicate why you think so.


I've posed similar questions to Tracey Heft and Susan Cicconi, both recognized experts (and Mr. Nelson's peers) in the restoration field and neither have been unwilling to engage in a back and forth substantive and professional dialogue. And Mr. Heft, as everyone knows, openly conducts commercial pressing so this is clearly not my attempt to isolate Mr. Nelson.




(1) How do you define conservation? In what respect does pressing constitute conservation? Is your definition of conservation supported by any of your peers or professional organizations that relate to the appropriate fields?


(2) Do you not believe there is an ethical requirement to disclose conservation treatment? If not, why would the ethical obligations that bind your area of expertise only apply to restoration and not conservation? Can you find any support from among your peers or professional organizations that relate to the appropriate fields that conclude conservation does not need to be disclosed?


(3) Should Overstreet maintain its definition of restoration as including pressing, will you adopt that position or continue to reject it?




12 days later. popcorn.gif


20 days later. popcorn.gif


On "day one" I suggested you e-mail him. On "day two" I pointed out that it seemed no one was interested in actually getting answers because no one had yet e-mailed him. It would seem that there is still no interest in actually getting answers.

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